Учебная программа дисциплины дисциплина: лексикология английского языка Укрупненная группа: 030000 Гуманитарные науки

Вид материалаПрограмма дисциплины


Introduction to the course. Syllabus.
Enriching vocabulary. Word structure.
Word-building. Derivation. Shortening.
Word-building. Conversion. Composition.
Word-building. Secondary ways of word-building.
Word groups. Phraseology. Phraseological units.
Word meaning.
Semantic changes.
Paradigmatic relations between words in English. Homonymy. Synonymy. Antonymy. Semantic fields.
The Etymology of English words.
Vocabulary change in modern English. Borrowings.
Variants and dialects of English.
3.3 Практические (семинарские) занятия
Word-building. Derivation. Shortening
Practical exercises.
Word-meaning. Polysemy.
Semantic Changes.
Variants and dialects of English. Social variations.
3.3 Формы контроля
3.4 Самостоятельная работа
Полное содержание
Подобный материал:
1   2   3

3.2 Содержание лекционных занятий

№ п/п

Тема занятия




Module 1


Introduction to the course. Syllabus.

The object of lexicology. Definitions of the basic terms: vocabulary, lexicon, word, word-group, external structure of the word, internal structure of the word, external and semantic unity of the word. Analysis of the word on the syntagmatic and paradigmatic levels.

The connection of the lexicology with the other branches of linguistics (phonetics, grammar, stylistics, sociolinguistics).

Sub-branches of lexicology. General lexicology. Special lexicology. Contrastive Lexicology. Historical lexicology (Etymology). Descriptive lexicology. Terminology. Phraseology.

Lexicography (general overview).Practical and theoretical lexicography. Generalized and specialized lexicography. Corpus-based and computational lexicography.





British lexicography. American Lexicography. Types of dictionaries. Encyclopedic and linguistic dictionaries. Explanatory, translation, specialized (phraseological, phrasal verbs, new words, slang, usage, frequency, pronouncing, etymological) dictionaries. Hard and soft dictionaries. Modern trends in English Lexicography. Corpus-based linguistics. corpus-based generation of dictionaries. Computational lexicography. Electronic encyclopedias.




Enriching vocabulary. Word structure.

Ways of enriching vocabulary. Main (conversion, affixation, composition) and secondary ways of word-building (shortening, blending, acronymy, sound interchange, stress interchange, sound imitation, back-formation).

Morpheme. Structural types of English words. Allomorphs or morpheme variants. Root morphemes (radicals). Non-root morphemes. Free morphemes. Bound and semi-bound morphemes.

Types of meaning in morphemes (lexical, differential, distributional, part-of-speech meaning). Denotational and connotational components of the lexical meaning.

Classification of the words according to the number of morphemes. Morphemic types of words (monomorphic, polymorphic, monoradical, polyradical).

Types of word segmentability (complete, conditional, defective segmentability). Procedure of morphemic analysis. Method of immediate and ultimate constituents as the procedure generally employed for the purposes of segmenting words into the constituent morphemes




Word-building. Derivation. Shortening.

Derivational structure. Derivational bases. Derivational patterns. Affixation. Noun-forming, adjective-forming, verb-forming, adverb-forming suffixes. Semantic of affixes. Productive and non-productive affixes. Affixes. Inflexions. Stem. Simple (root) words. Derived words. Compound words. Compound-derived words. Historical changeability of word structure. Etymology of derivational affixes. valances of affixes and bases.

Shortening. Acronymy (graphical abbreviation).




Word-building. Conversion. Composition.

Conversion as one of the principal ways of forming words in modern English. Main varieties of conversion (verbalization, substantivation, adjectivation, adverbalization).

The meaning of the denominal verbs (action characteristic of an object, instrumental use of an object, acquisition of an object, deprivation of an object, location). The meaning of deverbal nouns (instance of and action, result, agent, place, object).

The historical development of the conversion. The diachronic semantic analysis of conversion pairs.

Basic criteria of semantic derivation in conversion (non-correspondence, synonymity, derivational relations, semantic derivation, frequency of occurrence transformational criterion). Semantic relations in conversion.

Word-composition. The structural meaning of compound words (the meaning of distributional pattern, the meaning of the derivational pattern). Classification of compound words. Coordinative and subordinative compounds (according to the relations of IC compound words). Compound adjectives, pronouns, nouns, adverbs, verbs (according to the part of speech they represent). Compounds with or without connecting elements (according to the means of composition). Compounds proper and the derivational compounds (according to the type of bases that form compounds). Four major classes according to the correlation with variable free phrases (adjectival-nominal, verbal-nominal, nominal, verbal-adverbial).




Word-building. Secondary ways of word-building.

Sound interchange. Stress interchange. Reduplication. Sound imitation. Blending (contamination). Back formation. Redistribution.




Word groups. Phraseology. Phraseological units.

Lexical and grammatical valency. Structure and classification of word-groups. Syntactic structure (formula) and syntactic pattern. Predicative and non-predicative word-groups. Endocentric and exocentric word-groups.

Types of meaning in word-groups. The lexical meaning. The structural meaning (or lexical and structural components of meaning).

Motivation in word-groups. Lexically motivated and lexically non-motivated word-groups.

Free word-groups versus phraseological units versus words; structural, semantic, syntactic criteria.

Phraseology. Phraseological unit. Types of transference in phraseological units. Simile. Metaphor. Metonymy. Synecdoche.

Classifications of phraseological units. Phraseological fusions. Phraseological unities. Phraseological collocations.

Semantic structure of phraseological unit (denotational, evaluational, motivational, emotive, stylistic, grammatical, gender microcomponents).

Sources of phraseological units.



Module 2


Word meaning.

Semasiology and semantics. The historical surveys of the study of meaning. Meaning as a linguistic notion. Word-meaning.

Referential approach to the understanding of meaning. The basic triangle (sound-from, referent, concept). Functional or contextual definition of meaning. The term ‘context’. Operational or Information-oriented definitions of meaning. The direct information and the information added in the meaning.

Semasiological and onomasiological approaches.

The process of naming. The nominator and the referent. The stages of the process of giving name (forming a concept of an object, the designation of the class of objects under nomination with the help of linguistic means, defining a set of denotational features constituting the most important part of the meaning (semantic core) and the acquisition of the sound and graphic forms.

Types of meaning. Lexical, grammatical, part-of-speech meaning of words. Aspects of meaning. Denotational, connotational, pragmatic aspects of meaning. Aspects of connotation: emotive charge, evaluation, intensity, imagery. Pragmatic aspects: information on the “time and space” relationships of the participants, information on the participants and the given language community, information on the tenor of the discourse. Information on the register of communication.

Word-meaning and motivation.




Semantic changes.

Causes, nature and results of semantic changes.

Causes of semantic changes: new concepts, changes in the referent, changing of the categorization of the world, onomasiological fuzziness, official language policy, inofficial language policy, taboo and political correctness, disguising language, misnomers, flattery and insult, prestige and fashion, social and demographic reasons, anthropological salience of concepts, culture induced salience of concepts, dominance of the prototype, wish for plasticity, aesthetic formal reasons, communicative formal reasons, word play, excessive length of words, morphological misinterpretation, logical formal reasons, lack of motivation, onomasiological analogy, secondary effects.

Classification schemes for semantic changes. Gradual semantic changes (specialization, generalization). Momentary semantic changes (metaphor, metonymy). Secondary semantic changes (degradation of meaning, elevation of meaning, hyperbole). Semantic extension. Semantic extension and numeric growth of the vocabulary.




Paradigmatic relations between words in English. Homonymy. Synonymy. Antonymy. Semantic fields.

Causes of homonymy. Types of homonyms. Peculiarities of lexical-grammatical homonymy. Homographs, homophones, perfect homonyms. Homonymy and polysemy: the demarcation line. Proximity. Equivalence. Inclusion. Hyponymic structures. Opposition.


The Etymology of English words.

Etymology as the branch of linguistics. The etymological structure of English vocabulary. Important landmarks in the history of England that influenced the development of the language. Words of native origin (Indo-European, Germanic, English words proper). Latin affixes. French affixes.

Borrowed words. The role of borrowings in English vocabulary. Greek, latin, French, Scandinavian borrowings. Classification of borrowings according to the borrowed aspect. Classification of borrowings according to the degree of assimilation. Classification of borrowings according to the language from which they are borrowed. Assimilation of borrowings. Influence of borrowings. Etymological doublets. International words.




Vocabulary change in modern English. Borrowings.

Neologisms, archaisms, historisms, obsolete words.

Sources of neologisms. Neologisms vs. nonce-words.

The role of borrowings in English vocabulary. Classification of borrowings according to the borrowed aspect. Classification of borrowings according to the degree of assimilation. Classification of borrowings according to the language from which they are borrowed. Assimilation of borrowings. Influence of borrowings.




Variants and dialects of English.

Standard English. Variants of a language. Dialects. American English. The history of American English. Canadian, Australian, South African and Indian variants. Variants and dialects of English in Great Britain. Dialects in the USA. Social variation of the English language. Gender and occupational varieties.






3.3 Практические (семинарские) занятия

№ п/п

Тема занятия



Module 1


Word-building. Derivation. Shortening (contraction).

Practical exercises on derivation and shortening.



Word-building. Conversion and composition.

Practical exercises.



Word-building. Secondary ways of word-building.

Practical exercises.




Types of transference of phraseological units. Principles of classification of phraseological units. Figurative meaning in phraseology. Ways of forming phraseological units.

Phraseological units and free-word groups.

Practical exercises.



Proverbs and sayings. Familiar quotations. Collocations.

Practical exercises.


Test 1



Word-meaning. Polysemy. Polysemy from a diachronic and synchronic points of view. Polysemantic and monosemantic words. Radiation and concatenation. Polysemy and context. Types of context.


Semantic Changes.



Semantic relations. Proximity. Equivalence. Inclusion. Hyponymic structures. Opposition.



Vocabulary change in modern English.

Neologisms, archaisms, historisms. Etymological doublets. International words.



Variants and dialects of English. Social variations.

Standard English. Variants of a language. Dialects. American English. The history of American English. Canadian, Australian, South African and Indian variants. Variants and dialects of English in Great Britain. Dialects in the USA. Social variation of the English language. Gender and occupational varieties.


Test 2







3.3 Формы контроля:

  1. Промежуточные тесты 30% (2x15%)
  2. Реферат 10%
  3. Доклад (презентация по теме реферата) 15%
  4. Доклад (Variants of English) 5%
  5. Устный экзамен 40%

Реферат (10%) - 5 баллов за содержание;

- 5 балов за корректное оформление (front page, content, introduction, main part, conclusion, resources; 25 pages, font – 14; interval – 1,5)

Презентация (15%) - 5 баллов за содержание доклада

- 5 баллов за презентацию в Power Point и технику презентации

-5 баллов за ответы на вопросы, изложение материала (fluency and knowledge)

Доклад (5%) изложение материала и ответы на вопросы; презентация в Power Point

Экзамен (40%) - устный ответ на два вопроса из предложенных ниже (вопросы для экзамена).

При недостаточной подготовке к занятиям или их пропуске студент может потерять до 30% от общего суммарного балла по дисциплине.

3.4 Самостоятельная работа

В процессе изучения всех модулей, предусмотренных учебной программой дисциплины «Лексикология (английский язык)», студентам необходимо самостоятельно ознакомиться с материалом, изложенным в рекомендуемых учебниках по курсу. Теоретические положения и практические рекомендации, предложенные при прочтении лекционного материала, уточняются и закрепляются в обсуждении на семинарских занятиях по данному курсу, а также в ходе проведения самостоятельного изучения дополнительной информации по дисциплине.

Самостоятельная работа по дисциплине «Лексикология (английский язык)» осуществляется студентом в следующем виде:
  • самостоятельное изучение теоретического материала;
  • подготовка к семинарским занятиям с конспектированием тематических материалов;
  • выполнение практических упражнений по изучаемым темам из используемых учебных пособий;
  • подготовка и написание реферата (тема реферата выбирается студентом из предложенных ниже); подготовка и презентация доклада по теме реферата.

Примерные темы рефератов
  1. Peculiarities of semantic structure of English words.
  2. The lexical meaning and the notion - basic divergences.
  1. Sources and criterion of synonymity.
  2. Structural and semantic peculiarities of English antonyms.
  3. Problems of homonymy. Diachronic approach to homonymy.
  4. Peculiarities of regional varieties of the English language. Standard English,
    variants and dialects.
  5. Lexical peculiarities of American, Canadian, Australian and Indian variants of the
    English language.
  6. Methods and procedures of lexicological research.
  7. Historical development of conversion. Conversion in present-day English.
  8. Specific features of English compounds.
  9. Peculiarities of use of stylistically marked and stylistically neutral words.
  10. The historical development of English compounds. Miscellanea of composition.
  11. Basic problems of dictionary-compiling.
  12. Basic features of minor types of lexical oppositions.
  13. Analysis of borrowings from the Scandinavian and French languages.
  14. General problems of the theory of the word. Motivation.
  15. Peculiarities of use of special terminology.
  16. Basic lexical divergences of British and American English.
  17. The problem of discriminating between polysemy and homonymy. Basic criteria.
  18. Basic features of semantic relationships in conversion.
  19. Etymological survey of the Old English vocabulary.
  20. Peculiarities of slang.
  21. Specific features of productive and non-productive affixes. The etymology of
  22. The valency of affixes and stems. The analysis of derivational and functional
  23. Peculiarities of morphological structure of English words. Morphemes, free and
  24. Various approaches to the study of set expressions and the problem of their
  25. Structural peculiarities of set-expressions.
  26. Specific features of proverbs and sayings.
  27. Special features of main types of English dictionaries.