Дорогие коллеги, мы рады приветствовать вас на Шестом международном конгрессе по репродуктивной медицине!
Вид материала | Документы |
- Научная программа москва, 5-7 октября 2010 г. Глубокоуважаемые коллеги! Мы рады приветствовать, 714.36kb.
- Сценарий для 7-8 классов «Старая сказка на новый лад», 52.44kb.
- Научная программа москва, 11-13 октября 2011 г. Глубокоуважаемые коллеги! Мы рады приветствовать, 810.97kb.
- Уважаемые коллеги!, 34.1kb.
- Алёхин Анатолий Николаевич: Уважаемые коллеги! Мы рады приветствовать вас на кафедре, 573.62kb.
- Сейчас День России праздник свободы, гражданского мира и доброго согласия всех людей, 60.35kb.
- Му цбс ленинского района, 435.16kb.
- Классный час «Папа, мама, я здоровая семья», 38.49kb.
- Задачи: Привить интерес к изучению правил дорожного движения. Формировать основы бережного, 115.91kb.
- План урока: Организационный момент. Вступительное слово учителя биологии. Викторина, 55.19kb.
^ Day 2. January 18, 2012. Wednesday Small Hall
^ Day 3. January 19, 2012. Thursday Grand Hall | ||
Chairmen | L.Adamyan, A.De Cherney, V.Barnett, S.Gordts, J.Hamou, Ph.Koninckx, V.Morozov, A.Wattiez | |
9.00-10.00 | Clinical lectures | |
9.00 | Is there ever a role for surgery in infertility? A.De Cherney, Bethesda, USA | |
9.30 | Organization of healthcare on the example of a hospital with high surgical and obstetric activity V.Barnett, Forsyth, USA | |
10.00-12.30 | Direct surgery transmission J.Hamou, S.Gordts, Ph.Koninckx, V.Morozov, A.Wattiez, | |
12.30 | Lunch. Break. Exhibition | |
Plenary Session 8 | Reproductive surgery: new approach | |
Chairmen | A.De Cherney, A.Ebert, V.Gomel, S.Gordts, J.Hamou, A.Ischenko, Ph.Koninckx, V.Krasnopolskiy, V.Morozov, A.Popov, S.Sarkisov, A.Stepanyan, G.Trew, A.Ussia, A.Wattiez | |
13.30 | Reproductive surgery and endometriosis A.Wattiez, Strasbourg, France | |
13.55 | Prevention of post-operative adhesions: contemporary situation Ph.Koninckx, Leuven, Belgium | |
14.20 | Correction of congenital uterine abnormalities and Asherman syndrome from the view of fertility restoration G.Trew, London, Great Britain | |
14.45 | Prevention of complications in laparoscopy: trauma and adhesions V.Morozov, College Park, USA | |
15.10 | Managment of ovarian endometriotic cyst in infertile women: how to preserve fertility A.Ussia, Crotone, Italy | |
15.35 | Transvaginal laparoscopic assisted anterior rectum resection (TVLARR) and primary vaginal anterior rectum resection (PVAR) in deep infiltrating rectovaginal endometriosis - new N.O.T.E.S. techniques A.Ebert, Berlin, Germany | |
16.00 | Which size hysteroscopes for which indication J.Hamou, Paris, France | |
16.25 | Rare forms of extra uterine pregnancy S.Kiselev, Moscow, Russia | |
16.50 | Surgical treatment of endometriosis-associated infertility V.Krasnopolskiy, A.Popov, T.Manannikova, M.Ramazanov, A.Fedorov, K.Krasnopolskaya, B.Slobodyanuk, Moscow, Russia | |
17.05 | Contemporary issues of fertility preservation in urgent gynecology S.Shtyrov, Moscow, Russia | |
17.20 | Complex approach to correction of malformations Z.Makiyan, A.Stepanyan, M.Bobkova, Yu. Dyo, Moscow, Russia | |
17.35 | Hysteroscopy and intrauterine surgery in reproductive medicine S.Sarkisov, Moscow, Russia | |
17.50 | Discussion |
Day 3.
January 19, 2012. Thursday
Small Hall
Plenary Session 9 | Endocrinology of reproductive system: from fundamental science to clinical practice |
Chairmen | ^ A.De Cherney, Ph.Bouchard, E.Andreeva, G.Chernukha, M.Gambacciani, A.Genazzani, M.Gevorkyan, A.Grazziottin, E.Kogan, V.Linde, F.Naftolin, F.Petraglia |
13.30 | Pluripotent properties of endometrial cells N.Strelchenko, New-York, USA |
13.55 | Ezrin expression and action during the endometrial cycle F.Naftolin, New-York, USA |
14.20 | Menstruation: update in pathophysiology and comorbidity A.Grazziottin, Milan, Italy |
14.45 | An in vitro hypothalamic model of positive feedback F.Naftolin, NewYork, USA |
15.10 | Hyperandrogenism and hyperprolactinemia: challenging problems of reproductive endocrinology Ph.Bouchard, Paris, France |
15.35 | Effect of thyroid autoimmunity in the pathogenesis of female infertility A.Genazzani, Pisa, Italy |
16.00 | Diagnostics of various forms of hyperandrogenism: modern approach M.Gevorkyan, E.Manukhina, Moscow, Russia |
16.15 | Neuroendocrine aspects of preterm birth F.Petraglia, Siena, Italy |
16.40 | LIF and endometrial receptivity M.Leviashvili, N.Mishieva, E.Kogan, L.Podrez, Moscow, Russia |
16.55 | PCOS and cardiovascular risks Ph.Bouchard, Paris, France |
17.20 | Metabolic disorders in PCOS – long term treatment results E.Andreeva, E.Sheremetyeva, Moscow, Russia |
17.35 | Endocrinologic and metabolic peculiarities of various types of PCOS G.Chernukha, Moscow, Russia |
17.50 | Molecular genetic aspects of metabolic disorders in PCOS A.Birukova, Moscow, Russia |
18.10 | Discussion |
Day 3.
January 19, 2012. Thursday
Blue Hall
Plenary Session 7 | Male health | |
Chairmen | Yu.Alyaev,O.Apolikhin, P.Glybochko, A.Kamalov, D.Pushkar | |
10.00 | Erectile dysfunction as an indicator of male health O.Apolikhin, Moscow, Russia | |
10.20 | Male infertility: problems and prospective A.Kamalov, D.Okhobotov, M.Chaliy, O.Efremov, Moscow, Russia | |
10.40 | Robot-assisted surgery: potential and prospects D.Pushkar, Moscow, Russia | |
11.00 | Compression and decompression therapy in treatment of erectile dysfunction P.Glybochko, Yu.Alyaev, M.Chaliy, V.Grigoryan, A.Amosov, Yu.Demidko, E.Babalov, Moscow, Russia | |
11.20 | Rational farmacotherapy of male infertility V.Bozhedomov, Moscow, Russia | |
11.40 | Contemporary possibilities of anterior urethra reconstruction S.Gamidov, S.Darenkov, R.Ovchinnikov, A.Popova, Moscow, Russia | |
12.00 | Discussion | |
Day 3.
January 19, 2012. Thursday
Blue Hall
Plenary Session 10 | Infections in gynecology | |
Chairmen | I.Apolikhina, V.Kuzmin, I.Manukhin, T.Pestrikova, F.Tetelutina, A.Tikhomirov, A.Torchinov | |
13.30 | Infectious pathology of reproductive system and female health V.Kuzmin, Moscow, Russia | |
13.50 | Study of efficacy of antibacterial therapy in gynecological hospital patients with various types of PID T.Pestrikova, I.Yurasov, Khabarovsk, Russia | |
14.10 | Herpes infection as a factor of infertility A.Abdulmedzhidova, A. Tsibizov, A.Kusch, Moscow, Russia | |
14.30 | Peculiarities of cytokine status in pregnant women with miscarriage and candidal infection T.Savchenko, N.Vodyanik, Moscow, Russia | |
14.50 | Contemporary conditions and regional peculiarities of sexually transmitted diseases and urogenital candidosis F.Tetelutina, Izhevsk, Russia | |
15.10 | Preparation of women with chronic infections for ART programmes I.Apolikhina, Moscow, Russia | |
15.30 | Pecularities of course of certain gynecological diseases in HIV-infected patients of reproductive age Yu.Gafurov, Moscow, Russia | |
15.50 | Pathogenetic approach to vaginal dysbiosis treatment P.Budanov,Moscow, Russia | |
16.00 | Discussion | |