Module 2 lectio prima (1)
Вид материала | Документы |
СодержаниеMixtures (mixturae) Mucilages (mucilagines) Abbreviated form |
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Mixtures (mixturae)
Mixture (mixture, ae f) is a liquid form of medication prepared by means of mixing various liquid and solid medicinal substances for internal (ad usum internum), external (ad usum externum) use. Mixtures contain various kinds of water, decoctions, infusions, tinctures, syrups, extracts, powders etc.
Mixtures are prescribed in a full form with enumeration of all the ingredients and their amount in Designatio materiarum. In Subscriptio the phrases Misce. Da. are used.
For example: Recipe: Chlorali hydratis
Natrii bromidi ana 3, 0
Kalii bromidi 1, 2
Tincturae Valerianae 6 ml
Aquae purificatae ad 120 ml
Misce. Da.
Signa. 1 spoonful three times a day after meals.
Mucilages (mucilagines)
Mucilage (mucilago, inis f) is a thick, viscous, liquid form of medication which is prepared by means of water processing of certain plant raw materials containing viscid substances (for example, seeds, gums etc.). Starch mucilage is most commonly used – Mucilago Amyli.
All the mucilages are officinal, their concentration is known and that’s why it is not indicated in prescriptions. After the word “Recipe:” the name of the form of medication is written in Gen. sing. and its amount in milliliters.
For example: Recipe: Mucilaginis seminum Lini 300 ml
Signa. 1 spoonful three times a day.
Mucilages are usually added to mixtures and enemas to eliminate their irritating action. In this case a full form of prescription is used.
For example: Recipe: Chlorali hydratis 12, 0
Mucilaginis Amyli 60 ml
Aquae purificatae ad 180 ml
Misce. Da.
Signa. 1 spoonful at bedtime.
Mucilages may be taken through the mouth (per os) or rectum (per rectum).
Abbreviated form | Full form | Translation |
aa | ana | this amount of each |
Ac., Acid. | Acidum | acid |
amp. | ampulla | ampule |
aq. | aqua | water |
aq. destill. | aqua destillata | distilled water |
aq. purif. | aqua purificata | purified water |
cort. | cortex | cortex, bark |
D. | Da. | Give. |
D. t. d. N | Da tales doses numero… | Give such doses in the amount |
dec., dct. | decoctum | decoction |
dr. | dragee | dragee |
em., emuls. | emulsum | emulsion |
empl. | emplastrum | plaster |
extr. | extractum | extraction, extract |
f. | fiat, fiant | let there be made |
fl., flor. | flos, flores | flower(s) |
fol. | folium, folia | leaf (-ves) |
fr. | fructus | fruit |
gel. | gelatinosus, a, um | gelatinous |
gtt., gtts. | guttam, guttas | one drop, more drops |
hb. | herba | herb |
inf. | infusum | infusion |
in amp. | in ampullis | in ampoules |
in caps. gel. | in capsules gelatinosis | in gelatinous capsules |
in ch. cer. | in charta cerata | in waxed paper |
in ch. paraff. | in charta paraffinata | in paraffin paper |
in tab. | in tabulettis | in tablets |
in tab. obd. | in tabulettis obductis | in coated tablets |
linim. | linimentum | liniment |
liq. | liquor | liquid, fluid |
M., | Misce. | Mix. |
M., (ut) f. … | Misce, (ut) fiat… | Mix, let there be made… |
m. pil. | massa pilularum | mass of pills |
mucil. | mucilago | mucilage, mucus |
N. | numerus | number, amount |
ol. | oleum | oil |
past. | pasta | paste |
pulv. | pulvis | powder |
pro inject. | pro injectionibus | for injections |
q.s. | quantum satis | as much as it is required |
r., rad. | radix | root |
rhiz. | rhizome | rhizome, a huge root |
Rp.: | Recipe: | Take (Rx) |
sem. | semen | seed (s) |
simpl. | simplex | simple |
sir. | sirupus | syrup |
sol. | solutio | solution |
sp., spec. | species | tea (collection of dried medicinal plants) |
spir. | spiritus | alcohol |
supp. | suppositorium | suppository |
subtil. | subtilis | fine (powder) |
subtiliss. | subtilissimus | extremely fine |
tinct., t-rae, tct. | tinctura | tincture |
ung. | unguentum | ointment |