Lessons 1-2 nice to meet you

Вид материалаДокументы
We are going to receive guests
Lesson 16 – 17 stop and check
Leaving home - David Snow talking about his daughter.
Як чудово отримати від тебе листа…
Як твої справи? Мої - чудово…
Чи не міг ти мені пояснити
Надішли мені подробиці про…
У відповідь на перше запитання хочу тобі сказати, що …
Твоє наступне запитання є про…
Нарешті, радий підтвердити, що…
Сподіваюся на швидку відповідь.
Навіки твій (ваш)
Подобный материал:
1   ...   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14


1 Read two passages about the traditions of receiving guests in different countries. Fill in the chart.





Place of reception




In my country, Japan, usually we invite guests home at weekend, in the early evening, about seven o’clock. Before they come, we must tidy the front garden and clean the entrance hall. Then we must spray it all with the water to show that we welcome guests with cleanliness. The guests usually bring presents and when they give you the present they say, ’I’m sorry this is such a small present’, but in fact they have chosen the present very carefully. When the meal is ready the hostess says, ‘We have nothing special for you today but you are welcome to come this way’. You can see that in Japan you should try to be modest and you should not show off too much. If you don’t understand our culture you will think this is very strange.

When we have foreign guests we try to serve traditional Japanese meals like sushi, tempura, or sukiyaki but when we have Japanese guests, we serve all kinds of food such as spaghetti, Chinese food, or steaks. When guests leave, the host and hostess see them out of the house and wait until their car turns the corner of the street; they wait until they can't see them any more.


I come from Spain. At home what we love most is going out to eat in bars and restaurants. There is a big choice and we can go from one bar to another trying different things and having a few drinks, usually wine or beer. But sometimes we also like to invite people to our home.

I usually invite my friends for an informal meal. I cook Spanish omelette, which is made with potatoes, onions and eggs, fried in olive oil. Then we have things like cheese, ham – Spanish ham is very different from English ham, and if you buy the best one, called Jabugo, is something delicious, worth trying. And then things like olives, anchovies, mussels. We drink wine or beer. Some people may bring a bottle of wine or something for pudding. We usually meet late in the evening, about eight thirty or nine. Of course we dress casually; we just want to be relaxed and comfortable, and talk and laugh together.

2 You are going to receive guests next weekend. Use information from Column "Me" to describe Ukrainian traditions.

3 Speak about Ukrainian / your family traditions of receiving guests.

LESSON 16 – 17


Get ready for your writing Test 3. Use evaluation exercises to find out how much progress you have made in Lessons 11 – 15.



I Lesson 3 Jigsaw listening / reading

Text A

Leaving home - David Snow talking about his daughter.

My daughter Jackie is living in London now. We're very worried about her, really. London is such a dangerous place for a young girl. She's only eighteen, and London's so far away. Her mother went down to see her there, but I don't like London.

I don't know why she went there. I think she has some friends there. She says she wants to be a dancer, and she's doing a sort of course, a ballet course or something, but dancing isn't a real job, and you don't earn much money being a dancer.

She's living in a flat in north London – with her boyfriend, I think, and we don't like that at all. We've never met the boyfriend- Tony, his name is. He doesn't have a job. I think she's earning some extra money working as a dancer in a theatre or club in the centre of London, but I'm not sure. I hope it's
a nice place. I do worry about her. London is such a big place. I'm sure she wants to come home, really. She phones home sometimes, but not very often and when we phone her she's always out. We are her parents, and I know we're important to her, but it still makes me sad.


Написання неофіційного листа дозволяє деяку свободу стилю викладення інформації, вживання скорочених форм, проте вимагає чіткого дотримання вимог до структури листа.

Звертатися до адресата слід Dear + name, (обов’язково ставте кому!), наприклад,

Dear Tom, or Dear Uncle Bill,

Типове перше речення основної частини неофіційного листа може бути таким:

It was nice/great/lovely/pleasant to hear from you… Як чудово отримати від тебе листа…

I hope you're well… Сподіваюся, у тебе све гаразд…

Sorry I haven't written for so long… Вибач, що довго не писав…

Thanks for your letter… Дякую за листа…

How are you? I'm fine. Як твої справи? Мої - чудово…

В основній частині листа-запиту про інформацію можна використовувати наступні фрази:

I'd like to know… Я б хотів дізнатися …

I want to know… Я хочу знати…

Can you let me know …etc. Чи не міг ти мені пояснити

Для подальшого розпитування:

Can you also find out…? Чи можеш ти також з’ясувати…

I'm also interested in …etc. Мене також цікавить…

Send me the details of… Надішли мені подробиці про…

В основній частині листа-надання інформації можна використовувати наступні фрази:

You wanted me to tell you… Ти хотів, щоб я розповів про…

Answering your first question I want to tell you that… У відповідь на перше запитання хочу тобі сказати, що …

Для подальшого роз’яснення:

As for…, I can add that… Що стосується …., можу додати…

Your next question is about…, so I'd like to inform Твоє наступне запитання є про…,

you that … отже, хочу проінформувати, що…

You'd also like to know if…, unfortunately I can Ти також цікавився, чи…, на жаль,

disappoint you… можу тебе розчарувати…

Finally, I’m glad to confirm that… Нарешті, радий підтвердити, що…

У заключному реченні основної частини неофіційного листа зазначають:

Write soon. Незабаром напишу.

I'll be in touch soon. Скоро зв’яжуся.

Hoping to hear from you soon. Сподіваюся на швидку відповідь.

Give my regards/love to your family. Найкращі побажання родині.

Перед підписом, як правило, завершують лист одним із висловів:

Sincerely yours, Щиро твій (ваш),

Yours (always) faithfully, Твій (вічно) вірний,

Yours ever, Навіки твій (ваш),

Best wishes, Найкращих побажань,