Шон Бурн Гендерная психология

Вид материалаРеферат
Psychology of women: A handbook of issues and theories
Psychology of Women Quarterly, 2
Father-child relations: Cultural and biosocial contexts
Portrayals of love, marriage, and sexuality in Walt Disney's animated films.
Review of child development research.
Psychological Report, 42
The making of masculinities
Theorizing masculinities
Psychology of Women Quarterly, 11
Konrad, A. M., & Cannings, K.
Relations industrielles, 49
Sex Roles, 14,203-209.
Aggressive Behavior, 14
The psychology of gender: Advances through meta-analysis
American Psychologist, 48
Sport, men, and the gender order: Critical feminist perspective
Sex Roles
Contributions to the fourth GASAT conference
Stress and the family
Carmichael's manual of child psychology
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