Н. І. Панасенко Кандидат філологічних наук

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Context Decide if these statements about context are true or false.
Practical Assignments for Seminars
Great lullabies to the long sleepers. (Carl Sandburg)
Just So Stories)
Vanity Fair
1) phonetic, 2) morphological, 3) lex­ical, 4) syntactic, 5) graphic
Assignment 11. Group the following stylistic devices into three columns according to their type: 1) phonetic, 2) lexical (lexico
Seminar No 2 Functional Styles of The English Language
Alive & Kicking
6) Wrist watch music power.
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   ...   16

I'm telling you, you just wouldn't believe the crowds in Tesco this morning!

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to join

this couple.

Cook in a hot oven for 20 minutes and serve immediately with rice or pasta.

A poet could not but be gay in such jocund company.

The tropical rainforests provide habitats for numerous species of cold

blooded animals.

James Black stared at his image in the cracked mirror, placed the gun to

his head and fired.

> Context

Decide if these statements about context are true or false.

A dictionary gives the real meaning of a word.

Language does not exist except in a social context.

The road sign 'NO ENTRY' is striking because of its red background.

Placing events outside their normal context can produce humorous effects.

Context can only refer to time or place.

Contextualising can help to clarify an item of communication.

Practical Assignments for Seminars

Seminar No 1 Style and Stylistics

> Style

Identify the style of each of the following statements. Choose two or more adjectives which describe the style.

> Form

Identify the form of each of the following texts.







  • Mr and Mrs John Smith invite you to attend the wedding of their daugh­ter Isobel to Bertrand Williams.
  • I am in love with my boss and I'm afraid I'm going to lose my job be­cause it's obvious to all my colleagues that we are having an affair. Гщ at my wits end and have no one to turn to. Please help.
  • Did our fathers and our fathers' fathers struggle and slave for this? Is this all we have to show for our life-long devotion to duty at the risk of life and limb? I leave you with a final plea to show your protest by putting your mark on the ballot paper where it belongs.
  • British Taxicom - good morning - my name's Shelley -how can I help you?
  • A bright start to the day today in most parts of the country. I'll start with the South East of the country where squally showers have already made driving hazardous and these conditions seem set to continue throughout the day.

> Stylistic analysis

Decide whether the following statements are true or false.
  • Stylistic analysis of literary and non-literary texts has an identical outcome.
  • Stylistic features are elements of the text which we admire.
  • Analysing fiction spoils the reader's pleasure.
  • Non-literary texts are easier to analyse than literary texts.
  • Stylistic analysis is a procedure by which we prove a hypothesis.
  • In stylistic analysis of non-literary texts, we look at phonology, grapholo­gy, vocabulary, grammar, and semantics.

> Standard English

Decide if these statements about Standard English are true or false.
  • Standard English is an accent spoken by the upper classes.
  • Standard English was once a dialect.
  • For a language to be standardised, it must have a written form.
  • Standard English is so called because it is fixed and unchanging.
  • The term Standard English applies only to writing.
  • Standard English is the best form of the language, and we should all aspire to use it.

> Varieties

In which sub-variety of spoken or written English do these belong?

• Dear Mum, Hope you're OK.

0 I swear by Almighty God to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
  • "Ahoy there!"
  • It is with extreme regret that I have to inform you of my resignation from the Party.
  • To be, or not to be; that is the question.
  • Mom had gotten us each a cookie from the store that morning.

Assignment 1. Match the following notions with their features: /) style, 2) norm, 3) context, 4) expressive means, 5) stylistic devices, 6) image:
  1. phonetic, morphological, lexical, and syntactic units and forms which are used in speech to intensify the meaning of the utterance, to make it emphatic;
  2. a set of certain rules which in a certain epoch and in a certain society is considered to be most correct and standard for a definite functional style;
  3. a subsystem of the principles, extralinguistic circumstances, and the effect of the usage of phonetic, morphological, lexical, and syntactic language means of expressing human thoughts and emotions;
  4. reflection of reality in linguistic and extralinguistic contexts from the speaker's/ writer's point of view;
  5. phonetic, morphological, lexical and syntactic figures of speech formed on the basis of language units and forms;
  6. linguistic or situational encirclement of a language unit in which it finds itself in speech.

Assignment 2. Attribute properly the object of studying to the following types of stylistics: 1) linguistic, 2) communicative, 3) coding, 4) decoding, 5) literary, 6) contrastive:
  1. studies the individual style of the author;
  2. deals with the stylistic expressive means of a certain literary work or author, or literary trend;
  3. investigates the peculiarities of functional styles and expressive means of language;


  1. deals with text interpretation which is based upon certain objective language codes;
  2. studies real texts and their communicative potential;
  3. investigates stylistic potentialities of two or more languages in comparison.

Assignment 3. Point out subtypes for the following types of context:

a) linguistic, b) stylistic, c) situational.

Assignment 4. Match the types of linguistic context with their characteristics: 1) microcontext, 2) macrocontext, 3) megacontext, d) sty­listic context:
  1. a context which contains unpredictable, untypical of a certain style language unit(s);
  2. a context of a chapter, a story, or the whole book;
  3. a context of a single utterance;
  4. a context of a paragraph in a text.

Assignment 5. Decide what branch of linguistics stylistics is con­nected with [ 1) phonetics, 2) lexicology, 3) grammar] when it studies:
  1. vocabulary, its development in language, expressiveness of semantic structure of words, semantic relations between words;
  2. stylistically coloured words, word combinations, sentences and texts;
  3. emotional expressiveness of sound repetition, stresses, articulation, intonation, rhyme, speech rhythm.

Assignment 6. Explain how semantics of the compounds depend on their phonetics (pronunciation):
  1. overwork ('extra work', 'hard work inquiring one's health');
  2. bookcase ('a paper cover for books', 'a piece of furniture with shelves for books');
  3. mankind ('the human race', 'men' [contrasted with women]).

Assignment 7. Analyse dependence of semantics on the gram­matical meaning of plurality in the folowing vocabulary:

still lifes ф still lives; cloth basket Ф clothes basket; good train Ф goods train; saving bank Ф savings bank.


Assignment 8. Review the two verses and put forvard the argu­ments which disclose the connection of stylistics with other branches 0f linguistics:

Dream Deferred

What happened to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore -And then ran?

Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over -like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode?

(Langston Hughes)

The year

A storm of white petals, Buds throwing open baby fists Into hands of broad flowers.

Red roses running upward, Clambering to the clutches of life Soaked in crimson.

Rabbles of tattered leaves Holding golden flimsy hopes Against the tramplings Into the pits and gullies.

Hoarfrost and silence:

Only the muffling

Of winds dark and lonesome -

Great lullabies to the long sleepers. (Carl Sandburg)


Assignment 9. Define the main stylistic notions (style, norm, form, text, context, speech, writing, expressive means, stylistic devices, im­age), reviewing the following passages:

1) Still ran Dingo - Yellow-Dog Dingo - always hungry, grinning like a
rat-trap, never getting nearer, never getting farther, - ran after Kangaroo.

He had to!

Still ran Kangaroo - Old Man Kangaroo. He ran through the ti-trees: he ran through the mulga; he ran through the long grass; he ran through the short grass; he ran through the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer; he ran till his hind legs ached.

He had to!

Still ran Dingo - Yellow-Dog Dingo - hungrier and hungrier, grinning like a horse-collar, never getting nearer, never getting farther; and they came to the Wollgong River.

Now, there wasn't any bridge, and there wasn't any ferry-boat, and Kangaroo didn't know how to get over; so he stood on his legs and hopped.

He had to!

(From R. Kipling's Just So Stories)

2) Crabbed age and youth cannot live together:
Youth is full of pleasure, age is full of care;

Youth is like summer morn, age like winter weather; Youth like summer brave, age like winter bare. Youth is full of sport, age's breath is short; Youth is nimble, age is lame: Youth is hot and bold, age is weak and cold; Youth is wild, and age is tame. Age, 1 do abhore thee, youth I adore thee; Oh! My Love, my Love is young. (W. Shakespeare)

3) Уночі палало село. З неба злякано дивився вниз поблідлий місяць,
і, ховаючись у хмари, тікав, і з жахом озирався назад, на полум'я. Дере­
ва хитались і, від страху наїживши голі віти, ніби силкувались втекти; а
вітер гасав над полум'ям, зривав з його головні, шпурляв ними в сусідні
хати, розкидав і лютував, свавільно і безпардонно. Побіля ж полум'я
бігали, метушились маленькі, безсилі люди, ламали руки й кричали до
неба, до місяця, до полум'я. Кричали до Бога, до чорта, до людей. По-

лум'я ж росло, вітер грався ним, місяць з жахом тікав серед хмар, і не було порятунку ні від неба, ні від чорта, ні від людей.

(From V. Vynnychenko's Student)

4) 3 журбою радість обнялась...

В сльозах, як в жемчугах, мій сміх, І з дивним ранком ніч злилась, І як мені розняти їх?!

В обіймах з радістю журба. Одна летить, друга спиня... І йде між ними боротьба, І дужчий хто - не знаю я...

(Alexander Oles')

5) Governorship of Coventry Island. - H. M. S. Yellowjack, Command­
er Jaunders, has brought letters and papers from Coventry Island. H. E. Sir
Thomas Liverseege had fallen a victim to the prevailing fever at Swamp-
town. His loss is deeply felt in the flourishing colony. We hear that the Gover­
norship has been offered to Colonel Rawdon Crawley, С. В., a distinguished
Waterloo officer. We need not only men of acknowledged bravery, but men
of administrative talents to superintend the affairs of our colonies; and we
have no doubt that the gentleman selected by the Colonial Office to fill the
lamented vacancy which has occurred at Coventry Island is admirably calcu­
lated for the post which he is about to occupy.

(From Vanity Fair by W. M. Thackeray)

"Посада губернатора на острові Ковентрі.

Військовий корабель "Єллоуджек" під командою капітана Джандерса привіз листи й газети з острова Ковентрі. Його вельможність сер Томас Ліверсідж став жертвою малярії, поширеної в Мочартауні. Квітуча ко­лонія сумує з приводу цієї тяжкої втрати. Є чутка, що посаду губерна­тора запропоновано полковникові Родону Кроулі, кавалерові ордена Лазні, офіцерові, що відзначився в битві під Ватерлоо. Для керування нашими колоніями нам потрібні люди, які не тільки засвідчили свою хоробрість, а й мають хист адміністратора, і ми не сумніваємося, що міністерство колоній вибрало гідну людину для заміщення вакансії, яка звільнилася внаслідок сумної події на острові Ковентрі."

(Translated by Olga Senyuk)



Assignment 10. Group the following expressive means into five columns according to their type: 1) phonetic, 2) morphological, 3) lex­ical, 4) syntactic, 5) graphic:

whispering; text segmentation; synonyms; vocabulary of non-neutral func­tional and etymological layers (poetic, archaic words, vulgarisms, etc.); or­thography; pitch; emphatic constructions (with inverted word order, when the rheme of the utterance precedes the theme of it; when the auxiliary verb "do" is used emphatically; emphatic confirmation; a subordinate clause with the emphatic subject "//"); punctuation; demonstrative pronouns used em­phatically; homonyms; ellipsis; melody; interjections; pausation; type; trans­positions in grammatical categories/forms; singing; expressive affixes; one-member sentence; descriptive attributes; stress.

Assignment 11. Group the following stylistic devices into three columns according to their type: 1) phonetic, 2) lexical (lexico-seman~ tic), 3) syntactic:

repetition; simile; personification; antithesis; polysyndeton; oxymoron; stylistic inversion; metaphor; parallel constructions; periphrasis; rhetorical question; synecdoche; allegory; gradation; onomatopoeia; euphemism; par­celing; metonymy; alliteration; hyperbole; enumeration; meiosis; aposiopesis; epithet; detachment; irony; assonance; zeugma; antonomasia; rhyme; litotes; rhythm; pun.

Seminar No 2 Functional Styles of The English Language

Assignment 1. Define functional style features of the following passages:
  1. Satellite communication systems, like other wireless communication systems, convey information using electromagnetic waves. Since radio was the first practical application of wireless technology, we may refer to them as radio waves.
  2. 'Never you mind what they say, dear', said Mrs. Hodges.'I've 'ad to go through it same as you 'ave. They don't know any better, poor things. You take my word for it, they'll like you all right if you 'old your own same as I 'ave'. (W. S. Maugham)



Last Tuesday, ten Melitopol machine building plants employing 22,000 v/orkers came to a standstill. The enterprises are lacking the funds required to pay for 50% of electricity consumed according to the latest government's decision. This will entail an automatic suspension of allocations into the state budget and a further increase in arrears of wages and salaries. The Board of Melitopol Directors sent a telegram to the President and the Cabinet asking the government to suspend the decision and keep the payment procedure un­changed for a three months period, The Day's Victor Puzhaichereda reports.

4) The Petrivka book market:
Alive & Kicking

Text: Tetiana Honcharova

For several years there have been persistent rumours that Kyiv's most popular makeshift book market Petrivka is nearing its end. But it is alive and shows no signs of deterioration, although rumours persist. Peo­ple were especially worried after the so-called Book Square opened on Plosh-cha Slavy [Victory Sq.]. Petrivka enemies were rubbing their hands in antic­ipation, but their expectations were not to be rewarded. Petrivka staggered under the blow but survived.

After all, what better place is there for the local book, video and CD lovers? Petrivka offers a stunning assortment and the prices are more or less affordable. [...]


Horlivka July 17, ...

Parties to this Contract are:

Horlivka open-type Stockholding Company "CONCERN STIROL" here­inafter referred to as the "Seller" represented by Mr Rachinsky acting on the basis of the Statute from one part, the firm "S. E. R. C. L." hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer" represented by its President Mr Roland Hytter-haegen acting on the basis of the Statute from the other part, concluded the present contract on the following: [...]

6) Wrist watch music power.

Panasonic's Ewear music machine is so small you can wear it like a watch.

Despite its size it provides 2 hours of your music from a 64mb SD mem-



огу card that is no bigger that a postage stamp. For the fashion conscious lady you can even wear it as a pendant round your neck. Apparently it unfortu­nately does not also tell the time so you still have to wear your watch on the other wrist.

This would be an interesting idea for your mobile as well because in the heat of summer when clothing is sparse it would be most convenient to wear your phone on your wrist.

7) The City of Dreadful Night rises from its bed and turns its face to­
wards the dawning day. With return of life comes return of sound. [... J What
is it? Something borne on men's shoulders comes by in the half-light, and I
stand back. A woman's corpse going down to the burning-ghat, and a by­
stander says, "She died at midnight from the heat." So the city was of Death
as well as Night, after all.

(Rudyard Kipling, The City of Dreadful Night)

8) Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am pleased to welcome you to the 2001 UMC Annual Report on behalf of the UMC Board of Directors.

2001 was an extremely successful year for UMC and its Subscribers...

A number of important technologies were introduced...

Importantly, UMC moved closer to the Customer...

The financial results...

On behalf of the UMC Board of Directors, I would like to thank all UMC employees, business partners and most importantly our Subscribers, for a record result in 2001.

Gemot Taufmann Chairman of the Board

Assignment 2. Pay attention to the peculiarities of translation of the above cited functional style patterns:
  1. Системи супутникового зв'язку, як і інші системи безкабельного зв'язку, передають інформацію за допомогою електромагнітних хвиль. Оскільки радіо було першим практичним застосуванням безкабельної технології, ми можемо їх назвати радіохвилями.
  2. "Не звертайте на них увагу, голубонько, - казала місіс Ходжес. -Я також спочатку натерпілася від них. Бідненькі, таке вже в них виховання. Будьте спокійні, ви з ними знайдете спільну мову. Лише не давайте себе скривдити, беріть приклад з мене."


У минулий вівторок десять машинобудівних заводів на 22 000 ро­бочих місць припинили роботу. У цих підприємств немає коштів для оплати за останнім рішенням уряду 50% вартості спожитої електроенергії. Такі обставини спричинять автоматичне припинення виплати податкової частки у державний бюджет і зріст заборгованості у заробітній платі робітникам і службовцям. Правління підприємств Мелітополя надіслало телеграму Президенту і Кабінету Міністрів з проханням до уряду відкласти виконання постанови і залишити без змін процедуру оплати на три місяці, повідомляє кореспондент газети "День"Віктор Пужайчереда.

Тетяна Гончарова

Що там не кажіть, а київська "Петрівка" - книжковий ринок - вмирати не збирається. Хоч чутки про її смерть ходили ще кілька років тому, та й досі ходять. Особливо довелося похвилюватися, коли на Печерську, біля площі Слави, відкрився "Книжковий квадрат". Вороги "Петрівки" вже потирали руки. Але ні, вистояла, рідна, тільки трохи похитнулася.

Та й куди ще податися нашим книгоманам, відеоманам і комп'ю­терним манам, як не на ринок, де є величезний вибір і не надто "кусючі" ціни?[...]