План урока I. Организационный момент. II. Речевая зарядка. III. Активизация употребления в речи учащихся лексики по теме «Школа». Iy. Монологические высказывания учащихся по теме «Образование в странах изучаемого языка и России»
Вид материала | Урок |
- План-конспект урока №1 Тема: «Читаем журналы на английском языке», 467.05kb.
- План урока: Организационный момент Актуализация знаний учащихся по предыдущей теме, 38.71kb.
- Тема урока «Решение упражнений по теме «Неметаллы», 56.28kb.
- Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине «Языкознание» Заочное отделение для специальности, 771.03kb.
- Тема: Лексические и фразеологические словари Цели урока, 84.44kb.
- План-конспект открытого урока в 5 «В» классе по теме «Семья», 43.36kb.
- План урока: Организационный момент Повторение изученного по теме Объяснение нового, 82.52kb.
- План урока: Организационный момент. Постановка темы и цели урока 5 мин. Изучение нового, 76.57kb.
- Урок в форме соревнования между тремя колонками по теме, 137.47kb.
- Конспект урока: Организационный момент (приветствие учащихся, подготовка к основным, 94.24kb.
Тема урока:
« Образование в странах изучаемого языка и России»
Тип урока:
Цель урока:
обобщение и систематизация знаний учащихся по теме «Образование в странах изучаемого языка и России»
1. обучающая: совершенствовать навыки монологической речи,
коммуникативные навыки диалогической речи,
навыки аудирования;
2. развивающая: развивать умения логически составлять рассказ
по теме, работать с таблицами и лексико -
грамматическим материалом;
3. воспитательная: формировать мотивацию к изучению
английского языка, обобщить страноведческие
знания по теме «Образование в США,
Великобритании и России».
раздаточный материал, компьютер экран.
Форма проведения
круглый стол
План урока
I. Организационный момент.
II. Речевая зарядка.
III. Активизация употребления в речи учащихся лексики по теме «Школа».
IY.Монологические высказывания учащихся по теме «Образование в странах
изучаемого языка и России».
Y. Активизация работы в группах по повторению грамматики « Употребление
глаголов в настоящем и прошедшем времени»
YI. Развитие умений и навыков в диалогической речи учащихся.
YII. Аудирование рассказа «Внеклассные занятия», извлечение информации из
YIII. Подведение итогов урока.
Объяснение домашнего задания.
На уроке присутствовали:
О.В. Лаврушкина, зам директора по УВР,
Т.Б. Соколова, учитель начальных классов,
Т.Г. Бряузова, учитель английского языка,
О.В. Попело, учитель английского языка.
I. Организационный момент.
Good morning dear friends. Today we have a lesson in the form of the “Round Table”. We speak about the education system in Great Britain, America and Russia. You do some activities, read the text, make up dialogues and discuss different types of schools. There are two American students at our lesson. I think you enjoy communicating with them. Let us begin the discussion.
There is a proverb “Education brings a child the world”. How do you understand it?
Pupil 1:
I think education gives us the necessary knowledge about the world. We can learn many new things about different countries, their history and culture.
Thank you. You are right.
II. Речевая зарядка.
First pupils, answer my questions, please. What form are you in?
- I am in the 8th Form.
- What subjects are you studying ?
- I’m studying Russian, Literature, Algebra, Geometry, Physics, Chemistry, History, Biology, Geography and others.
- What is your favourite subject?
- My favourite subject is History (English, Computer Science, Physical Education, Arts).
- What marks do you usually get?
- Usually I get “four and five” marks.
- Do you like going to school?
- As for me I like going to school.
- Sometimes I don’t like going to school
III. Активизация употребления в речи учащихся лексики по теме
Thank you. I see you don’t like going to school sometimes, but you have to.
What are reasons why you go to school? Look at the screen. Please read and give your opinions which the most important factors are and which the less important are.
- introduces you to different people,
- helps you to make your own decisions,
- helps you to understand yourself better,
- teaches you to be polite.,
- helps you to get knowledge,
- prepare for a future profession,
- teaches you about countries, culture and the world,
- teaches you to be honest, clever and educated person.
Учащиеся читают предложения , выбирают наиболее важные причины, но потом делают вывод, что все причины одинаково важны.
Pupil 1: I think the most important reason is that school helps you to get knowledge.
Pupil 2: As for me, the most important factor is that school introduces you to
different people and the less important one is that it prepares for a future
Pupil 3: And I guess all reasons are important.
Thank you .You are right. School helps us to get knowledge and teaches you to be polite, honest and clever person. It introduces you to different people and you enjoy communicating with each other at school.
Now pupils let’s revise the vocabulary to the topic “School”, look at the screen. The task is to match the kinds of schools to the definitions. But first let’s repeat the words all together.
1 nursery a) a school for advanced education,
especially in a particular profession
2 kindergarten b) a school in the US and Canada for
children of 14 or 15 to 18 years old
3 primary c) a school for children aged two to five
4 secondary d) a school for children who are between
three and five years old
5 junior high e) a school for children between the
ages of 11 and 16 or 18
6 high school f) a school for children between five
and 11 years old in England
7 elementary g) a school in the US and Canada for
Children aged between 12 and 14 or 15
8 college h) a school in the US for the first six
years of a child’s education
Teacher: Thank you. You know the vocabulary well.
Key: 1 d, 2 c, 3 f, 4 e, 5 g, 6 b, 7 h, 8 a.
IY. Монологические высказывания учащихся по теме «Образование».
Teacher: Now we are reading and speaking about education in the English-speaking
countries and Russia. Please, open your textbooks “Reader” on p. 96, read
the text “Schools in Britain”, then answer the questions of ex. 16 p. 96.
While you are reading, I want 2 pupils, Gera and Nikita, to do ex .15
on p. 96 on activity sheets.
- Complete the chart. Look through the text « Schools in Britain» on page 96 from «Reader».
Age Type of school
- 3-5 years
- 5 years
- 5-7 years
- 7-11 years
- 11-16 years
- 16-18 years
Двое учащихся приступают к выполнению индивидуального задания, другие
учащиеся по очереди читают текст вслух, затем отвечают на вопросы по основному содержанию текста.
Teacher: Will you answer the questions and discuss the text?
- When does compulsory education start in England?
- How long does primary education last?
- How long does secondary education last?
- Which subjects do British children study at school?
- Which foreign languages are taught in British school?
- Is state education in Britain free?
- Use the text and the answers as a plan for retelling about the education system in England and in Russia.
Teacher: Thank you. Now pupils, tell us about schools in Britain. One of you
begins the story and the other continues.
Two pupils describe the education system in Britain, using the text.
Примерный рассказ текста.
1 Children in Britain start school when they are five. They stay at school until they are 16 or older. Children attend nursery school from the age of about 3, but these schools are not compulsory. Compulsory education begins at the age of 5, when children go to primary school. Primary education lasts for six years. Then pupils go to secondary school.
2 They study subjects: English, mathematics, science, geography, history, art, music, physical education and a foreign language. Most secondary schools teach Spanish, German, Italian and Russian. Pupils take exams at the age of 7, 11 and 14. After 5 years of secondary education they take the GCSE examination. Secondary education ends at 16. Some pupils stay at school and other pupils go to colleges. Higher education begins at 18 and lasts 3 or 4 years.
Some parents send their children to private schools. State education is free.
Thank you. You have covered the main content of the text. I think Gera and Nikita have done the task. Let’s check them up.
На экране дается правильное заполнение таблицы слабыми учащимися, двое учеников из класса работают с их карточками, исправляют ошибки, ставят им оценки.
The pupils do their task correctly ( make some mistakes) and get “5”. (“4-3”)
Y. Активизация работы в группах по повторению грамматики.
Please, pupils, divide into 4 groups, take cards with 3 sentences in the
Present Simple Tense and put them in to the Past Simple Tense. Remember
about regular and irregular verbs.
The Present Simple Tense The Past Simple Tense (key)
- I go to school every day.
- I see my friends at school.
3) I like history this year.
- I went to school yesterday.
- I saw my friends yesterday.
3) I liked history last year.
- We take a pencil-case today
- John usually gets to school by bus.
3) Children often play football.
- We took a pencil-case yesterday.
- John got to school by bus yesterday.
3) Children played football yesterday.
- Nobody is absent today.
- I do homework every day.
3) I often work in the garden.
- Nobody was absent yesterday.
- I did homework yesterday.
3) I worked in the garden yesterday.
- He gives me a textbook today.
- We have Russian every day.
3) We enjoy playing games.
- He gave me a textbook yesterday.
- We had Russian yesterday.
3) We enjoyed playing games.
Are you ready? Please read your sentences. You have done the task
well(have made some mistakes, correct them please )
Now let’s continue our discussion of school education.
I think it’s not difficult to make a description of the education system in our country, using the previous text and answers as a plan. Please tell us about education in Russia . ( 2 pupils describe education system in Russia)
Примерный рассказ «Образование в России»
1 Children in our country begin going to school when they are 7 years old. Many children in Russia attend nursery school. Compulsory education in Russia starts at the age of 7, when children go to primary school. Primary education lasts for 4 years. Then pupils go to secondary school.
E.g. in the 8th Form pupils study many subjects: Russian, Literature, Algebra, Geometry, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, English, Computer Science, Physical Education, Art and others.
After 5 years of secondary education pupils take the General Certificate of Secondary Education examination. Most pupils take examinations in 4 subjects.
2 Compulsory education ends at 16. Some pupils may stay at secondary school for two years. Other pupils leave secondary school and go to colleges or technical secondary schools.
Children can receive high education if they graduate from institutes, universities and academies. Higher education begins at 18 and usually lasts for 5 or 6 years.
There are private schools in Russia. State education is free in our country.
Teacher: Thank you. You have covered the topic well.
I think you are tired a little. Let’s have a short break and do exercises.
Will you stand up, please?
Hands up! Clap, clap!
Hands on the hips! Step, step!
Bend your left,
Bend your right,
Turn yourself around!
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands like this and sit down!
Thank you! Do you think it is difficult to study at school and get knowledge?
Pupil 1:
I think it is. But every day we get to know a lot of useful things about the world.
Oh, I think sometimes you are tired from all of your lessons and home tasks. Let us imagine the Ideal School for pupils and listen to the story about “A Day at the Ideal School”. Please give your opinions : which facilities would you like to have at School and why?
(One of the pupils tells about “A Day at the Ideal School”)
Примерный рассказ
Usually I get up at nine o’clock. .We have 3 lessons a day on one subject. The first lesson is English. We read, play games and listen to music. The teacher helps us with our work. Then we go to the computer room and do some tests. We work there till 12. Then we have lunch in our school’s café. Then we go to the library and do our homework there. Sometimes we go on excursions. There is a swimming pool,
a sport centre and tennis courts at our school. We have no marks in school. Our teacher assesses us with words: “very good, excellent, see me, neat work.”
Pupil 1: I would like to have a swimming pool at school and practice swimming
every day.
Pupil 2: I would like to have a sports centre and go in for sport there.
Pupil 3: I would like to have a billiard room and play there during breaks. Etc.
YI. Активизация коммуникативных умений и навыков в диалогической
речи учащихся.
Thank you.
As you notice there are two American pupils at our lesson. Let me introduce them to you. They are John and Mike from Simsbury High School in America.
I think it’s interesting to know about schools in America. Please ask guest ions to John and discuss schools in America. Remember to be polite.
(Учащиеся по очереди задают вопросы «американскому» ученику, распечатанные на рабочих листах, оставляют их у себя для выполнения домашнего задания).
У «американских» учащихся на груди бэджики.
From Simsbury High School
From Simsbury High School
Примерные вопросы и ответы.
- Will you tell how many types of schools there are in America?
- There are 3 types of schools in America: public schools, private schools and
home schools.
-Which schools do most students attend, I wonder?
- Well, most students attend public schools.
-Which schools are larger: public or private?
- Public schools, of course.
- It’s interesting to know about home schools!
- OK, parents educate their children at home.
- Please, when do children begin their education?
- At the age of 6.
- John, what subjects do the students study?
- Oh, they study almost the same subjects as you do.
- Could you tell us when your school day begins?
- At 8 o’clock.
-What is your first lesson, I wonder?
- Well, our first lesson is a homeroom period.
- I’d like to know what a “Homeroom period” is!
- You see, at homeroom period the class teacher finds out who absent is and
informs us about events at school.
- John, where do you have lunch?
- At school cafeteria.
- How long does your each class last?
- 45 minutes.
- What do you do after school, please?
- Usually I go in for sports club or Diversity Club.
-What is a Diversity club, John?
- Well, we have seminars and discuss cultural differences in the Diversity club.
- What about the students’ government at your school?
- It is called the Student Council.
- Could you tell us what the Students Council does?
- It organizes dances and other school activities.
- Do you enjoy studying at school, John?
- Yes, of course.
Thank you John.I think our pupils have learnt some interesting facts about schools in America. Now I want Vanja to make up a dialogue with another American student – Mike. Please, use the following plan.
American pupil Russian pupil
В каком классе ты учишься?
А у нас последний класс – 11-й. А чем вы занимаетесь, кроме учебы?
У нас в школе есть только баскетбольная и футбольная команды, а я занимаюсь волейболом. Поэтому я хожу в городской спортивный клуб. А ты?
У нас есть осенние и весенние каникулы, которые длятся неделю. Зимой мы отдыхаем почти две недели, а летом – три месяца.

twelfth form. That is my last

We have a lot of extracurricular

teams. Are there any sport teams
in your school?

I am in a school baseball team.
Different sport competitions are very

during the vacations. How many

For three months? How lucky you
are! Our summer break lasts only

even have a rest – my parents sent
me to summer school.
VII. Аудирование рассказа и извлечение информации из прослушанного.
Thank you. You have known, that American pupils go to sport, music, art and science clubs. Pupils in our class have extracurricular activities too. Alkin Gera and Klochkov Zhenya go to sport club, Kurakova Alina and Malkina Katya go to music club, Bayev Sasha goes to music school and 7 boys play in the School Brass Band. Now listen to the story about our School Brass Band and then tell in which musical competitions they have taken part and which cities they have visited.
One of the pupils tells about activities in the School Brass Band.
Примерный рассказ ученика, сопровождающийся показом слайдов о духовом оркестре школы.
My name is Venja Rusanov. I have extracurricular activities after school. I attend music school, the department of wind instruments. I have been studying in the Band for 6 years. Our teacher is Osipov V.S. You can see the pictures of our Brass Band in the screen. There are 7 boys from our class in this orcherstra. We practice playing the instruments every day, we work hard, but we enjoy our activities. Our Brass Band is the International Laureate of “The Silver Tubes of Povolzhje”, the
All – Russian Laureate of “ The Yaroslavl Fanfares” and other musical competitions. The pupils of our orcherstra went to Murmansk, Samara and Yaroslavl. In Samara our Brass Band performed in Slava Sguare on Victory Day. It is a tradition for our ocherstra to perform on Holidays in our Town. I think our Brass Band is excellent and we enjoy studying there.
Pupil 1:
The pupils have taken part in different musical competitions (“The Siiver Tubes of Povolzhje”, “The Yaroslavl Fanfares”).
Pupil 2:
They have visited Murmansk, Samara, Yaroslavl.
YIII. Подведение итогов урока.
Объяснение домашнего задания.
Thank you for your story, Venya. Our “ Round Table” is over. Today we have discussed Schools in Great Britain, America and Russia. We have learnt about extracurricular activities in our school, you have spoken about the Ideal School, have made dialogues and discussed the topic. I think we have worked hard today and everybody gets good marks for the lesson.
Now write down your home task : make up a story and tell about the education system in America, use questions as a plan. Consult the texts in your textbooks and “Readers”.
Thank you. Good-bye!
английского языка в 8 классе
по теме
«Education System in the English - Speaking
Countries and Russia»
«Образование в странах изучаемого языка и
Тип урока:
Дата проведения:
21. 11. 2008г.