Методические указания и контрольные задания по английскому языку орёл 2009

Вид материалаМетодические указания


Рецензенты: О.Ю.Иванова
Методические указания
Цели и задачи обучения
Структура курса
Зачет и подготовка к нему
Выполнение и оформление контрольных заданий
Работа над ошибками.
Зачет и подготовка к нему.
Методика работы над учебным материалом
Контрольное задание № 1.
Grammar” (Грамматика).
II. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
IV. Вставьте some, any или no, где необходимо.
V. Выберите правильный ответ из a), b), c) или d) для каждого пропуска в нижерасположенном диалоге.
VI. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильные времена.
Grammar” (Грамматика).
II. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
IV. Вставьте some, any или no, где необходимо.
IV. Выберите правильный ответ из a), b), c) или d) для каждого пропуска в нижерасположенном диалоге.
VI. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильные времена.
Полное содержание
Подобный материал:
  1   2   3



Государственное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

Орловский государственный университет

Медицинский институт

Кафедра иностранных языков

Н. П. Мусат




Орёл 2009

УДК 811 111 (072.8)

ББК 143. 21я 73

Л 422

Рекомендовано к печати редакционно-издательским советом

Орловского государственного университета

Протокол № _________ от ___________________

Рецензенты: О.Ю.Иванова, к.п.н., доцент, зав. кафедрой иностранных языков ОГУ;

Е.В.Королёва, к.ф.н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков с основами

медицинской терминологии МИ ОГУ.

Методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов заочного отделения по специальности фармация.

Пособие предназначено для студентов заочного отделения по специальности фармация.

Оно содержит контрольные задания и методические указания к выполнению этих заданий. Материал, включённый в пособие, подобран на основе мотивационного подхода к изучению английского языка в неязыковых вузах и имеет профессионально ориентированный характер.

Мусат Н.П.


Настоящие Методические указания и контрольные задания предназначены для студентов заочного отделения специальности фармация. Они составлены в соответствии с Программой по английскому языку для неязыковых специальностей высших учебных заведений.

Цели и задачи обучения

Целью обучения английскому языку в МИ ОГУ является подготовка студентов к общению на этом языке в устной и письменной формах, что предполагает наличие у них определённых знаний, умений и навыков, которые после окончания курса дадут им возможность:

- читать оригинальную литературу по специальности для получения необходимой информации;

- принимать участие в устном общении на английском языке в объёме материала, предусмотренного Программой;

- приобрести навыки самостоятельной работы с иностранной литературой.

В процессе изучения английского языка реализуются также общеобразовательные и воспитательные задачи обучения.

Структура курса

Курс обучения английскому языку студентов заочного отделения в МИ ОГУ делится на два этапа: начальный и основной.

Начальный этап длится один семестр. Целью начального этапа является повторение и закрепление языкового материала школьного минимума в области фонетики, лексики и грамматики, разговорной и переводческой практики.

Основной курс начинается со второго семестра и длится три семестра. Целью основного курса является овладение студентами умениями и навыками, которые предусматриваются Программой.

Обучение носит профессионально-ориентированный характер.

Зачёт по английскому языку проводится согласно учебному плану МИ ОГУ.

Зачет и подготовка к нему

Устный зачет проводится в конце первого курса обучения. К устному зачёту по английскому языку допускаются студенты, выполнившие все задания, рекомендуемые для самостоятельной работы перед каждым контрольным заданием, получившие зачёт по контрольным заданиям, и сдавшие нормы чтения и перевода рекомендуемой иностранной литературы. На зачёте студенты должны представить три тетради с выполненным домашним заданием; тетрадь с конспектом по грамматике, тетрадь-словарь, тетрадь с выполненными упражнениями

Выполнение и оформление контрольных заданий
  1. На каждом курсе студент-заочник должен выполнить по одному контрольному заданию по английскому языку: вариант 1 каждого контрольного задания выполняют студенты, у которых шифр заканчивается на 1, 3, 5; вариант 2 каждого контрольного задания выполняют студенты, у которых шифр заканчивается на 2, 4, 6, 8; вариант 3 каждого контрольного задания выполняют студенты, у которых шифр заканчивается на 7, 9, 0.
  2. Письменные контрольные задания выполняются в отдельной тетради, на обложке которой указываются фамилия, инициалы, адрес студента, шифр и номер контрольного задания.
  3. Работы должны быть написаны синими или чёрными чернилами, аккуратно, чётким почерком. При выполнении работы необходимо оставлять в тетради широкие поля слева для замечаний преподавателя-рецензента.
  4. Выполнять контрольные задания рекомендуется в той последовательности, в какой они даны в настоящем пособии.
  5. Выполненные контрольные задания следует присылать в институт для проверки и рецензирования в установленные деканатом сроки.
  6. Если работа выполнена не в соответствии с указанными рекомендациями и сроками, она возвращается студенту без проверки.
  7. После получения проверенного контрольного задания следует внимательно прочитать рецензию преподавателя, выполнить все указания и учесть замечания преподавателя-рецензента (если таковые имеются), сделать работу над ошибками в конце контрольного задания.
  8. Отрецензированные контрольные задания являются учебными документами, которые необходимо сохранять до сдачи зачёта.

Работа над ошибками.

При получении проверенной рецензентом контрольной работы внимательно прочитайте рецензию, ознакомьтесь с замечаниями и проанализируйте отмеченные в работе ошибки.

Руководствуясь указаниями рецензента, повторите еще раз материал, на который были допущены ошибки. Все предложения, в которых были обнаружены ошибки или неточности, перепишите начисто в исправленном виде в конце данной контрольной работы.

Только после выполнения всех указаний рецензента можно приступать к изучению материала очередного контрольного задания и его выполнению (если таковые имеются).

Отрецензированные и исправленные контрольные работы сохраняются до сдачи зачета.


О всех затруднениях, возникающих при самостоятельном изучении английского языка, студент может сообщать своему рецензенту в процессе проведения преподавателем аудиторных занятий и консультаций.

При этом необходимо точно указывать:

- какой раздел грамматики не понятен;

- какие правила, пояснения, формулировки не ясны;

- какие упражнения и что в них представляется затруднительным;

- какие предложения вызывают затруднения при переводе.

Программа предусматривает различные виды консультаций: как устные, так и письменные.

Зачет и подготовка к нему.

Устный зачет проводится в конце первого курса обучения. К устному зачету по английскому языку допускаются студенты, выполнившие все задания, рекомендуемые для самостоятельной работы перед контрольной работой и получившие зачет по контрольной работе. На зачеты студенты должны предоставить три тетради с выполненным домашним заданием: тетрадь с конспектом по грамматике, тетрадь - словарь, тетрадь с выполненными упражнениями.

Методика работы над учебным материалом
  1. Для того, чтобы изучение английского языка было успешным, необходимо заниматься регулярно, систематически, по 30 – 40 минут ежедневно.
  2. Для развития навыков правильного чтения необходимо усвоить правила произношения, правила ударения в слове и предложении. Регулярно читать вслух фонетические упражнения, тексты для разговорной и переводческой практики.
  3. Работая со словарем, необходимо:
  1. выучить английский алфавит и обозначения частей речи, принятые в словарях;
  2. Искать слово в словаре не по одной, а по трём первым буквам, что сократит время его нахождения;
  3. прежде чем выписать слово и искать его значение в словаре, нужно определить: а) какой частью речи оно является; б) к какому жанру литературы (художественному, научному и т.д.) относится текст, в котором оно встретилось;
  4. записывать слово в словарь следует в его исходной форме (глагол – в форме инфинитива, существительное – в именительном падеже, прилагательное и наречие – в положительной степени);
  5. записывая слово в словарь, нужно написать рядом в квадратных скобках его фонетическую транскрипцию, а затем – значение;
  6. значение устойчивого словосочетания следует искать в словаре по входящим в его состав знаменательным словам, и, выписав в словарь, заучивать.
  1. Работу над грамматическим материалом следует проводить согласно рекомендациям, данным в пособиях по грамматике.
  2. Работу над текстом рекомендуется проводить в порядке, который предложен в указанном пособии.


Вариант 1.

Материал для самостоятельной работы

1. Фонетика.

Выучите: а) английский алфавит; б) правила произношения английских гласных в открытом и закрытом слогах; в) правила ударения в слове и предложении; г) типы интонаций.


Проработайте следующие разделы английской грамматики, выполните (письменно) рекомендуемые после каждой темы упражнения:
    1. Артикль.
    2. Имя существительное
    3. Имя прилагательное
    4. Числительное
    5. Местоимение
    6. Наречие
    7. Глагол

Неопределенные времена действительного залога

Длительные времена действительного залога

Перфектные времена действительного залога
    1. Модальные глаголы
    2. Согласование времен

Текстовый материал
  1. Прочитайте и переведите тексты, данные в пособии, на русский язык.
  2. Выпишите слова и словосочетания, указанные перед каждой темой, в словарь с транскрипцией и переводом; выучите эти слова.
  3. Ответьте на вопросы, предлагаемые после каждой темы.
  4. Составьте собственные сообщения по темам:

После изучения указанного выше материала приступайте к выполнению контрольной работы № 1.


Выполните задания по разделам “Reading” (Чтение), “Vocabulary” (Лексика),

Grammar” (Грамматика).


Task I. Read the text.

For many centuries it was thought that diseases were caused by evil spirits. Modern medical science has made great advances in the scientific investigation of the causes of diseases, and these causes are now grouped into a few general categories. The following is one of them.

Congenital causes of disorders. These act within the womb and result in disorders which are usually obvious at birth such as mongolism, abnormalities of the nervous system and deformities of the heart. These disorders are caused either by a fault in the chromosomal structure of the fertilized egg or by damage caused to the developing embryo in the womb. A developing embryo can be affected by a disease of the mother. For example, during the early months of pregnancy, German measles can lead to abnormalities of the heart and ears. The smoking of more than ten cigarettes a day by a pregnant woman may retard the normal growth of the foetus in the womb. Deformities may also be due to drugs taken during pregnancy.

Answer the questions.

1. What do congenital causes of disorders result in?

2. What are congenital disorders caused by?

3. When can German measles lead to abnormalities of the heart?
  1. What may retard the normal growth of the foetus in the womb?

Task 2. Read and translate the text into Russian.

Lecture on Bacteria

Bacteria is the common name for a very large group of one-celled microscopic organisms that may be the smallest, simplest, and perhaps even the very first forms of cellular life that evolved on Earth. Because they are so small, bacteria must be measured in microns, with one micron measuring about 0.00004 inches long. Most bacteria range from about 0.1 micron to about 4 microns wide and about 0.2 microns to almost 50 microns long. We can observe them only under the microscope. Bacteria are very primitive and simple. They are unicellular, which means that they are made up of a single cell. They probably evolved about three and a half billion years ago. Some of the oldest fossils are bacterial organisms. They’ve been found almost everywhere on Earth, including all the continents, seas, and fresh water habitats, and in the tissues of both plants and animals.

They grow in colonies and can reproduce quite rapidly, in fact, by a process called fission. In fission, the cell increases in size and then splits in two parts. Fission is also referred to as asexual budding. There is also a process that is called conjugation, and that’s when two separate bacteria exchange pieces of DNA. So, there are two ways that reproduction can occur, but fission is though to be more common.

Bacteria were virtually unknown until about 1600 when microscopes were introduced, and at that time, bacteria were observed and classified into three main types according to their shapes, and that classification hasn’t changed that much over the years.

The first type is bacilli. The bacilli are a group of bacteria that occur in the soil and air. They’re shaped like rods, and if you were to see them in motion, they’d be rolling or tumbling under the microscope. These bacteria are largely responsible for food spoilage.

The next type of bacteria is referred to as cocci group, and it tends to grow in clusters or chains. This specimen is one of the common streptococci bacteria that cause strep throat.

Spirilla look like little corkscrews, and they are responsible for a number of diseases in humans. But, although it is true that some species of bacteria do cause diseases, for the most part, bacteria are benign.

There’s a lot of bacteria in the air, they live harmless on the skin, in the mouth, and in the intestines. In fact, bacteria are very helpful to researchers because bacteria cells resemble the cells of other life forms in many ways, and may be studies to give us insights. Since bacteria reproduce very rapidly genetic engineers use them to determine how certain characteristics are inherited.

But within these basic groups there are virtually hundreds of variations that make them somewhat more difficult to identify and classify. Sometimes more than one type of bacteria may be found together in a specimen. In addition to identifying bacteria by their shape it’s better to study the biochemistry of genetic structure of the specimen. They have one chromosome of double-stranded DNA in a ring, when can be analyzed fairly easily.

Choose the best answers for the following

  1. Bacteria reproduce by

a) fission or budding; b) splitting or budding; c) cloning themselves; d) seeding or fission

  1. Cocci bacteria cause

a) typhoid; b) AIDS; c) strep throat; c) fevers

  1. Bacilli are responsible for

a) diseases in humans; b) food spoilage; c) strep throat; d) human evolution

  1. Spirilla look like

a) rods; b) corkscrews; c) dots; d) sticks

  1. Which two characteristics are common in bacteria?

a) they have one cell; b) they are harmful to humans;

c) they reproduce quickly; d) They die when exposed to air


Создайте логические пары, выбирая из a, b , c или d:

1. month – year

day - ____a) minute; b) hour; c) season; d) week

2. dark – light

small - ____ a) big; b) bright; c) thin; d) little

3. night – day

evening - ____ a) morning; b) time; c) dark; d) afternoon

4. bring – take

arrive - ____ a) catch; b) carry; c) leave; d) come

5. good – bad

cheap - _____ a) free; b) expensive; c) nice; d) high

6. first – last

best - _____ a) next; b) worst; c) most; d) least

7. office – work

school - _____ a) learn; b) write; c) play; d) test

8. write – letter

tell - _____ a) book; b) report; c) story; d) word

9. book – read

radio - _____ a) sound; b) listen to; c) put out; d) catch

10. bank – money

shop - _____ a) price; b) basket; c) food; d) supermarket


I. Заполните пропуски соответствующими формами глагола “to be” и “to have”.

1. Last year their son ____ 26, so he ____ 27 now.

2. Today the weather ____ nice, but yesterday it ____ cold.

3. I ____ cold. Can I have something hot to drink?

4. I ____ hungry last night, so I ____ something to eat.

5. I called you yesterday but you ____ at home. Where ____ you?

6. He ____ a good job in a bank.

7. My sister and her husband ____ three children.

8. “What’s wrong?” – “I ____ something in my eye”.

9. Where ... you ... in two days?

10. When ... you at home yesterday?

II. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1. All of her belongings (was/were) in a suitcase.

2. Athletics (is/are) very popular nowadays.

3. Aerobics (do/does) people a lot of good.

4. Chocolate (makes/make) you put on weight.

5. Most people (enjoy/enjoys) Easter.
  1. The money she makes (is/are) enough for her.
  2. The police (is/are) looking for the murderer.
  3. His good looks (get/gets) him what he ants.
  4. The government (is/are) passing new laws.
  5. No news (is/are) good news.

III. Заполните пропуски соответствующими личными местоимениями.

  1. She is very handsome. I envy ____.
  2. They are not reliable. He doubts ____.
  3. We asked for his advice. ____ advised ____ not to come.
  4. This book belongs to me. This is ____ book.
  5. The man put ____ hand into ____ pocket.
  6. They were whispering among ____.
  7. His grandmother lives by ____.
  8. After ____ they decided not to come.
  9. What are you doing ____ summer?
  10. Which shoes do you like most? ____ or those?

IV. Вставьте some, any или no, где необходимо.

    1. She went to the shop, but she didn’t buy ... eggs.
    2. He has read ... 20 pages.
    3. Did they send you ... letters from England?
    4. Why have ... students gone home?
    5. Have you found ... mushrooms in the wood?
    6. Are there ... fruit-trees in your garden?
    7. Did they ask you ... questions? – Yes, they asked.... .
    8. Does he make ... mistakes in his dictations?
    9. My friend has bought ... new shoes.
    10. ... people there are very unfriendly.

V. Выберите правильный ответ из a), b), c) или d) для каждого пропуска в нижерасположенном диалоге.

  • Who (1) _______ Michelle talking to?
  • I can’t see Michelle.

- You (2) ____ looking in the right place. She’s over there.

- Oh, that’s Adrian. He’s new here.

- Really? Where (3) ____ he live? (4) ____you know?

- No, I (5) ____know anything about him.

  • What (6) _____ they talking about, I wonder?

- Well, he (7) _____look very interested. He’s got a very bored expression on his face. And he (8) _____ saying anything.

1. a) are b) do c) does d) is

2. a) aren’t b) doesn’t c) don’t d) isn’t

3. a) are b) do c) does d) is

4. a) Are b) Do c) Does d) Is

5. a) aren’t b) doesn’t c) don’t d) ‘m not

6. a) are b) do c) does d) is

7. a) aren’t b) doesn’t c) don’t d) isn’t

8. a) aren’t b) doesn’t c) don’t d) isn’t

VI. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильные времена.

1. “What you (do)” “I (read).

2. If he (ring) me up tomorrow I (tell) him about it.

3. He (help) his mother every day?

4. At this time tomorrow we (discuss) your report.

5. What you (do) when I came in?

6. When you (see) him last?

7. Don’t ring me up at 11 o’clock, I (sleep).

8. On entering the drawing-room he (find) that his two friends (get) up and (wait) for him.

9. We (be) very busy now. We (discuss) a very important question.

10. Where (be) Peter? He (have) his English lesson now? – No, he (have) his English tomorrow.

11. You (know) him? He always (tell) a lie.

12. When I (come) yesterday I (see) that my friend (do) his lesson.

13. This problem (be) too difficult to discuss it now. I (think) we (discuss) it tomorrow, when we (have) more time.

14. Where she (be) yesterday? – She (visit) her friend. They (play) chess the whole evening.

15. He (not to eat) when I (come) yesterday. He (read) a book.

16. My father (watch) an analytical programme on TV, while I (prepare) for the examination.

17. What you (do) now? – I (wash) the dishes.

18. If we (put) in cameras, they (stop) people stealing things.

19. Yesterday morning I (get) up and (look) out of the window. The sun (shine), the birds (sing).

20. We (not to solve) the problem yet.

21. She (to read) the book by last Monday.

22. Pete and Ann (to paint) the house by next Friday.

23. I (to work) in the library from 3 till 6 yesterday.

24. He said he (to read) this book.

25. When you first (meet) your teacher?

VII. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на модальные глаголы.

1. Mike can play the piano very well. 2. We needn’t hurry. We’ve got plenty of time. 3. It’s raining. You should take an umbrella. 4. Yesterday I stayed at home because I had to help my father. 5. The train is to come in some minutes. 6. Children should obey their parents. 7. We ought to help her.

VIII. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения.

1) They often speak about music.
  1. She is still sleeping.

3) Rastrelli built the Winter Palace.

4) She was singing when I came.

5) My sister will graduate from the Institute next year.

Вариант № 2.

Выполните задания по разделам “Reading” (Чтение), “Vocabulary” (Лексика),

Grammar” (Грамматика).


Task I. Read the text.

For many centuries it was thought that diseases were caused by evil spirits. Modern medical science has made great advances in the scientific investigation of the causes of diseases, and these causes are now grouped into a few general categories. The following is one of them.

Infection. An enormous number of living things enter the body’s tissues, grow there and cause disease. Infectious agents act in different ways. Viruses act inside the cells. The polo virus, for example, causes paralysis by growing in and destroying a particular type of nerve cell in the spinal cord. Bacteria, on the other hand, act mainly extracellular. Malaria, which is still one of the world’s greatest killers, destroys the blood’s red cells. It is caused by a tiny parasite which is carried by mosquitoes. Its symptoms are a high fever, headache and violent shivering. It can result in chronic ill health or death.

Answer the questions.

  1. Where do viruses and bacteria act?
  2. Hoe does the polio virus cause paralysis?
  3. What kind of infectious agents are bacteria?
  4. What are the symptoms of malaria?
  5. What does malaria result in?

Task 2. Read the text.


Blood is the red fluid that circulates through the body by way of the blood vessels. It is a very complex substance, and more is constantly being learned about it. It is the flowing part of the circulatory system, which may be called the transportation system of the body.

The adult human body contains between 5 and 6 quarts of blood, weighing about 7 to 8 pounds and accounting for about 5 % of the body weight. If about one-third of the blood is lost, death usually occurs (unless the blood is replaced). A pint of blood, however, can be really spared at proper intervals. Blood in the arteries is bright red in colour; blood in the veins is much darker, sometimes a brownish red.

Blood consists of many elements, liquid and solid. These include red and white blood cells, blood platelets, and blood plasma. The plasma is the liquid part of the blood, something over 90 % water. In it are dissolved essential elements that have to be carried from one place to another. These include, for example, organic constituents; such as blood sugar (glucose) and urea; inorganic elements, such as sodium and calcium; gases, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide; and secretions from the endocrine glands (hormones), antibodies, enzymes, and plasma proteins.

The plasma proteins make up about 7 to 8 % of the plasma. By electrical methods developed during and after World War II, these proteins can be broken down into various fractions. Best known is the fraction called gamma globulin, which contains antibodies against several diseases, notably measles and polio.

Among the many specific functions of the blood are the following: (1) It transfers oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the body cells; (2) It carries from the digestive system the nutrients that cells need and gets rid of their waste products via the kidneys and other organs of excretion; (3) It conveys hormones; (4) It helps regulate body temperature; (5) It provides substances that fight off infection.

Choose the best answer for the following:

1.Blood is

a) the circulatory system; b) the transportation system; c) the digestive system; d) hormones.

2. Blood makes up

a) 6%; b) 5%; c) 7%; d) 8 % of the body weight.

3. Blood in veins is

a) bright red; b) dark red; c) brownish; d) blue.

4. Gamma globulin is

a) proteins of plasma; b) the fraction of blood; c) the plasma of blood; d) antibodies.

5. Death occurs if

a) two-third; b) one-third; c) 5 %; d) a pint of blood is lost.


Создайте логические пары, выбирая из a, b , c или d:

  1. sell – buy

give - _____ a) take; b) bring; c) carry; d) fetch

  1. cinema – film

theatre - _____ a) part; b) play; c) piece; d) act

3. sea – ship

river - _____ a) water; b) tree; c) boat; d) bridge

4. hard – soft

difficult - _____ a) nice; b) kind; c) light; d) easy

5. work – job

travel - ______ a) agent; b) railway; c) agent; d) journey

6. first – last

best - _____ a) next; b) worst; c) most; d) least

7. office – work

school - _____ a) learn; b) write; c) play; d) test

8. write – letter

tell - _____ a) book; b) report; c) story; d) word

9. book – read

radio - _____ a) sound; b) listen to; c) put out; d) catch

10. bank – money

shop - _____ a) price; b) basket; c) food; d) supermarket


  1. Заполните пропуски соответствующими формами глагола “to be” и “to have”.

  1. My brother _______ ten years old.
  2. There ____ any flowers in the garden.
  3. Tom never sees new films because there ____ a cinema in his town.
  4. Don’t buy those shoes. They ____ too expensive
  5. Helen got married when she _____ 21 years old.
  6. I’m not going to work today. I ____ a bad cold.
  7. My son ____ at work because he ____ ill. He ____ better now.
  8. The shops ____ open yesterday because it ____ a public holiday.
  9. Julia wants to go on holiday but she ______ any money.
  10. I ... at home tomorrow.

II. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

  1. Measles, which (is/are) a children’s disease, (is/are) dangerous for adults.
  2. The audience (was/were) given free tickets.
  3. The economics (is/are) very interesting.
  4. His death (was/were) a great shock.
  5. Fish (is/are) easy to look after as pets.
  6. Radio news (give/gives) us less information than television news.
  7. The stairs to the ground floor (was/were) over there.
  8. The information (was/were) very helpful.
  9. His glass (is/are) on the table.
  10. There (is/are) a toast on the dish.

III. Заполните пропуски соответствующими личными местоимениями.

    1. They are our friends. We invited ___ to the party.
    2. Look at that bird. ____ comes to my window.
    3. He wants the key. Please give ___ to ___.
    4. “Where are my glasses?” – “____ are on the table.
    5. This is their car. That other car is ____ too.”
    6. I saw Liz and Philip with ____ son, Bill.
    7. We live with ____ parents.
    8. Did you see the manager ____?
    9. The machine works by ____.
    10. Do you see ____ boy over there? He’s my cousin.

IV. Вставьте some, any или no, где необходимо.

        1. Do you like ... oranges?
        2. Where can I get ... cigarettes?
        3. They waited ... ten minutes.
        4. You may come at ... time.
        5. ... people like to spend weekend in the country.
        6. I’m thirsty. Give me ... tea, please.
        7. Have you got ... time to go to the cinema?
        8. Are there ... pupils in the class-room- Yes, there are....
        9. Don’t forget to buy ... sugar/
        10. Where did you leave ... of your books?

IV. Выберите правильный ответ из a), b), c) или d) для каждого пропуска в нижерасположенном диалоге.

  • (1) ____ you know Sue Hennel?
  • I (2) ____ think so. Where (3) ____ she live?
  • I (4) ____ sure. I think she (5) _____ staying with her aunt and uncle for a few weeks.
  • (6) ____ you mean the tall girl with red hair who (7) _____ always arriving late for school?

Why (8) ____ you so interested in her?

1. a) Are b) Do c) Does d) Is

2. a) aren’t b) doesn’t c) don’t d) isn’t

3. a) are b) do c) does d) is

4. a) ‘m not b) don’t c) doesn’t d) aren’t

5. a) are b) do c) does d) is

6. a) Are b) Do c) Does d) Is

7. a) are b) do c) does d) is

8. a) are b) do c) does d) is

VI. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильные времена.

              1. Where (be) Susan? – She (work) in the library at the moment. She (stop) working in an hour.
              2. What children (do) when you (come) home yesterday? - They (play) in their room.
              3. At two o’clock tomorrow we (take) our French lesson.
              4. He (spend) last week in a hospital. He (be) ill.
              5. Why you (not to put) your coat on yesterday? It (be) cold.
              6. My husband (be) in his room now. He (sit) in the armchair and (read) an interesting book. I (want) read this book, too.
              7. When I (look) out of the window, I (see) that it (snow) and everything (be) covered with snow.
              8. As a rule he (translate) two articles a week. But he (translate) three articles last week.
              9. Why he (not to go) to the University yesterday? – He (be) ill. He (stay) in bed the whole day.
              10. Somebody (talk) in the text room? – No, nobody (talk). My son (watch) television now.
              11. Yesterday, when he (open) the door, he (understand) that he (do) it with a wrong key.
              12. Yesterday (be) a typical summer day, the sun (to beat) down, the sky (be) cloudless.
              13. Why they (sit) here now? – They (wait) for their doctor. The doctor (be) late.
              14. We (wait) for them at two o’clock tomorrow. We (be) sure they (come) in time.
              15. If she (not to come) tomorrow, ring her up.
              16. What you (do) at three o’clock yesterday? – I (have) dinner.
              17. When I (enter) the office, the secretary (type) some letters.
              18. Nowadays cars (get) more and more expensive.
              19. He (take) an exam on Friday. I think he (pass) it successfully.
              20. Yesterday the students (watch) an educational film from 9.00 till 9.30. They (like) it.
              21. We never (see) him. We don’t even know what he looks like.
              22. It is the most beautiful place I ever (visit).
              23. We were late. The lecture (start) half an hour before.
              24. We (finish) all the work by 5 o’clock tomorrow.
              25. When he rang the office this morning, Ann already (leave).

VII. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на модальные глаголы.

1. She had to change her shoes after walking in the garden. 2. You may go home. 3. Students must attend lectures. 4. They should visit their friend. 5. He is to come in two hours. 6. We ought to help her. 7. She can play chess.

VIII. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения.

1. Yesterday she went to the dentist.

2. The population of the world is rising very fast.

3. I study English at Glasgow University

4. John is seriously ill with measles.

5. Cathy can’t come to the phone because she is having a bath.

Вариант 3.

Выполните задания по разделам “Reading” (Чтение), “Vocabulary” (Лексика),

Grammar” (Грамматика).


Task I. Read the text.

Mongol is a common name to describe a child born with certain serious mental and physical defects, most notable of which (and from which the condition gets its name) is an upward, oblique slant of the eyes, like an Oriental’s. The unfortunate Mongoloid child usually has a flat face, stubby nose, a protruding tongue, small or deformed ears, limp muscles, short thumbs, and an abnormal heart. Such children develop slowly and their intelligence is never high. However, they may be quite lively and imitative. Most of them die young. Placement in a special home or institution is recommended by many physicians.

The reasons for this particular congenital deformity of mind and body are now known; namely, a particular chromosome that has gone awry. But certainly no blame can attach to mother or father. Chances of a subsequent child being Mongoloid are extremely small, almost negative.

This condition is also commonly known as Down’s Syndrome.

Answer the questions.

1. What are mental and physical defects of a Mongoloid child?

2. What do these children look like?

3. What kind of life do they have?

4. What are the reasons for this congenital deformity?

Task 2. Read the text.

Doctor who identifies SARS becomes its victim.

ARS is like flu. It is also a virus but it is much more dangerous than flu. It has now killed hundreds of people in different parts of the world. The doctor who was the first to identify SARS, Dr Carlo Urbani, died from SARS. Dr Urbani worked for the World Health Organization in Vietnam. An American businessman was taken to hospital in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, with a strange illness. Dr Urbani was the first person in the world to notice that this was a new disease. He called it SARS, which means “severe acute respiratory syndrome”.

The SARS virus can move very quickly. People who suffer from SARS have a high temperature, a cough and difficulty in breathing. Dr Urbani’s colleague Pascale Brudon said: “Carlo was the first person to see that this was something strange. When people became very worried in the hospital, he was there every day, collecting samples, talking to the staff and trying to control the infection.”

In a statement, the World Health Organization praised Dr Urbani, an expert in infectious diseases. “Because of Dr Urbani’s work with SARS, we were able to identify and isolate many cases before they infected hospital workers,” they said in the statement.

The virus spread very quickly across East Asia. Most of the cases were in China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Vietnam.

Hong Kong closed schools for a million students for 10 days, but some doctors said they should be closed for a month. Normal daily life changed completely for the people of Hong Kong. They did not go to restaurants or theatres and they did not take taxis. They wore special masks and even chemical protection suits when they went out.

The Chinese government published daily reports on the spread of the disease, but some experts in Hong Kong said the Chinese government had not provided enough information about SARS and how quickly the disease could spread.

When the virus reached Hong Kong, it infected a lot of hospital workers. A doctor from Guandong province in China first brought SARS to Hong Kong in February 2003.

Choose the best answers for the following:

1. Where did Dr Urbani work for the World Health Organization?

a) in the USA; b) in Vietnam; c) in China

2. What is ARS?

a) flu; b) respiratory disease; c) acute respiratory syndrome

3. What are the symptoms of SARS?

a) a high temperature and headache; b) difficulty in breathing; c) a sore throat

4 Where did SARS come in February 2003?

a) to Vietnam; b) to China; c) to Hong Kong


Создайте логические пары, выбирая из a, b , c или d:

1. question – ask

answer - _____ a) make; b) reply; c) tell; d) give

2. far – distant

near - _____ a) by; b) here; c) close; d) behind

3. go – come

leave - _____ a) meet; b) arrive; c) stand; d) wait

4. sun – shine

wind – a) push; b) shout; c) run; d) blow

5. alive – dead

present - _____ a) away; b) outside; c) absent; d) alive

6. first – last

best - _____ a) next; b) worst; c) most; d) least

7. office – work

school - _____ a) learn; b) write; c) play; d) test

8. write – letter

tell - _____ a) book; b) report; c) story; d) word

9. book – read

radio - _____ a) sound; b) listen to; c) put out; d) catch

10. bank – money

shop - _____ a) price; b) basket; c) food; d) supermarket


I. Заполните пропуски соответствующими формами глагола “to be” и “to have”.

1. I ____ a student of the Medical School.

2. The students usually ____ exams in January and in June.

3. These magazines ____ very interesting. They ____ on the table.

4. Our family ____ an average Russian family.

5. We ____ different, but we love each other.

6. When you ___ trouble with your teeth you go to a dentist.

7. The colleges in the University of London ____ essentially teaching institutions.

8. The colleges of Oxford and Cambridge ___ essentially residential institutions.

9. These students ____ on holidays, they ____ vacations between the terms.

10.Sometime there ____ sports meetings between universities.

  1. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

  1. The trousers he bought for her (doesn’t/don’t) fit her.
  2. The police (want/wants) to interview men about the robbery.
  3. Physics (was/were) my best subject at school.
  4. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine (isn’t/aren’t) sharp enough.
  5. The news (wasn’t/weren’t) as bad as we expected.
  6. Four days (isn’t/aren’t) long enough for a good holiday.
  7. Do you think the people (are/is) happy with the government?
  8. The staff at school (is/are) not happy with their new working conditions.
  9. I need more money. Six pounds (is/are) now enough.
  10. My hair (is/are) dark brown.

III. Заполните пропуски соответствующими личными местоимениями.

    1. Mr. and Mrs. Brown live in Paris but ____ son lives in London.
    2. Excuse me, is ____ your bag?
    3. ____’s why they accepted his proposal.
    4. He’s been waiting ____ three weeks.
    5. The girl decorated the room ____.
    6. The winners looked very proud of ____.
    7. He was asked to behave ____ at school.
    8. Put on____ hat when you go out.
    9. He didn’t have an umbrella, so she gave him ____.
    10. Mr. He never drinks milk. He doesn’t like ___.

IV. Вставьте some, any или no, где необходимо.

        1. There is ... water in my glass. I’d like to drink.
        2. There are ... beautiful pictures on the walls. Look at them.
        3. Can I have ... more milk?
        4. Have you got ... friends? – Yes, I have...
        5. Are there ... pencils in your pencil-box? Give me ..., please.
        6. Did you have ... salt in the soup?
        7. I’ve got ... money. Give me ... money, please.
        8. Will you take ... of these photographs?
        9. They haven’t got ... children.
        10. She doesn’t like ... apples.

V. Выберите правильный ответ из a), b), c) или d) для каждого пропуска в нижерасположенном диалоге.

  • Kevin! You (1) ______ listening to me. Wake up! What (2) _____ you thinking about?
  • My summer holiday. We usually go to Spain but this year we (3) ____ going to Britain.
  • We had a phone call from some friends. They (4) ____ having a wonderful time there at the moment.
  • Where (5) ____ they staying?
  • In Cornwall. It (6) ____ warm down there, even at Easter.
  • (7) ____ they take a walk along the beach?
  • Yes, they (8) ____ it every day after breakfast as a rule.

1. a) Aren’t b) Don’t c) Doesn’t d) Isn’t

2. a) are b) do c) does d) is

3. a) are b) do c) does d) is

4. a) is b) does c) are d) do

5. a) do b) are c) is d) does

6. a) are b) do c) does d) is

7. a) Are b) Do c) Does d) Is

8. a) are b) do c) does d) is

VI. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильные времена.

              1. 1. We (wait) twenty-five minutes for a Number 68 bus yesterday.
              2. While we (wait), three Number 196 buses came by.
              3. That’s right. When I (see) her she (have) a cup of coffee.
              4. I (make) a meal when the light (go) out. I had to stop.
              5. It (be) a stormy night when Jenny (arrive).
              6. Jenny (be) already on her way to the flat in a taxi.
              7. Where she (live)?
              8. They (hope) to come here next year?
              9. You (be) busy now? Yes, I (be) very busy. I (do) my lessons now.

10. Where you (work) last year? – I (not to work). I (be) a student.

11. Where (be) Peter? He (have) his English lesson now? – No, he (have) his English tomorrow.

11. Why you (not to put) your coat on yesterday? It (be) cold.

12. Take your raincoat with you. I am afraid it (rain) in the evening and you (get) wet through if you (not to put) on your raincoat.

13. He (sit) in the armchair and then (begin) to read.

14. If you see Sally, can you ask her to phone me? – Sure. I (see) her this evening, so I can tell her.

15. You (skate) last Sunday? – Yes, we (skate) the whole day last Sunday. We (skate) again next Sunday.

16. The window was open and birds (fly) into and out of the room.

17. They (have) dinner from 2 to 3 yesterday.

18. I (not listen) so I missed what he teacher said.

19. We never (be) in France before.

20. By the time we arrived to the party, It (finish).

21. When I came out of the cinema I (find) that a thief (take) my car radio.

22. By this time next year I (write) my memories.

23. I (finish) this report by the end of the day.

24. Since the beginning of the twentieth century medical scientists (make) many important discoveries.

25. I hope you already (meet) a lot of interesting people.

VII. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на модальные глаголы.

1. Can you speak any foreign language? 2. He had hurt his leg, so he couldn’t walk very well.

3. May I come in? 4. Ann had to wear glasses since her childhood. 5. You haven’t got much time. You must hurry. 6. It’s really a good film. You ought to go and see it. 7. You should stop smoking.

VIII. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения.

    1. He wrote about his last summer holidays.
    2. My mother cooks dinner.
    3. I closed the window because it started raining.
    4. They were in London last month.
    5. They attend all classes.


I. Грамматика. Проработайте следующие разделы английской грамматики, выполните рекомендуемые после каждой темы упражнения:

1. Страдательный залог.

2. Согласование времен

3. Причастие

4. Герундий

5. Инфинитив

II. Текстовый материал.

1. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык тексты, указанные преподавателем.

2. Выпишите в словарь и выучите слова и словосочетания, указанные в словаре-минимуме перед каждым текстом.

3. Выполните в тетради для упражнений рекомендованные после каждого текста упражнения.

После изучения указанного материала приступайте к выполнению контрольного задания № 2.

Вариант 1

      1. Прочтите и переведите письменно текст на русский язык.