Зарубежная историография военно-морской деятельности СССР в период "холодной войны"
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- Отечественная историография о роли США в развязывании "холодной войны". Раздел 07., 598.2kb.
- Альманах военной контрразведки (Серия «Спецслужбы России»)/ Выпуск I: «Морской» (Продолжение), 163.92kb.
- Программа: козленко с. И. Программа курса «история отечества XX век» 9 класс. М.; «Русское, 247.68kb.
- Волгоградская Государственная Сельскохозяйственная Академия Описание проекта Название, 88.83kb.
- Оглавление, 168.46kb.
- Правовое обеспечение военно-морской политики Российской Федерации, 191.66kb.
- Административный регламент, 550.99kb.
- Курс: История Отечества Тема Послевоенный мир и восстановление народного хозяйства, 442.98kb.
- Тема: Внешняя политика СССР и начало «холодной войны», 102.24kb.
- Конспект урока истории для 9 «А» класса Тема: «Истоки холодной войны. Военно-политические, 87.4kb.
Mackinder H. Britain and the British seas. New York, 1902; Mackinder H. The nations of the modern world : an elementary geography. London, 1911; etc.
38 См.: Mahan A. The influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783. Boston, 1918.
39 Wegener E. Soviet naval offensive: an examination of the strategic role of Soviet naval forces in the East-West conflict / Translated from the German by Henning Wegener. Annapolis, 1975. Р. 126.
40 Ibid. Р. 126-127.
41 Paone R. The Big Three and the Indian Ocean // Sea Power. 1975. August. Р. 29.
42 Horan H. The Navy of the Soviet Union // Brassey’s Naval Annual. The Armed Forces Year Book. 1960 / Ed. by H.G. Thursfield. New York, 1960. Р. 124.
43 См.: Hucul W. Op. cit.
44 См.: The Growing strength of the Soviet merchant fleet: Prepared… for the use of the Committee on Commerce U.S. Senate. Washington, 1964; The Soviet drive for Maritime Power: Prepared… for the use of the Committee on Commerce U.S. Senate. Washington, 1967, etc.
45 См.: Statement on the defence estimates, presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Defence by Command of Her Majesty. London, 1965-1996.
46 См.: White paper on defence / By Paul Hellyer, Lucien Cardin. Ottawa, 1964; White paper on defence / by Canada. Dept. of National Defence. Ottawa, 1971; White paper 1969 on the defence policy of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. [Bonn], 1969; White paper on defence 1977 : the security of Italy and the problems of the Italian armed forces. [Rome], 1977.
47 См.: NATO, Facts and Figures / by North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Brussels, 1968-1976; Defence Policy / by North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Brussels, 1969; etc.
48 См.: Howe J. Multicrises. Sea power and global politics in the missile age. Cambridge, 1971.
49 См.: Herrick, Robert W. Soviet naval mission assignments. 3 vol. Arlington, 1979. Vol. 1, Part II, P. V.
50 См.: Brodeur N. Comparative capabilities of Soviet and Western weapon system // Soviet naval policy: objectives and constraints / Ed. by M. MccGwire, K. Booth, J. McDonnell. New York, 1975. P. 452–468.
51 MccCwire M. The turning points in Soviet naval policy / Soviet naval developments: capability and context / By Michael MccCwire. New York, 1973. Р. 187.
52 Ranft B., Till G. The Sea in Soviet strategy. London, 1989. Р. 5-6.
53 См.: Weinland R. Soviet transits of the Turkish Straits, 1945-70 // Soviet naval developments: capability and context / Ed. by Michael MccGwire. New York, 1973. P. 325-343; Weinland R. Egypt and support for the Soviet Mediterranean Squadron: 1967-1976 // Naval power in Soviet policy / Ed. by Paul J. Murphy. Washington, 1978. P. 259-274.
54 Результаты диссертационного исследования автор опубликовал в виде монографии: Tritten J. Soviet naval forces and nuclear warfare: weapons, employment and policy. Boulder, 1986.
55 Vigor P. Soviet understanding of «Command of the Sea» // Soviet naval policy: objectives and constraints / Ed. by Michael MccGwire, Ken Booth, John McDonnell. New York, 1975. P. 601-622.
56 Ibid. Р. 144-145.
57 Saunders M. Preface // The Soviet navy / Ed. by M.G. Saunders. London, 1958. Р. 13.
58 Foreign Navies. Russia // Brassey’s Naval Annual. The Armed Forces Year Book. 1953. Р. 147.
59 MccGwire M. Command of the sea in Soviet naval strategy // Soviet naval policy: objectives and constraints / Ed. by Michael MccGwire, Ken Booth, John McDonnell. New York, 1975. Р. 631-632, 634.
60 Smith C. Op.cit.. Р. 303.
61 Peltier M. Organization, personnel and training of the Soviet navy // The Soviet navy / Ed. by M.G. Saunders. London, 1958. P. 138.
62 Tsouras P. Soviet naval tradition // The Soviet navy: strength and liabilities / Ed. by Bruce W. Watson and Susan M. Watson. Boulder, London, 1986. Р. 21-22.
63 Цит. по: Tsouras P. Port visits // The Soviet navy: strength and liabilities / Ed. by Bruce W. Watson and Susan M. Watson. Boulder, London, 1986. Р. 265.
64 Cottrell A. Panelist’ comments / The Center for Strategic and International Studies. Washington, 1969. Р. 120.
65 Kaplan S. Diplomacy of Power. Soviet Armed Forces as a Political Instrument. Washington, D.C. 1981. Р. 176-177, 682.
66 Scott H., Scott W. The [Soviet] Navy // The Armed Forces of the USSR. Boulder, London, 1984. Р. 172.
67 Larson B. Soviet naval responses to crises // The Soviet navy: strength and liabilities / Ed. by Bruce W. Watson and Susan M. Watson. Boulder, London, 1986. Р. 261-262.
68 Andolino L., Eltscher L. Soviet naval, military, and air power: projecting influence in the Third World // East-West rivalry in the Third World. / Ed. by Robert W. Clawson. Wilmington, 1986. Р. 75-76.