Сборник статей ежегодной международной студенческой научно-практической конференции isbn 978-5-7890-0605-4 Ростов-на-Дону
Вид материала | Сборник статей |
- Сборник статей по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции по страхованию, 1875.83kb.
- Международной научно-практической конференции, 481.91kb.
- Программа XXIV студенческой научно-теоретической конференции 18-23 апреля 2011 г. Ростов-на-Дону,, 1754.34kb.
- Итоги и перспективы энциклопедических исследований сборник статей итоговой научно-практической, 3612.81kb.
- Д. С. Лихачёва и проблемы современного мегаполиса Сборник докладов участников международной, 3272.71kb.
- Сборник научных статей по материалам 2-й международной научно-практической Интернет-конференции, 2229.35kb.
- Ственный институт наука и студенты: новые идеи и решения Сборник материалов viii-й, 5467.94kb.
- Итоги и перспективы энциклопедических исследований сборник статей итоговой научно-практической, 3301.6kb.
- Программа 4-й Международной студенческой научно-технической конференции Конференция, 803.12kb.
- Сборник научных статей и докладов участников Поволжской научно-практической конференции, 4109.46kb.
- Варган С. «Барак Обама - лучший визажист Америки»
- Давыдов Ю. «Бренд «Президент Обама»: суперстратегия YesWeCan». Рекламные идеи №2, 2009г.
- BarackObama.com
- FightTheSmears.com
Сологай Татьяна Андреевна
Rostov State Civil Engeneering University, Russia
Integrated marketing communications are considered as a new effective concept in marketing and advertising spheres, its advantages in comparison with traditional marketing schemes. There is an analysis of opportunities for using IMC in Russia.
Key words: integrated marketing communications (IMC), innovative technology, mass advertising, traditional marketing schemes.
At the present time many marketeers have the same opinion, that sales promotion become more end more complex during last decade, and traditional solutions are losing its efficiency, though it is still very expensive solutions. The crisis of advertising industry become obvious, it is generated with “ripening” of the market, increasing volume of the advertising messages and consumer’s satiety. It is hard to score a success in such conditions using only one constituent of promotion mix – advertising, PR or sale promotion.
But last years the new concept appears within marketing and advertising spheres. There is a new term for it in Western nations - integrated marketing communications (IMC). IMC correspond integrated multi-channel timed communication, oriented to establishment of relationships with target audience. It is desirable that these relationships are two-way communication. [3]
Tomas Harris is a famous American PR-specialist, and there are his words about IMC: “In heart of IMC program is a knowledge of our consumers and adaption of innovative technologies for best acquaintance with them. Our clients shouldn’t be faceless “market segment”, we should know them as concrete persons with names, adresses, purchase history, preferences, families and friends. We should understand our customers, and first of all we should learn to appraise an efficiency of different communication influence instruments for customers”. [3]
Philip Kotler, a living classic of marketing, gives such definition for IMC: “IMC is the concept under which a company carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent message". [1]
IMC can be considered as different phenomenon, it depends on researcher’s point of view. It can be considered as a result of mass-advertising’s natural development; as a concept, which always was used by several advertising agencies; as a principal threat for traditional mass advertising. [4]
But in our opinion none of above-listed approaches reflect essence of the IMC. We think, that on the one hand we can’t consider IMC as a result of natural historical development of advertising because IMC appeared as a result of pressing fast-developing market’s demands. But on the other hand also we can’t say, that IMC and traditional forms of advertising exist separately, exclude each other and IMC is a threat for traditional mass advertising. We can’t say it because traditional mass advertising is an integral part of IMC, and without it it’s impossible to achieve an optimal result.
Now, we think, it is logical to set forth the main advantages of IMC over traditional marketing schemes.
1. IMC make it possible to form clear, consistent marketing message, which are more memorable and effective for target audience – it is called “synergy effect”.[5] As a result we have increasing efficiency of company’s marketing activity.
2. IMC make consumer’s loyalty to trade mark stronger by concentration of energies on long-term relationships with customers and other members of marketing process.
3. IMC make it possible to exclude contradictions between marketing messages, that were used.
4. The IMC concept cheaper at least several times than traditional marketing shemes. It is possible because with application of IMC companies can refuse of TV commercials.
Our research of IMC technology give us the conclusion, that this technology is very progressive for Russia. Usage of this innovative concept make it possible to lead Russian advertising market to the new standard.
Russian companies are still at the stage of convertion from sale ideology to marketing philosophy. There are several mass brands, which have stable positions on market, and they hold it by traditional marketing methods.
Nevertheless, as it said by Ilyia Kuzmenkov, the chairman of the board of directors of communication group “Kyzmenkov&partners”: “The new tipe of consumer appears in Russia, and new companies, which use new approaches”. [3]
The dynamics of Russian market in hard-saving economy conditions make companies find effective marketing instruments for minimal cost. In our opinion, IMC is the optimal solytion of this problem. On the one hand, usage IMC let companies to find understanding with their consumers faster and more effective. On the other hand, usage of IMC make it possible to develop an experience of the leading marketing technologies in conditions of adaptationto Russian environment. It will lead Russian specialists to several discoveries in marketing and advertising spheres and widen the borders of modern marketing.
1. Kotler Philip. Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, and Control
2. Smit P. Marketing communications. Integrative achievements
3. ссылка скрыта
4. ссылка скрыта
5.ссылка скрыта
Филина Анастасия Сергеевна
Don State Technical University
The article deals with the main groups of bank institutions in Germany: saving banks, cooperative banks and private banks. The article highlights their popularity among the population and their basic functions.
Key words: banks, saving banks, cooperative banks, private banks, loans, interest rate, financial state, credit demand, shareholders.
Im deutschen Bankensystem gibt es drei große Gruppen: Sparkassen, Genossenschaftsbanken und Privatbanken mit einer Vielzahl örtlicher Filialen und zentraler Institutionen. Die Spitze bilden die Zentralbanken der Länder und die Bundesbank.
Alle Banken zusammen, untereinander im Wettbewerb mit ihren Dienstleistungen bei recht ähnlichen finanziellen Bedingungen, gewährleisten einen flächendeckenden Geldservice in der gesamten Bundesrepublik.
Die Sparkassen.
In Deutschland gibt es heute rund 560 Sparkassen mit knapp 20000 Zweigstellen. Sie sind fast sämtlich kommunale Institute. Eigentümer und damit auch Garanten sind also die jeweiligen Städte oder Landkreise.
Sparkassen sind gemeinnützig. Ihr oberstes Ziel ist es, der Bevölkerung in ihrem Gebiet eine angemessene, je nach Wirtschaftslage veränderliche Verzinsung für Ersparnisse zu bieten und mit den Einlagen den lokalen Kreditbedarf zu decken.
Die verschiedenen Sparkassen haben sich zu regionalen Verbänden zusammengeschlossen und sind Mitträger der Landesbanken, der sogenannten Hausbanken der Bundesländer. Die Regionalverbände beraten und unterstützen ihre Mitglieder vor allem in rechtlichen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Fragen. Sie prüfen die Sparkassen und bilden Mitarbeiter weiter. Sie vertreten die Interessen der Sparkassen bei den Parlamenten und Regierungen der Bundesländer. Sie sind teils Verrechnungsstellen für den überörtlichen Zahlungsverkehr unter den Sparkassen und mit anderen Kreditinstituten.
Die Sparkassenorganisation ist heute die größte Gruppe in der deutschen Kreditwirtschaft. Rund sechzig Prozent aller Deutschen haben ein Konto bei einer Sparkasse. Es ist, im globalen Vergleich betrachtet, ein traditioneller deutscher Sonderweg: die wichtigsten Geldinstitute sind nicht private, sondern öffentliche Einrichtungen, dem Gemeinwohl verpflichtet und nicht dem Shareholder-Value.
Die Genossenschaftsbanken.
Die Gruppe der "Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken" umfasst über zweitausend Genossenschaften mit knapp 15 Millionen persönlichen Mitgliedern. Die Kunden werden in mehr als 15000 Bankfilialen bedient. Die Zahl der Zweigstellen wie der selbständigen Bankinstitute schrumpft seit den neunziger Jahren ständig zugunsten von Fusionen im Genossenschafts-Banking. Sie erscheinen mit der Entwicklung des europäischen Binnenmarktes und im Zuge der Globalisierung unvermeidlich.
Die Genossenschaftsbanken waren ursprünglich Selbsthilfeeinrichtungen zur Kreditversorgung des gewerblichen und landwirtschaftlichen Mittelstandes. Der über Deutschland hinaus bekannte F.W. Raiffeisen (1818 - 1888) war einer der Gründerväter des landwirtschaftlichen Genossenschaftswesen. Die ehemaligen Genossenschaftskassen für Handwerk und Gewerbe sowie die Bäuerlichen Handelsgenossenschaften in Ostdeutschland sind heute ebenfalls meist Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken.
Die Deutsche Genossenschaftsbank (DG Bank) ist auch für internationale Geschäftsverbindungen der genossenschaftlichen Bankengruppe zuständig.
Die Privatbanken.
In Deutschland gibt es rund dreihundert private Kreditinstitute. Weltbekannt sind zum Beispiel die drei Institute Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Commerzbank. Im Herbst 1998 kam als zweitgrößte deutsche Bank die "Bayerische hypo- und Vereinsbank" hinzu (aus einer Fusion der Hypothekenbank mit der Vereinsbank). Diese sogenannten "Großbanken" sind als Aktiengesellschaften organisiert. In der Aktionärsversammlung können Stimmrechte beschränkt werden, um die Vorherrschaft eines Großaktionärs auszuschließen.
Die Großbanken haben als Kreditgeber wie durch Geschäftsbeteiligungen eine besonders starke Stellung in einzelnen Industriefirmen. Das ist in der Geschichte der Industrialisierung begründet. Manche Firmen bevorzugten bei der Finanzierung ihrer Unternehmen und Investitionen bestimmte Banken, die ihrerseits ein besonderes Interesse am Wohlergehen ihrer Großkunden entwickelten. Heute ist die Kreditwirtschaft allerdings zu weniger als einem Prozent an allen Kapitalgesellschaften beteiligt.
Auch das Gewicht der Großbanken am gesamten deutschen Geld- und Kreditmarkt ist begrenzt. Gemessen an den Bilanzsummen, liegt ihr Anteil zusammen unter zehn Prozent.
Фоменко Татьяна Александровна
Don State Technical University
Today during the process of successful positioning of a product special attention is paid to the role of a slogan. Slogan creation is the engine of advertizing process. Today the slogan is more than simply beautiful combination of words reflecting essence of a product. The practical point of view says that slogan is the most important component of any successful advertizing company or – one of the main keys to success. The most important purpose of slogan is not to entertain, but to SELL the goods. The power of "seller" is in its value. Value, first of all, should reflect mark’s advantage (the basic attributes) in the opinion of the consumer.
Key words: slogan, advertising, seller, combination, feature, benefit, question, challenge, structure, rules.
As the ship you will name so it will float...
This proverb is ancient, but still very popular. And that is really true. In everyday life we are surrounded with thousands various names, logos etc. With the beginning of formation of market relations each manufacturer has faced necessity of advertizing of the product. A basis of an individualization of a product is the trade mark creation, because each manufacturer needs its product to become learned and easily could distinguish from a product of the competitor. So process of creation of a trade mark becomes responsible part of successful positioning on the market.
Today more than ever firms pay great attention to creation of a verbal trade mark, creation of the name of a product or firm as a whole. The proverb mentioned above reminds us that the name plays an important role, because after the process of manufacturing the future of any product depends on it.
Special attention should be paid to the role of a slogan during the process of successful positioning of a product. Slogan creation is the engine of advertizing process. Today the slogan is more than simply beautiful combination of words reflecting essence of a product. While creating a slogan it is necessary to remember that the slogan can leave the frameworks of advertizing and to settle in heads of millions people, having turned from an advertizing phrase to the settled aphorism or proverb.
So what is a slogan?
In brief, the slogan is the advertising phrase containing the effective and easily remembered formulation of advertizing idea. This is a dictionary explanation of the term. The practical point of view says that slogan is the most important component of any successful advertizing company or – one of the main keys to success.
Being small on volume, usually several words, the slogan concentrates very much emotional sense and forms image of the organization or production and the relation of consumers to them.
But how and when there appeared a slogan?
Slogan without exaggeration one of the most ancient ways to draw attention and to fix an emotional condition which knows mankind.
Firstly «slogan» meant an aggressive call that soldiers of the Scottish clan used during a rush on enemies (at each clan, naturally, there was their own call). In modern time for the first time it is used in 1880.
The most important purpose of slogan is not to entertain, but to SELL the goods. The power of "seller" is in its value. Value, first of all, should reflect mark’s advantage (the basic attributes) in the opinion of the consumer. For example, why did the beer “Lite” became the most successful on sales? In sector of low-calorie beer none of marks had success. The reason was easy: that marks were positioned as dietary or low-calorie drinks. That’s why consumers perceived them as "female" marks and demand on this product was really low. This situation was on the market before the appearance of the beer “Lite” of the Miller company. It has been decided to hide "ladies" perception of mark and to position “Lite” as the beer which is not giving the feeling of filling. So there was a slogan: “Lite” contains 1/3 less calories, therefore it is possible to drink more beer, without filling. The one that other marks couldn't make long time – correctly to formulate advantage of slogan, - has made “Lite”. After a short period of time “Lite” beer became the most popular mark, and its sales – the most successful in the sector.
There are five major slogan types:
1. A feature - a uniqueness or difference between a substance, product or object. Ex: "Write an ebook in 7 days."
2. A benefit - a result that someone receives. Remember, this saves you [time or money].
3. A question - thought-provoking methods. "How would you like to be a millionaire in three years?"
4. A challenge - a dare. Ex: The Marines, "We are only looking for a few good men."
5. A structure - a design or collection put together for a single purpose. Ex: "The Abundance Center holds all the information you will ever need to know on abundance."
After the first look on this list we can become complicated how to choose the right type and how to make slogan itself.
Creation of any slogan often occurs under the same scenario:
1. Problem definition, or what do we want first of all to tell and underline to the consumer. There can be a large quantity of interesting ideas, but it is necessary to choose only one.
2. Construction of a basis of a slogan, definition of its base.
3. Slogan check on possibility of doubles or existing of slogans with certain associations.
4. Writing of several variants.
5. Their application one after another in different advertizing messages. After several time it is possible to define unmistakably what slogan to choose.
Anyway, following the given plan doesn't give 100 % of a guarantee on creation of a successful slogan. Besides there are some more requirements that is necessary to adhere to. And only their skillful combination with the creation plan gives confidence of results.
So, what rules it is necessary to adhere to for the creation of an "effective" slogan and to make it memorable?
There are some ways how to make it:
1. Make it exciting
2. Be boastful or exaggerated, BUT do not overdo it
3. Self-referencing
4. Metaphorical, playful or humorous
5. Inspirational or uplifting
6. To trigger painful memories or possibilities
7. Use of vivid or freshful language
8. Less words, more sense and rhythm
9. No negative designs
Well, here are the top 10 most famous advertising slogans of the last one hundred years:
1- DeBeers: "Diamonds are Forever"
2- Nike: "Just Do It"
3- M & M's: "M & Ms, Melt in your mouth, not in your hand"
4- Miller Lite: "Tastes Great, Less Filling"
5- Avis: "We Try Harder"
6- Maxwell House: "Good to the Last Drop"
7- Wheaties: "Breakfast of Champions"
8- Clairol: "Does She...or Doesn't She?"
9- Morton Salt: "When it Rains, it Pours"
10- Wendy's: "Where's the Beef?"
1. «Slogan in the marketing communications: a dictionary, research, and technology.» А.Ponomareva
2. ссылка скрыта
3.ссылка скрыта
4. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slogan
Черныш Дарья Владимировна
Don State Technical University, Russia
Aggressive marketing is trading-merchandising policy, wherein company leads dynamic attack on customers, market and its separate parts and even….employees. In this type of marketing an advertisement and proposition begin before the projection of the product.
Key words: marketing strategies, profit, competition, “military strategy”, advertisement, aggressive tactics, stable market, aggressive employees, marketing analysis.
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. It generates the strategy that underlines sales techniques, business communication, and business developments. It is an integrated process through which companies build strong customer relationships and create value for their customers and for themselves.
Any company is interested in profit making. It directly depends on marketing strategy. If a company uses effective marketing strategy it will increase its company's profit.
One of the best strategies that increase profit is an aggressive one.
In the world of business, there are several aggressive marketing strategies you can try, in order to see, which one might work best for you.
Reactive Marketing
Reactive marketing is the most widely used approach nowadays, but it doesn't mean that it's the best way to do business. It's easy for any company to be reactive. It's the laziest way. All you have to do is waiting until someone else does all the work and then simply reduce their price or change their design slightly, and pass off as your own.
Analyzer Marketing
This type of marketing is the golden mean between the next two strategies. There are three steps of the analyzer marketing. The first step is to look at the different techniques that people in your industry are using. The second step is to find out for what type of audience you are going to work out the marketing strategy. For example if you are targeting the older generations you won’t use marketing appropriate for teenagers, because then the older generation would disregard the advertisement. The third step is to see people's responses to different sales and discounts. Analyzing these different techniques will help you to see what you can do to grab people's attention.
Defender Marketing
A defender strategy corresponds to find, and maintain a secure and relatively stable market. Rather than being on the cutting edge of technological innovation, product development, and market dynamics, a defender tries to insulate themselves from changes wherever possible. In their attempt to secure this stable market they either keep prices low, keep advertising and other promotional costs low, engage in vertical integration, offer a limited range of products or offer better quality or service. They tend to be slower in making decisions and will only commit to a change after extensive research and analysis. Their goals are aimed to be valid.
Prospector Marketing
This is the most aggressive of the four strategies. It typically involves active programs to expand into new markets and stimulate new opportunities. A common way of obtaining additional market share is to attack competitors. They respond quickly to any signs of market opportunity, and do so with little research or analysis. A large proportion of their revenue comes from new products or new markets. They are often highly leveraged, sometimes with a substantial equity position held by venture capitalists. The risk of product failure or market rejection is high. Their market domain is constantly in flux as new opportunities arise and past product offerings atrophy. Price skimming is a common way of recapturing the cost of development.
More and more companies tend to use “military strategy” in order to increase their sales. The main principle of warfare is a perfect defense. The strong defensive position is very difficult to overcome. Therefore Chevrolet will be the biggest-selling make of cars and McDonald’s – the largest chain of fast food restaurants.
It is much better to be on top, than to reach it. Small companies in order to survive should forget for ever about politeness and conservatism in marketing. In spite of the fact that aggressive marketing is incompatible with safety, it can be unique, rather safe way on the market for the small companies.
Nonaggressive marketing can be more dangerous. For example: On each TV advertizing which starts small American fast food Burgervill in the USA, McDonald's answers with 30 commercials, Burger King - 20, and Wendy's-15. Thus, every time when Burgervill starts the commercial, its competitors answer with 65 rollers. As a result, the money spent for creation of television advertizing is thrown away.
In order to increase the income, aggressive tactics is necessary. For example, such tactic, which have applied small computer company American Online in 1990s. While installation of the software at the companies-leaders cost a lot of money, American Online has decided to distribute 250 million diskettes which help to establish the software and to be connected to American Online for one month free of charge. They could be in the computer magazines, and in the most unexpected places: Attached to bags with a peanut in planes, together with the frozen beefsteaks in supermarkets, at last, in mail boxes. As a result, a year later after “diskettes bombardments” the number of paid subscribers of the company has increased from 300 thousand to 23 million persons, and monthly incomes American Online have made $98 million.
Naturally, in "the aggressive" companies should be aggressive employees. If you want to achieve wonderful results, you should make the workers aggressive, capable to give rise to the most improbable ideas. For this purpose it is necessary to create certain atmosphere at a workplace. But this refers not to the high salary, the magnificent medical insurance and a free parking. The list of priorities of any company should look so: employees, clients, shareholders, rather than reverse. If you inspire the employees- allow them to realize the aggressive ideas, they will work with the big diligence, show the big sharpness at a workplace, offer extraordinary ideas which will bring positive results, take care of clients. Eventually, workers won’t leave the company because work in it will bring them pleasure.