Пособие является основной частью учебно-методического комплекса, предназначенного для обучения английскому языку студентов юридических институтов и факультетов. Рассчитано на 90-120 часов аудиторных занятий. Isbn 5-222-00663-8
Вид материала | Учебное пособие |
СодержаниеТекст: «Pete and Nell go to the pictures» (cont.) 18.1. Sound right 18.3. Full understanding 18.4. Practice in communication 18.5. General understanding 18.8. Time for fun |
- Справочное пособие является дополнение к программе и учебнику А. А. Данилова,, 743.94kb.
- Программа курса, 383.76kb.
- Методические указания по организации практики для студентов очной формы обучения специальности, 329.69kb.
- Методические указания по выполнению семестровой контрольной работы с комплектом заданий, 701.46kb.
- Лекций 15 часов Семинарские занятия 30 часов Всего аудиторных часов, 357.6kb.
- Курс 2 Лекции 15 часов семестр Практические занятия 15 часов Всего аудиторных часов, 288.76kb.
- Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов экономистов. Автор-составитель Большакова, 15.76kb.
- Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для подготовки студентов к интернет-тестированию, 1322.03kb.
- Лекций 15 Семинарские занятия 30 часов срс 90 часов всего аудиторных часов, 514.3kb.
- Учебно-методическое пособие (для проведения семинарских занятий) для студентов заочной, 671.81kb.
Фонетика: sounds [b], [p]
Словообразование: сложные существительные типа witness-box
Грамматика: придаточные подлежащие, придаточные сказуемые
Текст: «Pete and Nell go to the pictures» (cont.)
18.1. Sound right
18.1.1. Listen, look, say:
beauty ebb sobbed sublet breath
boom cab obtain sublime bring
box rib rub down sublibrarian bride
boast sob club Dan Bob likes broom
ball rub rob Peter Hob looks brown
best lab globe trotter rub Lester bright
18.1.2. Listen, look, say:
1. A bad job.
2. A bad blunder.
3. The biter's bit.
4. Ben's as bold as brass.
5. Bob is a big bug.
6. Bel has a bee in her bonnet.
7. Bab lives at the back of beyond.
8. Don't be a busybody, baby.
9. Bram broke the back of the business.
10. Bee is a bread-and-butter miss.
11. Bob was black-balled.
18.1.3. Listen and look. Pay attention to the difference between the sounds [p] and [b]
A. You can't keep a pet in these apartments.
В. Can't I keep a puppy?
A. You can't keep a pet in these apartments.
B. Or a kitten, perhaps.
A. You can't keep a pet in these apartments.
B. You ought to keep a pet yourself, you know.
A. You can't keep a pet in these apartments.
B. Why not try a parrot, for instance?
A. When the rain stops, you'll see how beautiful the beach is.
B. But the rain's been pouring down for two days! We've both caught cold. Let's pack our bags and go back to town.
A. The bedroom is a bit damp, yes. But it's better than a tent. You wanted to go camping, remember?
B. You're impossible, Tom!
A. Well, you did! You wanted to sleep in a tent! Oh, all right. Let's pack.
A. Was it a good game?
B. It was a terrible game.
A. You had a good day for it.
B. A beautiful day.
A. Did Tom score?
B. He scored twice.
A. And you?
B. Now, where did I put that can of beer?
A. Did you score?
B. Oh, got it.
A. Perhaps next time.
B. Hm.
A. How d'you do? I'm Parker.
B. How d'you do, Barker.
A. Parker.
B. Oh, Parker, with a «p».
A. With a «p», yes.
B. Er... I'm Barker. A Barker with a «B», of course.
В. А «В».
A. Ah.
B. Mm.
A. Er ... well, goodbye. Barker.
B. Goodbye, Parker.
18.1.4. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intonation.
18.1.5. Read the dialogues in pairs.
18.1.6. Try to read the tongue-twister as fast as you can:
A big blue bucket of blue blueberries.
18.2. Word-building
(Compound nouns)
18.2.1. Translate the following compound nouns:
moonlight, bookshop, brainwork, furcap, bedtime, tabletalk, dogshow, housemaid, teargas, cloakroom, snowstorm, thunderstorm, glasswork, flower bed, folk-dance.
18.3. Full understanding
18.3.1. Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте:
to address [d'res], ceremony ['sermn], to qualify ['kwlfa], extraordinary [kst'rdnr], alibi [lba].
Proper names: Mr. Myers ['maz], Germany.
18.3.2. Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте, запомните:
New words:
witness-box — место для дачи показаний
objection — возражение
accomplice ['kmpls] — соучастник
to testify ['testfa] — свидетельствовать
to solve — решать, разрешать
suspect — подозревать
to be free — быть свободным
to bring a verdict — вынести вердикт
to release [rl's] — освобождать
innocent ['nsnt] — невиновный
perjury ['рr] — лжесвидетельство
to care — заботиться
to exhibit ['zbt] — выставлять
to execute ['ekskjt] — казнить
marriage — брак
School vocabulary:
to enter, husband, coat, to open, to depend on, idea, to understand, to run.
18.3.3. Прочитайте и переведите:
Pete and Nell go to the pictures (cont.)
Scene III
(The third day of the Vole trial. Mr. Myers, the Counsel for the prosecution is calling his surprise witness, Christine Helm. Christine Vole enters the courtroom. Looking straight in front of her she goes to the witness-box.)
Christine: (reading the oath): I swear by Almighty God1 that evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Sir Wilfred (addressing the judge): My Lord2, I have the most serious objection to this witness. The thing is that she is the wife of the prisoner Leonard Vole!
Myers: My Lord, I call my learned friend's attention to the fact that I summoned not Mrs Vole but Mrs Helm. (To Christine) Are you actually Mr. Vole's wife?
Christine: No, I went through a marriage ceremony with him in Hamburg, but I already had a husband. He is still alive.
Vole: Christine! That's not true! What she says is unbelievable!
Judge: I don't see any reason why this witness should not be qualified to give evidence.
Myers: Mrs. Helm, did Leonard Vole on the night of the murder return home at 25 past 9 as you had stated to the police?
Christine: No, he returned at ten past ten. This is when he returned? He was breathing hard, very excited. He threw off his coat and examined the sleeves. They had blood on them. He said: «I've killed her».
Vole: Christine! Why are you lying?
Judge: I must have silence!
Christine: I cannot go on lying to save him! I said to the police what he wanted me to say because I'm grateful to him. But I cannot come into the court and swear that he was with me. I don't want to be an accomplice to the murder!
Scene IV
(In Sir Wilfred's study. Sir Wilfred thinks that the evidence given by Christine Helm produced a great impression on the jurors. One question is still puzzling him — what made Christine testify against her husband? Suddenly his telephone rings. He hears a woman's voice. The woman offers to sell him Christine's letters to her lover. Sir Wilfried meets the woman, buys the letters and hurries to the Old Bailey. The courtroom of the Old Bailey.)
Judge: Since the defence has called but one witness, the prisoner, it has the right to be heard last.
Sir Wilfried: My Lord, I ask that the case for the Defence be reopened, and that a witness be recalled. I have the new important evidence — the letters of Christine Helm.
(Christine Helm is called and enters the witness-box.),
Judge: Sir Wilfried, will you read the tetter in question so that the jury may hear it.
Sir Wilfried: (reads) «My beloved Max, an extraordinary thing has happened. All our difficulties may soon be solved. Leonard is suspected of murdering the old lady I told you about. His only hope of an alibi depends on me alone. What I say is everything for him. If I testify that he was not at home with me at the time of the murder, that he came home with blood on his sleeves, they will take him away forever, and I shall be free, and yours, my beloved... Christine». And now I ask you Christine Helm, did you write this letter?
Christine: (with tears in her eyes) Yes, I did.
Sir Wilfried: (to the judge) Then that, My Lord, is the case for the defence3.
Scene V
(The jury brings in a verdict of not guilty. Leonard Vole is released. Everyone leaves the courtroom. Sir Wilfried is still sitting in his place. He is not satisfied. Christine enters.)
Christine: Well, let me tell you something, Sir Wilfried. It's not only you who saved Leonard's life. We did it.
Sir Wilfried: We?
Christine: I had the idea that I should be a witness not for my husband, but for the prosecution. The problem was whether you would believe me. It was I who sold these letters to you. There never was a Max. There's never been anyone but Leonard.
Sir Wilfried: And you know he was innocent?
Christine: No. I knew he was guilty. He did have blood on his sleeves. He did tell me he had killed the woman. Only I could save him...
Sir Wilfried: And you saved him. A murderer?
Christine: You don't understand. I love him.
(Vole comes in.)
Vole: (to Sir Wilfried) She fooled you completely, didn't she?
Sir Wilfried: It was you, Vole, who fooled me!
(Suddenly a girl runs up to Vole and they embrace.)
Christine: Leonard, who's this girl?
Girl: I'm not this girl, I am his girl! Tell her Len! We've been going together for months and we're going away.
Christine: You can't, Leonard! Not after what I've done! I won't let you.
Vole: Don't be silly. I saved your life getting you out of Germany, you saved me. So we're even. It's all over now.
Christine: Don't Leonard! Don't leave me! Don't!
Vole: Pull yourself together4. They'll only try you for perjury.
Christine: I don't care! Let them! Let them try me for perjury or... (on the table she sees the knife that was exhibited as evidence in the case)... or better yet... Let them try me for this! (Snatches the knife, runs up to Vole and thrusts it into his chest. Vole falls down.)
Voices: What's happened?
SirWilfried: She's killed him. Oh, no! She's executed him.
(Mrs. Vole is led by two policemen.)
And I'm appearing for the Defence in the trial of Christine Vole!
1. I swear by Almighty God — Клянусь всемогущим Господом Богом
2. My Lord — милорд (обращение к судье Высокого суда во время судебного заседания)
3. This is the case for the defence — дело выиграно защитой
4. Pull yourself together — возьми себя в руки
18.3.4. В тексте есть 2 случая употребления придаточных подлежащих и 3 случая придаточных сказуемых. Найдите их и переведите.
18.3.5. Ваш друг пригласил вас на концерт (в кино, и т.д.), но вы по какой-то причине не можете пойти с ним. Объясните ему это.
Model: S1 Will you go to the pictures with me to-night?
S2 I'm awfully sorry, but I can't. The thing/problem is that I have to finish my coursepaper to-night.
18.3.6. Преподаватель спрашивает у вас совета по поводу ваших друзей. Ответьте ему.
Model: I. Helen is so dull to-day. I don't know
how to cheer her up.
S. How to cheer her up is difficult to say.
1 John is inattentive. I don't know how to draw his attention to the subject.
2. I can't find out Mike's address. Can you help me?
3. Bob told so much about his adventures. Do you believe him?
4. They say Henry robbed the bank yesterday. Do you know how to prove his innocence?
5. Irene looks for a nurse for her children. She wants to place an advertisement. Do you know where to place it?
6. Tommy is so nervous to-day. What makes him so nervous?
18.3.7. Друзей Петра обвинили в неблаговидных поступках. Он пытается защитить их, но от волнения он он не заканчивает начатые фразы. Помогите ему (используйте придаточные подлежащие и придаточные сказуемые.)
1. What they say...
2. Whatever happened... .
3. The thing is...
4. The matter is...
5. Whether they committed this act...
6. Whatever you say about them...
18.3.8. Скажите по-английски:
1. То, что говорит этот свидетель, невероятно! 2. Проблема в том, как разрешить это дело. 3. Будет ли сообщник освобожден, еще не ясно. 4. Что бы она ни сказала с места для свидетелей, я ей не поверю. 5. Как доказать, что он не соучастник, — проблема. 6. Дело в том, что он сейчас дает показания.
18.3.9. Приступаем к последнему конкурсу в нашем учебнике: «Кто лучше знает английскую грамматику?»
а) в тексте этого урока есть 8 времен в Active Voice. Найдите их и разместите в следующей таблице:
Indefinite Continuous Perfect Perfect
Present ________________________________________________________________
Past __________________________________________________________________
Future ________________________________________________________________
б) в тексте также есть 10 случаев употребления Passive Voice. Найдите их и переведите;
в) в тексте 4 раза употреблено Participle I и II раза —Gerund. Найдите их и определите разницу между ними;
г) найдите в тексте все случаи употребления усилительных конструкций и переведите эти предложения.
18.3.10. Петр пытается объяснить Нелли значение некоторых слов. Он нашел определения для всех этих слов и выражений (правая колонка), но не может соотнести их с самими словами (левая колонка). Помогите ему.
1. objection; a) not guilty;
2. to suspect; b) to show publicly for some purpose;
3. to release; c) statement of dislike; disapproaval or
4. innocent; opposition;
5. perjury; d) to feel interest, anxiety or sorrow;
6. to execute; e) carry out punishment by death on smb.;
7. to exhibit; f) to set free;
6. to care; g) to feel doubt about smth. or smb.:
9. to solve; h) to find the answer or a way out of a dif-
10. to testify, ficulty;
i) to give evidence;
j) an offence of making a false statement after taking an oath to fell the truth.
18.3.11. Перед вами 3 колонки слов — по одной для каждой группы студентов. Ваша задача — сочинить рассказ, используя в нем все слова колонки, не изменяя их порядка.
marriage husband to suspect
to testify accomplice to depend upon
problem innocent idea
to care to release perjury
18.3.12. Вам дали пленку с записью разговора двух подозреваемых. Некоторые слова на ней звучат неразборчиво. Постарайтесь восстановить этот диалог. Вам могут понадобиться слова в скобках.
1. When did John ... the building?
2. At 6.
1. Did he take the stand at ...?
2. Yes, he did.
1. Were there any ... from the part of prosecution?
2. None at all.
1. Good. Was he asked about Bill's ...?
2. Yes, he was. But he didn't ... it.
1. Did the jury ...?
2. Yes, they did. They ... Bill!
1. Congratulations! I was afraid Bill could be ...
2. But John's ... will cost much.
1. I don't ...! Bill will have to pay.
(release, witness-box, accomplice, care, enter, testify, perjury, objections, execute, bring a verdict)
18.3.13. Скажите по-английски:
1. Вынесли ли присяжные заседатели приговор? 2. Судья предупредил свидетеля, что перед тем, как давать показания в суде, он должен принять присягу. 3. Обвиняемый был признан невиновным и немедленно освобожден. 4. Кто подозревается как соучастник преступления? 5. Вы читали в газетах, что его будут судить за лжесвидетельство? 6. «Представьте вещественное доказательство № 2», — сказал обвинитель. 7. Когда он занял место свидетеля, он не имел никакого представления, о чем его будут спрашивать. 8. В тот момент, когда он увидел присяжных, он понял, что они вынесли вердикт о виновности, и он будет казнен.
18.3.14. Представьте, что вы посмотрели фильм «Свидетель обвинения» и хотите рассказать своим друзьям о нем. Но у вас совершенно нет времени для этого. Попробуйте озаглавить каждую сцену (урок 18). Это и будет выход из затруднения.
18.3.15. Ваши друзья хотят узнать о фильме подробней. Постарайтесь ответить на их вопросы.
1. Who was the surprise witness for the prosecution?
2. Why did Sir Wilfred object to Christine testifying against her husband?
3. What was the evidence given by Christine?
4. What was the effect of Christine's testimony on the jury?
5. What kind of evidence came into Sir Wil-fried's possession?
6. What facts did the letter reveal?
7. What was the verdict?
8. Why did Christine have the right to say that both of them, SirWilfried and she, had saved Vole?
9. Who was the girl that rushed into the room?
10. What did Sir Wilfried mean by saying «She's executed him»?
18.3.16. Предположим, что вы — а) Кристина, б) сэр Уилфред. Расскажите, что случилось в последний день судебного заседания.
18.4. Practice in communication
18.4.1. Read and try to remember:
A. I (honestly/really) believe/think/feel that...
It's my opinion that...
It my opinion...
B. (Agreement) (Disagreement)
I think so too. I don't (quite) agree (with you).
I agree (with you). I don't think so.
I think you are right. I don't believe that.
(Partial agreement) That's your opinion, not mine.
Well, yes... I don't think you are right
I see what you mean, (there).
That may be true, but...
But on the other hand...
18.4.2. Express your personal opinion about the following topics:
1. Traffic in the centre of towns.
2. Women in legal profession.
3. Learning foreign languages.
4. Youth organisations.
5. Love at first sight.
Let other students express their own opinions.
18.4.3. Read the dialogue and then dramatize it.
A. and B. are talking about tomorrow's world.
A. is a pessimist: she thinks the world is getting worse every year.
B. is an optimist: thinks it's getting better.
A. D'you really think the world's improving every year?
B. Yes, I do. I think that Science is making us wiser.
A. I don't think you are right there.
B. I believe industry is making us wealthier.
A. I don't believe that.
B. And in my opinion Medicine is making us healthier.
A. That may be true, but we're all more miserable than ever, aren't we?
B. I don't agree with you. I maintain that we're healthier, wealthier and wiser than we were a hundred years ago.
A. That's your opinion, not mine.
18.5. General understanding
18.5.1. Read the text. Try to understand it and be ready to answer the questions.
The man who escaped
(Episode 18)
1. Hugo saw that Coke had come to. Coke tried to get up but his hands were tied. His head hurt terribly. Hugo looked at him like a shark inspecting his dinner. «We would never have become suspicious if you hadn't used Master's white Jaguar», he said. «When we saw it parked halfway up the road, we decided to wait and see what would happen. Then, after we got you, we went out and got your girl-friend», he continued.
Coke knew he would never have made such a stupid mistake if he had not been so tired. He had not slept properly for days. He looked at Kate. «I'd never have got you into all this if I hadn't asked you for help», he said to her. He was trapped. It seemed there was nothing he could do and nobody who could help him. Hugo took out a revolver. «You'd never have bothered us again if I'd used this four years ago», he said. He came closer to Coke and aimed the revolver carefully at his head.
2. Suddenly there was a terrific crash as three policemen broke down the side door of the garage. Hugo turned round and gaped. «No, Hugo. Look up here!» a voice roared from the sky-light above. Suddenly, everybody stopped. Nobody made a move. Then Baxter dropped through the sky-light, which was still open, and onto the lorry and finally to the ground. Three more policemen followed him. Baxter walked over to Hugo. «Your revolver, please», he said simply. «I was only protecting my property», Hugo answered. «This man broke in. That girl helped him. Send him back to prison!» Baxter listened and smiled. «Certainly, but only after you've given me that revolver», he replied. Hugo handed it to him silently.
3. The policemen around Baxter and at the door suddenly moved forward and seized Hugo, Masters and the three men.
«We've followed you everywhere for days; that's why we're here now», Baxter told Masters. Then he turned to Hugo and said: «And I've been up there for half an hour. I've heard everything you've said. Also, I think you'd have phoned us an hour ago, when Coke first broke in, if you'd only wanted to protect your property!»
Before Hugo could protest, he and the others were led away. Baxter helped Coke to his feet. «What we know now already proves you were innocent», he said. Then he untied Coke's hands. Coke was a free man again.
18.5.2. Choose the correct answer. Don't use the text
1. Hugo would never have become suspicious if Coke...
a) hadn't come with Masters;
b) hadn't used Masters' car;
c) hadn't come to the garage.
2. Hugo said that...
a) he had tried to protect himself;
b) he hadn't done anything wrong;
c) he was protecting his property.
3. Baxter told Masters that...
a) they had been following him everywhere for days;
b) they had learnt about everything from Coke;
c) they had been phoned by somebody an hour before.
18.5.3. Answer the teacher's questions. (Books closed.)
1. Why did Hugo manage to catch Coke?
2. Why did Coke make a mistake?
3. Who dropped through the sky-light?
4. How did Baxter try to explain himself?
5. What did Baxter tell Coke?
18.5.4. Try to compose the plan for the whole story «The man who escaped».
18.6. Scanning practice
18.6.1. Read the questions. Be sure you've got them well in mind.
1. Whom did the police arrest in connection with the killing?
2. Why did the police free him three months later?
3. What does the test involve?
4. What does the DNA form?
5. How much time and money does test take?
18.6.2. Start scanning the text. Don't fail to note your time.
DNA prints
(A foolproof crime test)
Dawn Ashworth, 15, left a friend's house last July to walk to her home in Enderby, a village in England's East Midlands. She never made it. Two days later her body was found; she had been raped and strangled. Soon after, police arrested a 17-year-old youth in connection with that killing and an earlier, similar murder.
But three months later, convinced that the suspect was innocent of both crimes, the police freed him. How could they be so sure? By using the new technique of DNA fingerprinting they had proved that man was innocent. This month the police began using the test on blood from 2,000 Midlands men, hoping that if one of them is guilty, his DNA print will give him away.
The test involves comparing the DNA of blood or hair roots found at the scene with the DNA of a suspect. What makes it foolproof is that no two people (other than identical twins) have the same genetic characteristics. While considering this fact in 1983, Alee Jeffrets, a geneticist at the University of Leicester in England, realized it might be the basis for an important new tool in criminal investigations. The DNA from each individual, he found, formed a unique pattern — in effect a DNA fingerprint.
In the Midlands case, Jeffreys established that the DNA pattern of the 17-year-old suspect did not match those obtained during the murder investigations. The patterns of each of the 2,000 Midlands men will undergo similar scrutiny. But that may take a while. Each test involves a complicated series of steps over a period of 2 1 /2 weeks. Still, Jeffreys believes, with further refinements, and despite $ 300 price tag, the test will more than pay for itself in criminal investigations.
(«Moscow News» from «Times»)
(309 words)
Note: DNA—deoxyribonucleic acid—ДНК— дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота, (носитель генетической информации)
18.6.3. Answer the questions in 18.6.1. (Books closed.)
18.7. Listening practice
18.7.1. Look at the following question. You'll have to answer them after reading the text.
1. What is Mayor or Bamford going to read?
2. Where are both of the candidates?
3. Have they been Members of Parliament before?
4. Who has won the election?
5. What are the Labour supporters doing?
6. How many times have the Labour candidates won the election?
18.7.2. Listen to the story.
18.7.3. Answer the questions in 18.7.1.
18.7.4. Look through the list of words. They will help you to understand the story.
weird — странный
survive — выжить
dehydrate — обезвоживать
fiancee — невеста
grieve — скорбеть
eternity — вечность
blame — обвинять
frostbite — обмороженный
shelter — укрыться
hoist — поднимать
18.7.5. Listen to the dialogue. Be ready to give the contents of it.
18.7.6. Tell the contents of the dialogue as close to the text as possible.
18.8. Time for fun
18.8.1. Read and translate the following jokes.
1. «Without a doubt», declared the lawyer, nodding his head as his client finished his story, «you have one of the best and surest cases I have ever met».
«Thanks», said the client grabbing his hat. «I'll settle this case out of court». «But I said it is the best I've heard», cried the astonished lawyer.
«I know», replied the other; «but I have just told you the other fellow's side of it».
2. Judge: «Have you ever been up before me?» Accused: «I don't know. What time do you get up?»
3. «I shall have to give you ten days or 20», said the judge. «I'll take the 20, Judge», said the prisoner.
4. Judge: «How could you swindle people who trusted you?»
Prisoner: «But, Judge, people who don't trust you cannot be swindled».
!!! 18.8.2. Can you complete these sentences with one of these verbs: speak, tell, talk in their proper forms?
1. She ... three languages.
2. We ... about old times for hours last night.
3. They ... they would arrive at 2 o'clock.
4. He has a very patronising manner and always ... down to people.
5. I'm not on ... terms with my neighbours yet.
6. The teacher ... the naughty boy off.
7. She doesn't always ... the truth.
8. I didn't want to change my job but my sister .. me into it.
9. She ... me she was ill.
10. The bill came to £20 all ....