Система высшего образования в России, Великобритании и США. Занятие 1
Вид материала | Документы |
- Урока по страноведению (элективный курс) в 11 классе по теме: «Система школьного образования, 55.97kb.
- Программа по курсу " Страноведение Великобритании и сша", 98.67kb.
- И. А. Каруна медиаобразованиЕ в сша, канаде и великобритании а. В. Федоров, А. А. Новикова,, 4109.64kb.
- Тема «Правовая система России и сша» (сравнительный анализ правовой системы России, 38.18kb.
- Социально-политическая система США и канады, 276.83kb.
- Темы рефератов по дисциплине «Введение в направление», 75.21kb.
- Научно-исследовательская работа в Samsung Electronics Огруппе компаний Samsung, 70.83kb.
- Методические материалы власть занятие. «Что укрепляет и что ослабляет власть?». Автор, 1005.6kb.
- Темы рефератов по курсу «Современной истории и культуры Великобритании и сша», 20.44kb.
- Структура высшей школы и правовое регулирование высшего образования в США николаев, 215.38kb.
Система высшего образования в России, Великобритании и США.
Занятие 1.
How do you do? | Здравствуйте. (при первой встрече в официальной обстановке) |
Hello! Hello (everybody)! | Здравствуйте. Привет! (при встрече с близкими друзьями) |
Hi! | |
Let me introduce myself. | Разрешите представиться. |
Let me introduce … to you. | Позвольте представить вам … |
Meet … | Познакомьтесь с … |
Surname, last name, family name. First name | Фамилия Имя |
Call me … | Называйте меня … |
Sorry, but I didn’t catch your name. | Извините, я не понял, как вас зовут. |
Could you spell your name? | Не могли бы вы произнести ваше имя по буквам. |
Pleased (nice, glad, happy) to meet you. | Рад познакомиться с вами. |
So am I. | Я тоже. |
Where are you from? | Откуда вы? Откуда вы приехали? Вы женаты (замужем)? |
Where do you come from? | |
Are you married? | |
I’m married. | Я женат (замужем). |
I’m single. What do you do? What are you? | Я холост (не замужем). Кем вы работаете? Чем занимаетесь? |
How are you? How are you getting on? How are you doing? | Как поживаете? |
Fine, thank you. | Прекрасно, спасибо. Очень хорошо, спасибо. |
Very well, thank you. | |
Not bad, thank you. | Неплохо, спасибо. |
And what about you? | А как вы? |
And how are you? | |
I’m very well too, thank you. See you (soon, later)! I must be going. | Спасибо, я тоже очень хорошо. Пока! Ещё увидимся! Я должен идти. |
nouns | существительные |
school-leaving certificate | аттестат о среднем образовании |
applicant | абитуриент |
academic year | учебный год |
higher education | высшее образование |
entrance examinations | вступительные экзамены |
graduate student | студент-выпускник |
undergraduate | студент старшего курса |
training course | курс обучения |
term | семестр |
first/second-year student | студент первого/второго курса |
optional course/subject | факультативный курс/предмет |
the main subject | профилирующий предмет |
day-time/full-time department | дневное/очное отделение |
evening/part-time department | вечернее отделение |
correspondence department | заочное отделение |
lecture | лекция |
seminar | семинар |
term paper | курсовая работа |
graduation thesis | дипломная работа |
scientific research | научно-исследовательская работа |
hostel | общежитие |
degree | ученая степень |
Bachelor degree | степень бакалавра |
Master degree | степень магистра |
Doctor degree | степень доктора |
verbs | глаголы |
to finish/leave secondary school | закончить среднюю школу |
to enter the University/Institute | поступить в университет/институт |
to graduate from the University | закончить университет |
to be interested in | интересоваться чем-либо |
to be fond of | увлекаться чем-либо |
to do chemistry/mechanics/ economics | изучать химию/механику/экономику |
to be in the first/second year | учиться на первом/втором курсе |
to attend | посещать |
to combine work with study | совмещать работу с учёбой |
to get/receive a diploma | получить диплом |
to be founded/established | быть основанным |
- Образуйте словосочетания и переведите их на русский язык:
higher | student |
full-time | research |
first-year | department |
term | school |
training | chemistry |
doctor | degree |
main | paper |
correspondence | education |
bachelor | examinations |
evening | the university |
secondary | 5 years |
entrance | subject |
optional | course |
master | lectures |
second-year | a diploma |
scientific | |
to enter | |
to graduate from | |
to do | |
to attend | |
to pass | |
to get | |
to last | |
to finish | |
to take | |
- Прочитайте, переведите и дополните диалог.
Victor: Let me introduce myself. I’m Victor. What’s your name, please?
Oliver: I’m Oliver Black.
V.: How do you do, Oliver. Glad to meet you.
O.: Hallo, Victor. Pleased to meet you too. Oliver is too much formal. Call me Ollie for short. My friends call me so.
V.: All right. What do you do, Ollie?
O.: I’m a student. I’m going to be an economist.
V.: What country are you from?
O.: I’m from Scotland, Great Britain.
V.: What city are you from?
O.: I’m from Edinburgh.
V.: How old are you?
O.: I’m 21.
V.: Are you married or single?
O.: I’m single. And what are you, Victor?
V.: …
- Восстановите вопросы или реплики, на которые даны эти ответы:
1. Very well, thank you.
2. I’m from Kiev.
3. I’m a student.
4. I’m single.
5. Pleased to meet you, too.
6. I’m Dmitry Vetrov.
7. V-E-T-R-O-V.
8. So am I.
9. How do you do?
10. Bye-bye. See you soon.
- Составьте минидиалоги по образцам.
Pattern I:
- Are you a student?
- Yes, I am.
- What year are you in?
- I’m in my first year now.
Prompts: your brother/second; they/third; your friend/fifth; Jane and Kate/fourth.
Pattern II:
- Where do you study?
- I study at the Technological Institute.
- What’s your speciality?
- It’s national economy.
Prompts: your sister/management of organization; John/chemical technology; they/electrical engineering; your friend/programming.
Pattern III:
- When did you leave school?
- I left it two years ago.
Prompts: he/finish school/a year ago; your sister/enter the University/at the age of 18; they/take entrance examinations/in July; Peter/begin to study here/last year.
Pattern IV:
- When will you finish school?
- I’ll finish it next year.
Prompts: she/enter the institute/ in two years; your friends/graduate from the University/in 4 years; Sam/start working/after he gets his diploma; they/receive their school-leaving certificates/at the end of June.
Pattern V:
- Do you study at the part-time department?
- No, I don’t. I study at the day-time one.
Prompts: you/study at the correspondence department; he/attend all the lectures; they/pay for their study/study free of charge (бесплатно); your group mates/combine work with study; the training course/last five years.
Pattern VI:
- Are you fond of Maths?
- No, I’m not. I’m fond of English. And what are you interested in?
- I’m interested in biology.
Prompts: your friend/painting/collecting coins/reading; your brother/jogging/programming/gardening; Betsy/singing/skating/snowboarding; your parents/theatre/dancing/computer games.
Pattern VII:
- When did you enter the University?
- After I had left school.
Prompts: enter the institute/pass my entrance exams; graduate from the University/study for 4 years; decide to become an economist/talk to my parents; get your diploma/present the graduation thesis.
Pattern VIII:
- Have you finished school yet?
- Yes, I have. I finished it last year.
Prompts: he/enter the University/in July; they/pass their exams/a week ago; your sister/graduate from the Institute/two years ago; Brian/receive the diploma/last month; you/choose the speciality/a year ago.
- Заполните пропуски в репликах диалогов:
1. – Let me introduce myself. I’m Richard. And what’s your name?
– … .
– Oh, hallo, Anatoly! Nice to meet you!
– … .
– What do you do, Tolia?
– … .
– Where are you from?
– … . …?
– I’m British. I’m from Leeds.
– … ?
– I’m a first-year student. I’m going to be an engineer.
2. – Hello, everybody! Let me introduce a new student to you. His name is Pavel.
– … .
– Hello, Nina. I’m from Murmansk.
– … ?
– I’m 19.
– … ?
– I’m fond of organic chemistry. This is my favourite subject. …?
– Oh, on the contrary. I’m not interested in chemistry very much. I do computer science.
3. – … .
– Pleased to meet you, Ivan. I’m Alexey. But my friends usually call me Alex for short.
– … ?
– I’m in my second year now.
– … ?
– I’m going to be a mechanical engineer. …?
– I’m from Zagorsk. It isn’t very far from here.
– … ? (a hostel - общежитие)
– No, I don’t. I live with my grandparents.
4. – Hello! May I ask your name?
– … .
– Sorry, but I didn’t catch your name. Could you spell it, please?
– … .
– Thank you.
– … ?
– I’m Oksana Pavlova. Glad to meet you.
– … .
– What do you do?
– … .
– Really? So am I.
5. - Hi, Fred! How are you?
- … .
- Quite well, thanks. Where are you going?
- … .
- Oh, good luck, then. See you tomorrow at the lecture.
- … .
VI. Расспросите своего собеседника:
- when he/she left secondary school;
- what Institute he/she studies at;
- if he/she took entrance examinations;
- what he/she is interested in;
- what his/her speciality is;
- what year he/she is now;
- how long the training course at the Institute lasts;
- how many terms the academic year consists of;
- what subjects he/she studies;
- if he/she studies at the full-time or part-time department;
- if he/she combines work with study;
- if he/she attends all the lectures and seminars;
- what degree he/she is going to get;
- if he/she pays for his/her education.
VII. Составьте диалог по данной ситуации.
a) Helen (Peter) is having coffee during her (his) morning break. Another first-year student comes in and sits next to her (him). Helen (Peter) introduces herself (himself) and tries to find out as much as she (he) can about her (his) group mate, asking questions.
The other student introduces himself (herself).
They ask and answer questions in turn.
b) Tell the whole class the most interesting things you have found out about your partner.
Занятие 2.
The System of Higher Education in Great Britain
- Прочитайте и переведите текст со словарём.
Until the nineteenth century, England had only two universities – Oxford and Cambridge.
Today there are ninety universities in Britain. They fall into four broad categories: the ancient English foundations – Oxford and Cambridge, the ancient Scottish universities, the «redbrick», and the new universities. They are all private institutions, receiving direct grants from central government.
Oxford and Cambridge are the most famous of Britain’s universities founded in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries respectively.
The two together are known as «Oxbridge». These universities consist of a number of colleges. Each college is different and has its name. Within the college one will normally find a chapel, a dining-hall, a library, and rooms for undergraduates and for teaching purposes. Each college offers teaching in a wide range of subjects. The tutorial is the basic mode of instruction with lectures as optional extras.
«The University» is the administrative centre, which arranges lectures for all the students of all colleges, holds examinations and gives degrees.
The universities have over a hundred societies and clubs. Sport is part of students' life at Oxbridge. The most popular sports are rowing and punting.
Four universities were founded in Scotland before Scotland and England were united: St.Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh.
In the 19th century many “redbrick” universities were established. They were so called because that was the favourite building material of the time, but they are rarely referred to as “redbrick” today. Many of these were sited in the industrial centres, for example, Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle and others. London University is the most famous of them. It is a federation of colleges, each largely independent. In many ways the University has departed from the traditions of Oxbridge. London was the first to abolish religious tests, to admit women for degrees, to grant degree without residence.
After the Second World War with the expansion of higher education the New universities appeared. Some of them quickly became popular because of their modern approach to university courses. They were often named after counties or regions, for example, Sussex, Kent, and East Anglia.
In 1992 the majority of British polytechnics, that offered a wide range of subjects and many had close links with industry and commerce in their local area, were also incorporated into universities.
There is also a highly successful Open University. It was established in 1969 to enable people to study for a degree at home. Now it is Britain’s largest teaching institution. About 6,000 students of all ages get degrees every year. Its degrees, diplomas and other qualifications are equal to those of any other university. The Open University operates by sending its educational materials to students, in their own homes or places of work. Students receive their lessons and lectures by means of special TV or radio programmes. Some courses are taught via the Internet. The University offers programmes in the arts, mathematics and computing, science and technology, social science, education, health and social welfare, business, and humanities.
So at present there are four different types of universities in Great Britain.
The typical academic programme is composed of a varying number of courses and subjects within the field of specialization. The academic activities for each subject fall into three types: lectures, at which attendance is not always compulsory, tutorials and examinations.
The normal length of the degree course is three years, after which the students take a Bachelor degree. A Master degree is usually awarded after a further year or two years of study. The highest degree is the Doctor degree awarded for research and the submission of a thesis.
Обратите внимание на произношение следующих слов:
university [ֽju:ni΄və:siti]
category ['kætəg(ə)rɪ]
ancient [΄ein∫ənt]
private [΄praivit]
purpose ['pɜːpəs]
chapel [΄t∫æpəl]
undergraduate [,ʌndə΄grædjuit]
tutorial [tju(:)΄tɔ:riəl]
optional [΄ɔp∫ənl]
administrative [әd΄ministrәtiv]
society [sə΄saiəti]
course [kɔ:s]
expansion [iks΄pæn∫ən]
approach [ə'prəuʧ]
county ['kauntɪ]
polytechnic [ֽpɔli΄teknik]
commerce ['kɔmɜːs]
incorporate [ɪn'kɔːp(ə)rət]
qualification [kwɔlɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]
via ['vaɪə]
science ['saɪəns]
technology [tek'nɔləʤɪ]
welfare ['welfɛə]
business ['bɪznɪs]
humanity [hju'mænətɪ]
specialization [speʃ(ə)laɪ'zeɪʃ(ə)n]
bachelor ['bæʧ(ə)lə]
master ['mɑːstə]
award [ə΄wɔ:d]
thesis [΄θi:sis]
St.Andrews ['ændru:z]
Glasgow ['glɑːzgəu]
Aberdeen [æbə'di:n]
Edinburgh ['edinb(ə)rə]
Birmingham [΄bә:miŋәm]
Manchester [΄mænt∫istә]
Newcastle [΄nju:ֽkα:sl]
Sussex [΄sʌsiks]
East Anglia [΄i:st΄æŋgliә]
Wales [weilz]
II. Закончите следующие предложения информацией из текста и переведите их на русский язык.
- Until the 19-th century there were only ___________ .
- British universities fall into ____________________ .
- Oxford and Cambridge were founded in __________ .
- The basic mode of instruction at Oxbridge is _______ .
- Before Scotland and England were united _________ .
- “Redbrick” universities were so called because _____ .
- The most famous of them is _________ .
- The New universities appeared __________________ .
- They were often named ________________ .
- ____________were also incorporated into universities.
- _____________is Britain’s largest teaching institution.
- ___________are equal to those of any other university.
- The Open University operates by________________ .
- It offers programmes in________________________ .
- There are three types of academic activities: _______ .
- The length of the degree course is _______________ .
- The first degree is ________ .
- A Master degree is usually awarded after _________ .
- The highest degree is _____________ .
- It is awarded for_____________________________ .
III. Расспросите своего собеседника:
- how many universities England had before the 19-th century;
- how many universities there in Britain now;
- what four broad categories they fall into;
- what the most famous of Britain’s universities are;
- what the two together are known as;
- when four universities were founded in Scotland;
- what universities were established in the 19th century;
- why some of them quickly became popular;
- what British polytechnics offered;
- what Open University was established for;
- how it operates;
- if some courses are taught via the internet;
- what programmes it offers;
- what three types the academic activities for each subject fall into;
- when the academic degrees are awarded.

IV. Составьте краткое описание системы высшего образования в Великобритании, пользуясь данной схемой.

V. В своём сообщении используйте следующие речевые фразы:
To begin with | Во-первых |
Firstly | |
Secondly | Во-вторых |
Thirdly | В-третьих |
Finally | В заключение |
In addition to that | Кроме того |
I’d like to add that | Я бы хотел добавить, что |
I’d mention the fact that | Я бы упомянул тот факт, что |
It’s interesting to know that | Интересно знать, что |
Apart from that | Кроме этого |
In conclusion | В завершение |
On the whole | В целом |
Занятие 3.
The System of Higher Education in the USA
- Прочитайте и переведите текст со словарём.
There is no national system of higher education in the United States. Education is considered to be a matter for the people of each state. Although there is a federal Department of Education, its function is merely to gather information, to advise, and to help finance certain educational programmes.
In general, colleges and universities, whether state or private, are quite free to determine their own individual standards.
Basically, American higher education developed its own pattern by the adaptation of two traditions: the collegiate tradition of England and the University tradition of the Continent.
There are about 3,300 institutions. They may be small or large, rural or urban, private or public, religious or secular, highly selective or open to all.
All higher educational establishments charge fees. Grants are rare, that's why most of college students take part-time jobs to pay for their studies.
The American college is an institution which has no counterpart in Europe. It offers courses of instruction over a four-year period. It grants a Bachelor's degree and prepares the student for a job. There are also many Junior or Community Colleges. They provide only the first two years of study and an Associate's degree. Such colleges offer courses related to local industry or agriculture.
A college can also be a part of a university. Most of the US Universities have a central campus. Colleges of Law, Business, Medicine, Engineering and Journalism can be found on one campus. Thus students can attend courses at various colleges. During the first two years they follow a basic programme. It means that every student must select at least one course from each of the basic fields of study.
After the first two years every student majors in one subject and minors in another. In addition he can select other subjects according to his professional interest.
After completing four years of study the students receive a Bachelor's degree. And with an additional year of study they may receive a Master's degree. The minimum period of study accepted for the degree of Ph. D. (Doctor of Philosophy) is two or three years. The candidates for this degree carry on an investigation in the field of the main subject of study. Then they submit the dissertation which embodies the results of their researches. Also they possess reading knowledge of French, German and often Latin.
The methods of instruction in the universities are lectures, discussions and work in laboratories. The academic year is usually of nine months duration or two semesters.
The students' progress is often evaluated through quizzes, term papers, and a final examination in each course.
At the four year American college students are classified as freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. All students who graduate from the senior course and who continue studying at a university are graduate-students.
Obviously, there must be great differences in quality and reputation among 156 universities and more than two thousand colleges in the USA. The main universities are: California University, Johns Hopkins University, Columbia University, Chicago University, and Yale University. The best-known of all is Harvard, Massachusetts, which was founded in 1636. There is much in common between Harvard and Yale. And together they occupy a position in American university life rather like Oxbridge in England.
Обратите внимание на произношение следующих слов:
pattern [΄pætәn]
collegiate [kә΄li:ʤɪәt]
rural [΄ruәrәl]
urban [΄ә:bәn]
secular [΄sekjulә]
associate [ә΄soυ∫ieit]
Harvard [‘ha:vәd]
Yale [jeɪәl]
Massachusetts [ֽmæsә΄t∫u:sits]
campus [΄kæmpәs]
minor [΄mainә]
candidate [΄kændideɪt]
dissertation [ֽdisә:΄tei∫әn]
semester [si΄mestә]
sophomore [΄sɔfәmɔ:]
senior [΄si:njә]
II. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты:
Высшее образование; оказывать помощь в финансировании определенных образовательных программ; вольны определять собственные стандарты; сельские или городские; проводящие жесткий отбор или открытые для всех; работают неполный рабочий день; копия; предоставляет степень; связанные с местной промышленностью или сельским хозяйством; территория университета; выполнять основную программу; специализируется по узкому предмету и уделяет меньше времени другому; наименьший период обучения, необходимый для получения степени- проводить исследование; защищать диссертацию; методы преподавания; учебный год; оценивать; студенты первого, второго, третьего, четвертого курсов; много общего.
III. Заполните пропуски, выбрав требуемый по смыслу вариант:
1) Colleges and universities can ... (provide, evaluate, determine) their own individual standards.
2) American higher educational pattern is based on two ... (subjects, traditions, degrees).
3) Most of college students pay for their studies because ... (grants, fees, courses) are rare.
4) There is a central ... (college, body, campus) in most of the US Universities.
5) After the first two years of study students get... (a Bachelor's degree, an Associate's degree, a Master's degree).
6) The candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ... (attend, investigate, possess) reading knowledge of French, German and often Latin.
7) Teachers ... (classify, evaluate, receive) students through quizzes, term papers and examinations.
8) The academic year ... (duration, relation, composition) is nine months.
IV. Составьте 15 вопросов по тексту.
V. Расскажите о системе высшего образования в США, опираясь на данную схему.
the collegiate tradition of England
the University tradition of the continent

the American pattern of
higher education

Colleges of Law, Business, Medicine, etc.

a Bachelor’s degree – four years of study
a Master’s degree – one more year of study
a Doctor’s degree – two or three more years of study

an Associate’s degree
a Bachelor’s degree
VI. В своём сообщении используйте следующие речевые фразы:
To begin with | Во-первых |
Firstly | |
Secondly | Во-вторых |
Thirdly | В-третьих |
Finally | В заключение |
In addition to that | Кроме того |
I’d like to add that | Я бы хотел добавить, что |
I’d mention the fact that | Я бы упомянул тот факт, что |
It’s interesting to know that | Интересно знать, что |
Apart from that | Кроме этого |
In conclusion | В завершение |
On the whole | В целом |