7-9 April, 2009 Pokrovsky Boulevard, 11

Вид материалаДокументы
Honorary report G-03
Session G-04
Social heterogeneity, institutes and economic development: experience of inter-country analysis
Session G-09
Solution Structures in Screening Without Single-crossing Condition: Graph-theory Representation
The Political Economy of Faculty Selection
Session G-10
Noise and Bias in Eliciting Preferences
Optimal Debt Management and Redistribution
Session G-11
Market Structure and Innovation in Dynamic Markets
Equilibrium Configurations of Distribution Channels in Bilaterally Oligopolistic Industries
Session G-12
Exports of Credence Goods and Consumers' Trust. A Development Perspective
8 апреля, среда
The Latin American Left and the Commodity Boom: The Populist Temptation
V. Polterovich
Session H-08
Constitutional Constraints and Property Rights
State-Business Relations and Improvement of Corporate Governance in Russia
Полное содержание
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7

Section G

Theoretical Economics

Chairperson – К. Sonin (NES)

7 апреля, вторник

15:00 – 16:30

Малый зал КЦ

Honorary report G-03

Eric Maskin (Prinston University)

Mechanism Design

Chairperson – F. Aleskerov (U-HSE)

Eric Stark Maskin is an American economist and Nobel laureate recognized with Leonid Hurwicz and Roger Myerson "for having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory". He is the Albert O. Hirschman Professor of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study, and a visiting lecturer with the rank of Professor at Princeton University.

Maskin was born in New York City, New York on December 12, 1950, and grew up in Alpine, New Jersey. He graduated from Tenafly High School in Tenafly, New Jersey in 1968, and attended Harvard University where he received his A.B. in Mathematics and Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics. After he earned his doctorate, Maskin went to the University of Cambridge in 1976 where he was a research fellow at Jesus College, Cambridge. He taught at Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1977-1984 and from 1985-2000 at Harvard University, where he was the Louis Berkman Professor of Economics. In 2000, he moved to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.

Maskin has worked in diverse areas of economic theory, such as game theory, the economics of incentives, and contract theory. He is particularly well known for his papers on mechanism design/implementation theory and dynamic games. His current research projects include comparing different electoral rules, examining the causes of inequality and studying coalition formation. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Econometric Society, and the European Economic Association, and a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. He was president of the Econometric Society in 2003.

17:00 - 18:30

Малый зал КЦ

Session G-04

Models of Economic Development

Chairperson – S. Kokovin (Novosibirsk State University)

V. Polterovich (Central Economic & Mathematics Institute, RAS)

The problem of establishing the national innovation system

N. Suslov (Institute for Economics and Organization of Industrial Production, RAS, Siberian Branch)

Social heterogeneity, institutes and economic development: experience of inter-country analysis

А. Knobel (Institute of Transition Economy)

Vertical integration, technological confinement of production facilities, opportunistic behavior and economic growth

Discussant – Н.Г. Арефьев (U-HSE)

9 апреля, четверг

10:00 – 11:30

Аудитория Г-401

Session G-09

Theory of Decision-Making

Chairperson – V. Polterovich (CEMI RAS)

А. Apokin (Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting), М. Yudkevich (U-HSE)

Reasons for student employment: education signaling upside down

А. Vasin (Lomonosov Moscow State University), А. Sharikova (ООО "UBS Bank")

Market power” of companies within one-stage and two-stage markets: comparative analysis

S. Kokovin (Novosibirsk State University), B. Nahata (University of Louisville, Kentucky), E. Zhelobodko (Novosibirsk State University)

Solution Structures in Screening Without Single-crossing Condition: Graph-theory Representation

K. Sonin (New Economic School), I. Khovanskaya (U-HSE)

The Political Economy of Faculty Selection

Discussants: А. Suvorov (NES), A. Yurko (U-HSE), G. Egorov (Гарвардский университет), M. Dodlova (U-HSE)

12:00 – 13:30

Аудитория Г-401

Session G-10

Rational Behavior

Chairperson – F. Aleskerov (U-HSE)

A. Sandroni (University of Pennsylvania), T. Feddersen (Northwestern University), V. Cherepanov (University of Pennsylvania)


U. Schmidt (University of Kiel), J. Hey, A. Morone (University of Bari)

Noise and Bias in Eliciting Preferences

S. Morfov (U-HSE)

Permanent Separations and Optimal Compensation with History-Dependent Reservation Utilities

P. Yared (Columbia University - Graduate School of Business)

Optimal Debt Management and Redistribution

Discussants: А.В. Савватеев (РЭШ), М. Yudkevich (U-HSE)

15:00 – 16:30

Аудитория Г-401

Session G-11

Market Power and Strategic Behaviour in Oligopolistic Industries

Chairperson – А. Suvorov (NES)

A. Yurko (U-HSE), A. Whinston, M. Lin (Red McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin)

Market Structure and Innovation in Dynamic Markets

O. Bertrand (St. Petersburg Graduate School of Management, Toulouse School of Economics)

Effects of foreign acquisitions on R&D activity: some evidence from firm-level data

I. Muraviev (U-HSE)

Equilibrium Configurations of Distribution Channels in Bilaterally Oligopolistic Industries

A. Belianin, R. Chustusian (U-HSE)

Entry and strategic behaviour in the Russian airline market

Discussant – S. Izmalkov (NES)

17:00 - 18:30

Аудитория Г-401

Session G-12

Issues of Games Theory

Chairperson – S. Izmalkov (NES)

A. Savvateev (New Economic School), M. Le Breton (University of Toulouse I - GREMAQ-IDEI), A. Bogomolnaia (Rice University), S. Weber (Southern Methodist University)

Heterogeneity Gap in Stable Jurisdiction Structures

N. Cuffaro (University of Cassino)

Exports of Credence Goods and Consumers' Trust. A Development Perspective

Discussants: K. Sonin (New Economic School), А. Belianin (U-HSE), G. Egorov (Гарвардский университет)

Section H

Political Processes

Chairpersons: F. Aleskerov (U-HSE), K. Sonin (New Economic School)

8 апреля, среда

15:00 – 16:30

Аудитория Г-604

Session H-07

Политическая среда и голосование

Chairperson – F. Aleskerov (U-HSE)

R. Enikolopov, E. Zhuravskaya , M. Petrova (NES)

Media and Political Persuasion: Evidence from Russia

R. Kaufman (Rutgers University)

The Latin American Left and the Commodity Boom: The Populist Temptation

D. Treisman (UCLA)

Twenty Years of Competitive Elections in Russia: tracing the patterns in voting

Discussants: V. Polterovich (ЦЭМИ РАН), D. Woodruff (London School of Economics), А. Karpov (U-HSE)

17:00 - 18:30

Аудитория Г-604

Session H-08

Политическая среда и институты в переходных экономиках

Chairperson – В.В. Попов (РЭШ)

D. Woodruff (London School of Economics)

Constitutional Constraints and Property Rights

V. Dombrovsky (Stockholm School of Economics in Riga)

Campaign Contributions and Firm Performance: The Latvian Way

A. Yakovlev (U-HSE)

State-Business Relations and Improvement of Corporate Governance in Russia

Е.О. Пахомова (Кемеровский ГУ, Администрация Кемеровской обл), Е.В. Гоосен (Кемеровский ГУ)

Институт банкротства как альтернативный инструмент финансовой поддержки сельскохозяйственных предприятий Кузбасса

Discussants: G. Jordan (University of California, Berkeley), А.В. Верников (U-HSE)

9 апреля, четверг

10:00 – 11:30

Аудитория Г-604

Session H-09

Модели голосования

Chairperson – R. Kaufman (Rutgers University)

D. Karabekian, F. Aleskerov (U-HSE), R. Sanver (Istanbul Bilgi University), V. Yakuba (ИПУ РАН)

Манипулируемость правил голосования

М. Batsyn,V. Kaliagin (U-HSE, Nizhny Novgorod branch)

A general approach to influence measurement in collective decision-making bodies

А. Karpov (U-HSE)

Methods of proportionate representation: specificities of representation in the terms of rational choice

А. Sokolova (U-HSE)

Quantitative methods of assessing the influence of participants in collective decision-making

Discussant – К.Б. Погорельский (U-HSE)

12:00 – 13:30

Аудитория Г-604

Session H-10

Voting and Institutions

Chairperson – K. Sonin (New Economic School)

G. Egorov (Harvard), D. Acemoglu (MIT), K. Sonin (NES)

Do Juntas Lead to Personal Rule?

М. Dodlova (U-HSE)

Political Accountability and Real Authority of Government Bureaucracy

G. Tsebelis (University of Michigan)

Democratic Peace Revisited: It is Veto Players

П.Ю. Чеботарев, А.К. Логинов, Я.Ю. Цодикова, З.М. Лезина, В.И. Борзенко (ИПУ РАН)

Голосование в стохастической среде: случай двух групп

Discussant – D. Karabekian (U-HSE)

Section I


Chairperson – А. Belianin (U-HSE)

7 апреля, вторник

17:00 - 18:30

Аудитория Г-604

Session I-04


Chairperson – А. Belianin (U-HSE)

F. Aleskerov, А. Belianin, К. Pogorelsky (U-HSE)

“Influence with account of preferences: an experimental approach”

E. Tougareva (Institute of Psychology RAS)

Methodological error of experimental economics: it is wrong to judge about motivation of economic behaviour relying only on observed behaviour.

S. Traub (Universitaet Bremen), P. Hammond (University of Warwick)

Attention, Revealed Preferences, and Consequentialist Behavior

Discussant – I. Menshikov (CC RAS)

Section J

Economic History

Chairperson – О. Ananin (U-HSE)

7 апреля, вторник

15:00 – 16:30

Аудитория Г-606

Session J-03

Economic History – 1

Chairperson – V. Avtonomov (U-HSE)

N. Nenovsky (University of Sofia), L. Fantacci (Bocconi University)

Russian Monetary Thought and Monetary Reforms in Long Historical Perspectives

L. Borodkin (Lomonosov Moscow State University), G. Perelman (St. Francisco University)

The stock index in pre-revolutionary Russia and its dynamics at different phases of the economic environment circle

К. Fursov (Institute of Economics, RAS)

European East India Companies: a driver and a hindrance to capitalism

B. Shpotov (Institute of World History, RAS)

Western sources of Soviet industrialization (late 1920-s – 1930-s)

Discussants: А. Markevich, А.П. Горяев (NES)

17:00 - 18:30

Аудитория Г-606

Session J-04

Economic History – 2

Chairperson – О. Ananyin (U-HSE)

М. Beznin, Т. Dimoni (Vologda State Pedagogical University)

Capitalization of the rural agrarian subsystem in XX century Russia: sources, dynamics, social transformations

М. Vdovin (U-HSE)

Agricultural and economic crisis in XVI c. Russia: the effect of the land ownership institution on economic development

S. Bespalov (Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences, RAS)

Problems of Russia’s agrarian modernization on the background of conservative public thinking at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries

Discussant – А. Markevich (NES)

Section K


Chairpersons: Т. Dolgopiatova, А. Efendiev (U-HSE)

9 апреля, четверг

10:00 – 11:30

Аудитория Г-601

Session K-09

Institutes of Corporate Strategic Management: Modernization on the Background of the Crisis

Chairperson – G. Kleiner (Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics, RAS)

G. Kleiner (Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics, RAS)

Crisis of corporate management and the world financial crisis in the light of a systemic paradigm

V. Katkalo (Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University)

Inter-company institutes of strategic management: the evolution of the phenomenon’s studies

I. Gurkov (U-HSE), З.Б. Саидов, А.С. Гольдберг (U-HSE)

Competitive strategies in crisis conditions

S. Kadochnikov, L. Ruzhanskaia (Ural State University)

The State and the modernization of the strategic corporate management function in Russian companies

Discussants: R. Kachalov (Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics, RAS), S. Avdasheva (U-HSE)

12:00 – 13:30

Аудитория Г-601

Session K-10

Social Organization of Business: Powers and Trust within an organization

Chairperson – А. Efendiev (U-HSE)

Е. Balabanova (U-HSE)

Power relationships in Russian business organizations

А. Temnitsky (Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University))

Socio-cultural factors of raising labor productivity of workers at modern Russian machine building plants

V. Minina, О. Nebogina (St. Petersburg State University),

Trust as an asset of an organization: methodological aspects of measurement

V. Yakubovich (Pennsylvania University), S. Shekshnia (INSEAD)

The formal structure of informal networks in a Russian corporation

Discussant – Л.Г. Миляева (Алтайский ГТУ)

15:00 – 16:30

Аудитория Г-601

Session K-11

Human Resources Management

Chairperson – А. Efendiev (U-HSE)

А. Moskovskaya (U-HSE)

The role of business in the formation of the Russian professional model

V. Kabalina (ОАО GMK “Norilsk Nikel”)

Corporate social responsibility as a new philosophy and a technology of company management and the Russian practice

M. Ehrnrooth, I. Björkman (Hanken School of Economics)

Relation between Human Resource Management and employee performance

К. Reshetnikova (U-HSE)

Specificities of Russian companies’ organizational structure

Discussant – Е.В. Шадрина (Пермский филиал ГУ-ВШЭ)

17:00 - 18:30

Аудитория Г-601

Session K-12

Economic Behavior of Companies

Chairperson – И.В. Липсиц (U-HSE)

V. Radaev (U-HSE)

How could conflicts in Russian retail be explained: an empirical analysis of relations between retail chains and their suppliers

V. Sarycheva (St. Petersburg State University)

Company growth on the basis of dynamic abilities: empirical survey results

G. Gradoselskaia (U-HSE)

Network analysis in the assessment of the organizational efficiency of Russian companies

О.К. Ойнер, Л.С. Латышева (U-HSE)

Рыночно-ориентированное поведение российских компаний - кризис как катализатор перемен

Discussant – О.А. Третьяк (U-HSE)

Section L

Corporate Governance

Chairpersons: Т. Dolgopiatova, I. Ivashkovskaia (U-HSE)

7 апреля, вторник

15:00 – 16:30

Аудитория Г-609

Session L-03

Corporate Governance

Chairperson – S. Bhattacharya (London School of Economics)

O. Lazareva (CEFIR), T. Summanen (KPMG, Helsinki)

Emerging Boards of Directors: Board Behavior, Functions and Firm Performance

C. Sprenger (U-HSE)

The Effects of Shareholder Disagreement under Majority Voting

S. Stepanov (NES, CEFIR), A. Suvorov (NES)

Agency Problem and Ownership Structure: Outside Blockholder As a Signal

A. Muravyev (Institute for the Study of Labor)

Investor protection and stock value: Evidence from statutory rules governing variations of shareholders’ class rights in Russia

Discussants: A. Muravyev (Institute for the Study of Labor), S. Morfov (U-HSE), А. Settles (U-HSE)

8 апреля, среда

15:00 – 16:30

Аудитория Г-609

Session L-07

Corporate Financial Architecture, Boards of Directors and Corporate Performance

Chairperson – A. Settles (U-HSE)

J. McCahery, Z. Sautner (Amsterdam university), L. Starks (University of Texas)

Beyond the scenes: the corporate governance preferences of institutional investors

V. Bokov, A. Vernikov (U-HSE)

How better to evaluate banking businesses in Russia for empirical studies?

I. Ivashkovskaya, A. Stepanova (U-HSE)

What do we know about optimal corporate financial architecture? Comparative study of European, Russian and other emerging markets firms

Ю.Б. Ильина, И.В. Березинец (СПбГУ)

Трансформация организационно-правовых форм акционерных обществ и проблемы корпоративного управления: результаты эмпирического исследования крупных российских компаний

Discussants: I. Rodionov (U-HSE), И.В. Березинец (СПбГУ)

17:00 - 18:30

Аудитория Г-609

Session L-08

Intellectual capital and corporate performance

Chairpersons: I. Ivashkovskaia (U-HSE), J. McCahery (Amsterdam University)

A. Settles (U-HSE)

Corporate Governance, Strategic Leadership and Innovation: Creating a Virtuous Cycle to Insure Accountability of Managers

I. Ivashkovskaya, E. Baiburina (U-HSE)

Does intellectual capital affect the value of the companies in emerging market? Empirical study of Russian companies

D. Russell (Ecole Superior de Gestion of Paris Graduate School of Management)

Reputation as a Director Asset: What Kind of Firms Value an Activist Director?

E. Vali (Copenhagen Business School)

Analysts’ Optimism & Nonfinancial Information

Discussants: А.З. Бобылева (МГУ), J. McCahery (Amsterdam University)

9 апреля, четверг

10:00 – 11:30

Аудитория Г-609

Session L-09

Corporate Social Responsibility: Russia in a Global Context

Chairperson – L. Polischuk (U-HSE)

V. Kryukov (U-HSE), А. Sevastianova, V. Shmat (Institute of Economics, Siberian branch, RAS)

Social responsibility of extracting companies in the North in the context of the changing economic conditions in Russia

S. Mizobata (Kyoto University )

Divergent and convergent paths of corporate social responsibility: a comparison of Russia and Japan

L. Polischuk (U-HSE)

Corporate social responsibility or government regulation: the choice of Russia

A. Settles (SU-HSE)

Corporate social responsibility impact on foreign direct investment practices of Russian multinational corporations: Do MNCs with better CSR practices have lower cost of OFDI?

Discussant –

Section M

Small Business

Chairperson – А. Chepurenko (U-HSE)

9 апреля, четверг

12:00 – 13:30

Аудитория Г-609

Session M-10

Development of Entrepreneurship and the Human Factor: Russia and the CEE countries

Chairperson – А. Chepurenko (U-HSE)

U. Venesaar (Tallinn University of Technology)

Entrepreneurship and SME Development in Estonia

О. Obraztsova (U-HSE)

Early entrepreneurhsip in Russia and in the CEE and BRIC countries

Yu. Filatova (MAGRAM Market Research Agency), Е. Murzacheva, L. Mulukova (U-HSE)

Results of a survey of early entrepreneurial activity in Russia and the CEE countries

М. Gabelko (U-HSE)

Perceived Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions in Russia: regional comparison

Discussant – А. Vilensky (IE RAS, U-HSE )

15:00 – 16:30

Аудитория Г-609

Session M-11

Entrepreneurship and Regional Development

Chairpersons: L. Ruzhanskaya (Ural State University), Т. Alimova (U-HSE)

N. Kostyleva, L. Ruzhanskaya, Т. Tychinskaya, А. Scherbinina (Ural State University)

Small business in the Urals: entrance barriers and development prospects

О. Verkhovskaya, М. Dorokhina (St. Petersburg State University)

Entrepreneurial activity in major cities: analysis results on the basis of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring Project

Т. Alimova (U-HSE)

The entrepreneurial potential of Russian population: are there prospects for growth?

G. Shirokova, А. Shatalov (St. Petersburg State University)

Growth factor analysis of Russian entrepreneurial companies

Discussants: Т. Dolgopiatova (U-HSE), E. Hansen (USA-Russia Entrepreneurship Center)

Section N

Competitiveness, Productivity, Industrial Policy

Chaiperson – A. Yakovlev (U-HSE)

7 апреля, вторник

15:00 – 16:30

Большой зал КЦ

Round Table N-03/1

Эффективная Россия: как повысить производительность

Moderator – E. Yasin (U-HSE)

В. Клинцов, И. Швакман (Мак Кинзи)

Эффективная Россия: как повысить производительность

Participants: Б.В. Кузнецов (МАЦ), В.А. Сальников (ЦМАКП)

15:00 – 16:30

Аудитория Г-408

Session N-03/2

Dynamics of Production and Productivity Factors in Russian Economy

Chairpersons: V. Bessonov, R. Kapelyushnikov (U-HSE)

R. Kapelyushnikov (Center for Labor Studies, U-HSE)

Labor productivity and the cost of labor force: how statistical illusions are born

V. Bessonov (U-HSE), I. Voskoboinikov (University of Groningen, U-HSE), Е. Dryabina (U-HSE)

Aggregate factor productivity and alternative assessments of the capital assets dynamics

T. Paas, U. Varblane (University of Tartu, Estonia)

Sectoral structure and path-dependence as the determinants of the countries’ aggregated productivity level

Discussant – А.В. Полетаев (U-HSE)

17:00 - 18:30

Большой зал КЦ

Round Table N-04/1

Россия XXI: производительность и человеческий фактор

Moderator – Е.А. Солженицын (МакКинзи)

Е.Г. Ясин, Я.И. Кузьминов, В.А. Бессонов, V. Gimpelson (U-HSE)

Россия XXI: производительность и человеческий фактор

Issues for discussion:
  • Как преодолеть отставание российской экономики по производительности труда от наиболее развитых стран?
  • Экономический рост в России в обозримой перспективе возможен лишь за счет опережающего роста производительности труда
  • Источником роста производительности в ближайшие десятилетия могут быть факторы, связанные с культурными и институциональными изменениями, развитием человеческого капитала.

Participants: Б.В. Кузнецов (МАЦ), В.А. Сальников (ЦМАКП)

17:00 - 18:30

Аудитория Г-408

Round Table N-04/2

Leveraging Skilled Diasporas for Home Country Development: Lessons for and from Russia

Moderator – A. Yakovlev (U-HSE)

Y. Kuznetsov (World Bank), L. Freinkman (Academy of National Economy), K. Gonchar (U-HSE)

From Brain Drain to Brain Circulation: Emerging Stylized Facts and its Possible Implications for Russia

A. Saxenian (University of California, Berkeley)

Talent abroad for institutional development at home: evidence from Taiwan, India and other countries

D. Popov (U-HSE), I. Fedukin (CEFIR), I. Froumin (World Bank, U-HSE), S. Tvorogova (U-HSE)

Leveraging Russia’ talent abroad in Social Sciences: Evidence from a Survey

Issues for discussion:
  • What is the evidence to support the emergence of so-called ‘brain circulation’ networks of technology professionals in Russia and world-wide?
  • Governments tend to be both a constraint and enabling factor to leverage technological diasporas. Which are the segments of the Russian government the diaspora can engage with?
  • Given all the familiar constraints and limitations of the Russian government (rigid procedures etc), how can it play a constructive role in leveraging Russian scientific and technical talent abroad?

Participants: I. Bortnik (Russia’ Innovation Fund), I. Sterligov (U-HSE)

9 апреля, четверг

10:00 – 11:30

Аудитория Г-408

Session N-09

Regional Markets, Investment, Innovations – 1

Chairperson – S. Kadochnikov (Ural State University)

M. Krammer (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

International R&D spillovers in transition countries: the impact of trade and foreign direct investment on productivity in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”

S. Kadochnikov, P. Vorobiev, Yu. Legkaya, N. Davidson (Ural State University)

FDI Concentration in Russian Regions: the Impact on Enterprise Productivity

M. Betschinger (U-HSE)

Are Bilateral Investment Treaties and Development Aid Home Government Policy Substitutes for Promoting FDI Activities?

Discussant – С.В. Голованова (Нижегородский филиал ГУ-ВШЭ)

12:00 – 13:30

Аудитория Г-408

Session N-10

Regional Markets, Investment, Innovations – 2

Chairperson – K. Gonchar (U-HSE)

D. Faikov (Sarovo State Physics and Technology Institute)

Building an innovation cluster model on the example of a closed administrative-territorial entity

S. Mitsek, Е. Mitsek (Гуманитарный университет, Екатеринбург))

Econometric assessments of investment into the capital assets on the basis of panel data by Russian regions

Е. Kitanina (Baker & McKenzie - CIS, ltd)

Concession agreements as investment agreements with participation of the state

Discussant – П.В. Воробьев (УрГУ)

15:00 – 16:30

Аудитория Г-408

Session N-11

Competitiveness and Competition

Chairperson – S. Avdasheva (U-HSE)

V. Mironov (FER “Development Center”)

Competitiveness of Russian economy at the macro level and the impact on it of external crisis manifestations

S. Chernavsky, P. Katyshev, А. Peresetsky (CEMI RAS), О. Eismont (System Analysis Institute, RAS)

Assessment of competition levels in the sectors of Russian economy

S. Golovanova (U-HSE, Nizhny Novgorod branch)

International trade factor and problems of competition development

Discussant – S. Kadochnikov (Ural State University)

17:00 - 18:30

Аудитория Г-408

Session N-12

The Korean Model of Economic Growth and its Applicability

Chairpersons: B. Kim (Seoul National University), A. Yakovlev (U-HSE)

B. Kim, K. Lee (Seoul National University)

Both institutions and policies matter but differently at different income groups of countries: determinants of long-run economic growth revisited

S. Choi (Seoul National University )

The Economic Growth of Late-comer Korea: The Role of the Government

M. Chung, K. Lee (Seoul National University)

Foreign Technology Acquisition and Firm Performance in the Korean Case(1974~1993)

Discussant – A. Saxenian (University of California at Berkeley)

Section O

Innovation Development of the Russian Economy: Problems and Lessons

Chaipersons: L. Gokhberg, B. Saltykov (U-HSE), Yu. Simachev (MAC, U-HSE)

9 апреля, четверг

10:00 – 11:30

Аудитория Е-503

Session O-09

Science and Innovation in Russia: Results of the latest years –1

Chairperson – L. Gokhberg (U-HSE)

L. Gokhberg (U-HSE)

R&D and Innovation in Russia: Key Indicators

А.В. Хлунов (МОН)

Основные направления государственной научно-технической политики России

X. Liu (China)

China Innovation Policy

Yu. Simachev (Interdepartmental Analytical Centre)

Promotion of Innovation in the Russian Economy

Discussant – W.Mayer (CNRS Moscow Office (France))