Практичний курс англійської мови навчальний посібник з практики усного та письмового мовлення для студентів 4 курсу

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3.7 These dictionary entries provide you with a wide range of translations of commonly misused words. Study the words and expressions and try to find the best variant according to the context in exercise 3.9

advanced 1) а) висунутий уперед, що знаходиться перед; передовий the advanced guard of the English army — авангард англійської армії

б) (про вік) похилий, літній advanced in years — старий

2) а) сучасний, передовий advanced ideas — передові ідеї.Their tastes are a bit too advanced for the times.

б) розвитий; налагоджений, відпрацьований the most advanced scientific methods — найефективніші наукові методи advanced weapons systems — сучасні системи озброєння

3) а) просунутий; підвищеного типу advanced chemistry — вища хімія - advanced studies - advanced Lеаrnеr's Dictionary ; advanced studies- заняття, курс підвищеного типу для продолжающих навчання.

б) устигаючий (про учня)

4) підвищений, збільшений (про кількість) the advanced price of grain — збільшена ціна на зернові Syn: increased

facility 1) а) легкість ( як відсутність перешкод, труднощів ) The facility or difficulty of understanding. —

б) легкість, плавність (про склад, мову і т.п.) Spenser composed with great facility. • Syn: ease , freedom , readiness , aptitude , dexterity , fluency

2) а) можливість, сприятливі умови; пільги Syn: opportunity

б) засобу обслуговування, зручності; послуги There was but little need of postal facilities. — У поштових послугах практично не було потреби.

в) устаткування, пристосування, апаратура; будинку (заводів, фірм і т.п.) to provide facility for — діставати устаткування для recreational facilities — місце відпочинку і розваг

( спортмайданчики, тенісні корти і т.д. ) - athletic facilities - dining facilities - eating facilities - educational facilities - mechanical facilities - medical facilities - modern facilities - outmoded facilities - research facilities - storage facilities - transportation facilities; educational facilities навчальні посібники Syn: installation

3) а) піддатливість, поступливість

б) приступність - facility of access Syn: pliancy, liability , readiness

4) безтурботність, неуважність, недбалість Those who read them with careless facility. Syn: lassitude, carelessness

nation 1) народ, нація; народність Syn: folk , people , nationality

2) а) держава, нація, країна to build, establish a nation — створити, заснувати державу belligerent, warring nations — воюючі держави civilized nation — цивілізована держава a member nation (of the UN) — країна-член, що входить до складу какой-л. організації (напр., Організації Об'єднаних Націй) There were strikes across the nation. -friendly nation — дружня держава independent nation — незалежна держава most favoured nation — найбільше благоприятствуемая нація peace-loving nations — миролюбні країни sovereign nation — суверенна, незалежна держава Syn: State б) ( the nation ) наша країна, США ( тж. this nation ); американці

3) (the nation ) усі жителі країни, усе населення країни It was a story that touched the nаtіоn's heart.

4) (the nations) а); язичники, неєвреї Syn: the Gentiles б) народи, що населяють землю, народи світу

5) плем'я; об'єднання племен

6) земляцтво (у середньовічному університеті)

range 1) а) вибудовувати(ся) у ряд; ставити, розташовувати в порядку All the enemy's guns were ranged against us from both sides. Syn: arrange

б) класифікувати Syn: classify , arrange

в) бути на одному рівні; відноситися до числа; примикати, приєднуватися І'м surprised to hear that he has ranged himself with the workers. He ranges with the great writers.

2) а) бродити; мандрувати, скитаться; нишпорити (range over, range through) The cattle range over many miles in search of food. —Syn: wander, rove, roam , stray

б) плисти навколо (берега, країни і т.д.; range along, range with)

3) а) коливатися у відомих межах His feelings on the matter have ranged from bitterness to hope.

б) простиратися, тягтися (range along, range with) в) водитися, зустрічатися у визначених границях

4) зробитися розсудливим, змінити спосіб життя на більш регулярний (калька з французького) - range in.

terminal 1.1) кінець, границя

2) а) кінцева станція; кінцевий пункт; перевалочний пункт at a terminal — на кінцевої - bus terminal - freight terminal - shipping terminal - trucking terminal - air terminal - airline terminal

б) плата за навантаження товарів на кінцевій залізничній станції

3) кінцевий склад / слово; закінчення

4) клема; уведення / висновок

2.1) заключний, кінцевий, термінальний, остаточний, останній; завершальний Syn: final , concluding

2) періодичний; періодично повторюваний

3) семестровий terminal examination — семестровий іспит Syn: semester

4) обмежений терміном
3.8 Translate the sentences into English.
  1. Їхні смаки занадто "просунуті" для сьогоднішнього дня.
  2. Давай зустрінемося на автовокзалі.
  3. Його можна поставити в один ряд з великими письменниками.
  4. Легкість чи труднощі в розумінні.
  5. Він перейшов від розпачу до надії.
  6. По всій країні прокотилися страйки.
  7. По обидва боки на нас були націлені вишуковані в ряд ворожі пушки.
  8. Худоба проходить милі в пошуках їжі.
  9. Спенсер писав дуже легко .
  10. Ті, хто з безтурботною неуважністю читають їх.
  11. Дивує, що він приєднався до робітників.
  12. Ця історія торкнула серця людей по всій країні.
3.9 Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian. While reading mark or underline useful and up-to-point expressions. Entitle the text.

Higher education is a period of advanced study following the completion of secondary education. The duration of the study may be from four to seven years or more, depending upon the nature and complexity of the programs pursued. The institution providing higher education may be either a college or university or a type of professional school. A junior or community college, such as those maintained by some state systems of higher education, offers a 2-year program of general education and/or technical training that serves either as terminal schooling or as preparation for more specialized study in a 4-year college or university. When the basic course of study is successfully completed, usually at the end of four years, the graduate receives a bachelor's degree. He or she may continue for a master's degree, generally requiring an additional year or two, and then for a doctorate, which normally requires the candidate to submit a dissertation and to complete a minimum of two or three years of further studies. Higher education, which usually includes some general education, is a time for specialized study to qualify the individual for professional activity or for employment in higher positions in business, industry, and government. In recent years, especially in the U.S., the trend has been toward requiring a greater number of courses common to all students in order to counteract a growing tendency toward overspecialization.

Postgraduate study ranges from programs emphasizing intensive training in a specific aspect of professional practice to degree programs of several years' duration, either in an academic discipline or a professional field. Many professions also require periodic postgraduate study in order to maintain certification for practice.

Graduate schools generally award master's degrees or doctorates to those who have satisfactorily completed prescribed courses of study. A year is usually required to obtain a master's degree, which demands the acquisition of a higher level of knowledge than is needed for a baccalaureate. The doctoral degree involves a longer period of study and requires participation in and summation of some type of original research, as well as written and oral examinations.

The demands for specific courses of postgraduate study change with the needs of society. In most developing nations, for example, professional training in engineering and the health sciences is in great demand. In the United States and Canada the number of persons applying to schools of medicine, law, and business management greatly increased during the 1990s. Preparation for a career in medicine represents the most intensive curriculum, as a medical degree requires at least four years beyond the baccalaureate, and entry into a medical specialty can require four or more additional years of study. Many other occupations are currently being upgraded to the status of professions, with accompanying increases in the amount of postgraduate education needed for entry and advancement.
In the U.S., a growing number of college students are continuing their education with postgraduate study. This has led to an expansion of facilities in universities around the nation. Postgraduate recruitment comes from various sources. Some college graduates who went directly into employment find it desirable to return to graduate schools for advanced training. A further trend has been to open professional training to minority groups that have historically been excluded because their access to prerequisite study has been restricted.

An ever-increasing number of women are now students in higher education programs throughout the world. Traditionally, many professions, including engineering, law, and medicine, were dominated by men. Women are now demanding and acquiring equal access to the postgraduate education necessary for entry into all professions. This trend is likely to continue as political, economic, and social barriers to equal opportunity for women are removed.

As per capita income increases in a society, the demand for professional training in technical and human services also increases. Foreign aid from developed nations and educational programs sponsored by the United Nations have done much to support the expansion of postgraduate education in developing countries. Many nations now include plans for the development of postgraduate studies as part of their own systems of higher education rather than supporting professional training abroad for citizens who may or may not return to their own countries.
3.10 Work out the questions to the following answers.
  1. the nature and complexity of the programs pursued
  2. a 2-year program of general education and / or technical training
  3. usually at the end of four years
  4. in order to counteract a growing tendency toward overspecialization
  5. from programs emphasizing intensive training in a specific aspect of professional practice to degree programs of several years' duration
  6. participation in and summation of some type of original research, as well as written and oral examinations
  7. during the 1990s
  8. because their access to prerequisite study has been restricted
  9. engineering, law, and medicine
  10. as per capita income increases in a society
3.11 Make a list of at least 15 expressions and phrases from the article that would help you to speak on the topic “Higher education”.