Lessons 1-2 nice to meet you

Вид материалаДокументы
How to fill in a form
First name
Lesson 8 learning english
GRAMMAR The Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
How to make a telephone call
3 Notice these common expressions on the telephone.
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   ...   14


1 Study the chart. Match a line in (a) with a line in (b).




Are you married or single?

What do you do in your free time?

What's your phone number?

What's your first name?

What do you do?

Where were you born?

When were you born?

What's your family name?

What degrees, diplomas, certificates, etc. do you have?

Where do you live?

First name


Date of Birth

Place of Birth

Permanent Address

Marital Status




Tel. no.












2 Fill in (c) with the information about yourself.

3 Speak about your study at University.




Read the text. Discuss the steps described and say what is the best way to learn English in your opinion.

Now to learn English, you have to follow some steps, which are not very difficult if you know how to handle them.

First, becoming friends with people speaking English, you have to get used to their customs. Although accepting some of their customs, such as eating junk food, watching too much TV, and living together before marriage, is very difficult, little by little you’ll get used to these foreign practices if you convince yourself that you need English-speaking friends.

Second, reading different newspapers and magazines in English will help you a lot. If you read every day, find new words and write them in your notebook, and try to use them when talking to your friends, you’ll see how much your English progresses in just a few months.

Third, listening to the radio and watching TV are among the most important things you can do. I think watching TV at least an hour a day is necessary, because it is much easier to understand than radio. Fortunately, there are many different channels on TV, which gives you the chance to choose your favourite program. In my opinion, the best program on TV is the news. Also, there are many different shows and movies to choose from; they will help you too.

Fourth, and most important of all, is self-confidence: don’t be embarrassed about making a mistake. The point is to talk and practice; therefore, you should not be shy and afraid of talking to Americans. When you make a mistake, you have to try to correct yourself. You may have a lot of problems, but you have to be patient and face your problems and solve them courageously.

And that is how to learn English.

GRAMMAR The Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

1 Tick the correct sentence

1. a) It's raining heavily today.
b) It rains heavily today.

2. a)I'm going to Bath next week.
b) I go to Bath next week.

3. a)How many languages do you speak?
b) How many languages are you speaking?

4. a) Jane works eight hours a day.
b) Jane is working eight hours a day.

5. a) It's often snowing in Canada.
b) It often snows in Canada.

6. a)Millions of tourists visit London every year.
b) Millions of tourists are visiting London every year.

2 Underline the right verb-form.
  1. Jeff lives / is living in an expensive part of London.
  2. The river Thames is flowing / flows through London.
  3. Sarah will get an exam soon, so she is working / works very hard at the moment.
  4. He isn’t smoking / doesn’t smoke as a rule.
  5. Your children are growing up/ grow up very quickly.
  6. I never drink / am drinking whisky.
  7. This firm is selling / sells its goods overseas.
  8. Computers are becoming / become more and more important in our lives.



1 Listen to the dialogue and say how many people are talking over the telephone.

2 Read the dialogue and study how it is organized.

carol: Hello, seven one three, four double seven.

emma: Hello. Is that Carol? This is Emma.

carol: Hi there. Do you want to speak to Simon?

emma: Is he in?

carol: I think so. Hang on a minute.

simon: Hi, Emma.

emma: Hi, Simon. How are you? Listen. I think I can get a tennis court for Wednesday afternoon. Would you like to play?

simon: Yeah, I'd love to. I've got a meeting that afternoon, but it should be over by five.

emma: Shall I book it for five thirty then?

simon: That would be fine.

3 Notice these common expressions on the telephone.

A Hello!

B Hello. Could I speak to Barry Perkins, please?

A Speaking. (= I am Barry Perkins.)

B Ah, hello. This is Jane Gardener. (NOT I'm or Here is…)

A Can I have extension 366, please?

B Hold the line, please. I'm putting you through.

A Can I speak to Mrs. Barrett, please?

B I'm afraid she's out at the moment. Can I take a message?

A Yes. Can you ask her to give me a ring? I'll give you my number.

A Can I speak to Mr. Bray, please?

B I'm afraid his line is busy at the moment. Would you like to hold?

A No. I'll phone back later.