Тихоокеанский Государственный Университет Английский язык Грамматика Сборник упражнений методические указания

Вид материалаМетодические указания


© Тихоокеанский государственный университет, 2007
Общие положения
Цели и задачи методических указаний
Рекомендации по использованию дополнительной литературы
1. Назовите по порядку буквы в следующих словах, дайте их транскрипцию и определите, сколько букв и сколько звуков в каждом слов
2. Прочитайте следующие слова вслух и объясните по каким правилам они читаются
2. Имя существительное (The Noun)
2. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе
3. Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, во множественном числе
4. Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, в единственном числе, сделав, где необходимо, соответствующие изменения
5. Переведите на английский язык
2.2. Притяжательный падеж (The Possessive Case)
2. Замените форму притяжательного падежа существительным с предлогом «of»
3. Переведите на английский язык
4. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на выражения без притяжательного падежа
2.3 Артикль (The Article)
2. Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли
3. Употребите артикль с существительными, значе­ние которых определяется ситуацией.
4. Объясните употребление артиклей с выделенны­ми словами.
5. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль.
Полное содержание
Подобный материал:
  1   2   3   4

Английский язык


Сборник упражнений

Хабаровск 2007


Государственное образовательное учреждение

Высшего профессионального образования

«Тихоокеанский Государственный Университет»

Английский язык


Сборник упражнений

Методические указания для изучения грамматических основ

английского языка для студентов I курса

всех специальностей


Издательство ТОГУ


УДК 801.5=20(076.5)­­­

Английский язык. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений : методические указания для изучения грамматических основ английского языка для студентов I курса всех специальностей / сост. С. Е. Мельчагова. - Хабаровск : Изд-во Тихоокеан. гос. ун-та, 2007. - 45 с.

Методические указания разработаны на кафедре «Иностранные языки». Методические указания содержат упражнения, направленные на обучение грамматике английскому языку на начальном этапе.

Печатается в соответствии с решениями кафедры «Иностранные языки» и методического совета международного факультета.

© Тихоокеанский


университет, 2007


Общие положения ………………………………………………………….…....4
  1. Правила чтения. Транскрипция……………………………………………..5
  2. Имя существительное (The Noun)

2.1. Множественное число (Number)………………………………….…...5

2.2. Притяжательный падеж (The Possessive case)………………………...7

2.3. Артикль (The Article)…………………………………………………...8
  1. Неопределенные местоимения (Indefinite Pronouns)……………………..12

3.1. Some, any и их производные………………………………………….12

3.2. Much, many; few /little (a few \ a little)………………………………..13
  1. Местоимения: личные, притяжательные, возвратные…………………...14
  2. Имя прилагательное (The Adjective)………………………………………15
  3. Глагол to be………………………………………………………………….16
  4. Вопросительные предложения (Interrogative Sentences)…………………17
  5. Конструкция: there is / are, there was / were, there will be………………...18
  6. Модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs)……………………………………….. 19
  7. Времена группы Indefinite Active………………………………………... 20
  8. Времена группы Continuous Active……………………………………… 21
  9. Времена группы Perfect Active…………………………………………...23
  10. Время: Настоящее совершенное длительное

(The Present Perfect Continuous)…………………………………………...24
  1. Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice)……………………………….. 25
  2. Герундий (Gerund)………………………………………………………… 26
  3. Причастия (The Participle I, The Participle II)……………………………. 27
  4. Инфинитив (The Infinitive)………………………………………………...29
  5. Инфинитивная конструкция: Сложное подлежащее

(Complex Subject)…………………………………………………………...30
  1. Инфинитивная конструкция: Сложное дополнение

(Complex Object)…………………………………………………………… 31
  1. Прямая и косвенная речь (Direct and Indirect Speech).

Согласование времен в косвенной речи (Sequence of Tenses)…………. 32
  1. Сослагательное наклонение (The Subjunctive Mood)…………………....33
  2. Словообразование (Word Building)………………………………………. 35
  3. Предлоги (Prepositions)…………………………………………………… 38

  1. Правила чтения. Транскрипция……………………………………....39
  2. Таблица неправильных глаголов (Irregular verbs)………………….. 43

Общие положения

В условиях бурного развития экономики, техники, стремительно развивающихся отношений между странами иностранный язык приобретает новый статус, становясь посредником в межкультурной коммуникации. Становление профессионала в любой отрасли означает выход на высокой коммуникативный уровень не только в пределах своей страны, но и зарубежом. В таких условиях требуются расширенные знания иностранного языка, как устного, так и письменного.

На сегодняшний момент целью изучения иностранного языка становится не только чтение и понимание иноязычных текстов, но и практическое владение иностранным языком на уровне межкультурной коммуникации. Одним из начальных шагов овладения иностранным языком является изучение грамматических основ. Именно грамматика закладывает правильное понимание языка и его использование.

Цели и задачи методических указаний

Данные методические указания ставят своей целью расширить знания студентов по грамматике английского языка с практическим использованием грамматических правил посредством разнообразных упражнений.

Методические указания предназначены как для аудиторной, так и самостоятельной работы студентов на начальном этапе изучения английского языка.

Данная работа поможет студентам понять грамматическую структуру английского языка и правильно использовать лексические единицы.

Рекомендации по использованию дополнительной литературы

В работе над упражнениями необходимо использовать справочники по грамматике английского языка:
  1. Агабекян И. П. Английский язык для технических вузов / И. П. Агабекян, П. И Коваленко. - Ростов н/Д, 2002. - 352 с.
  2. Коваленко П. И. Английский язык для экономистов / П. И. Коваленко. - М., 2001. - 208 с.
  3. Качалова К. Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка / К. Н. Качалова, Е. Е. Израилевич.- М., 2000. - 718 с.

1. Правила чтения. Транскрипция

1. Назовите по порядку буквы в следующих словах, дайте их транскрипцию и определите, сколько букв и сколько звуков в каждом слове:

Ceiling, window, chair, piece, chalk, word, question, colour, light, blue, come, eight.

2. Прочитайте следующие слова вслух и объясните по каким правилам они читаются:

a) mine, type, bid, did, fine, pit, five, me, meet, lend, seem, pep, beef, see, sea, send, pie, pale, tape, same, Sam, land, tame, aim, leave, beat, line, man, dent, fit, style, file, pet, stay, cap, can, neck, peck, fact, gate, gem, gas, age, gym, page, egg, gin, game, gag, Jim, Jane, shame, dish, she, shape, chest, chin, match, chick, chill, this, that, these, theme, faith, thick, thin.

b) note, lot, code, cot, tone, sock, bone, moon, look, took, fool, cool, cook, sport, corn, or, fork, cart, cell, cod, spin, mice, star, cup, cube, nut, mute, butter, rung, huge, wake, weak, wig, wine, way, weed, coin, boy, toy, join, now, bow, town, vow, gown, down, out, scout, term, first, bird, stern, turn, curl, serf, herb, want, wash, was, watt, whale, wheat, ward, when, whole, why, who, whose.

c) quite, quick, quest, quiz, quaver, quits; small, fall, tall, call, all; chalk, walk, stalk, chalk; new, few, stew, pew, hew, pewter, hewn, news; write, wrest, wrung, wrist, wreck, wrap, wry, wrong; English, angry, angle; high, nigh, right, bright, might, light, fight.

d) she, meek, reel, grim, happy, pony, sack, lad, darn, got, lard, pond, mule, bloom, butter, ugly, rudder, sink, mill, fuss, hobby, fly, cube, seep, pep, send, stove, made, Sam, pane, sand, sand, plate, mean, heat, pine, sty, teach, close, clock, shelf, cock, tape, tone, bud, fun, fume, laid, bay, tube, far, hard, term, bird, skirt, thirsty, icy, free, party, peg, gent, peck, skin, single.

e) fate, fat, far, fare; Peter, pet, pert, here; style, gyps, Byrd, tyre; file, fill, first, fired; tube, tub, turn, cure; bone, lot, form, store.

2. Имя существительное (The Noun)

2.1. Множественное число (Number)

1. Определите исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные. При исчисляемых существительных поставьте артикль a или an:

Wool, air, airship, word, aviation, assistance, assistant, paper (бумага), paper (газета), hour, bread, darkness, water, sea, cheese, happiness, event, glass (стекло), glass (стакан), hero, sand, music, piano, friend, friendship, quickness, tobacco, cigarette, copper, armchair, coffee, ship, coin, university, money, ink, banknote, meat, silver, watch, timber, tree, idea, ice, furniture, chalk, heat, cow, milk, butter, horse, obligation, machine, equipment, instrument, speed, umbrella.

2. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:

Place, library, language, dress, fly, watch, clock, country, eye, bus, bush, party, ray, thief, company, Negro, mass, leaf, wolf, glass, key, fox, half, life, day, play, factory, city, colony, roof, month, opportunity, journey, shelf, hero.

Man, woman, tooth, foot, goose, child, mouse.

Postman, son-in-law, editor-in-chief, fisherman, schoolgirl, sister-in-law, text-book, pocket-knife, passer-by, statesman.

3. Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, во множественном числе:

1. Put the box on the shelf. 2. I have hurt my foot. 3. This is an English dictionary. 4. Where is the knife? 5. This factory has a good laboratory. 6. The last leaf fell from the tree. 7. This story is very long. 8. The speech was very interesting. 9. He left the key on the table. 10. Where is the brush? 11. I like his new play. 12. The roof of the house was covered with snow. 13. The wife of the sailor came to the shore. 14. A copy of the contract was sent to Leningrad. 15. The cargo of the steamer consists of different raw materials.

4. Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, в единственном числе, сделав, где необходимо, соответствующие изменения в предложении:

1. Women and children came to the shore. 2. The keys to the boxes were lost. 3. The wolves have been shot. 4. The mice were caught. 5. These factories produce furniture. 6. Copies of these letters will be sent to Leningrad. 7. The cargoes will be discharged tomorrow.

5. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Летом мы едим очень много фруктов. 2. Его волосы совсем темные. 3. Я купил эти часы в Ленинграде. Они очень хорошие. 4. Я не мог войти в сад, так как ворота были закрыты. 5. Эти новости очень интересные. 6. Ваши советы мне очень помогли сегодня. 7. Кому принадлежат эти деньги? 8. Он сделал большой успех в английском языке. 9. В этом году фрукты очень дешевые. 10. Сани стояли у ворот. 11. Его одежда совсем новая. 12. Его заработная плата очень высока. 13. Недалеко отсюда находится стекольный завод. 14. Товар только что прибыл. 15. Экспорт этого товара значительно увеличился. 16. Содержание его письма было совсем неожиданным.

2.2. Притяжательный падеж (The Possessive Case)

1. Замените, где возможно, существительное с предлогом «of» формой притяжательного падежа:

1. The new club of the workers. 2. The poems of Lermontov. 3. The clothes of the boys. 4. The walls of the room. 5. The plays of Shakespeare. 6. The voice of his sister. 7. The solders of the Commander-in-Chief. 8. The pages of the book. 9. The watch of my friend Peter. 10. The birthday of my daughter Helen. 11. The parents of all the other boys. 12. The boats of the fish men. 13. The opinion of the lawyer. 14. The signature of Mr. Brown. 15. The offer of the seller. 16. The conclusions of the expert. 17. The house of my father-in-law.

2. Замените форму притяжательного падежа существительным с предлогом «of»:

1. My father’s library. 2. The doctor’s prescription. 3. The ship’s crew. 4. The teacher’s order. 5. The engineer’s drawings. 6. The buyer’s confirmation. 7. The ship-owners’ instructions. 8. Mr. Brown’s proposal. 9. The sellers’ claim. 10. The representative’s report.

3. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Знаете ли вы адрес Иванова? 2. Есть ли у вас карта Европы? 3. Рабочий день моего брата на этой фабрике длится 8 часов. 4. Муж моей сестры Елены уехал в Киев. 5. Мы еще не получили ответа покупателей. 6. Они сообщили нам о прибытии парохода. 7. Матросы немедленно выполнили приказание капитана. 8. Я не знаю еще решения директора.

4. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на выражения без притяжательного падежа:

Trade talks. Consumer goods. Food sales. Exchange rate. Wheat consumption. Flax production. Long-term credits. Power station equipment. Sugar price. Coal supply situation. Wholesale prices index. World cotton stocks. Profit and loss account. Cotton yarn production figures. Moscow University. Cambridge collage.

2.3 Артикль (The Article)

1. Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли a, an:

1. I usually smoke … cigarettes or … pipe. My father smokes … cigars. 2. Give me … match, please. 3. Are there … matches in that box? 4. Is there … bookshop in this street? I want to buy … books. 5. … watchmaker repairs … watches and … clocks. 6. There is … sofa and … armchairs in this room. 7. Did you buy … boots or … shoes? 8. Andrew is … accountant. He is … chief of the bookkeeping department of … large organization. 9. Mr. Ivanov is … architect: his two brothers are … engineers. 10. There are … books and … magazines on the table. 11. What … strange man! 12. What … interesting books!

2. Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли:

1. … coal is one of … mоst important natural resources of our country. 2. … most common kind of … fuel used by man is … wood. 3. Put … wood on … fire. 4. … silver is not so heavy as … gold. 5. … iron is … metal. 6. … iron ore found in that mine is of high quality. 7. Please cut … grass in the garden. 8. Pour … milk into the cup, please. 9. … milk which you brought in the morning has turned sour. 10. We make … butter and … cheese from … milk. 11. … tea is very hot, I must put … milk in it. 12. Buy … tobacco, please. 13. Pass me … sugar, please. 14. … windows were in … light and … air. 15. We go to school on … foot. 16. In … morning I get up at seven. 17. … dog is … domestic animal. 18. By … way, let us go to the cinema. 19. … his dog is very clever. 20. This is … my house. 21. He is … cleverest boy in class. 22. Go to … room 7. 23. I go to school by … bus. 24. … President of … our state came to … our university.

3. Употребите артикль с существительными, значе­ние которых определяется ситуацией.

1. What's … matter? Have you lost ... keys again? 2. What's … date today? Where's ... calendar? 3. What's … time? I've left ... watch at home. 4. Describe ... situation to us, will you? 5. Put ...dictionary in its place. 6. Are you going to lay table? - Yes, but where is ... table-cloth? 7. I think we must put... fridge in the corner. 8. Where are ... tickets? ... performance begins in half an hour. 9. - Clean carpet. - But ... vacuum-cleaner is out of order 10. We accepted ... invitation with great pleasure. 11. Water ... flowers, ... water is in the jug. 12. Switch on ... light, ... light is very bad here. 13. Iron ... dress, will you? ... party begins very soon.

4. Объясните употребление артиклей с выделенны­ми словами.

А. 1. The rose was approved of by the Congress of the USA as the National Flower. 2. The avocado is the most caloric fruit eaten by humans. 3. The cat was first domesticated by ancient Egyptians. 4. The papaya is very useful, it can make you look younger. 5. The mountain goat, which is often referred to as "the old man of the mountains", is not really a goat. It is an antelope. 6. The belladonna ("beautiful lady") plant is both useful and dangerous to humans. 7. The cockroach is believed to be the oldest insect on the Earth. 8. The Australian coala bear feeds mostly on the leaves of the eucalyptus tree.

B. 1. Anthropology shows the development of man on the Earth. 2. The diamond is the hardest natural substance known to man. 3. In the short life of man, no lost time can be afforded. 4. Man proposes, God disposes. 5. The great destination of woman is to awaken love. 6. The pessimist sees the difficulty in any opportunity, the optimist sees the opportunity in any difficulty. 7. The atom was known to the ancient Greeks. 8. The bicycle is a very popular means of transport in China. 9. The article is a small word which means a lot. 10. Alexander Bell was a genius to invent the telephone. 11. The brothers Lumiitr invented the cinema. 12. The radio was invented long before television. 13. The garden has always been a religious symbol starting from the Koran and the Bible.

5. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль.

A. 1. Pass me ... bread, please. I like ... rye bread. 2. Put ... kettle on the fire. We'd like ... hot tea. 3. How much is ... dictionary? Is it... expensive book? 4. Where are ... children? They've gone for ... walk. 5. Shall I really buy ... coat? Isn't it too long? 6. Look at ... girl. She is like … calendar picture. 7. - Where did you get ... cat from? - From ... friend. 8. Is ... water filtered? Can I use it? 9. I can't say that I enjoyed ... film. 10. Shall I warm up ... soup? - No, I'll have it as it is. 11. Where is ... money? - I've no ... idea. 12. May I have a look at ... ring, please?

B. 1. I have ... family. ... family is not big, but friendly. 2. This is ... wonderful car. ... car is my brother's. 3. Jane bought... dictionary. She paid much for ... book. 4. The policeman saw ... strange man near the bank. He recognized ... man. 5. It's ... beautiful flower. I am sure, Mary left ... flower here. 6. They arrived at ... very old house. ... house looked dark and unfriendly. 7. What ... funny little dog! Is ... dog yours? 8. Once upon a time there lived ... greedy king. ... king was not popular. 9. They found ... cottage in the forest. Not ... sound came from ... house. 10. They entered ... old-fashioned room and in ... room there sat … strange figure. 11. Long ago there lived ... magician. ... magician was clever and kind. 12. One day Molly found ... old book in the library She found ... wonderful story in ... book.

6. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо.

Ben's mother sent him to ... shop to buy ... rice, ... fish and ... bread. She also told him to get ... salt. ... sugar and ... vegetables. When he got back home with ... purchases, his mother was dissatisfied. Look at ... products, Ben, she said. ... fish isn't fresh, ... rice is old and full of weevils and ... bread is stale. There are ... lumps in ... salt, ... vegetables are not fresh and ... sugar is dirty. ... food is expensive and now I'll have to throw away some of... things you've bought. Next time be more careful, Ben!

7. Объясните употребление артиклей с выделенны­ми словами. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Although Australia is the smallest continent, it is the largest island in the world. 2. Luxembourg is a small country in Europe between France, Belgium and Germany, 3. The population of the Russian Federation is about 150 million people. 4. The Empire State Building in Fifth Avenue is a symbol of New York 5. The Low Countries include the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. They were so named because they are flat and near sea level. 6. The six island countries of the West Indies are the Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Jamaica. 7. Pyongyang is the capital of North Korea. Seoul is the capital of South Korea. 8. Turkey is situated on two continents, Asia and Europe. The dividing line is the Bosporus, a strait that connects the Sea of Marmara to the Black Sea. 9. Vatican is the Pope's Palace on the Vatican Hill in Rome. The Vatican City is the only surviving Papal state. 10. Monaco is a tiny independent country on the Mediterranean coast of France near Italy. 11. We stayed at the Viking Hotel in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. 12. The South Bank Centre in London consists of the National Theatre, the National Film Theatre, the Museum of the Moving Image, the Hayward Gallery, the Festival Concert Hall. 13. The Washington Monument gives a splendid view of the city. 14. My Italian friends took me to see the Colloseum and the Forum. 15. The White House is now better known around the globe than palaces in Europe. 16. The Capitol is the place where the inauguration of the President of the USA takes place. 17. Eton College is a famous and exclusive public school for boys. It is situated in Eton, a town about 20 miles west of London, on the River Thames. 18. Guildford Cathedral is close to Surrey University, which is in South-East Anglia. 19. San-Paulo is a city in South-East Brazil. It is the largest city in South America. 20. Heathrow is the world's busiest international airport. 21. The Taj Mahal in the city of Agra in northern India is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. 22. The Forbidden City is located in Beijing (Peking), the capital of China. It was so named because it was the residence of the Emperor and very few people could visit it. 23. The Great Wall in China stretches for some 1,500 miles. 24. Stonehenge is located on Salisbury Plain, in southern England.

8. Какие из географических названий имеют определенный артикль:

1. Kilimanjaro, Jenisei, Bermuda, Elbrus, Hudson Bay, Laptev sea, Urals, Kalahari, Volga, Madeira, English Channel, Palm Beach, Olympus, South Pole, Suez Canal, Sicily, Lake Chad, Bermuda Triangle, Malay Archipelago, Kara-Kum.

2. United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Far East, Brussels, Netherlands, Hague, Northern Europe, Russian Museum, Middle East, Roman Empire, Miami Airport, Nobel Prize, Republic of Ireland, Athens, Winter Palace, Eiffel Tower, Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands.

9. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль.

A. 1. ... Antarctic is the home for penguins, dolphins and whales. 2. She was sent to ... Persian Gulf as a correspondent. 3. ... Europe extends from ... British Isles in the west towards ... Urals in the east. 4. The highest peak in ... North America is ... Mount McKinley. 5. We had an unforgettable experience in … Austrian Alps. 6. ... Iceland is a volcanic island. 7. If you want to see ... Lake Victoria and ... Mount Kilimanjaro, go to ... Kenya. 8. It hasn't rained for several hundred years in ... Atakama in ... South America. 9. The hunters got lost in ... Rocky Mountains. 10. Many centuries ago ... Vesuvius destroyed ... Pompeii. 11. Most toxic waste water drains directly into ... Labe (Elbe) River in ... eastern Bohemia. 12. Life in ... Cyprus follows the rhythm of the sun. 13. The most famous Italian river is ... Tiber, which runs from ... Apennine Mountains and empties itself into ... Tyrrhenian Sea. 14. I wish I could visit ... Lake Chad in ... North Central Africa. 15. You simply must come to ... Tatras for skiing. 16. ... French Riviera is on ... Mediterranean south coast of... France. 17. The oldest country in the world is ... Iran, which was known as ... Persia until 1934. It has been independent since 529 B.C.

B. 1. ... White Tower in London was built between 1078 and 1098. 2. They always stay at ... Coral Sands Hotel when they come to ... Sidney. 3. Excuse me, how can I get to ... Natural History Museum? 4. ... Supreme Court is the highest tribunal in ... USA. 5. ... Freer Gallery of Art has a rich collection of Asian and American Art. 6. - Does this bus go to ... Sheremetyevo Airport? - Yes, it does. 7. You can say whatever you like in ... Speaker's Corner in ... Hyde Park. 8. You can get a ticket to ... Moscow International Festival at the kiosk next to ... GUM. 9. Who built ...St. Basil's Cathedral? 10. Most news comes from ... BBC and ... CNN. 11. ... Buckingham Palace, ... Trafalgar Square, ... Houses of Parliament, ... Tower of London,... Tower Bridge, ... National Gallery are the usual sights in ... English capital. 12. ... Friary Centre is in ... Willow Street. 13. The capital of... China has two names: ... Beijing and ... Peking. 14. ... Mexico, ... New York, … Tokyo are the biggest and the most polluted cities in the world. 15. The capital of... Republic of San-Marino is ... San-Marino. 16. ... London Zoo is the oldest in the world. 17. ... Charing Cross Bridge is a railway bridge which crosses ... Thames in ... Central London 18. ... Statue of... Liberty is a gift from the French people to the American people. It stands on ... Liberty Island in ... New York Harbour. 19. About 190 states are members of ... United Nations Organization. 20. Our solar system is a small part of ... Galaxy. ... Universe includes billions of ... galaxies. Our galaxy is called ... Milky Way. We can see stars and planets from ... Earth. There are ten principal planets: ... Sun and ... Moon, ... Mercury, ... Venus, ... Mars, ... Jupiter, ... Saturn, ... Uranus, ... Neptune, ... Pluto. The names of the planets came from Greek and Roman gods and goddesses.

3. Неопределенные местоимения (Indefinite Pronouns)

3.1.Some, any и их производные

1. Вставьте somebody, anybody or everybody, nobody:

1. The questions were so difficult that . . . could answer it. 2. . . . left his bag in our classroom yesterday. 3. Has . . . in this group got a dictionary? 4. I am afraid there is . . . in the office now. It is too late. 5. . . . knows that water is necessary for plants. 6. Is there . . . here who knows English? 7. You must find . . . who can help you. 8. . . . knew anything about our home task. 9. . . . can answer this question. It is very easy. 10. There is … in the next room. I don’t know him. 11. Please tell us the story. . . . knows it. 12. Is there . . . in my group who lives in the hostel? 13. Has . . . here got a red pencil?

2. Заполните пропуски местоимениями everybody, everything, everywhere:

1. Yesterday I looked . . . for my umbrella. 2. Did you go . . . on foot? 3. . . . bought souvenirs on the trip. 4. I’ve done . . . you told me to do. 5. They did . . . possible to finish their home work. 6. We wanted to see . . . in the museum but, of course, it was impossible. 7. I’ll do … for you, if you ask me. 8. … is present.

3. Заполните пропуски местоимениями something, anything, nothing:

Danny: I’m going to the disco tonight with Tina and I haven’t got … to wear.

John: What did you say? You have … to wear! You’ve got more clothes than the Queen.

Danny: Well, I haven’t got … nice to wear. There’s … I like in my wardrobe.

John: Here, take this. This is … to wear.

Danny: Your best Armani shirt! Thanks, John. You are a real friend. And now I should hurry. I have to buy … for Tina.

4. Заполните пропуски неопределенными местоимениями:

1. Is there … I can do to help you? 2. Listen! There’s … at the door. 3. I don’t want … for my birthday. 4. Is there … who can help me? 5. We are going … warm for the holidays. 6. Let’s buy … nice for Mum. 7. – Is there … here? 8. – No, there’s …

5. Переведите на английский:

1. Тут есть кто-нибудь? 2. В саду никого нет. 3. В нашей комнате есть кто-нибудь? 4. В классе есть кто-то. 5. Там никого нет. 6. В саду есть кто-нибудь? 7. На столе есть что-нибудь? – Нет, там ничего нет. 8. В сумке что-то есть. 9. В этой книге есть что-нибудь интересное? 10. На стене есть какие-нибудь картины? – Да, там есть несколько. 11. В кабинете директора есть кто-нибудь? – Нет, там никого нет. 12. В нашей библиотеке есть какие-нибудь книги на английском языке. 13. В вашей библиотеке есть какие-нибудь книги на английском языке? 14. Мой друг не хочет мне ничего сказать. 15. Я хочу провести летние каникулы где-нибудь на берегу Черного моря.

3. 2. Much, many; few/ little (a few/ a little)

1. Переведите на английский:

Много тетрадей, много молока, много воды, много дней, много газет, много мела, много снега, много лет, много картин, много музыки, много сахара, много чая, много лимонов, много мяса, много комнат, много учителей, много работы, много воздуха, много птиц, много машин.

2. Вставьте much or many:

1. Please don’t ask me . . . questions. 2. How . . . money have you got? 3. I never eat . . . bread with soup. 4. Why did you eat so . . . ice-cream? 5. She wrote us . . . letters from the country. 6. . . . of these students don’t like to look for words in the dictionary. 7. . . . in this work was too difficult for me. 8. He spent . . . time writing his composition in Literature. 9. There were . . . plates on the table. 10. Thank you very . . . ! 11. . . . of my friends are preparing for their entrance examinations now. 12. I don’t like . . . sugar in my tea.

3. Вставьте little/a little, few/a few:

1. There is … salad in this bowl. 2. Would you like … salad? 3. I have … money, so we can go to the cinema. 4. I have … money, so we can not go to the cinema. 5. The girl works very …, so she knows nothing. 6. Mother gave us … apples, we were very glad. 7. He did not like it at the camp: he had very … friends at the camp. 8. The hall was almost empty: there were very … people in it. 9. She left and returned in … minutes. 10. I think you can spare me … time now. 11. I am sorry I have seen … plays by this author.

4. Вставьте much, many, little, a little, few, a few:

1. I’d like to say . . . words about my traveling. 2. She gave him . . . water to wash his hands and face. 3. He had . . . English books at home, so he had to go to the library. 4. After the lesson everybody felt . . . tired. 5. Let’s stay here . . . longer. I like it here. 6. There were . . . new words in the text and Peter spent . . . time learning them. 7. There was . . . sugar in the bowl, and we had to put . . . sugar there. 8. My mother knows German . . . and she can help you with the translation of this text. 9. When we walked . . . farther down the road we met another group of pupils. 10. Have you got . . . time before the lesson?

5. Переведите на английский:

1. В стакане есть немного молока. 2. В тетради осталось мало чистых страниц. 3. У тебя много кофе? – Нет, очень мало. 4. Немногие из англичан говорят по-русски. 5. У них здесь очень мало друзей. 6. У него очень мало времени для чтения. 7. У Петра много русских книг и мало английских книг. 8. У меня есть немного времени вечером, чтобы закончить эту работу. 9. Я провожу много времени в библиотеке, потому что я готовлюсь к экзаменам. 10. Огромное спасибо. 11. Я очень люблю мороженое.