Первого Джамьян Шадбы (1648-1722) обучались многие поколения бурятских, калмыцких и тувинских лам. Основатель дацана Гунзэчойнэй в Санкт-Петербурге лама Агван Лобсанг Доржиев закон

Вид материалаЗакон
Подобный материал:
1   2   3

This program, which is based on humanitarian principles of Buddhism & gives first priority to spiritual development of children, has especial importance for emerging Kalmyk national school. Together with that - as this new program isn't entirely based on religious principles alone, but also incorporates scientific & pragmatic attitudes towards human problems & possibilities (enjoying thus all benefits of traditional Buddhist approach - and having in view principle of equality of all religions, proclaimed by H.H. the Dalai Lama & natural right of every person to choose his/her own way of spiritual development: religious or non-religious, optimally suited for his/her individual character) - it can be applicable in & useful for every public school also, - and in almost any cultural context.

On its first day the seminar was opened by Telo Rinpoche: Shardjin Lama of Kalmyk people.

For preparing this seminar of principal relevance have been preceding consultations about modern programs of children's spiritual development, which were received from the Director of Tibetan Children's Village Ven. Pema Dorje, and also Director of Institute of Buddhist dialectics Ven. Lobsang Gyamo & Geshe Thubten Nawang from Hamburg's Tibetan House; - and, last but not least, from H.H. Dalai Lama Himself.

As subject of central importance in this program there is proposed a course for primary school "Development": a secular course, whose content does comprise such subjects as general patterns of human existence, spiritual values, etc. Educational methods, applied during this course, are aimed at activation of children's creative abilities in such fields as poetry, composition, theatre, etc.

To the "Development" course there are attached in primary school such courses as "Nature", aimed at cultivation in children love to all living beings; "People" (elementary sociology) & "Health".

In secondary school there is introduced an "Ethnography" course, "Logic" (Tibetan tradition of discourses), and "History of Thought".

In high school, on the basis of already manifested interests children could choose (as it is supposed, special facultative courses on various religious & secular teachings. (In respect to Buddhism, this may be Lam-Rim course.)

Also, in addition to program's conception there were proposed for consideration materials on "The Book about You" - the book for reading & manual for lessons of "Development" course in 1ts form.

During this seminar teachers participated in process of creation & assimilation of methodics of activation of children's creativity & processes of understanding, - whose essence was similar to that of Buddhist methods of meditation. During one week teachers have prepared & carried out three demonstration lessons for junior & senior school in accordance with Program's themes & methodics. Also, there happened discussions on such subject as: "Ethics of teacher in school for spiritual development of children" and "Spiritual & moral values of Kalmyk culture and Kalmyk national character". As a result of seminar's work there was formed Task Force for continuation of program's development, to form which there came together schoolteachers, Lyceum professors, kindergarten personnel, scientists, exproling Kalmyk culture, tibetologists & mongolists, scientific workers from The Institute of Buddhism & administrators, responsible for problems of educations. This group gathered for work on organizational problems in seminar's seventh day.

Next seminar of such kind is planned to carry out in spring of '93.

11. An old gelony Janchib became an abbot of Aginsky monastery instead of Zolton Lama.

12. Dr. Nikolai Abayev well-known Chan-Buddhism researcher is nominated a rector of the Buddhist Institute of the Central Buddhist Board (see NB N4).

13. On the 17 of December the Telemarathon was held in Buryat capital Ulan-Ude, for raising funds to build a Great Stupa of more than 30m height (see photograph in NB N4). More than 9 mln rubles were collected.

14. The so-called "Sandal Buddha", one of the most sacred Buddhist monuments - the only statue of Shakyamuni Buddha made (according to Tibetan tradition) during His lifetime was guilded (!) in Yeravninsky datsan of Buryatia. Now the urgent expert commetee is formed for defining the scope of damage produced by this operation.

15. The first sermon was held in the Tsokchen dugan of Tsugolsky monastery of Chita area, marking the end of the restoration of the ground floor of the building. Tsugolsky datsan, once one of the biggest and most beautiful Buddhist monasteries in Russia, was returned to believers only recently - and half ruined. Now it is headed by one of the oldest and wisest old monks of Buryatia - Ven. Zhimba - Gyatso Tsybenov.

16. On the 4th of January 1993 the Constituent Assembly of the St.Petersburg Buddhist Communities took place. The newly born association will help the cooperation of Buddhist and will represent their common interests in relation with goverment and other organisations.

17. The Waters in the Temple.

In Decembre the basement floor of St.Petersburg Buddhist Temple went under water because of the defect in water piping system. We were not given the information on the damage and losers, but it's clear that the "Datsan Guntsechoiney" Buddhist Society should urgent start the long-needed repair of their unique building.

18. Due to constantly deveriorating economic situation in our country, many beatutiful pansionates and health resorts are being closed down. Considering extremely high exchange rate of the western currencies against Latvian ruble, it would be appropriate to consider the idea of establishing here in Riga of some kind of retreat center. That would be very convenient and less expensive than in any western country. Tibetan Rinpoches, who visited Riga last considered these places to be very conductive for spiritual practices.

We would like to cooperate with your organisation considering this matter. If you are interested in our proposal, please send us a latter with all requirements for mentioned center, namely:

how many people, how often, appropiate cost for 1 person requirements concerning housing, nutrition, recreation, cultural life, special requirements for practices and meditation etc.

Upon receiving your answer we would be able to consider these requirements and find appropriate place. We would be glad to consider any other proposal from your side. We look forward to mutual cooperation for the benefit of sides and Dharma.

Please, write to NB adress.

Latvian Drikung Kagyu Dharma Chakra Center

IV. International Information.

1. On Nov. 22, '92 there was established - on the base of Oriental Department of Institute of Linguistic Studies of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences - The Institute of Oriental Studies.

This Institute was named after Acad. A.E.Krymsky, - first Permanent Learned Secretary of Academy. In 1941 Mr. Krymsky died in Stalinist Gulag, and his grave isn't yet discovered.

The Institute comprises Departments of Near, Middle & Far East, of Contemporary Orient & also Department of Ukrainian-Orient contacts.

The Institute's address is:

A.E.Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies Ukrainian AS,

#4 Grushevskogo Str., Kiev 252 001 UKRAINE

Tel. (7-044) 229-0772, 229-3393.

Mikishenko Sergey Alexandrovich

2. Djebtsung damba Khutukhta, Bogdo Gegen of Mongolia, is at present time making Kalachakra retreat in India. It's not very probable, that he'd go to Mongolia to become leader of Buddhist Church there.

V. Discussions.

1. Deputies of SS of Russian Federation have prepared amendments to The Law of RSFSR on Freedom of Faith, - which, probably, will be accepted in near time.

Of great importance are changes in Art.11 & Art.18. The former gives to State Administration full right to control the correctness of process of implementation of religious organizations' statutes - up to suspension of their activities; the right to demand & receive from them information & explanations; - and the right to attend communal events.

New redaction of Art.18 requires from communities giving to Institutions of Justice written notifications about any changes in communities' leadership. Also, quit complicated process of registering in Russia of communities, with foreign leadership is defined. The latter especially concerns Buddhist communities, because rebirth of traditions of Buddha Teaching is now impossible in our country without direct participation of foreign Spiritual Masters.

Representative of Buddhist Community in Advisory Board of leaders of St.Petersburg religious organizations Alexander I.Breslavets

2. The Inituative of Russian Buddhists

Dear Friends!

Dozens of new Buddhist communities were registered recently in Buryatia, Kalmykia, Tuva, Moscow, etc. To coordinate our activities and to represent our common interests in relations to state and/or in international Buddhist and other organizations we suggest to unite in to the Buddhist Association of the Russia Federation.

We suggest the leaders or representatives of the interested Buddhist communities to meet in Moscow on 15 March 1993. For registration, please, write to initiative group on the NB address.

The Kalmyk Buddhist Union

"Randolkar" (Buryatia)

"Buddhist House" (St.Petersburg)

"Torch of Dharma" (St.Petersburg)

"Patibodhana" (St.Petersburg)

Group Padmasambhava Union (Buryatia)

3. Synthesis of Buddhist ideas and modern informatics technologies will help to solve important social problems.

Many of modern researchers (for example, F.Capra) have demonstrated existence of deep structural similarities between Buddhist Doctrine & theories of Leading Edge science. Some experts (such as N.Abayev) have proposed an idea to use computers for teaching of Buddhist meditation training techniques. Wide implementation of such methods into social practice can allow to solve simultaneously both becoming more & more serious unemployment problems - and still more important problem of spiritual healing of society. Recognition of meditation as a useful productive job, deserving appropriate remuneration, will assist morally & socially acceptable solving of such most urgent & important problem of global scale as redirection of powerful stream of Humankind's creative energies into Inner Space, preventing thereby otherwise imminent global ecologic disaster without hindering course of evolutionary progress. (In fact, this progress will be thereby greatly assisted, as - according to R.Sheldrake - properly organized collective meditations do create real, although invisible, structures of "morphogenetic fields", capable to function as metaprograms of new advanced "life techniques", adapted to requirements of New Age.)

Approach to wide implementation of these methods (perhaps, in form of Meditation Aid to developing countries) can be effectuated in smooth & gradual step-by-step manner, through guided self-organization of numerous self-supporting "grassroots" computer-aided meditation education groups; - which certainly will emerge in such fields of human activity, where high level of synchronization of group efforts is necessary, as - for example - in sports and/or show-busyness.

(This idea was presented to H.H. Dalai Lama during his visit to Moscow on July '91, - and he expressed his approval - "in case of correctness of realization of meditational practices".)

Constantin I.Ivanenko, St.Petersburg

VI. Dates and holidays.

1. On the 19 of December - the day of Je Tsonkhapa's anniversary the Buddhists of Moscow were presented by the Teaching of Tsonkhapa by Tibetan Geshe Nawang Jinba who is residing in Moscow now.

VII. Literature (in Russian).

We distribute the following publications:

1. The autobiography of H.H. the XIVth Dalai Lama "Freedom in Exile". For the first time this book was published at the end of 1990 and since was translated into scores of languages. (price $4).

2. The Russian translation of "The Buddhism of Tibet" by H.H. (price $2).

3. The book by A.Berzin "The Tibetan Buddhism: History and Prospects". (price $1).

4. "The Buddhist Shrine of Petrograd" in Russian and English by A.Andreev. This book chronicales the history of the Buddhist Temple built in St.Petersburg in the beginning of the XX century. (Apply to address of NB, price $2).

5. The illustrated "The Story of Buddha" (for children) by H.Saddhatissa, the late President of "Mahabodhi" Society and Head of London Buddhist Vihara. Russian translation by A.Diuranov. (Price $2).

6. In January we intend to publish the course of lectures by A.Berzin under the title "Outlines of Buddhist Practice" (price $2).

7. Publishing of the "Mandala" magazine set up by the Kalmyk Institute for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences began in Elista. Chief editor is P.Ts.Bitkeev. The address: 358000, Elista, Revolutionary St.8.

_ (Редакция извиняется за неточность информации в N 5 НБ: Дост. Дз.Тэрасава не принимал участие в освящении Храма, поскольку он уехал 14 числа).

_ (NB Editors beg pardon for incorrectness of information, published in NB No.5: Ven. J. Terasawa didn't participate in Temple consecration, because he departed on Nov.14.)

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