7-9 April, 2009 Pokrovsky Boulevard, 11

Вид материалаДокументы
Session S-04 Types of Civilizations and Innovative Development of National Economies – 2
Yu. Latov
Modernization of the Eurasian space in conditions of poly-cultural and poly-civilizational development
Session S-09 Social Stratification
The social class and position in the labor market in the post-soviet Russia
Session S-10 Behavioral patterns of social groups
Motives for accumulation of non-economic types of resources by different strata of Russian population: consequences for the econ
Российская молодежь: особенности поведения и структурных позиций
Session S-11 Modernization of Society: Change of Cultural paradigms
Epistemic objects as messengers of new economic sociology
Session T-09
The problem of aggregating behavioral paths of participants in the political-managerial networks of “support coalitions” for dra
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17:00 - 18:30

Аудитория Г-405

Session S-04

Types of Civilizations and Innovative Development of National Economies – 2

Chairperson – O. Shkaratan (U-HSE)

 A. Ochkina (Пензенский государственный педагогический университет), G. Yastrebov (U-HSE)

Cultural-educational strategies of families in Russia in the context of innovative development

  Yu. Latov (Академия управления МВД России), Н.В. Латова (Институт социологии РАН)

Mental maps of the world

N. Zarubina (Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO))

Modernization of the Eurasian space in conditions of poly-cultural and poly-civilizational development

S. Kordonsky (U-HSE)

Administrative-territorial division of Russia and its social (class) structure

Discussant – S. Smirnov (U-HSE)

9 апреля, четверг

10:00 – 11:30

Аудитория Г-405

Session S-09

Social Stratification

Chairperson – Т. Maleva (IISP)

Т. Maleva (Independent Institute for Social Policy)

Middle classes in Russia: results of economic growth

N. Tikhonova (U-HSE)

The poor strata in modern Russia: a resource for the middle class growth or a lower class in future?

А. Bessudnov (Oxford University; ГУ-ВШЭ (Санкт-Петербург))

The social class and position in the labor market in the post-soviet Russia

D. Ibragimova (U-HSE)

Financial behavior of the middle class in Russia

Discussant – Е.М. Авраамова (ИСЭПН РАН)

12:00 – 13:30

Аудитория Г-405

Session S-10

Behavioral patterns of social groups

Chairperson – N. Tikhonova (U-HSE)

А. Butukhanov (St. Petersburg branch, U-HSE)

Open source, social networks and mass cooperation: a new model of economy?

Yu. Ovchinnikova (Institute of Sociology, RAS)

Motives for accumulation of non-economic types of resources by different strata of Russian population: consequences for the economic modernization of the country

О. Koltsova (St. Petersburg branch, U-HSE)

Socio-economic problems on the road of modernization: possibilities of a public search for solutions

Ю.П. Лежнина (ИС РАН)

Российская молодежь: особенности поведения и структурных позиций

В.А. Аникин (U-HSE)

Поведение по отношению к своему человеческому капиталу основных социально-профессиональных групп российского общества

Discussant – Е.М. Авраамова (ИСЭПН РАН)

15:00 – 16:30

Аудитория Г-405

Session S-11

Modernization of Society: Change of Cultural paradigms

Chairperson – Т. Sidorina (U-HSE)

V. Gubin (Russian State Humanities University)

Change of cultural paradigms in modern Russia

Е. Ivakhnenko (Russian State Humanities University)

Epistemic objects as messengers of new economic sociology

А. Loginov (Russian State Humanities University)

Is there a future for homo politicus?

Т. Sidorina (U-HSE)

The socio-cultural labor paradigm in conditions of modernization of economy and society

М. Ivanov (ОАО "Vympelkom")

Emergence of new communication models as a factor of modernization

Discussant – А. Roslyakov (Russian State Humanities University)

Section T

Political Science

Chairperson – М. Urnov (U-HSE)

9 апреля, четверг

10:00 – 11:30

Аудитория Г-606

Session T-09

Political Behavior and Political Institutions

Chairperson – L. Polyakov (U-HSE)

М. Urnov  (U-HSE)

The economic aproach” to political behavior: limits of applicability

А. Dyagterev (Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) (University) RF MFA)

The problem of aggregating behavioral paths of participants in the political-managerial networks of “support coalitions” for draft public-governmental decisions

Yu. Nisnevich (U-HSE)

Problem of government administration quality in Russia

А. Токарев (Тульский ГУ)

Идеология суверенной демократии в экспертном дискурсе

Discussants: S. Medvedev, В.Н. Кириллина (U-HSE)