Дорогие коллеги, мы рады приветствовать вас на Шестом международном конгрессе по репродуктивной медицине!
Вид материала | Документы |
- Научная программа москва, 5-7 октября 2010 г. Глубокоуважаемые коллеги! Мы рады приветствовать, 714.36kb.
- Сценарий для 7-8 классов «Старая сказка на новый лад», 52.44kb.
- Научная программа москва, 11-13 октября 2011 г. Глубокоуважаемые коллеги! Мы рады приветствовать, 810.97kb.
- Уважаемые коллеги!, 34.1kb.
- Алёхин Анатолий Николаевич: Уважаемые коллеги! Мы рады приветствовать вас на кафедре, 573.62kb.
- Сейчас День России праздник свободы, гражданского мира и доброго согласия всех людей, 60.35kb.
- Му цбс ленинского района, 435.16kb.
- Классный час «Папа, мама, я здоровая семья», 38.49kb.
- Задачи: Привить интерес к изучению правил дорожного движения. Формировать основы бережного, 115.91kb.
- План урока: Организационный момент. Вступительное слово учителя биологии. Викторина, 55.19kb.
Day 4.
^ January 20, 2012. Friday
Grand Hall
Plenary Session 11 | Debatable issues of contemporary obstetrics and perinatology |
Chairmen | A.Strizhakov, A. Makatsariya, B.Arabin, E.Baibarina, F.Chervenak, S.Daya, J.Deprest, N.Kan, Z.Khodzhaeva, Yu.Kucherov, O.Polyanchikova, V.Senikas, N.Tetruashvili |
9.00 | Delivery of twins and diagnosis. Prevention and management of preterm birth B.Arabin, Marburg, Germany |
9.30 | Problems of modernization of maternal and children healthcare in view of new criteria of registration of children with ELBW E.N.Baibarina, Moscow, Russia |
9.50 | Anomalies that should not be missed by ultrasound F.Chervenak, New-York, USA |
10.15 | Updates in fetal surgery J.Deprest, Leuven, Belgium |
10.40 | Is estrogen supplementation necessary to support early pregnancy? S.Daya, West Hamilton, Canada |
11.00 | Bleeding disorders in pregnancy V.Senikas, Ottawa, Canada |
11.25 | Development of fetal senses B.Arabin, Marburg, Germany |
11.45 | Trombophilias and pregnancy A.Makatsariya, Moscow, Russia |
12.05 | Preterm delivery: statistics, problems, prospective V.Radzinskiy, I.Kostin, Moscow, Russia |
12.25 | Principles of treatment of recurrent pregnancy loss N.Tetruashvili, Moscow, Russia |
12.40 | Discussion |
12.50 | Lunch. Break. Exhibition |
Day 4.
January 20, 2012. Friday
Grand Hall
Plenary Session 13 | Debatable issues of contemporary obstetrics and perinatology (continuation) |
Chairmen | V.Krasnopolskiy, O.Baev, E.Baibarina, N.Bashmakova, N.Gabitova, N.Kan, Z.Khodzhaeva, Yu.Kucherov, L.Logutova, O.Pekarev, A.Torchinov, F.Tetelutina |
13.15 | Probable mechanisms of fetus growth retardation in preeclampsy Z.Khodzhaeva, Moscow, Russia |
13.30 | Undifferentiated dysplasia of connective tissue. Its role in development of obstetric complications N.Kan, Moscow, Russia |
13.45 | Placental presentation – prevention of profuse hemorrhage F.Tetelutina, Izhevsk, Russia |
14.00 | Rupture of uterus. Classification, diagnosis, tactics O.Baev, G.Burduli, O.Polyanchikova, Moscow, Russia |
14.15 | Modern trends of development of perinatal care in the Ural region N.Bashmakova, Ekaterinburg, Russia |
14.30 | Delivery in women with myomectomy uterine scar O.Pekarev, Novosibirsk, Russia |
14.45 | Clinical relevance of rheological blood properties in pregnant women with placental insufficiency after in vitro fertilization F.Buranovа, T.Fedorova, Moscow, Russia |
15.00 | Pathogenetic aspects of diagnosis of placental insufficiency in hyperandrogenism N.Gabitova, L.Agarkova, V.Udut, Tomsk, Russia |
15.15 | Pathomorphological differential diagnostics of ethiology of spontaneous miscarriages R.Kuznetsov, L.Peretyatko, Moscow, Russia |
15.30 | Surgical treatment of incompetent cervical scar after Cesarian V.Krasnopolskiy, L.Logutova, S.Buyanova, A.Popov, N.Schukina, A.Fedrov, N.Puchkova, M.Chechneva, N.Kolesnik, Moscow, Russia |
15.45 | Surgery in pregnancy S.Martynov, A.Danilov, D.Sipchenko, Moscow, Russia |
16.00 | Miscarriage after ART programme K.Serebrennikova, Moscow, Russia |
16.15 | Reproductive problems of women’s epilepsy G.Odintsova, Saint-Petersburg, Russia |
16.30 | Obstetrical complications molecular and genetic risk factors and ART N.Aleksandrova, O.Baev, Moscow, Russia |
16.45 | Discussion |
Day 4.
January 18, 2012. Friday
Small Hall
Plenary Session 12 | Proliferative processes of organs of reproductive system | |
Chairmen | ^ A.De Cherney, Ph.Bouchard, V.Bezhenar, Yu.Dobrokhotova, L.Kiesel, V.Linde, A.Malyshkina, K.Zondervan | |
9.00 | Is еndometriosis a curable disease? A.De Cherney, Bethesda, USA | |
9.30 | Stem cells in endometrium and endometriosis L.Kiesel, Munster,Germany | |
10.00 | Recent advances in understanding the genetics of endometriosis K.Zondervan, Oxford, Great Britain | |
10.30 | Role of immunomodulating therapy in infertility treatment in external genital endometriosis A.Malyshkina, A.Krasilnikova, N.Sotnikova, Yu.Antsiferova, Ivanovo, Russia | |
10.45 | Ways of fertility recovery in patients with endometriosis-associated infertility V.Krutova, A.Efimenko, Krasnodar, Russia | |
11.00 | Long-term results of external genital endometriosis treatment V.Brusnitsyna, O.Patsuk, Ekaterinburg, Russia | |
11.15 | Pathogenetic mechanisms of formation of endometriosis ovarian cysts V.Linde, Rostov-on-Don, Russia | |
11.30 | New data on pathogenesis of infiltrative endometriosis Yu.Maximova, M.Sonova, Moscow, Russia | |
11.45 | Methods of lymphocytes imaging in diagnosis of endometriosis S.Gasparyan, Stavropol, Russia | |
12.00 | SPRM: a new treatment of myomas Ph.Bouchard, Paris, France | |
12.25 | Reproductive outcomes after myomectomy V.Bezhenar, Saint-Petersburg, Russia | |
12.40 | Alternative approaches to management of patients with endometrial hyperplasia Yu.Dobrokhotova, Moscow, Russia | |
12.55 | Discussion | |
13.00-13.30 | Lunch. Break. Exhibition |
Day 4.
January 20, 2012. Friday
Small Hall
Plenary Session 14 | New technologies for solution of problems of reproductive medicine | |
Chairmen | ^ A.Atala, U.Marx, J.Remohi, E.Kira, A.Khashukoeva, I.Kukarskaya, O.Makarov, A.Malyshkina, N.Podzolkova, N.Strelchenko, A.Torchinov | |
13.30 | Modern aspects of preparation of patients for gynecological surgery and postoperative rehabilitation L.Adamyan, Moscow, Russia | |
13.50 | Stem cells and tissue engineering in medicine A.Atala, Winston-Salem, USA | |
14.20 | Vascularized human multi-organ system – next level of human biology in vitro U.Marx, Berlin, Germany | |
14.45 | Amniotic fluid stem cell promising potential for clinical applications N.Strelchenko, New-York, USA | |
15.10 | Recovery of fertility J.Remohi, Valencia, Spain | |
15.35 | New approach to the problem of adhesions in gynecological surgery K.Mailova, Moscow, Russia; Ph.Koninckx, Leuven, Belgium | |
15.50 | Controlled balloon tamponade as a way prevention of massive obstetrical hemorrhage I.Kukarskaya, Tumen, Russia | |
16.05 | Surgical treatment of advanced infiltrative endometriosis with da Vinci Surgical System E.Kira, Moscow, Russia | |
16.20 | New technology in the OR and medicine V.Morozov, College Park, USA | |
16.45 | Innovative visualization methods in gynecology K.Murvatov, Moscow, Russia | |
17.00 | Photodynamic therapy: new possibilities of vulvar dystrophy treatment A.Khashukoeva, Moscow, Russia | |
17.15 | Management of iron-deficient conditions in uterine fibroid patients New medical technology E.Konovodova, Moscow, Russia | |
17.30 | The problem of connective tissue dysplasia in contemporary medicine and ways of its solution T.Smolnova, Moscow, Russia | |
17.45 | Discussion |
Day 4.
January 20, 2012. Friday
Blue Hall
Plenary Session 15 | Pediatric gynecology | |
Chairmen | ^ E.Uvarova, E.Bogdanova, A.Okulov, L.Tkachenko | |
13.30 | Peculiarities of reproductive health and behavior of adolescents in Russia E.Uvarova, Moscow, Russia | |
14.00 | Regulation of menstrual cycle in girls with metrorrhagia I.Salnikova, Moscow, Russia | |
14.20 | Problem of vulvovaginites and synechiae in preschool girls Z.Batyrova, Moscow, Russia | |
14.40 | HPV vaccination in adolescent girls Z.Kumykova, Moscow, Russia | |
15.00 | Plastic surgery in children and adolescents with genital malformations A.Okulov, Z.Makiyan, Z.Gadzhieva, Moscow, Russia | |
15.20 | Pregnancy and labour in adolescence E.Sibirskaya, Moscow, Russia | |
10.35 | Treatment of ovarian tumors in children and adolescents in emergency service T.Glybina, Moscow, Russia | |
15.40 | Adolescent metrorrhagia in urgent gynecology E.Bogdanova, G.Osipova, D.Bakreeva, Moscow, Russia | |
16.00 | Influence of phases of menstrual cycle, pregnancies, abortions, and deliveries on ссылка скрыта of apparently healthy girls in Novosibirsk R.Fedina, Novosibirsk, Russia | |
16.20 | Youth reproductive health: how to preserve L.Tkachenko, Volgograd, Russia | |
16.40 | Discussion | |