Занятие1 Неличные формы глагола и их конструкции Инфинитив
Вид материала | Документы |
- Неличные формы глагола в английском языке (диплом), 22.01kb.
- Учебное пособие соответствует государственному стандарту направления «Английский язык», 2253.16kb.
- Аптина Галина Хаджиевна, учитель русского языка и литературы первой квалификационной, 85.49kb.
- Л. Ю. Подручная Анализируются модально-семантические особенности видо-временной системы, 89.38kb.
- Темы предлагаемых рефератов по проблематике спецкурса Семантическая структура глагольных, 8.57kb.
- Причастие в русском языке, 242.4kb.
- Урок русского языка Тема: Неопределенная форма глагола, 54.6kb.
- Причастие (the participle), 38.76kb.
- Тема. Неопределенная форма глагола. Цель, 215.14kb.
- Тема урока: чудодейственная сила глагола, 154.08kb.
Неличные формы глагола
и их конструкции
Инфинитив (Infinitive) - неопределенная форма глагола, отвечающая на вопрос «Что (c)делать», не имеющая времени, числа, лица.

to be -ing

- ed

been -ed
Упражнение 1
1) to be asking to have asked to have been asked to ask to be asked | 2) to be dictating to have dictated to have been dictated to dictate to be dictated |
3) to discuss to have discussed to be discussing to be discussed to have been discussed | 4) to be informed to inform to have informed to be informing to have been informed |
Способы перевода инфинитива
- To search for latent Поиск скрытых отпечатков
fingerprints is a - очень сложная задача.
very difficult tasks.
- His aim is to find Его цель – найти
physical evidence. вещественные доказательств.
- The prosecutor has Прокурор должен обвинять
to accuse the criminal. преступника.
- The robber tries Грабитель пытается скрыться
to escape from с места преступления.
the crime scene.
- The burglar is Взломщик боится, что его
afraid to be arrested. арестуют
- To be solved by Для того, чтобы они решили
them the problem эту проблему, она не должна
must not be difficult. быть трудной.
- He had to be Его должны были поймать.
- The sentence to be Приговор, который должны
passed is very severe. вынести, очень суров.
- It was the first Это была первая поправка,
amendment to have которая должна быть
been enlisted. внесена в список.
- It was difficult for Им было трудно признать себя
them to plead quilty. виновными.
- For the plaintiff to Для истца выиграть процесс -
win the case was the было престижно.
matter of his prestige.
S + be V – ed + to V passive 1. say (said), report, inform, declare, announce, state 2. see, hear, feel, watch, notice 3. know, think, believe, consider, find, mean, expect, suppose, regard, admit, assume, presume, predict, understand 4. make | He is said to play tennis. She was announced to be the winner. The plan is reported to have been discussed. That man has never been seen to smile. Soon he was heard to open the front door. He is supposed to be leaving tonight. She is believed to be a clever girl. Her father was thought to have died long ago. He was made to keep silent. |
S + V to V active 1. seem, appear, prove, turn out, happen 2. be likely, be unlikely, be sure, be certain | We all seem to like this play. I don’t seem to have understood you correctly. He proved to be a healthy child. He turned out to be a good lawyer. Do you happen to know Jane Crooks? He is likely to return soon. The students are sure to attend this lecture. |
1. see watch observe look notice feel hear listen to smell | smb/smth | V V-ing V-ed | I saw | him change the wheel; |
him changing the wheel; | ||||
the wheel changed (by him). | ||||
Do you smell something burning? | ||||
2. want wish like dislike prefer would like desire intend love hat | smb/smth | to V V-ed | I want you to answer the question. I want the question answered at once. | |
3. know find think guess consider expect believe rely (on) suppose understand | smb/smth | to-V V-ed | I guess him to be working now. I find the work (to be) interesting. I consider the work finished. | |
4. order command allow tell ask beg | smb | to-V | I allow you to pass the exam once again. He asked me to help him. | |
5. keep, leave, set have, get make, let | smb smb/smth smb | V-ing V-ing V-ed V | Don’t keep me waiting. I’m in a hurry. Your words set me thinking. I won’t have you smoking at your age! I won’t have my best friend laughed at! I had (got) my watch fixed. She made me obey her. Don’t let him leave us so early. |
Упражнение 2
Переведите с английского языка на русский:
1. He is said to read English newspapers.
2. He was said to read English newspapers.
3. They are said to read English newspapers.
4. They were said to read English newspapers.
5. He is said to have translated this article.
6. Не was said to have translated that article.
7. He is said to be translating this article.
8. This text is said to be translated by him.
9. This text was said to have been translated by him.
10. The boat is reported to be passing the Channel.
11. Tests were said to start in 1973.
12. He is said to be sentenced to life imprisonment.
13. He is known to be a good judge.
14. He is said to have been searched.
15. They were said to have been arrested.
16. She is known to be keeping the minute.
17. The investigator is reported to be questioning the criminal.
18. The expert is reported to have examined the crime scene.
19. The policeman asked the witnesses to give evidence.
20. We saw them commit the crime.
21. He heard them go upstairs.
22. They felt somebody unlock the door.
23. They wanted him to be interrogated by an experienced investigator.
24. They wanted him to be interrogated.
Упражнение 3
Переведите с английского языка на русский:
1. She wanted to be introduced to me.
2. She wanted him to be introduced to her.
3. We expect everybody to be ready at seven.
4. We want our young artists to accept the best traditions of Russian folk art.
5. He is considered to be a good designer.
6. We often heard her sing that tune.
7. It is important for them to remember this rule.
8. I knew him to be a clever man.
9. We knew nothing of the research work to be carried out next month.
10. She was the last to come.
11. She wants her design to be accepted.
12. We knew him to have been a good sportsman.
13. Our workshop is equipped with up-to-date machinery.
14. He tried to use this effective method of work.
15. To master English one must study regularly.
16. Her design was said to have been accepted.
17. We knew him to be a good actor.
18. Their workshop is believed to be equipped with up-to-date machinery.
19. He was the first to use that effective method.
20. He wants that method of work to be greatly improved.
21. We are going to publish the article written by my brother.
22. We did our best to equip our workshop with up-to-date machinery.
23. We have come to discuss the problem.
24. To see the performance we had to buy tickets in advance.
25. To catch the train you have to hurry.
26. He seems to be seen here.
Упражнение 4
Какое из русских предложений соответствует предъявленному английскому?
1. I want the students to describe this picture.
а. Я хочу описать студентам эту картину.
б. Я хочу, чтобы студенты описывали эту картину.
с. Я хочу, чтобы студентам описали эту картину.
2. The writer is reported to have published his new book.
а. Писатель сообщил, что он опубликовал свою новую книгу.
б. Сообщают, что писатель должен опубликовать свою новую книгу.
с. Сообщают, что писатель опубликовал свою новую книгу.
3. I don’t want him to be interrupted.
а. Я не хочу перебивать его.
б. Я не хочу, чтобы он перебивал меня.
с. Я не хочу, чтобы его перебивали.
4. The doctor must be sent for as soon as possible.
а. Доктора необходимо послать туда как можно скорее.
б. За доктором необходимо послать как можно скорее.
с. За доктором необходимо было послать как можно скорее.
NB: The article to be published was written by my brother.
He seems to have improved that method of work.
She is sure to be invited to their place.
Упражнение 5
На чистом листе бумаги напишите номер предложения и буквенный индекс правильного ответа на поставленный вопрос:
1. We want him to help us. Что мы хотим? | а) помочь ему; б) чтобы он помог нам. |
2. He was known to have been a gifted designer. Что было известно о нем? | а) был дизайнером; б) является дизайнером. |
3. My friend’s son has already brought the book. Кто принес книгу? | а) сын друга; б) друг сына. |
4. She is being looked at by him. Кто на кого смотрит? | а) она на него; б) он на нее. |
5. Students are often asked by the teacher. Кто кого спрашивает? | а) студенты преподавателя; б) преподаватель студентов. |
6. She was followed by them. Кто за кем последовал? | а) она за ними; б) они за ней. |
7. Students are being examined. Экзамен закончился или продолжается? | а) продолжается; б) закончился. |
(Participle I & Gerund)
Причастие I и Герундий - неличные формы глагола, которые не имеют ни времени, ни числа, ни лица.

Формы герундия и причастия I совпадают:
V + ing = reading, crying having

being -ed

been -ed
Герундий отличается от причастия I:
- функциями в предложении;
- наличием предлога или притяжательного местоимения.
Функции в предложении
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ГЕРУНДИЙ | Подлежащее Именная часть сказуемого Дополнение Обстоятельство с предлогом Определение с предлогом |
![]() ![]() ПРИЧАСТИЕ | Обстоятельство без предлога Определение без предлога |
Упражнение 6
1)asked 2) having dictated
asking being dictated
being asked dictated
having asked without dictating
having been asked having been dictated
with asking dictating
- dictated 4) on discussing
dictating having discussed
having dictated having been discussed
being dictated discussed
having been dictated being discussed
Способы перевода причастия в предложении
1. The student writing this article is my friend. | Студент, пишущий эту статью... |
2. Hearing the case the judge made some notes. | Cлушая дело, судья... |
3. The case being heard in the court was very serious. | Дело, рассматриваемое... |
4. Being sent on a mission, he is always given a number of important tasks. | Когда его посылают в командировку, то ему... |
5. Having written this article the student sent it to the journal. | Написав эту статью, студент... |
6. Having been written this article was sent to the journal. | После того, как статья была написана... |
7. This article written by him was very interesting. | Эта статья, написанная... |
8. When written, this article was sent to the journal. | Когда статья была написана... |
Способы перевода герундия в предложении
1. Solving this problem is a difficult job. | Решение (решать)... |
2. His having solved the problem surprised me. | То, что он решил... |
3. Our aim is solving problem. | Решение... |
4. He likes solving difficult problems... | решать... |
5. I know of the problem having been solved. | ... что задача была решена. |
6. The way of solving the problem is not easy. | Решить, решение... |
7. In solving the problem he made some mistakes. | Решая... |
8. On solving the problem he began to make an experiment. | При решении... |
9. By solving the problem he got the necessary results. | Решая, решив... |
10. You cannot do without solving the problems... | решив, ...без решения |
Упражнение 7
В каком из следующих английских предложений выделенная группа слов будет переводиться как:
- Вводя новые слова . . .
- Introducing new words, the teacher explains their meanings.
- Having introduced the new words, the teacher asked one of the students to read them.
- Having been introduced the new words were repeated by us in chorus (хором).
- Достигнув успеха . . .
- Having been achieved the success did not prevent (мешать) the poet from working hard and developing his talent.
- Achieving success and recognition (признание) some poets and writers stop working hard and developing their talent.
- Having achieved success and recognition, the poet went on working hard improving his skill.
- Когда статья была написана . . .
- Writting the article he had to use a lot of foreign materials.
- Having written the article, he decided to publish it.
- The article being written, he asked us to discuss it.
- Получив письмо . . .
- Receiving letters from his foreign friend he always tells us the news his friend writes him about.
- Having received the letter, he showed it to the chief engineer.
- Having been received the letter was shown to everybody.
Упражнение 8
Определите, какими частями речи явялются выделенные слова в следующих предложениях; на чистом листе бумаги напишите соответственно цифровой и буквенный индексы правильных ответов.
А) герундий; Б) причастие; В) существительное
- The cinema being built in our street is of modern design.
- Being built of coloured stone and plastics the cinema will look fine.
- This is a good beginning.
- Having taken the examinations, he went to his native town.
- Examples being given by the teacher in class help the students to understand the rule.
- He read the document without looking at us.
- Technoque having reached a high stage of development, new methods of work became possible.
- He succeeded in rendering moonlight in his picture.
- He displayed great skill in designing this building.
10.Ring me up before going to the Institute.
11.Reading books is a necessary part of our studies.
12.Without constantly studying it is impossible to translate original texts.
13.Having been asked for the book, the librarian promised to look for it.
14.This man was greatly interested in collecting minerals.
15.A great many young people studying at various educational establishments combine work and studies.
16.By doing so he helped me greatly.
17.All the students having finished the translation in time, we could check it in class.
18.The students were drawing when we entered the studio.
19.The conversation was interesting, many designers taking part in it.
20.The painting represents a young girl.
21.Who does the cooking in your family?
22.Many bridges over the river having been built, it became possible to reach the distant part of the region.
23.Would you mind switching on the TV set?
24.He failed bringing us the necessary materials.
25.Having achieved the necessary results, we decided to describe them in our article.
26.Learning rules without examples is useless.
Упражнение 9
Переведите на русский язык и сформулируйте правила перевода:
1. The plane was seen flying over woods.
2. Arriving late in the evening, I decided to visit him next morning 3. Weather permitting, we’ll start tomorrow.
Упражнение 10
Определите герундий или причастие:
1. We admired the stars twinkling in the sky.
2. Approaching Malta Street, he thought about her.
3. Having closed the drawing - room door on him, she awaited a little...
4. Having reached the classroom, she became the object of many questions.
5. Ann hearing his steps, ran to the foot of the stairs to meet him.
6. Turning slowly she went to her room.
7. Being left alone, we kept silence for some time.
8. She did not speak, being filled with the sense of silent confidence.
9. Mr. Bumble having spread a handkerchief over his knees, began to eat.
10. Having already been informed that he always slept with a light in the room, I placed lighted candles on a little table.
11. She had a feeling of having been worsted.
12. After leaving her umbrella in the hall, she entered the room.
13. He has no right to come without being invited.
14. She walked on without turning her head.
15. She will not rest without having the world at her feet.
16. No one could pass in or out without being seen.
17. She denies having spoken with him.
18. She really had been crying out of anger at having been driven so hard.
19. You must excuse my not answering you before.
20. He liked neither reading aloud nor being read aloud to.
21. The house needs painting.
22. After reading the book the students orginized a discussion.
23. He prefers painting in oll.
Упражнение 11
Переведите с английского языка на русский:
- Mr. Bob was heard to laugh heartily.
- Ann is said to resemble (похожа) me.
- The child being weak from the fever, his mother sat by his bedside day and night.
- Her mother being very ill, Mary had to look after her little brothers and sisters.
- It being already dark, a cande was lit and placed on the table.
- They were heard talking together.
- The horse was seen descending (спускаться) the hill.
- Then his footstepts were heard crossing the room.
- The door and window of the vacant room being open, we looked in.
10. The lamp having been lit, Mrs. White began to read her son’s letter.
11.It being now pretty late, we took our candles and went upstairs.
12.A knock had come to the door, and there being nobody else to answer it, he went out.
13.He turned and went, we, as before, following him.
14.Weather permitting, we’ll start tomorrow.
15.He seems to be working at his report now.
16.The problem is likely to be discussed tomorrow.
17.She is known to be a good artist.
18.She is expected to come any minute.
19.The delegation is reported to arrive tomorrow.
20.I was asked to come at 9 o’clock.
21.I was made to do it.
22.They were told to remain (оставаться)there.
23.You seem to know it very well.
24.He proved to be right.
25.He is sure to come soon.
26.She is certain to be late.
27.I know her to have been a very talented student.
28.I see the children play in the garden.
29.I know him to study at the University.
30.We heard her singing on the radio.
31.My mother wants you to come and stay with us next week.
32.He wants the book to be returned next week.
33.Do you want me to translate this text?
34.I’d like you to come back as soon as possible.
35.What makes you think so?
36.I don’t believe this to be true.
37.What time did he ask you to come?
38.Allow me to congratulate you on this happy event.
39.Our laws are known to defend our interests.
40.She is certain to be ill.
41.An airplane was heard flying over the woods.
42.I’ll see (прослежу) the luggage carried to your room.
43.The Don water was seen pouring (вливаться) into the new canal.
44.Mankind is interested in this document being used only for peaceful needs.
45.He saw the police struggling with the crowd.
46.They saw him enter the room.
Упражнение 12
1) To ronk, with ronking, ronked, has ronked, ronks, to have been ronked, having been ronked, have been ronked, is ronking, with ronking, being ronked, was ronked.
2) Were ronking, will ronk, to be ronked, ronked, am ronking, will have ronked, is being ronked, to be ronked.
3) On transporting, to have transported, should transport, has been transported, transported, to transport, having transported, transports, are transported, to be transporting.
4) Will be asking, to be asked, being asked, asked, shall ask, to ask, asks, having asked, will have been asked, asking, are asked, have asked, from asking, was being asked, to be asked.
Упражнение 13
Will be robbed, has been killed, is giving, will attempt, were found out, will have been discovered, were entered, was observed.
Упражнение 14
Will have been was given is looking for has been picked up will have been had had had were placed have heard were killing were perspiriring will be hunting for had been left behind is done will have been robbed gave have placed discovers killed is searched for assumed is following will perspire picks up.
Ex. 1.
1) xly, at the x, of the x, x, xed, xing;
2) xly, at x, of x, x, xed, xing, Xed, Xing, in Xing;
3) to X, on Xing, Xing, Xing, Xed, xing, xed, x, of x, on x.
Ex. 2.
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
2. КТО по чему-то ДЕЛАЕТ ЧТО.
1 2 3 4 5 6
3. КТО ( с ДЕЛАНИЕМ что-то) по чему-то ДЕЛАЕТ ЧТО.
1 2 3 4 5
4. Сделанный КТО (с ДЕЛАНИЕМ что-то) по чему-то
6 7
1 2 3 4 5
5. Сделанный КТО (с ДЕЛАНИЕМ что-то) по чему-то
6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5
6. Сделанный КТО ( с ДЕЛАНИЕМ что-то) по чему-то
6 7 8 9 10
ДЕЛАЕТ делающее ЧТО ( СДЕЛАННОЕ с чего-то).
1 2 3 4 5
7. Сделанный КТО (ДЕЛАЮЩИЙ что-то) (С ДЕЛАНИЕМ
6 7 8 9 10 11
что-то) по чему-то ДЕЛАЕТ делающее ЧТО (СДЕЛАННОЕ
с чего-то).
1 2 3 4 5 7
8. (ДЕЛАЯ что-то) сделанный КТО (ДЕЛАЮЩИЙ что-то)
7 8 9 10 11 12
(с ДЕЛАНИЕМ что-то) по чему-то ДЕЛАЕТ делающее ЧТО
13 14
(СДЕЛАННОЕ с чего-то).
1 2 3 4 5 6
9. (ДЕЛАЯ что-то), сделанный КТО (ДЕЛАЮЩИЙ что-то)
7 8 9 10 11 12
(с ДЕЛАНИЕМ что-то) по чему-то ДЕЛАЕТ делающее ЧТО
13 14 15 16
(СДЕЛАННОЕ с чего-то) (чтобы СДЕЛАТЬ к чему-то).
1 2 3 4 5
10. (Как-то ДЕЛАЯ что-то), как-то сделанный КТО
6 7 8 9 10 11
(ДЕЛАЮЩИЙ как-то что-то) (с ДЕЛАНИЕМ как-то что-то)
12 13 14 15 16 17
по чему-то как-то ДЕЛАЕТ как-то делающее ЧТО
18 19 20 21 22 23
(СДЕЛАННОЕ как-то с чего-то) (чтобы СДЕЛАТЬ как-то к
Ex. 3.
1) The 1 2 the 3.
2) The 1 along the 2 3 the 5.
3) The 1 with 2ing the 3 along the 4 5 the 6.
4) The 1ed 2 with 3ing the 4 along the 5 6 the 7.
5) The 1ed 2 with 3ing the 4 along the 5 6 the 7 8ed from the 9.
6) The 1ed 2 with 3ing the 4 along the 5 6 the 7ing 8 9ed from the 10.
7) The 1ed 2 3ing the 4 with 5ing the 6 along the 7 8 the 9ing 10 11ed from the 12.
8) 1ing the 2, the 3ed 4 5ing the 6 with 7ing the 8 along the 9 10 the 11ing 12 13ed from the 14.
9) 1ing the 2, the 3ed 4 5ing the 6 with 7ing the 8 along the 9 10 the 11ing 12 13ed from the 14 to 15 for the 16.
10) 1ly 2ing the 3, the 4ly 5ed 6 7ing 8ly the 9 with 10ing 11ly the 12 along the 13 14ly 15 the 16ly 17ing 18 19ed 20ly from the 21 to 22 23ly for the 24.
Ex. 4.
1) The 1 2 the 3.
2) The 1 at the 2 3 the 4.
3) The 1 to 2 the 3 at the 4 5 the 6.
4) The 1 to 2 the 3 at the 4 5 the 6, 7ing the 8.
5) The 1 to 2 the 3 with 4ing the 5 at the 6 7 the 8, 9ing the 10.
6) The 1 to 2 the 3 with 4ing the 5 at the 6 7 the 8 9ing on the 10, 11ing the 12.
7) The 1 2ed to the 3 to 4 the 5 with 6ing the 7 at the 8 9 the 10 11ing on the 12, 13 ing the 14.
8) The 1 2ed to the 3ing 4 to 5 the 6 with 7ing the 8 at the 9 10 the 11 12ing on the 13, 14ing the 15.
9) The 1ed 2 3ed to the 4ing 5 to 6 the 7 with 8ing the 9 at the 10 11 the 12 13ing on the 14, 15ing the 16.
10) The 1ly 2ed 3 4ed 5ly to the 6ing 7 to 8 9ly the 10 with 11ing 12ly the 13 at the 14 15ly 16 the 17 18ly 19ing on the 20, 21ly 22ing the 23.
Занятие 2
Ex. 5.
1 2 3
1) The verb dist the dand.
1 2 4 5
2) The dand at the dist verb the dand.
1 2 3 4 5 6
3) The dist to verb the dand at the dist dand the verb.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4) The verb to dist the dand at the verb dist the dand, verbing the
1 2 3 4 5 6
5) The dand to dist the verb with danding the dist at the verb
7 8 9 10
dand the dist, verbing the dand.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
6) The dist to dand the verb with disting the dand at the verb dist
9 10 11 12 13
the dand verbing on the dist, danding the verb.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7) The verb danded to the dist to verb the dand with disting the
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
verb at the dand dist the verb danding on the dist, verbing the
1 2 3 4 5 6
8) The dand verbed to the disting dand to verb the dist with
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
danding the verb at the dist dand the verb disting on the dand,
14 15
verbing the dist.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9) The disted dand verbed to the disting dand to verb the dist with
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
danding the verb at the dist dand the verb disting on the dand,
15 16
disting the verb.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10) The verbly disted dand verbed distly to the danding verb to
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
dist dandly the verb with disting verbly the dand at the dist
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
dandly verb the dist verbly danding on the dist, verbly danding
the dist.
Ex. 6.
1) On 1ing 2ly the 3 the 4 5ly 6 the 7 8ly 9ed in the 10.
2) 1ing the 2, the 3 4 the 5ly 6ed 7.
3) The 1 2ed for the 3 on 4ing the 5 6 7ly the 8ly 9ed 10 to 11 12ly the 13 14ing in the 15.
4) 1ing at the 2, the 3 with 4ing 5ly the 6 7 the 8 in the 9 10ed in the 11 to 12 the 13 14ed hrough the 15 after the 16.
5) The 1ly 2ed 3 with 4ing the 5 6ed from the 7 8 the 9 10ing on the 11, 12ing in the 13 14ing in the 15 at the 16 into the 17.
6) 1ing to the 2, the 3 4ly 5 the 6 7ed from the 8 in the 9 on the 10 with 11ing the 12 to 13 the 14 in the 15 16ed in the 17 before 18ing from the 19 to the 20.
7) The 1ing 2 3ing the 4 after the 5 6ly 7 with 8ing the 9 to 10 the 11 in the 12ed 13 14ly 15ing on the 16ed 17 along the 18.
8) 1ing on the 2 at the 3 the 4ed 5 hrough 6ing the 7 8ly 9 the 10 to 11 to the 12 on the 13 among the 14ed 15.
9) The 1ed 2 with 3ing 4ly the 5 6 the 7 about the 8 9ed in the 10 11ed from the 12 on the 13 at the 14 15ed 16ly on the 17 from the 18.
10) The 1ly 2ed 3 4 the 5.
Занятие 3
Ex. 7.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1) On visiting visitly the visit the visit visitly visit the visit visitly
visited in the visit.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2) Dashing the dash, the dash dashes the dashly dashed dash.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3) The verb verbed for the verb on verbing the verb verb verbly
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
the verbly verbed verb to verb verbly the verb verbing in the verb.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4) Disting at the dist, the dist with disting distly the dist dist the
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
dist in the disted dist to dist the dist disted through the dist
after the dist.
1 2 3 4 5 6
5) The dandly danded dand with danding the dand danded from
7 8 9 10 11 12
the dand dand the dand danding on the dand, danding in the
13 14 15 16 17
dand danding in the dand at the dand to the dand.
1 2 3 4 5 6 8
6) Visiting to the dand, the verb distly visit the dand visited from
9 10 11 12 13 14
the verb in the dist on the visit with danding the verb to dist the
15 16 17 18 19 20
visit in the dand verbed in the dist before visiting from the dand
to the verb.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7) The verbing dand disting the visit after the verb dandly verb
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
with dasting the visit to dand the verb in the visited dist dandly
15 16 17 18
verbing on the visited dist along the dand.
1 2 3 4 5
8) Danding on the visit at the dist, the verbed visit through
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
danding the verb distly visit the dand to verb to the verb on the
13 14 15
visit among the disted danad.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9) The disted dand with visiting verbly the dist dand the visit
8 9 10 11 12
about the verb disted in the dand visited from the dand on the
13 14 15 16 17 18
verb at the dist danded verbly on the visit from the dist.
1 2 3 4 5
10) The visitly disted dand verb the serpantin.
Занятие 4

Кто (с 2 до 3)
Кто (обычно) (уже)

Что (обычно)

Что (с 2 до3)
Упражнение 1
1. Автобус везет людей.
2. Мне сделали операцию.
3. Операции делаются опытными хирургами.
4. Студенты переводят текст.
5. Текст уже был переведен.
Упражнение 2


-0, -s, -es, ed (2ф) have -ed (3ф)

have be - ed (3ф)

be being -ed (3ф)
Формы глаголов « to be» и «to have»
-be | Настоящее | Прошедшее | Будущее |
I you, we, they she, he, it | am are is | was were was | will be |
- have | Настоящее | Прошедшее | Будущее |
I you, we, they she, he, it | have have has | had | will have |
Упражнение 1
X was 1ing, x have 2ed, x was being 3ed, x have been 4ed, x have 5 ed, x is being 6ed, x will be 7ing, x had been 8ed, x will have 9ed, xs are 10ing, xs were being 11ed.
Упражнение 2
X 1, x 2s, x 3es, xs 4, x 5ed, x shall 6, x are 7ed, xs are 8ed, x will be 9ed, xs should 10, x would be 11ed, x 12s.
Упражнение 3
X will 1, x has 2ed, xs are 3ed, xs are 4ing, x will have 5ed, xs were being 6ed, x had been 7ed, x should be 8ed, xs are 9ing, x was 10ed, x will have been 11ed, x will be 12ed.
Упражнение 4
1 had ronked, 2 would ronk, 3 will be ronked, 4 was ronked, 5 will ronk, 6 would be ronking, 7 will have ronked, 8 should ronk, 9s were ronked, 10 ronks, 11 will have been ronked.
Упражнение 5
1 is being ronked, 2 have ronked, 3 ronk, 4 will be ronked, 5 has ronked, 6 ronked, 7s were ronked, 8 ronks, 9s were ronking.
Упражнение 6
I was asked, 2 will be asked, 3 had asked, 4 would ask, 5 is asked, 6 have been asked, 7 will have asked, 8s asked, 9 was being asked, 10s are asking, 11 will have been asked, 12s were asked, 13 has asked, 14 asks, 15s are being asked.
Упражнение 7
1 have asked, 2 will ask, 3 shall have been asked, 4s were asked, 5 is being asked, 6 am asking, 7s are asked, 8s asked, 9 had asked, 10 will be asked, 11s were asking, 12 shall ask.
Упражнение 8
1 ask, 2s are being asked, 3 asked, 4 will have been asked, 5 should be asking, 6s are asked, 7 asks, 8 has asked, 9 will ask, 10s will have asked, 11 was asked, 12 are asking, 13 ask.
Упражнение 9
1s were asking, 2 will be asked, 3 has asked, 4 am asked, 5 is asking, 6 will ask, 7 was being asked, 8 had been asked, 9 should ask, 10 will be asked, 11 asked, 12 shall have asked.
Упражнение 10
1 have stopped, 2s were being stopped, 3 is stopping, 4 has been stopped, 5s will be stopped, 6 stopped, 7 should have been stopped, 8 stops, 9s were stopping, 10 is stopped.
Упражнение 11
1s were being prepared, 2 had been prepared, 3 was being prepared, 4 has prepared, 5 is prepared, 6s prepared, 7 was preparing, 8 will be preparing, 9 shall have been prepared.
Упражнение 12
1 has transported, 2 transport, 3 am transporting, 4 have been transported, 5s were transported, 6 is being transported, 7 will be transported, 8 transported, 9 will be transported, 10s should have transported, 11s are transported.
Упражнение 13
1 started, 2 have started, 3s were being started, 4s are starting, 5 was started, 6 would have been started, 7 starts, 8 will have started, 9s are started, 10 should be starting, 11 was started, 12 has started, 13s start, 14 should be started.
Упражнение 14
Дайте развернутую форму cказуемых:
It’s done, she’s seen, I’ve been asked, I’d asked, we’ve been asked, she’s reading, it’s written, I’ll be taken, they’ll go, you’re transported, it's read, she’s put, he's cut.
Упражнение 15
Переведите с английского на русский язык:
1. This class has not been taught by Mr. Smith.
2. The fire was put out by the rain 3 hours ago.
3. Russian is spoken here.
4. His report is much spoken about.
5. Your child will be looked after.
6. Such success has never been dreamed of.
7. She was offered an interesting job.
8. Great attention has been paid to this letter.
9. This article is written by my friend.
10. By the middle of the 19th century about 60 different elements had been discovered.
11. The delegates will be met.
12. This problem is discussed by our scientists.
13. He was offered that job himself.
14. Oliver was told to come near the table and sit down.
15. Oliver was told by Mr. Brownlow to come near the table.
16. In Mr. Blaсk’s office you spoke when you were spoken to.
Занятие 5-6
Типы глагольный сказуемых
1. The 1 2 the 3. - Глагольное сказуемое в активе.
2. The 1 is 2ed by the 3. - Глагольное сказуемое в пассиве.
3. The 1 is the 2. - Связка.
4. There is the 1 in the 2. - С оборотом «имеется».
Ex. 1.
1) The 1 2 the 3.
2) The 1 is 2ed by the 3.
3) The 1 is the 2.
4) There is a 1 in the 2.
1) The 1 at the 2 over the 3 4 the 5 for the 6 without the 7.
2) The 1 at the 2 over the 3 is the 4 for the 5 without the 6.
3) There is 1 at the 2 over the 3 for the 4 without the 5.
4) The 1 at the 2 over the 3 is 4ed for the 5 without the 6.
5) Under the 1 2 of the 3 4 there are 5 6 7s of the 8 9 on 10.
6) Under the 1 2 of the 3 4 the 5 6 7 8 was the 9 10 11 on 12.
7) Under the 1 2 of the 3 4 the 5 6 7 8 will be 9ed by the 10.
8) Under the 1 2 of the 3 4 by the 5 6s the 7 8 will be 9ing.
9) A 1 2 the 3 4 5 or 6 7 8 of any 9 10s of 11 in the 12s.
10) There are many 1 2 3 4 5s in every 6 7 of our 8 9s in 10.
11) Their 1 was a 2 3 of some 4 5 6 7s by the 8 9s of its 10.
12) Their 1 2 a 3 4 of some 5 6 7s by the 8 9.
13) Their 1 for some 2 3 4s of the 5 6s on sixth 7 8 9s.
14) For some 1 2 3s of the 4 5s their 6 have been 7ed by 8 9s.
15) For some 1 2 3s of the 4 5s their 6 have 7ed by the 8 9.
16) They 1 its 2 on the 3 4 of this 5 6 7 between the 8 and 9.
Названия выделенных типов предложений для проговаривания:
1) «С глагольным сказуемым (в активе)».
2) «С глагольным сказуемым (в пассиве)».
3) «Со связкой».
4) «С оборотом «имеется».
Сложноподчиненные предложения
Ex. 1.
1) The 1 2 the 3 when the 4 is 5ed by 6 if there is the 7 in the 8 because the 9 is the 10 where 11 is 12ed.
2) Some 1 2 a 3 that the 4 is 5ed by 6 though there is its 7 in 8 when any 9 is such 10 while no 11 12 an 13 by any 14s.
3) They 1 it that it is 2ed by it if there is their 3 in that 4 when its 5 is their 6 while its 7 8 it where they 9 a 10.
4) Another 1 2 other 3s that elevent 4 is 5ed by 6 because there are many 7s in 8s although some 9s were the 10 of 11.
5) While their 1 2 when it is 3ed with the 4 of 5 they 6 an 7 by 8 while that 9 was the 10 that there are the 11s.
6) When the 1 2 3 in the 4 5 6 7 the 8 9 10 they 11 the 12 13 14 if some 15 16 17 is other 18 19 20s where there is 21.
7) If this 1 is more 2 3 4 of three 5 6 7s it is 8ed by many 9 10s of 11 through the 12 though the 13 14 the 15.
8) Though in some 1 2s of few 3 4 5 6s such 7 8 9s have 10ed the 11 he 12s no 13 14s from 15 when ten 16s are the 17s.
9) Where it through three 1 2s 3s many 4 5s a 6 is this 7 8 9 because these 10 11s of 12 from 13 14 will 15 16 17 18s.
10) We 1 2 3 4 that the 5 6 7s are 8ed by that 9 in this 10.
11) A 1 2 3 4 of 5 of another 6 7 with other 8 9s 10s some 11 12s that that their 13 14 is 15ed by any 16 17s if 18 on my 19 20s is 21 through the 22 though there were some 23s.
Ex. 2.
1) After the 1 the 2 3 the 4 in the 5 for a 6.
2) After the 1 2 the 3 the 4 5 the 6 in the 7 for a 8.
3) Before the 1 the 2 3 the 4 as the 5 after the 6.
4) Before the 1 2 the 3 at the 4 the 5 6 the 7 after the 8s.
5) As the 1 the 2 3 the 4 as the 5 6 the 7 for the 8.
6) For the 1 2 the 3 the 4 5 the 6 for the 7 as the 8.
7) Since the 1 2 the 3 as the 4 for the 5 the 6 7 the 8.
8) Because of the 1 in the 2 the 3 4 the 5 because the 6 7 the 8 after the 9 from the 10 11 the 12 since the 13.
9) As the 1 after 2 before the 3 4 the 5 for the 6 before the 7 the 8 9 the 10 after 11 as some 12 since any 13.
10) That 1 2 that 3 that the 4 5 that 6 where there are the 7s.
11) The 1 2 the 3 that a 4 5 a 6 though the 7s are in a table.
12) The 1 is the 2 that is the 3.
13) The 1 2 the 3 which is 4ed by the 5 which we will 6 to a 7.
14) The 1 which they 2 for the 3 is the 4.
15) The 1 that was 2ed by the 3 shall 4 the 5 for the 6.
16) Whether the 1 2 the 3 the 4 5 the 6 because of the 7.
17) They will 1 the 2 whether we 3 the 4 through the 5.
18) Though some 1 is 2ed with the 3 which is the 4 the 5 6 a 7.
19) Though some 1 which is the 2 is 3ed with 4 the 5 is 6ed.
20) Whether this 1 of 2 is on the 3 the 4 of 5 is 6ly 7ed.
21) Some 1 2 3s in the 4 5 will 6 whether there are the 7s.
that what what + сущ. who which while when whether if why how long how much (many) where whereas though (although) because as, since, for before after and, but, or thus then than rather than however both both...and... either...or... neither...nor... as many as... as well as... just yet, still also so almost | что, который что какой кто, который который в то время, когда когда «ли» если почему как долго как много где в то время, когда хотя потому что так как перед тем как после того, как и (а), но, или таким образом тогда, затем чем (сравнение) более чем однако оба, пара как...так... (и...и...) или...или...(либо...либо...) ни...ни так много, как... так же, как... как раз... еще также так, так что почти | always recently only the only once at least be likely be unlikely such same | всегда недавно только единственный однажды по меньшей мере быть вероятным быть маловероятным такой тот же самый |