Информация по предмету Педагогика

  • 21. FTP-протокол. Общие сведения и особенности
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    Проблема этих вспомогательных соединений в том, что существующая спецификация FTP протокола не предусматривает какого-либо метода проверки того, что клиент или сервер, который установил соединение это именно тот, кто запросил это соединение в управляющем сеансе. Это, в сочетании с фактом того, что многие операционные системы назначают TCP порты последовательно в возрастающем порядке, означает, что в результате в FTP протоколе создаются условия позволяющие атакующей стороне перехватить данные, которые передает кто-либо другой, либо подменить данные. Эти атаки слегка отличаются в активном и пассивном режиме. Когда передача данных осуществляется в активном режиме, атакующая сторона угадывает номер TCP порта, на котором конечный клиент ожидает соединения. Затем атакующий непрерывно посылает FTP серверу, к которому подключен клиент, команды PORT ip,of,client,machine,port,port RETR filename или STOR filename. Используя RETR, если надо подменить данные, передаваемые клиенту или STOR, если надо перехватить данные от клиента к серверу. Или, атакующий может использовать атаки, основанные на знании TCP sequence number и подменить сеанс связи от сервера к клиенту. Правда, используя этот тип атак невозможно перехватить данные, можно только подменить их своими.

  • 22. House and home in the world outlook of different cultures
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    I am going to look at the Slavonic, Chinese and Madagascarian traditions concerning home. Slavonic because Belarus is a Slavonic country; Chinese because their traditions are very popular in our country as well as in the whole world; Madagascarian to compare these two with something extremely exotic. I must mention that Slavonic traditions are close to those in other European countries as Europe has been Christian since the earliest times; Chinese traditions are also widespread in other Asian countries; and Madagascarian ones are stuck to in many African countries and on the isles of the Indian Ocean. Thus, comparing the three types of traditional culture I shall compare the outlook of three large regions of the world. It is rather difficult to find the roots of this difference; they probably lie in the mentality of nations worked up for thousands of years. Slavonic traditions are based on the Christian way of life, though one still can see there a strong influence of popular beliefs. The basis for the Chinese way of life is the understanding of the Universe as a mixture of different kinds of energy. As for Malagasies, they live in accordance with the belief that spirits rule the world. So any aspect of building a house has its own rules different from those in other cultures and sometimes even opposite to them.

  • 23. Industrial development of the African countries
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    Environmental groups such as Greenpeace claim that the deforestation caused by making way for oil palm plantations is far more damaging for the climate than the benefits gained by switching to biofuel. The world's centres for oil palm production are Indonesia and Malaysia where rapid deforestation and the drying out of asssociated peatlands are, Greenpeace claim, releasing huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and thereby speeding climate change.Greenpeace identified Indonesian peatlands, unique tropical forests whose dense soil can be burned to release carbon emissions, that are being destroyed to make way for palm oil plantations. They represent massive carbon sinks, and they claim their destruction already accounts for four percent of annual global emissions. Greenpeace recorded peatland destruction in the Indonesian province of Riau on the island of Sumatra, home to 25 percent of Indonesia's palm oil plantations. There are plans to expand the area under concession by more than 11,000 square miles, which would deforest half of the province. They claim this would have devastating consequences for Riau's peatlands, which have already been degraded by industrial development and store a massive 14.6 billion tons of carbon, roughly one year's greenhouse gas emissions.

  • 24. Internet Explorer - создание Web-страниц
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    Первым делом создается папка, в которой будет находиться до размещения в Интернет, будущий сайт. В этой папке должны находиться еще и “подпапки” предназначенные для картинок, музыкальных файлов прочего. Полезно также выделить отдельную папку для каждого раздела сайта. В корневом каталоге должна находиться главная страничка сайта. Существует еще одно правило: размер странички должен укладываться в размер одного экрана. Т.е. если сайт рассчитан на пользователей 15 дюймового экрана то разрешение должно быть 600х800, а для 17 дюймового 1024х786. Сначала создается структура документа. При создании структуры указываются имена страниц (не файлов). Затем страница заполняется нужными картинками и текстом. В конце, когда страница создана, ее нужно сохранить в нужной папке. Имя файла для главной страницы должно быть index.html . Далее созданные страницы объединяют с помощью ссылок. При связке в общий документ ссылки можно спрятать под любой видимый объект (картинки, меню, кнопки и т.д.) .

  • 25. Manual for doing an educational research
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    Rank scores show the position one student or a person takes in comparison to others who have the same experience. Ranking list can be used at schools where all the school-leavers will be ranked according to their grades from the highest to the lowest. The perception of ranking list can vary according to the scale. For example if there are 50 applicants for a position and they are ranked on the scale from 0 till 5, there will be no difference between applicants sharing the same rank, but if the same applicants are ranked from 0 till 50, then much more information will be takes into consideration and the difference within 5 or 10 points can be crucial.of central tendency in descriptive statistics are used to calculate the average among all the scores. Within these measures it is possible to identify further calculations. Mean is measured by dividing the sum of all possible scores into the score group of students got. Median is what can be found in the middle of score distribution, while mode is the most common amount of scores students get. If the group of students presents on the average level without a big difference of knowledge level, then the median and the mode can be equal. But if there are mane extreme points, then these data will be different. Standard deviation is the most used calculation in statistic data. There is a special formula to calculate it, but it is based on the mean score.after the data collection process a researcher can find out that some data are missing. Missing data means that a researcher planned to get special amount of data from different sources (participants, documents or other information) but either because of carelessness or some unpredictable situations the plan did not work. If the expected participants are students, it can happen that some of them do not come to school because of sickness, there is always a human unpredictadness. In this case if many participants are missing, probably it will be better to postpone the data collection process for few days. It is always better if everything works according to the plan, but if some data are missing, then the idea of the whole research and later results can be useless. But even if some data are missing, the researcher must be honest and write it in the study, but never try to cheat by giving wrong information.analysis process can be always conducted on two levels: multilevel or one level grouping. For example a researcher collected data about students perception of teachers work with seven-graders. On the one level grouping a researcher will concentrate only on these particular students and on one or several chosen teachers. But if the data are analyzed on a multilevel then the researcher has to look at the situation in a wider way and look at teachers work on the whole school level.statistical data is also a long and quite complicated process. Usually in quantitative research studies there is a huge amount of information which needs to be analyzed. More and more often it is done with the help of the computers. Nowadays there are several computer programmes made for data analysis, such as SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) or SAS (Statistical Analysis System) and others. The usage of these programmes is not very easy and it is better to have some experience in working with them. If a researcher is inexperienced, it can take a long time of him to get used to it; that is why some students prefer to search for help by hiring computer consultant. Data analysis process is one of the final stages and it is recommended to check the data for accuracy before submitting it. The data must be checked very carefully, from the very beginning of typing data, and then different formulas for calculation and results.the data analysis is finished a researcher should take care of the study and keep it a safe place. It is recommended to have several copies of it and also still save the raw material just in case if later he or she decides to wants to have a look at it or show it for the committee. But it is not common to re-analyze the data, it is better not to make any correction after the process is completed.

  • 26. Most striking traits of peoples character
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    Education is very important in our life. An educated person is one who knows a lot about many things. He always tries to learn, find out, discover more about the world around him. He get knowledge at school, from books, magazines, from TV educational programs. The pupils can get deeper knowledge in different optional courses in different subjects and school offers these opportunities. They can deepen and improve their knowledge by attending different optional courses in different subjects. The result of the educative process is the capacity for Further education. Nowadays the students of secondary schools have opportunities to continue their education by entering, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges. But the road to learning is not easy. There is noroyal road to learning. To be successful in studies one must work heard. It's for you to decide to learn and make progress or not to learn lose your time. The role of foreign languages is also increasing today. Thanks to the knowledge of foreign languages one can read books, magazines in the original, talk to foreigners, translate various technical articles. Moreover, joint ventures which have recently appeared in our country need specialists with profound knowledge of foreign languages like English, German or French. To know foreign languages is absolute necessary for every educated person, for good specialists. Our country is transferring to a market economy. Research and innovations should improve living, working conditions of our people. That is why it is so important to be persistent in students. English is a world language. It is the language of progressive science and technology, trade and cultural relations, commerce and business. It's the language of international aviation, shipping and sports. It's also the major language of diplomacy. Geographically it is the most widespread language on earth, second only to Chinese in the number of people who speak it hearing a foreign language is- not an easy thing. It's a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and practice. A foreign language is not just a subject learnt in the classrooms. It's something which is used in real life situations. There are many reasons why we begin to study foreign languages. First of all it's an effective medium of international communication. I'm convinced if we are working in any brunch of science we must read books and magazines in other languages. Learning foreign languages opens up opportunities and careers that didn't even exits some years ago. Knowing foreign languages can help us to find a job in such fields as science and technology, foreign trade and banking, international transportation communication, teaching librarian science and others. A more general aim is to make our intellectual and cultures. Learning a foreign language including learning also culture, traditions and mode of thought of different people. Of course speaking and writing in a foreign language is a difficult art and it has to be learned. Needless to say that English has become very popular today. About 350 million people speak English as its first language. About the same numbers use it as a second language. It's an official language in 44 countries. It's the dominant language of medicine, electronics and space technology, of international business and advertising, of radio. It has replaced French in the world of diplomacy and German in the field of science. As for me, I'm completely convinced that to know a foreign language is absolutely necessary for all educated person and modern specialists. Everything depends on our own efforts.

  • 27. Norton Commander. Меню и конфигурация
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    (F4) - редактирование файла. С помощью этой команды можно осуществить простейшее редактирование файла. Команды редактирования указаны в подсказке в разделе DELETE. Подсказка редактора вызывается нажатием (F1). При использовании этой функции следует соблюдать осторожность в случае смешанных (текстовых и бинарных) файлов, так как неосмотрительное изменение файла может сделать его совершенно непригодным для дальнейшего использования. После внесения исправлений в файл в верхней строке рядом с именем файла появляется символ «*», указывающий на то, что файл был видоизменен и не записан. При попытке выйти из этого режима с помощью (F10) или (Esc) NORTON COMMANDER предупредит о том, что файл был модифицирован и не записан на диск. Запись файла на диск с прежним именем производится командой (F2). При этом резервная копия с расширением .bak не создается, что необходимо всегда помнить. В режиме редактирования возможна также функция поиска заданной последовательности символов ((F7)). Если файл содержит коды, не соответствующие буквенно - цифровым символам и некоторым управляющим кодам, то считывание прекращается. Максимальный размер файла -порядка 25 Кб.

  • 28. Oxford's teachhing methods of english language
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    1. The learners are watching a recorded university lecture on acid rain. They are taking notes and will write a summary of the content, using dictionaries (bilingual and monolingual as appropriate). Earlier the teacher had elicited from them some of the key words used in the lecture, their meaning and usage, and listed them on the board.
    2. Small groups of learners are trying to match some cut-out newspaper headlines with the relevant articles. The teacher is going round monitoring each group. Earlier they listened to, discussed and noted some news items on the radio which introduced some of the vocabulary they are encountering.
    3. Individual learners are scattered about outside the classroom asking people pre-prepared questions about their opinions on a new sports centre that is proposed in the area. They are talking in the interworkees' mother tongue, and will then report their findings to the rest of the class in English with the rest of the students taking notes on the matter they present.
    4. Half the class are reading about the early life of a writer they have chosen to study. The other half are reading about the same writer's later life. They make notes of what they had learnt about unknown part of writers life.In pairs they'll tell each other what they have found out and then they'll each write an obituary.
    5. In small groups, the learners are looking at examples of different types of text. Their aim is to identify what they are and note any differences in style, formality, length, print-size, comprehensibility, grammar patterns, etc. The examples include: a recipe, a newspaper article, computer instructions, diary entries, an extract from a novel, a letter to some English friends.
  • 29. Pipeline transport of Russia. Transneft
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    By 1990, the economic and political changes in the life of the country had led to a stop in construction of the new trunk pipelines. In late 1991, the USSR disappeared from the map of the world. Fifteen new states had distributed between themselves common property, including oil pipelines. The universal oil pipeline system was left only in Russia. In some of the countries only part of the trunk pipelines were left. Other countries were engaged in the Russian oil transit, which was accompanied by complete reorganization of the oil industry, Russia included. Glavtransneft was being reorganized into the Transneft joint-stock company. By that time, Transneft was operating 49.6 thousand km of oil trunk pipelines with diameters 400...1220 mm, 404 pump stations, 934 tankers with the total capacity 13.2 million m3. The operation of the oil pipeline system was implemented by 11 joint-stock companies of the oil trunk pipelines. From 1992, the company rendered services related to the oil transportation in accordance with the tariffs established by the federal executive power structures. The introduction of tariffs had ensured steady operations in the changing economic conditions, whereas all oil producers enjoyed equal rights in their oil transportation along the trunk pipelines. However, the load of АК Transneft trunk pipelines accounted at the time for mere 45% of the planned load.

  • 30. Places of interest in Kyiv
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    Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine and one of the biggest cities in Europe. It has been standing on steep hills overlooking the Dnipro River for more than 1,500 years. According to the ancient legend, Kyiv was founded by the three brothers Kyi, Schek and Khoryv and their sister Lybid, and it was named after the eldest brother Kyi. Since then, Kyiv has developed into a valuable center of East Europe attracting foreign businesses and investors to its economic and natural potential. As an important administrative center, Kyiv is a place for Ukrainian Presidential Administration, Verkhovna Rada, Parliament, and nearly all ministries and governmental departments. Its financial part consists of the National Bank of Ukraine around the world, as well as investment companies and funds, representative offices of foreign financial institutions, exchange markets, and more than 220 commercial banks. In Kyiv, more than 2,000 objects belong to historical, cultural, and architectural monuments.

  • 31. Renaissance
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    The Renaissance (French for "rebirth"; Italian: Rinascimento), was a cultural movement that spanned roughly the 14th through the 17th century, beginning in Italy in the late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe. It encompassed the revival of learning based on classical sources, the rise of courtly and papal patronage, the development of perspective in painting, and advancements in science. The Renaissance had wide-ranging consequences in all intellectual pursuits, but is perhaps best known for its artistic aspect and the contributions of such polymaths as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, who have inspired the term "Renaissance men". There is a consensus, though not a unanimous one, that the Renaissance began in Florence in the fourteenth century. Various theories have been proposed to explain its origin and characteristics, focusing on an assortment of factors, including the social and civic peculiarities of Florence at this time including its political structure and the patronage of its dominant family, the Medici. The Renaissance has a long and complex historiography, and there has always been debate among historians as to the usefulness of the Renaissance as a term and as a historical age. Some have called into question whether the Renaissance really was a cultural "advance" from the Middle Ages, instead seeing it as a period of pessimism and nostalgia for the classical age. While nineteenth-century historians were keen to emphasise that the Renaissance represented a clear "break" from Medieval thought and practice, some modern historians have instead focused on the continuity between the two eras. Indeed, it is now usually considered incorrect to classify any historical period as "better" or "worse", leading some to call for an end to the use of the term, which they see as a product of presentism. The word Renaissance has also been used to describe other historical and cultural movements, such as the Carolingian Renaissance and the Byzantine Renaissance. Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man shows clearly the effect writers of antiquity had on Renaissance thinkers. Based on the specifications in Vitruvius's De architectura, da Vinci tried to draw the perfectly proportioned man. The Renaissance was a cultural movement that profoundly affected European intellectual life in the early modern period. Beginning in Italy, and spreading to the rest of Europe by the 16th century, its influence was felt in literature, philosophy, art, politics, science, religion, and other aspects of intellectual enquiry. Renaissance scholars employed the humanist method in study, and searched for realism and human emotion in art. Renaissance thinkers sought out learning from ancient texts, typically written in Latin or ancient Greek. Scholars scoured Europe's monastic libraries, searching for works of antiquity which had fallen into obscurity. In such texts they found a desire to improve and perfect their worldly knowledge; an entirely different sentiment to the transcendental spirituality stressed by medieval Christianity. They did not reject Christianity; quite the contrary, many of the Renaissance's greatest works were devoted to it, and the Church patronized many works of Renaissance art. However, a subtle shift took place in the way that intellectuals approached religion that was reflected in many other areas of cultural life. Artists strove to portray the human form realistically, developing techniques to render perspective and light more naturally. Political philosophers, most famously Niccol? Machiavelli, sought to describe political life as it really was, and to improve government on the basis of reason. In addition to studying classical Latin and Greek, authors also began increasingly to use vernacular languages; combined with the invention of printing, this would allow many more people access to books, especially the Bible. In all, the Renaissance could be worked as an attempt by intellectuals to study and improve the secular and worldly, both through the revival of ideas from antiquity, and through novel approaches to thought.

  • 32. Schooling in Great Britain
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    The University of London, for instance, includes internal and external students, the latter coming to London only to sit for their examinations. Actually most external students at London University are living in London. The colleges in the University of London are essentially teaching institutions, providing instruction chiefly by means of lectures, which are attended mainly by day students. The colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, however, are essentially residential institutions and they mainly use a tutorial method which brings the tutor into close and personal contact with the student. These colleges, being residential, are necessarily far smaller than most of the colleges of the University of London.

  • 33. The comparative analysis of an education system in Finland and Kazakhstan
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    After the great success of Finland in PISA this country became world-known. Many delegates visited and still visiting Finland to get the answer about this success, to see a silver bullet. But after observing the schools, talks and discussions with teachers and professors, these delegates go back with the conclusion that Finland is a small country and easily can introduce innovation, but it is almost inapplicable for other countries.education in Finland is really different from many others. In presenting Finnish system of education, many lecturers pay attention to its flexibility and the absence of end lines. This system is not unique for me, because you can see the same in Kazakhstan and Russia, but still in many countries nowadays, such as Iran, Mexico and others this question remains very problematic. And it is really a very stressful and decisive situation and decision for students and their parents, because at certain point they need to decide what they want to do in 10-20 years.national curriculum is also very well planned. For me it was a discovery that the government made even National curriculum on early childhood education and care (2003). What I can see in kindergartens in Kazakhstan is that they are very diverse. Some kindergartens can emphasize on math and calculation, some on languages, some can get support from different entrepreneurs and others just take care of children, but do not offer any special programmes. And still all these kindergartens will have some things in common: children have regime, children will always paint and make some arts and craft, have both outdoor and indoor activities, participate in concerts and discover the world around them through interaction and play. All these aspects come from Vygotskys theory which both countries try to implement. But the problem in Kazakhstan is that kindergartens policy is not very good regulated, there are many blind spots which can be interpreted in different ways.school education is not obligatory in my country and not many children have it. Some kindergartens will include it in their curriculum, but it is not compulsory. It is also possible to have this course at school, so that children will start to get used to a new life, but it will not be free of charge. While the situation in Finland is almost opposite. 99% of children attend pre-school education. And I believe that it is very important to have some basic knowledge through suitable methods and approaches before the school starts, because it will give impulse for childs development and education.if one day I am involved in pre-school or kindergartens environment, I will do my best to awake childrens interest to the surrounding world, make them participate in nowadays life, give them voice, ask their opinion and encourage them to find answers to the questions.education is also different in these two countries. The first difference comes from the amount of years in elementary school: in Kazakhstan it is only 4 years, but in Finland it is six. The idea of primary education is the same: there is one class teacher, who teaches all the subjects, but in my country this teacher is free from music, PE, Kazakh or any foreign language. It is difficult to say for sure which system is better, but in my society the beginning of secondary education, or the 5th grade is described for children as they start a new life, where they will have several subject teachers and as a result more duties and responsibilities to do. And you can really see the difference in childrens behavior in the 4th grade and then in the 5th one. They try to act as adults.secondary education in Kazakhstan and Finland is quite similar. Here children study more subjects with different teachers. A difference can be seen in the school structures. As a rule there will be one school building for all the age groups. In most cases classrooms for primary education will be located on the first floor, and subject teachers classroom will be on the second, third and forth. It is made with the purpose to avoid childrens moving from school to school.high secondary school almost does not differ from the secondary one in Kazakhstan. Those children, who made a choice to continue education at school, will just follow the national curriculum. But the Finnish system here is very different. And this difference goes from the national curriculum (2003). In both countries the curriculums are not detailed, but serve mostly as a guide-book and teachers are free to use different methods and plan their academic year with a goal of students achievements to the curriculum requirements. But in Kazakhstan students do not have an option to study what they want or like, because everybody follows the same programme. While the approach in Finnish society is opposite. Students here will have a personal study plan which they can discuss with teachers and school counselor. The National Core Curriculum for Basic Education (2004) is planned in such a way that students will get basic knowledge of each subject, at least two courses of any subjects are required to be taken. And while having these courses children can make a decision which of them is the most interesting for them and which is not. And then based on this decision students can make a study plan for themselves they would like to follow. And I personally find this way very unusual but interesting. If you compare this situation to Kazakhstan, you will see that very often although students would love to emphasize on specific subjects more, they do not have time and sometimes necessary support from teachers for this. And then after leaving the school many students do not know what they want to study, because they know little about everything. That is why I see Finnish system as more beneficial, where students begin to prepare themselves for their future profession already at school.about system of education and methods of teaching in general, they are very different. Finnish system is more flexible, a student and his needs are in the center if organization, where failure is not the end and teachers must be always ready to change something to achieve better students outcome. But in Kazakhstan school can be described as a framework and if there is a student who does not fit it, it is students fault, not schools. And the main argument for this is that most of the students are doing well and there must never be exceptions.financial capital of school is also different; there is huge gap between these two countries. All Finnish schools can afford free food for home economics classes, good teaching equipment: such as interactive or smart boards, nice furniture and even new buildings. But in Kazakhstan schools experience lack of books in library and other new teaching materials, articles and other stuff; materials for biological, physical and chemical experiences; good computers and other IT stuff. These are differences which can be changed only from the governmental level, but I believe that something can be improved just by teachers.one different factor is free, inclusive and equal education. Good education in Finland is not considered to be a privilege of high class society. Everybody has equal access to it. Education in Finland is mostly public and there is no difference between schools. The schools are free from ranking and do not have policy to advertise themselves as the best ones to have students. There is no competition between schools and even cities. Each school performs on the same level, and that is why many parents trust the school which is close to their house, as there is no need for them to search for a better one. Finnish schools also make the education as inclusive as it is possible. The social policy of the country is to make society united; do not hide people with special needs behind the walls. And that is why Finnish schools have good equipment for handicaps, so that these students attend usual schools and follow the usual curriculum. The gender aspect is not visible on the school level as well. Both, girls and boys have equal access to the education, materials and are free with their wishes and preferences. There is not a single subject organized only for girls or boys, everything is up to them, what is a little bit different from my country. The case of free education is not a surprise for Europe. But almost the absence of private sector is not so common. And this has a great impact on peoples equality; it narrows down the families economic background and people do not try to emphasize it later, after graduation as well. During the difficult XXth century, when Finland experienced several crises, it was a good governmental decision to make people united. The situation in Kazakhstan differs. There is a ranking list of schools and the schools effectiveness will also differ. Some gymnasiums, lycées or private school are considered to be for the best children or not poor families.2003 many educational researches mentioned that some of the key factors for Finland in PISA are good educated parents, and a popular reading habit. The more educated parents the better they understand the necessity of education, and they themselves are good examples for their children. Finnish people and students as well do read a lot. According the PISAs questionnaire more and more students prefer to read online; it can be a newspaper, a magazine, random articles or even forums, but real newspaper reading is still on the first place and while usual books are loosing their popularity. (The Finnish success in PISA - and some reasons behind it, 2007, p 28)school in Finland will have at least one teacher of special education. And each student can attend his classes at least once or twice a week. Special education here does not mean education for the weakest students, who are behind everyone. Any student, even one of the best performing still can attend these classes, and reasons for this may be different. Some students could be ill and did not go to school for several days and now it is difficult for them to understand the topic; some students might be very sensitive and can not work in a noisy atmosphere or maybe some students just can not understand the theory or rule, and they will prefer to see a special teacher. (The Finnish success in PISA - and some reasons behind it, 2007, p 48) I really like the idea of special teacher and school counselor, because they can provide students with all the necessary support and guidance.ability to observe and study education in Finland awoke me to re-thing my vision of teaching. And if one day I am teacher, I will try to make my classes student-oriented, where everybody will be involved. I will make more discussions, give students a voice, let them speak and express their thoughts. I will give them exercises where they will need to make a quick research or work in groups. And I think that in this case I will need to be always ready to answer new question and give students extra support.

  • 34. The Killing of Percy Casserley
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    First, lets estimate the prosecutors (McClure) arguments. Almost undoubtful fact is that Ted Chaplin was in the house of Casserley and saw his death, and he is a very good object for prosecutors attack, especially in the light of his own description of the story. There is a slight chance of mistake in this statement but it is almost neglectible. We can suppose that Percy Casserley was murdered, if he was murdered at all, not by Ted Chaplin but Georgina Casserley, his own wife. Ted Chaplin claimed then that he was the witness of Casserleys death to pull any possible accusations away from Georgina Casserley. If so, he succeeded and Georgina was not really blamed; eleven days of her imprisonment (provided mainly by the social critics of the moral aspect of the love story of her and Ted Chaplin) can not be compared with twelve years for Ted Chaplin.

  • 35. The Participation of American and British Youth in Political Life of Their Countries.
    Другое Педагогика

    If we observe from the societal point of work, the reason for lack of interest in politics among the youngsters can be their parents and elders. They feel that politics is not their cup of tea and that they would rather want their sons and daughters to have a secure life. In other words, they want their children to choose a career that has more security and more potential, i.e. a good job with good money. Due to this, many ebullient youngsters who have the real potential to change the political scenario of the country sit in their air-conditioned offices, doing a more "secure" job and deriding and despising the politics of the country. Of course they disparage the politicians too.

  • 36. Web-тестирование в дистанционном обучении
    Другое Педагогика

    Если тест предназначен исключительно для самооценки, то генерация обратной связи должна быть главной обязанностью WBE-системы на послетестовой стадии. Обучаемый единственный, кому необходимо видеть результаты тестирования. Во контексте оценки, главной обязанностью WBE-системы в процессе тестирования является проставление балов по итогам выполнения обучаемым теста и запись этих данных для будущего использования. Окончательный бал и другие результаты теста важны для преподавателей, администраторов курса и непосредственно обучаемых (многие авторы отмечают, что возможность видеть свои результаты в режиме он-лайн, отмечается большинством обучаемых как положительная особенность WBE-систем). Ранние WBE системы обеспечивали довольно ограниченную поддержку преподавателя на стадии оценки теста. Результаты или посылались преподавателю по электронной почте или регистрировались в специальном файле. В обоих случаях преподавателю приходилось ставить окончательный бал и делать записи лично: обработать результаты теста и поставить окончательный бал, сделать запись о результатах и обеспечить, доступ к ним всем заинтересованным лицам согласно политике университета. Такой вариант просто реализовать, и он не требует от преподавателя изучения новых технологий. Вследствие последней причины возможность использования этой технологии все еще предусматривается в нескольких продвинутых системах [Carbone и Schendzielorz 1997]. Однако, если система которая не обеспечивает никаких других возможностей для ведения записей и проставления оценок, она явно находится ниже современного уровня. На сегодняшний день современная WBE-система должна быть способна оценить результаты теста автоматически и занести их в базу данных. Кроме того, она должна поддерживать несколько уровней ограничения доступа к записям для студентов, преподавателей и администраторов. Ограничения обычно определяются политикой университета. Например, обучаемому могут не разрешить просматривать результаты других обучаемых, или преподавателю могут позволить изменять окончательные балы, проставленные автоматически. Многие системы университетского уровня [Bogley et al. 1996; Brown 1997; Carbone & Schendzielorz 1997; Gorp & Boysen 1996; Hubler & Assad 1995; MacDougall 1997; Ni, Zhang & Cooley 1997; Rehak 1997] и почти все коммерческие системы [Lotus 1999; WBT Systems 1999; WebCT 1999] обеспечивают эти требования в той или иной степени. Менее продвинутые системы обычно хранят результаты в структурированных файлах и обеспечивают ограниченные возможности доступа. Продвинутые системы используют для хранения информации о результатах тестирования технологию баз данных и обеспечивают широкий набор возможностей просмотра оценок обучаемых и другой информации о тестировании, такой как время, затраченное на прохождение теста, количество попыток и т.д. Технология баз данных облегчает генерацию разнообразной статистической информации, на основе результатов большого количества обучаемых во многих тестах курса. В сетевой классной комнате, где общение «обучаемого-со-обучаемым» и «обучаемого-с-преподавателем» ограничено, сравнительная статистика очень важна для преподавателей и обучаемых, она помогает получить «чувство» классной комнаты. Например, сравнивая средний бал класса с личными результатами, обучаемый может определить уровень класса. Сравнивая результаты класса в различных тестах, преподаватель может обнаружить слишком простые, слишком трудные и даже неправильно составленные вопросы.

  • 37. Windows Vista
    Другое Педагогика

    Актуальность темы нашего доклада обусловлена тем, что спустя пять лет после релиза Windows XP, вышла новая ОС Windows Vista. На конференции в Редмонде было заявлено, что «Windows Vista это наиболее безопасная платформа Microsoft на сегодняшний день», и вы врятли найдёте случай, когда Microsoft заявляла обратное. Но это заявление вовсе не означает, что Vista самая безопасная ОС на рынке. Но Microsoft понимает, что безопасность один из главных факторов, который обеспечит переход на Windows Vista. К сожалению, для большинства домашних пользователей, в Windows Vista Home Basic и Home Premium они не получат мощную систему безопасности. Но это вовсе не значит, что они её не хотят; они хотят. Просто улучшенная безопасность, которая является одной из главных рекламируемых особенностей нового Windows, не проявляется в Windows Vista Home Basic и Home Premium версиях.

  • 38. WordPad
    Другое Педагогика

    WordPad может работать с файлами следующих четырех типов:

    • Текст (text). Этот тип файла содержит только печатаемые буквенно-числовые символы, включая знаки и символы пунктуации. Такие файлы называются также ASCII-файлами. Они не содержат никакого абзацного или символьного форматирования. WordPad может читать и сохранять файлы в этом формате.
    • Файл Word (Word). Этот тип файлов используется для хранения документов в формате редактора Word. WordPad может открывать документы, созданные с использованием любой из версий Word для Windows, a сохранять - только в формате Word 6. Однако при импортировании в WordPad файлов, созданных редактором Word для Windows, возможна потеря части форматирования, например расположения текста в несколько колонок. Теряются также шаблоны документов.
    • Файл Write (Write). Write - текстовый редактор - входил в состав Windows 3.х. Можно открыть в WordPad документы, которые были созданы этим редактором, но сохранить файлы в формате Write нельзя.
    • Файл RTF (Rich text Format). Формат RTF является стандартным форматом для сохранения текстовых документов с символьным и абзацным форматированием. Формат RTF можно использовать для передачи файлов между различными текстовыми редакторами. Вы можете, например, создать документ, используя программу Word Perfect, и сохранить его как файл типа RTF, затем открыть его и работать с ним, используя WordPad. WordPad может читать и сохранять документы в формате RTF.
  • 39. А. С. Макаренко
    Другое Педагогика

    В 1914 году в Полтаве открылся учительский институт. К этому времени Антон Семенович был уже учителем, имевшим стаж педагогической работы. Однако Макаренко, человек чрезвычайно требовательной к себе, остро чувствовал все пробелы в своем действительно очень скудном педагогическом образовании. И хотя работа в училище удавалась Антону Семеновичу, было это результатом способностей, таланта молодого учителя, а не итогом специального педагогического образования. Поэтому поступление во вновь открывшийся институт стало для него ближайшей целью. А поступить в институт в то время было почти немыслимо. Дореволюционная Россия, которая вообще не могла похвастаться постановкой высшего образования, насчитывала учительские институты единицами, а учиться хотели многие. Каждому поступающему нужно было выдержать огромный конкурс. Принимали только лучших.

  • 40. А.К. Гастев и альтернативная педагогика 20-х гг. XX века
    Другое Педагогика

    С другой стороны, как реакция на ошибочную политику Наркомпроса в деле подготовки квалифицированных рабочих в 1919-1921 гг. возникла концепция монотехнического образования. Она противостояла педагогическому романтизму официальной политики забегания вперед, фетишизации некоторых пунктов Программы ВКП(б) по народному образованию, вступивших в противоречие с социально-экономическими реалиями, чрезмерной политизации и идеологизации образования. На платформе монотехнизма не случайно оказались “реалисты” деятели профсоюзов, промышленности, организаторы профессионального образования России и Украины (О.Ю. Шмидт, Б.Г. Козелев, Ф.В. Денгник, Я.П. Ряппо, Г.Ф. Гринько и др.). В противовес идее тотальной общеобразовательной школы до 17 лет они выдвигали примат профессионального образования над общим, профессионализацию старшей ступени средней школы, требовали восстановления профессиональной школы. Анализируя противоречия между “политехнистами” (Н.К. Крупской, А.В. Луначарским и др.) и “монотехнистами” русский педагог-эмигрант С.И. Гессен неоднократно писал, что в дилемме “политехническое или монотехническое образование” выражены противоречия между коммунистической партией и государством партии нужна “смена”, а государству “спецы”. Хотя официально “монотехнизм” был расценен как отход от партийной платформы, многие идеи монотехнистов в силу своего социально-экономического реализма нашли воплощение в развитии системы народного образования России и Украины. Но от участия в организации народного образования представители монотехнизма в 1921 г. были отстранены.