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Доллар, евро и нефть продолжили свое падение
Text 16. UN urges rich countries to share refugee burden
2. Read the Text and answer the questions below
3. Find the English matches for the following Russian words
4. Match the following English words and combinations with their Russian equivalents
5. Explain in your own words the meaning of the collocations given below and translate them into Russian
7. Make up a project on the situation on Russia’s labour market
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Доллар, евро и нефть продолжили свое падение

Доллар и евро продолжили расти на торгах ММВБ в понедельник, на фоне распространяющегося беспокойства участников рынка из-за сомнений в глобальной финансовой стабильности. Рубль же продолжил свое падение.

Доллар стоил 32,32 рубля на ММВБ в 15:00 по Москве, став на 29 копеек дороже уровня закрытия предыдущего дня. Курс евро составлял при этом 43,62 рубля за 1 евро, что на 27 копеек выше отметки предыдущего закрытия, сообщает Финмаркет.

В утренние часы доллар поднимался даже до 32,525 рублей, но впоследствии несколько снизился, за счет повышения евро на мировых рынках. Бивалютная корзина к 15 часам дня стала стоить37,4 рубля, тоже снизив темпы роста.

Эксперты Райффазенбанка предрекают повышение уязвимости рубля к внешним факторам, и падение рубля из-за снижения цен на нефть и внешних шоков, причем падение будет более существенным, чем в 2009 году.

Цены на нефть также  продолжили падение, из-за опасений, что проблемы с долговым кризисом в еврозоне приведут к снижению спроса на топливо. Марка WTI закрепилась ниже $80 за баррель, достигнув минимальной отметки за полтора месяца. "Дефолт Греции неминуем, остается только решить, как именно его провести, - сказал аналитик Jefferies Bache Ltd. Кристофер Белью. - Из-за краткосрочной паники стоимость нефти Brent может опуститься ниже отметки в $100 за баррель, но повышение спроса на топливо в Китае не позволит ей упасть значительно"

Text 16.

UN urges rich countries to share refugee burden

1. Give your views of the idea before reading the Text :

a) What does the world’s emigratory policy control and deal with?

b) What countries are common sources of growing refugee burden ?

2. Read the Text and answer the questions below :

Developing countries face an overwhelming and growing refugee burden as the number of people fleeing war and conflict reaches the highest level in 15 years, António Guterres, head of the UN refugee agency, said in an appeal to richer nations to increase their share of responsibility.

Presenting the UNHCR’s Global Trends report for 2010 on Monday, Mr Guterres criticised rising anti-refugee sentiment in many industrialised countries despite the fact that four-fifths of the world’s refugees and displaced people are hosted by developing countries.

Speaking in Rome, Mr Guterres noted that of the some 1m people to have fled civil war in Libya this year, only two per cent have arrived in Europe. He appealed for more aid to Tunisia and Egypt to cope with the influx at a time of democratic transition.

Implicitly rejecting calls by some members of Italy’s centre-right government to block migrants fleeing Libya by boat, Mr Guterres urged all countries to keep their borders open. The UNHCR estimates that 1,500 people – or one in 10 of those fleeing by boat – have drowned or perished at sea trying to reach Italy and Malta.

The UNHCR report details the 43.7m people worldwide displaced by conflict. Pakistan, Iran and Syria have the highest refugee populations at 1.9m, 1.1m and 1m respectively, mostly from Afghanistan and Iraq.

“New crises multiply and old crises never end,” he said, referring to two decades of war in Afghanistan and Somalia. Last year saw the lowest level of voluntary repatriations for 20 years.

Each month up to 10,000 Somalis flee war and drought to cross to the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya which now holds some 350,000 refugees.

Despite these numbers, he said Europeans were receiving the impression from politicians and the media that “all refugees” were coming to Europe.

“It’s simply not true that refugees are moving massively to the north,” Mr Guterres said, urging industrialised nations to offer a “new deal in responsibility sharing” with the south.

The report notes that in Pakistan the number of refugees hosted per $1 of per capita GDP was 710, in the Democratic Republic of Congo 475 and in Kenya 247. In comparison, the figure for Germany, which is home to the greatest number of refugees in Europe, is 17.

Mr Guterres said the financial crisis in Europe and the US had not dramatically impacted on funding for UNHCR so far, but higher food prices and less access to financial markets had worsened the ability of developing countries to host growing numbers of refugees.

Among individual governments, the US was by far the largest single contributor to the UNHCR in 2010, giving $712m. Sweden ranked the highest in Europe with $112m, giving more than twice as much as Germany and nearly 10 times as much as Italy.
  1. What are the most essential reasons for the growing number of refugees ?
  2. Why is anti-refugee sentiment rising in many industrialized countries ?
  3. What are the main reasons for refugees’ influx from North-African countries ? How many refugees arrive in Europe?
  4. Why does Mr Guterres urge all countries to keep their borders open ?
  5. Which countries are characterized by a high level of refugees in Asia and Africa ?
  6. How did the financial crisis in Europe and the US impact on funding for UNHCR and the developing countries ?
  7. What governments were the largest contributors to the UNHCR in 2010 ?

3. Find the English matches for the following Russian words :

подавляющий ; растущее количество беженцев ; воззвание к кому-либо ; негативное отношение к беженцам ; ссылаться на что- либо ; лагерь беженцев ; занять позицию .

4. Match the following English words and combinations with their Russian equivalents :

flee war , conflicts , drought – increase one’s share of responsibility – be hosted – appeal for aid to somebody – cope with the influx – keep one’s borders open- displace – impact on funding for something – refugee camp

- держать границы открытыми

- справляться с наплывом народа

- перемещать что-либо

- быть принятым ( в качестве гостя, жильца)

- воздействовать на финансирование

- воззвать к помощи

- увеличить долю ответственности

- избегать войны , конфликтов , засухи

- лагерь беженцев

5. Explain in your own words the meaning of the collocations given below and translate them into Russian

- UN refugee agency

- displaced people

- democratic transition

- lowest level of voluntary repatriations

6. Find the words corresponding to the definitions given below :

1. leave a person or place very quickly, especially because you are afraid of possible danger;

2. a duty to deal with or take care of somebody/something, so that you may be blamed if something goes wrong ;

3. organize an event to which others are invited and make all the arrangements for them ;

4. suggested without being directly expressed ; complete and not doubted ;

5. advise or try hard to persuade somebody to do something ;

6. sudden, very great and often surprising .

7. Make up a project on the situation on Russia’s labour market . Focus on the labour migrants ' contribution to the country ' s economic growth .

8. Render the following text . Sum all the main points of an article, providing sufficient detail to support the main ideas. The summary has to cover the main points clearly in a limited space and must also follow an organized structure.