Module 2 lectio prima (1)

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Topic content
Dragee (Dragee)
Suppositories (suppositoria)
Mind some kinds of medicinal teas
Exercises to be done in the class and at home
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Topic: Solid Forms of Medications.

Number of hours: 4

Objectives: to acquire practical skills in prescribing solid forms of medications.

  1. The main rules to prescribe powders.
  2. The main rules to prescribe tablets.
  3. The main rules to prescribe dragee.
  4. The main rules to prescribe medicinal teas.


Powder (pulvis, eris m) is a dry, evenly triturated or grinded solid medicinal form which may be prescribed for internal (ad usum internum) and external (ad usum externum) use. After dissolution in a certain solvent powders may be used for injections (pro injectionibus).

According to the number of ingredients powders are divided into simple and composite. Simple powders consist of one substance (pulveres simplices), composite powders contain two and more substances (pulveres compositi).

According to the degree of grinding powders are divided into:
  • coarse, with comparatively big particles (pulvis grossus); the word “grossus” is omitted in the prescriptions;
  • fine powders, with smaller particles (pulvis subtilis);
  • the finest powders, with tiny particles (pulvis subtilissimus).

According to the dosage of administration there are divided powders (pulveres divisi) and undivided powders (pulveres indivisi). Undivided powders are prescribed from 5, 0 to 100, 0 grams and contain not very drastic substances which do not require accurate dosage. Divided powders are indicated for one dose only and are prescribed from 0, 1 to 1, 0 gram.

When simple divided powders are prescribed, after the word “Recipe:” the name of the medicinal substance in Gen. sing. and its single dose are indicated, and in Subscriptio the number of doses should be indicated – Da tales doses numero

For example: Recipe: Pancreatini o, 5

Da tales doses numero 6

Signa. 1 powder three times a day after meals.

When simple undivided powders are prescribed, after the word “Recipe:” the name of medicinal substance is indicated in Gen. sing. as well as general amount of the powder itself. In this case Subscriptio contains only the word “Da.”

For example: Recipe: Magnesii oxydi 50, 0


Signa. ½ of a teaspoonful in case of heartburn.

Sometimes when simple divided or undivided powders are prescribed the name of the medicinal form is used in Gen. sing. – pulveris, and after that the name of the medicine itself in Gen. sing. or with the preposition cum (with) – in Abl. sing.

For example: Recipe: Pulveris Schizandrae chinensis 0, 5

Da tales doses numero 12

Signa. 1 powder twice a day.

Recipe: Pulveris cum Oxytetracyclino 30, 0


Signa. 1 teaspoonful three times a day.

When composite divided powders are prescribed after the word “Recipe” all the names of substances are written in Gen. sing. with their weight. Subscriptio contains the phrase indicating the way of preparing the powder – Misce, ut fiat pulvis, and the amount of powders which should be prescribed for the patient – Da tales doses numero…

For example: Recipe: Codeini phosphati 0, 015

Natrii hydrochloridi 0, 3

Misce, fiat pulvis.

Da tales doses numero 10

Signa. 1 powder three times a day.

When composite undivided powders are prescribed after the word “Recipe:” all the names of substances in Gen. sing. are enumerated and their weight, and Subscriptio contains the phrase indicating the way to prepare the medicine in the form of a powder – Misce, ut fiat pulvis, followed by indication to give the medicine – Da.

For example: Recipe: Acidi borici 1, 0

Talci ad 50, 0

Misce, fiat pulvis.


Signa. Apply to the injured skin.

Simple and composite divided powders may be produced in capsules. They are used to eliminate unpleasant smell or taste, or irritating action of the medicine. Gelatinous capsules are mostly used for powders (capsulae gelatinosae). When the powders in capsules are prescribed the following phrase is written in Subscriptio: Da tales doses numero… in capsulis gelatinosis.

For example: Recipe: Bromcamphorae 0, 1

Chinidini sulfatis 0, 05

Misce, fiat pulvis.

Da tales doses numero 20 in capsulis gelatinosis.

Signa. 1 capsule twice a day.

If powders contain any hygroscopic substance or the powders are of vegetable origin, they are produces in waxed paper (in charta cerata), which is indicated in Subscriptio: Da tales doses numero… in charta cerata.

For example: Recipe: Camphorae tritae 0, 1

Sacchari 0, 3

Misce, fiat pulvis.

Da tales doses numero 12 in charta cerata.

Signa. 1 powder twice a day.

Tablets (tabulettae)

Tablet (tabuletta, ae f) is a solid dosage medicinal form which is produced by means of compressing medicinal and additional auxiliary substances at pharmaceutical plants on special machines. Tablets may be indicated for internal (ad usum internum), external (ad usum externum) use or for injections (after dissolving in a certain solvent). Sometimes tablets are coated (tabulettae obductae). For this purpose wheat flour (farina Tritici), starch (Amylum), sugar (Saccharum), cocoa (Cacao) may be used.

Tablets are prescribed with indication or without indication of all the ingredients. If tablets contain only one medicinal substance, after the word “Recipe:” its name is written in Gen. sing., a single dose is indicated, and Subscriptio contains the information how many such tablets should be given to the patient with the indication of the form of medicine – Da tales doses numero… in tabulettis.

For example: Recipe: Reserpini 0, 0025

Da tales doses numero 50 in tabulettis.

Signa. 1 tab. twice a day.

Prescribing ready-made standard tablets containing one main ingredient after the word “Recipe:” the name of the medicinal form is written in Acc. plur.tabulettas, and after that in Gen. sing. the name of medicine with its single dose and the amount which should be given are indicated.

For example: Recipe: Tabulettas Aethazoli 0,5 numero 40


Signa. 1 tab. four times a day.

Combined tablets with a code name are prescribed in the following way: after the word “Recipe:” the name of the medicinal form is written in Acc. plur.tabulettas and after that its code name in Nom. sing. in inverted commas without indication of a single dose and the amount of tablets are indicated.

For example: Recipe: Tabulettas “Citramonum” numero 10


Signa. 1 tab. three times a day.

When tablets contain several ingredients and do not have a code or standard name, they are prescribed with a complete indication of all its constituents and their single dose in Gen. sing. after the word “Recipe:” , and Subscriptio indicates the amount of tablets which should be given with the name of medicinal form – Da tales doses numero… in tabulettis.

For example: Recipe: Phenobarbitali 0, 02

Coffeini 0, 03

Da tales doses numero 12 in tabulettis.

Signa. 1 tab. twice a day.

Dragee (Dragee)

Dragee (dragee) is a solid dosage form of medication indicated for internal use (ad usum internum). Dragee are sugar-coaled pills or medicated confections. Most vitamins are usually prescribed in the form of dragee.

As a rule, dragee are prescribed without indication of all the ingredients. The word “dragee” itself is not changed. It may be written after the word “Recipe: or in Subscriptio – Da tales doses numero… in dragee. A single dose is indicated after the name of medicine which is written in Gen. sing.

For example: Recipe: Dragee Diazolini 0, 05 numero 30


Signa. 1 dragge a day after meals.

Recipe: Aminazini 0, 025

Da tales doses numero 12 in dragee.

Signa. 2 dragee twice a day.

Some dragee consist of a combination of medicinal substances and have a code name. In this case after the word “Recipe:” the name of the form of medication is written – dragee, and a code name is written in inverted commas in Nom. sing. with the indication of the amount of dragee. A single dose is not indicated.

For example: Recipe: Dragee “Hexavitum” numero 40


Signa. 1 dragee twice a day.

Suppositories (suppositoria)

Suppository (suppositorium, i n) – is a divided form of medication, solid at room temperature, but melts at body temperature. Suppositories are indicated for insertion into the body cavities: rectal (per rectum) and vaginal (per vaginam). That’s why there are rectal suppositories (suppositoria rectalia) and vaginal ones (suppositoria vaginalia).

Suppositories contain medicinal substances and base. Common bases for suppositories are cocoa oil (oleum Cacao), butyrole (Butyrolum), gelatinous mass (massa gelatinosa), mixtures of various fats, mixtures with wax etc.

Suppositories are prescribed in a full form with enumeration of all the ingredients after the word “Recipe:” in Gen. sing. and their amount. Subscriptio indicates the way of preparing the medication with one of the following phrases: Misce, fiat suppositorium. Misce, fiat suppositorium rectale. Misce, fiat suppositorium vaginale. The amount of suppositories which should be given is also indicated – Da tales doses numero…

For example: Recipe: Euphyllini 0, 3

Olei Cacao 3, 0

Misce, fiat suppositorium rectale.

Da tales doses numero 12.

Signa. 1 suppository into the rectum 3 times a day.

The suppositories containing only one medicinal substance are prescribed in a short form. In this case after the word “Recipe:” the name of the form of medication is written in Acc. plur. – suppositoria followed by the preposition cum (with), after that the name of medication in Abl. sing. and a single dose. The amount of suppositories is also indicated.

For example: Recipe: Suppositoria cum Ichthyolo 0, 2 numero 10


Signa. 1 suppository into the rectum twice a day.

Some combined suppositories have special code names. They are prescribed without indication of medicinal substances and their doses. In this case after the word “Recipe:” the name of the form of medication is written in Acc. plur. – suppositoria followed by the name of the suppositories in inverted commas in Nom. sing. with the indication of their amount.

For example: Recipe: Suppositoria “Bethiolum” numero 10


Signa. Insert one suppository into the rectum at


Lately vaginal suppositories are produced in the form of globules – (globulus, i m).

Nota bene: according to the previous State Pharmacopoeia suppositories were considered semisolid form of medication.

Medicinal teas (species)

Medicinal teas (species, ei f) are a mixture of several dried medicinal plants or their parts (leaves, herbs, flowers, roots, seeds, etc.), sometimes with addition of salts, ether oils, etc.

Medicinal teas are indicated for internal use (ad usum internum) after being poured with boiling water as infusions or decoctions. Sometimes medicinal teas are indicated for external use (ad usum externum) for gargling, bathing wounds, inhalations, smoking.

Usually medicinal teas are prescribed in a short form. These are officinal teas prepared at the pharmaceutical plants. The name of the tea is written after the word “Recipe:” in Gen. plur. and its general amount is indicated in grams.

For example: Recipe: Specierum antiasthmaticarum 100, 0


Signa. To smoke during bronchial asthma attack.

The magistral medicinal teas which are prepared in chemist’s shops according to the physician’s prescription are prescribed with the indication of all the ingredients after the word “Recipe:” in Gen. case sing. or plur. with the amount of each in grams, and Subscriptio indicates the way to prepare this form of medication – Misce, ut fiant species.

Nota bebe: you should keep in mind that the word “species” is written in plural form in the prescriptions.

For example: Recipe: Corticis Quercus 10, 0

Foliorum Salviae 20, 0

Florum Chamomillae 30, 0

Misce, fiant species.


Signa. Pour 1 spoonful into a glass of boiling water,

infuse it and use for gargling the mouth.

Mind some kinds of medicinal teas:

species aromaticae – aromatic tea

species amarae – bitter tea

species antiasthmaticae – antiasthmatic tea

species cholagogae – bile-expelling tea

species diureticae – diuretic tea

species sedativae – sedative tea

species stomachicae (gastricae) – gastric tea

species laxantes – laxative tea

species pectorales – pectoral tea

species purgantes – purgative tea

  1. Translate into Latin.
  1. Powder of the foxglove leaves. Powder of the rhubarb root. Powder of the sandal wood bark. Powder with Oxytetracycline. A composite powder of liquorice. A fine powder. A tiny (finest) powder. A divided powder. An undivided powder. A simple powder.
  2. Tablets of belladonna extraction. Tablets of valerian extraction. Tablets of Aminalone (Rutinum, Phthalazolum, Proserine, Bromcamphor, Chinin sulphate, Platyphyllin hydrotartrate, acetylsalicylic acid, Codein phosphate, Potassium bromide, activated carbon).
  3. Coated tablets of Raunatine. Coated tablets of “Allochol”. Coated tablets of Methionine. Coated tablets of Aminalone.
  4. Pectoral medicinal tea. Purgative medicinal tea. Antiasthmatic medicinal tea. Bile-expelling medicinal tea.
  5. A leaf of peppermint (nettle, senna, goose-grass). Leaves of eucalyptus (wormwood, arnica, fennel, aloe).
  6. The herb of horse-tail (fennel, lily of the valley, milfoil).
  7. Flowers of camomile (violet, dandelion, lily of the valley, sage, primrose).
  8. Root of valerian(marshmallow, rhubarb, ginseng).
  9. Seeds of anise (flax, sunflower, fennel, almond).

10)Fruit of strawberry (sea-buckthorn, dog-rose, raspberry).

11) Suppository with glycerine. Suppository with Ichthyol. Suppository with belladonna extraction. Suppository with sea-buckthorn oil. Suppositories with Theobromine. Suppositories with Metronidazol. Suppositories with Nystatine.

12) Suppositories “Anaesthesol”. Suppositories “Apilac”. Suppositories “Novurit”.

  1. Translate into English.
  1. Tabulettae Laevomycetini obductae 7. Suppositoria cum Dimedrolo
  2. Calcii gluconas in tabulettis 8. Dragee Aminazini
  3. Folia Salviae 9. Species stomachicae
  4. Oleum Menthae piperitae 10. Radix Valerianae
  5. Pulvis Xeroformii subtilissimus 11. Suppositoria «Anaesthe- 
  6. Cortex Quercus solum »

12. Fructus Cerasi

  1. Translate into English, form Gen. sing.
  1. Camphora trita 7. Species amarae
  2. Suppositoria rectalia 8. Amylum Tritici
  3. Extractum Belladonnae siccum 9. Semina Oryzae
  4. Folia et gemmae Betulae 10. Rhizoma cum radicibus
  5. Streptocidum album Valerianae

6. Fructus Amygdalae 11. Suppositorium vaginale

12. Herba Arnicae

  1. Write down the following in a full form, translate into English.

pulv. in amp. M. f. supp.

Ac. in tab. subtil.

fol. rad. D. t. d. N…

supp. vagin. rhiz. M., f. sp.

hb. supp. in caps.

5. Read the following prescriptions and translate them into English.
      1. Recipe: Olei Eucalypti 2, 5

Talci 5, 0

Amyli 32, 5

Misce, ut fiat pulvis.


      1. Recipe: Tabulettas Pyracetami 0, 2 obductas numero 60


      1. Recipe: Suppositoria cum Methyluracilo 0,5 numero 10


      1. Recipe: Specierum cholagogarum 50, 0



6. Write the following prescriptions in a full form, read them and translate into English.
  1. Rp.: Streptocidi


Sulphathiazoli aa 5,0

M. f. pulv.


  1. Rp.:Ac. benzoici 0, 2

Camphorae 0, 1

M. f. pulv. subtil.

D.t.d. in caps.


3. Rp.: Analgini


Papaverini hydrochloridi

Phenobarbitali aa 0, 02

D.t. d. N 10 in tab.


4. Rp.: Dr. “Festalum” N 50



5. Rp.: Anaesthesini 0, 5

Dermatoli 0, 3

Ol. Cacao q.s., ut f. supp. vagin.

D.t.d.N 10.


6. Rp.: Fol. Menthae piperitae 20, 0

Fol. Urticae 15, 0

Fl. Chamomillae 25, 0

M.f. sp.



  1. Prescribe the following in Latin in a full form and using abbreviations.
      1. Rx: Ascorbic acid 0, 1

Thiamine bromide

Riboflavin in the amount of 0, 003 each

Mix to get some powder.

Give 30 such doses.


      1. Rx: Bromisovalum

Sodium bromide in the amount of 0, 3 each

Mix to get some fine powder.

Give 10 such doses in waxed paper.


      1. Rx: Coated tablets “Microiodine” in the number of 40


      1. Rx: Dragee of Retinole acetate 0, 00114 in the number of 50


      1. Rx: Suppositories “Cefecon” 6 in number


      1. Rx: Laxative medicinal tea 100, 0




Latin English

(Medicinal plants)

Absinthium, i n wormwood

Aloe, es f aloe

Amygdala, ae f almond

Anisum, i n anise

Cerasum, i n cherry (berry)

Convallaria, ae f lily of the valley

Digitalis, is f foxglove

Equisetum, i n` horse-tail

Foeniculum, i n fennel

Fragaria, ae f strawberry

Ginseng, n (not changed) ginseng

Helianthus, i m sunflower

Liquiritia, ae f liqorice

Linum, i n flax

Millefolium, ii n milfoil

Opium, ii n opium

Oryza, ae f rice

Plantago, inis f plantain, goose-grass

Primula, ae f primrose

Rubus idaeus, i m raspberry

Salvia, ae f sage

Santalum, i n sandal wood

Taraxacum, i n dandelion

Triticum, i n wheat

Viola, ae f violet

(Names of medicines)

Aminalonum, i n Aminalon

Aminazinum, i n Aminazin

Amylum, i n starch

Analginum, i n Analgin

Bromcamphora, ae f Bromcamphor

Cefeconum, i n Cefecon

Codeinum, i n Codein

Dimedrolum, i n Dimedrol

Dibazolum, i n Dibazol

Furacilinum, i n Furaciline

Ichthyolum, i n Ichthyol

Methioninum, i n Methionine

Methyluracilum, i n Methyluracil

Metronidazolum, i n Metronidazol

Microiodum, i n Microiodine

Novuritum, i n Novurit

Nystatinum, i n Nystatine

Oxytetracyclinum, i n Oxytetracycline

Proserinum, i n Proserine

Pyracetamum, i n Pyracetam

Raunatinum, i n Raunatine

Retinolum, i n Retinol

Rutinum, i n Rutine

Talcum, i n talc

Xeroformium, ii n Xeroform