Lessons 1-2 nice to meet you

Вид материалаДокументы
The worker The worker is someone who
The player The player Is someone who
The thinker The thinker is someone who
The feeler The feeler is someone who
GRAMMAR The Present Continuous Tense
Verbs of thinking and opinion
Verbs of senses
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   14


1 Do you choose the answers to questions
  1. rather carefully?
  2. without thinking a lot?

2 Do you
  1. always finish homework on time?
  2. sometimes finish homework late?

3 Do you feel better when you
  1. finish a piece of work?
  2. still have time to finish it?

4 Which is more important when studying,
  1. being organized?
  2. being able to change?

5 Are you more comfortable with activities which are
  1. clearly limited?
  2. open-ended?

6 When working with other learners, do you
  1. plan carefully before you start?
  2. decide what to do as you go along?

7 Do you like it more when
  1. the whole class does the same activity?
  2. you work in small groups?

If you chose more (a)s than (b)s, read 'The worker’.

If you chose more (b)s than (a)s, read The player.


1 A mistake is when
  1. you break the rules.
  2. people don't understand you.

2 Do you judge users of English by
  1. how accurate they are?
  2. how well they express themselves?

3 When you listen, is it important to understand
  1. every word?
  2. what the speaker means?

4 When you are speaking, do you
    1. try and remember the rules?
    2. say what you feel?

5 Other people's mistakes
  1. should be corrected.
  2. are not important

6 Which is more important,
  1. describing facts?
  2. expressing feelings?

7 The good language learner is someone who
  1. never makes mistakes.
  2. doesn't worry about making mistakes.

If you chose more (a)s than (b)s, read 'The thinker’.

If you chose more (b)s than (a)s, read 'The Feeler’.

The worker The worker is someone who:

likes organization and planning;

enjoys doing exercises and drills;

would like to work with the teacher all the time;

has good study habits, is punctual and is good at homework;

is comfortable with facts and routine likes doing tests and being corrected prefers writing to discussion or drama dislikes doing project work;

dislikes playing games or working in small groups.

The player The player Is someone who:

likes being with people and enjoys va­riety and change;

prefers listening and speaking to reading and writing;

prefers playing games and working in groups to writing exercises;

prefers competition and excitement to practice and homework;

prefers trying lots of different activities to doing long projects;

enjoys participating and performing;

hates doing the same thing lesson after lesson;

would like to do different things all the time.

The thinker The thinker is someone who:

wants to know why and is always looking for rules and principles;

works independently and learns from individual study;

enjoys listening to lectures and doing projects and longer written work;

is very hard-working and always, wants to get things right;

prefers reading to taking part in discussions or group activities;

likes getting feedback from the teacher;

sometimes does not complete work and is often dissatisfied with it as it may not be perfect;

would like to know everything there is to know.

The feeler The feeler is someone who:

is good at and enjoys learning languages;

loves interacting and group and pair work;

is interested in talking about emotions and personal topics;

enjoys being with people and learns through cooperation;

prefers taking part in discussions to studying rules and doing exercises;

likes reading, role-play and drama;

is very sensitive to criticism and needs individual feedback;

prefers speaking to writing.

GRAMMAR The Present Continuous Tense

Positive and negative




in the yard.















Subject question




in the yard?

Special questions





There are some groups of verbs that are never used in the Present Continuous. The Present Simple is used with these verbs, because they mean states or conditions, i.e. facts – not activities.

Verbs of thinking and opinion

think* understand see suppose mean imagine believe know recognize realize remember forget agree doubt expect deserve

Verbs of emotions and feeling

like prefer dislike want hate wish love care hope

Verbs of senses

see* hear smell taste* feel

Verbs of having and being

have* possess contain include
belong to seem sound owe own weigh cost deserve depend on need be resemble

* verbs can be used in the Present Continuous with the difference in meaning

Note spelling of verb + -ing

help – helping

come – coming

play – playing

get – getting

go - going

write - writing

stay – staying

plan - planning

build – building

have - having

try - trying

dig - digging

show - showing

*lie - lying

swim - swimming

1 Open the brackets
  1. Do you hear? Someone (to knock) ____________ at the door.
  2. He (to work) ____________ at the moment.
  3. He (to talk) ____________ on the phone.
  4. He (to arrive) ____________ tomorrow morning.
  5. I (to drive) ____________ along this country road.
  6. We (to get) ____________ ready for our exams.
  7. They (to look) ____________ for a new house.
  8. The ship (to cross) ____________ an ocean now.
  9. The tourists (to go) ____________ to a big city.
  10. We (to fly) ____________ to Paris in the morning.

2 Make the sentences in Ex.1 negative and ask questions to get more information.