Lessons 1-2 nice to meet you
Вид материала | Документы |
- Семинара Тема доклада, 26.24kb.
- Семинара Тема доклада, 24.57kb.
- Задания, оцениваемые в 2 балла, 51.19kb.
- Real Life People Who Followed The Rich Dad Lessons by Robert, T. Kiyosaki with Sharon, 3000.68kb.
- Следующие вопросы, 56.82kb.
- Следующие вопросы, 61.99kb.
- М. В. Ломоносова Филологический факультет Кафедра истории зарубежной литературы Диплом, 3721.87kb.
- Следующие вопросы: формирование новых рынков инновационной продукции: проектные решения;, 62.08kb.
Міністерство освіти і науки України
Сумський державний університет
Методичні вказівки та завдання для організації аудиторної та самостійної роботи студентів інженерних та економічних спеціальностей денної форми навчання в І семестрі
Вид-во СумДУ
English revision course. Student’s book. Методичні вказівки та завдання для організації аудиторної та самостійної роботи студентів інженерних та економічних спеціальностей денної форми навчання в І семестрі / Укладачі: Н.І. Муліна, С.Г. Золотова. – Суми: Вид-во СумДУ, 2007.
Кафедра іноземних мов
Read and act the dialogues out

Tom: Dad, let me introduce my friend. This is Bob. Bob, this is my father,
Mr. Wilson.
Mr. Wilson: How are you, Bob? Nice to meet you.
Bob: Fine, thanks. Nice to meet you too, Mr. Wilson.
2 Bill: Bob, this is my friend Tom. Tom, this is Bob. Bob: Hi. Nice to meet you. Tom: Nice to meet you, too. Bill: Bob is in your group, Tom. Tom: Good. Let’s go now. See you later, Bill. Bob: Okay. Goodbye, Bill. Bill: Bye. See you later. | 3 Paola Hello. My name's Paola. Kurt Hello, Paola. I'm Kurt P Where are you from? K I'm from Switzerland. And you? Where are you from? P I'm from Rome. K Ah! I'm from Zurich. P Zurich is very beautiful. K Yes, it is. |
Article (general issues) The Noun (Sg./Pl.; 's;) The Order of Words
The Pronouns (Personal, Possessives, Reflexive, Demonstrative)
to be to have/have got
The Article
Principal Issues
A | a/an | singular, countable nouns (a thing or an idea) mentioned for the first time | There is a supermarket in Adam Street. | |
B | the | singular and plural, countable and uncountable (the thing and idea) mentioned before | I'm going to the supermarket. Do you want anything? | |
Indefinite Article | ||||
C | a/an | with professions | She is an architect. | |
D | a/an | some expressions of quantity | A pair of (shoes), a couple of, a few, a little, a hundred, three times a day | |
E | a/an | in exclamations with a countable noun | What a lovely day! | |
Definite Article | ||||
F | the | before oceans, seas, rivers, hotels, restaurants, theatres, museums, newspapers | the Atlantic, the Times, the Ritz but _-_McDonald's | |
G | the | if there is only one | the sun, the Queen, the capital of | |
H | the | with superlative adjectives | the biggest, the richest | |
No Article | ||||
I | - | thing in general | _-_ Cows like _-_ grass. | |
J | - | countries*, towns, streets, languages, meals, airports, stations, mountains* | Great Britain, but *the USA, Sumy, Oxford Street, English, have breakfast, Heathrow, Paddington Station, Everest, but *the Carpathians | |
K | - | before some places and with some forms of transport | at school/work/home, go to bed by car/bus/train, on foot | |
L | - | in exclamations with an uncountable noun | What beautiful weather! |
Nouns in Plural
1 | book | books | 2 | bus | buses | 3 | county | countries | 4 | child | children |
| pen | pens | | church | churches | | boy | boys | | woman | women |
| | | | bush | bushes | | | | | person | people |
| | | | bridge | bridges | | | | | foot | feet |
The Pronouns
Person | Personal | Possessive | Reflexive | ||
Nom.case | Obj.case | Conjoint | Absolute | ||
I/sg. | I | me | my | mine | myself |
II/sg. | you | you | your | yours | yourself |
III/sg. | he | him | his | his | himself |
she | her | her | hers | herself | |
it | it | its | its | itself | |
I/pl. | we | us | our | ours | ourselves |
II/pl. | you | you | your | yours | yourselves |
III/pl. | they | them | their | theirs | themselves |
Demonstrative Pronouns
1 Read the text and find examples of the use of articles.
My uncle is a shopkeeper. He has a shop in a small village by the Thames near Oxford. The shop sells almost everything from bread to newspapers. It is also the post office. The children always stop to spend a few pence on sweets or ice-cream on their way to and from school. My uncle doesn't often leave the village. He doesn't have a car, so once a month he goes by bus to Oxford and has lunch at the Grand Hotel. He is one of the happiest men I know.
2 Fill in the gaps with 'to be'.
- We ________ students.
- My computer ______ new.
- I _______ a businessman.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger _________ strong.
- Nick and Bob ______ at the conference.
3 Fill in the gaps with a proper pronoun.
a) 1. This is my book. - The book is _______.
- These are _______ shoes. - These shoes are his.
- We have many friends. - These friends are _______.
- Tell her not to forget ____ notebooks.
- Can you lend me _____ (свій) dictionary? _______ (мій) is not good enough.
b) 1. I will ask him _______.
- She always answers the letters _________.
- The boys are hiding __________ in the bushes.
- He doesn't like to tell about ________.
- We want to do it ______.