Міністерство освіти І науки україни ізмаїльський інститут водного транспорту кафедра сучасних мов І гуманітарних дисциплін

Вид материалаДокументы


The tasks are
Working Definitions of Principal Concepts
Translation loans
Source of borrowing
Etymological doublets
3. State from what languages the following words are borrowed. Comment on their meaning.
5. Mind the following translation-loans. State the language they came from.
6. Using a dictionary compare the meaning of the following pairs of words and explain why they are called ‘etymological doublets
Test Questions and Tasks
B. Match the Ukrainian term with the corresponding English equivalent.
Vocabulary as a system
Points for discussion
Required Reading
5. Arrange the following words in hierarchical series, using tree diagrams
B. Match the Ukrainian term with the corresponding English equivalent.
Семантичне поле
Адаптивна система
Структуроване угрупування
Лексико-семантична група
Складні слова
Полное содержание
Подобный материал:
  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8



Кафедра сучасних мов і гуманітарних дисциплін

Шиляєва Т.В.



Порівняльна лексикологія ”

для студентів 3 курсу (денне відділення)

Ізмаїл 2011-2012


Theme І


The aim is: to examine the etymology of the English and Ukrainian vocabulary and its historical development, the comparative importance of native and borrowed elements in replenishing the English and Ukrainian vocabulary.

The tasks are:

to differenciate words of native origin and borrowings;

to discriminate between the source of borrowing and origin of the word;

taking into consideration the pronunciation of the word, its morphological structure and lexical meaning to determine whether the word belongs to the borrowed element;

to analyze the type and degree of assimilation of borrowings;

to observe the influence of borrowings on the word-structure and the system of word-building, the phonetic structure of words and the sound system, on the semantic structure of words and their stylistic characteristics;

to learn working definitions of principal concepts.

Points for Discussion

1. The composite nature of the English vocabulary. Words of native origin (words of the Indo-European stock, of common Germanic stock, the English proper element) and their semantic characteristics, collocability, derivational potential.

2. The composite nature of the Ukrainian vocabulary.

3. Borrowings. Causes and ways of borrowing. The elements of Early Latin. Borrowings from the Scandinavian language. The Norman Conquest and Norman borrowings. The fourth layer of the Latin borrowings. The Greek element in the English vocabulary. Lexical borrowings of the Renaissance period. Various other elements in the English vocabulary. Russian and Ukrainian borrowings in the English vocabulary. Etymological doublets. International words.

4. Criteria of borrowings. Assimilation of borrowings. Type of assimilation (phonetic, grammatical and lexical assimilation of borrowing). Degree of assimilation (complete, partial, lack of assimilation) and factors determining it. Interrelation between native and borrowed elements.

Working Definitions of Principal Concepts


is a word which belongs to the original English stock, as known from the earliest available manuscripts of the Old English period.


is a word taken over from another language and also the process of adopting words from other languages.


are words and expressions formed from the material already existing in the British language lent according to patterns taken from another language, by way of literal or morpheme-for-morpheme or word-for-word translation (e.g. wall-paper –стінна газета).


the language from which this or that particular word was taken into English.


the language the word may be traced to.


a partial or total conformation to the phonetical, graphical and morphological standards of the receiving language and its semantic system.


words from other languages used by English people in conversation or in writing but not assimilated in any way, and for which there are corresponding English equivalents (e.g. Italian ‘addio’, ‘ciao’ – English ‘good-bye’).


two or more words of the same language which were brought by different routes from the same basic word. They differ to a certain degree in form, meaning and current usage.


words of identical origin that occur in several languages as a result of simultaneous or successive borrowings from one ultimate source.


Required Reading

O b l i g a t o r y :

1. Arnold I.V. The English Word. – M., 1973, pp. 248-256.

2. Ginzburg R.S. et al. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. – M., 1979, pp. 160-175.

3. Антрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В., Морозова Н.Н. Лексикология английского языка: Учебник для студ. пед. ин-тов по спец. № 2103 «Иностр. яз.». – М.: Высшая школа, 1985, C. 34-59.

4. Верба Л.Г. Порівняльна лексикологія англійської та української мов. – Нова книга,2003,с. 120-124

5. Ніколенко А.Г. Лексикологія англійської мови. – Нова книга, 2007.

O p t i o n a l :

1. Aмосова Н.Н. Этимологические основы словарного состава современного английского языка. М., 1956.

2. Арбекова Т.И. Лексикология английского языка (Практический курс). М., 1977, С. 143-154.

3. Английская лексикология в выдержках и извлечениях. Пособие для студентов пед. ин-тов (на англ. яз.). – 2-е изд. – Л.: Просвещение, 1975, pp.172-192.

4. Мостовий М.І. Лексикологія англійської мови. – Х., 1993, C. 151-174.

5. Раєвська Н.М. English Lexicology. – K., 1971, C. 223-280.

6. Секирин В.П. Заимствования в английском языке. М.

Tasks and Exercises

1. Subdivide all the following words of native origin into a) Indo-European, b) Germanic, c) English proper.

Daughter, woman, room, land, cow, moon, sea, red, spring, three, I, lady, always, goose, bear, fox, lord, tree, nose, birch, grey, old, glad, daisy, heart, hand, night, to eat, to see, to make.

2. Below are given some etymological data for several everyday English words. Study their origins and meanings (in dictionaries). From what language do you think each of them was actually borrowed? What was the immediate source of borrowing?

BEAUTY n ME beaute OF from L ‘pretty’

CHARACTER n ME caracter OF caractere L Gr charakter ‘stamp, impress’

DEMAND v OF demander L (de)mandare ‘order’

DOUBLE a ME OF L duplus (duo ‘two’)

DOUBT v ME OF doute L dubitare ‘doubt’

MEDDLE v ME OF Rom L miscere ‘mix’

PLANE n IT L planus ‘flat’

PLEASE v ME plaise OF plaisir L placere ‘please, placate’

PLEASURE n ME plesir OF plaisir

REDUCE n ME L (re)ducere (duct ‘bring’)

SENTIMENT n ME OF med L sentimentum (L sentire ‘feel’)

UMBRELLA n IT ombrella (dim.of ombra ‘shade’) L umbra ‘shade’

3. State from what languages the following words are borrowed. Comment on their meaning.

Alarm, algebra, anchor, artel, banana, bandura, cannibal, canoe, caravan, cargo, chimpanzee, chocolate, cocoa, colonel, czar, devil, dollar, gorilla, guerilla, hopak, jungle, kangaroo, kindergarten, khaki, law, lilac, machine, maize, mazurka, mule, nun, opera, pagoda, piano, potato, school, skipper, squaw, steppe, tobacco, taboo, tomato, umbrella, verandah, verst, vanilla, violin, waltz, wigwam, zinc.

4. Explain the etymology of the following words. Write them out in three columns: a) fully assimilated words; b) partially assimilated words; c) unassimilated words. Explain the reasons for your choice in each case.

Pen, hors d’oeuvre, ballet, beet, butter, skin, take, cup, police, distance, monk, garage, phenomenon, wine, large, justice, lesson, criterion, nice, coup d’etat, sequence, gay, port, river, loose, autumn, low, uncle, law, convenient, lunar, experiment, skirt, bishop, regime, eau-de-Cologne, act, aim, arm, art, ball, bank, baron, beauty, beef, bon mot, branch, brilliant, butcher, capital, captain, chauffeur, city, close, colleague, command, commence, count, courage, crime, cry, decide, degree, delight, emperor, employee, etiquette, exposure, face, fatigue, finance, foyer, fruit, gazette, genre, honour, hour, legal, leisure, machine, measure, minister, monsieur, mutton, naive, nation, office, pass, pleasure, poet, restore.

5. Mind the following translation-loans. State the language they came from.

Blitzkrieg, bon mot, collective farm, Sisyphean labour, coup d’etat, enfant terrible, kindergarten, leitmotiv, persona grata, prima donna, swan-song, tete-a-tete, Fatherland, blue-stocking, the fair sex, wonder child, heel of Achilles, the moment of truth, mother tongue, Procrustean bed, five-year plan, masterpiece, sword of Damocles.

6. Using a dictionary compare the meaning of the following pairs of words and explain why they are called ‘etymological doublets’.

Abridge – abbreviate, artist – artiste, captain – chieftain, card – chart, cavalry – chivalry, catch – chase, corps – corpse, canal – channel, gage – wage, hale– whole, hotel – hospital, legal – loyal, liquor – liqueur, of – off, pauper – poor, raise – rear, rout – route, senior – sir, scar – share, skirt – shirt, shadow – shade, suit – suite, salon – saloon, .

7. Comment on international words. Arrange the following international words into groups taking into account the sphere of life and man’s activities they refer to: a) scientific, b) cultural, c) technical, d) political.

Motor, sputnik, concert, constitution, evolution, phonetics, drama, parliament, decree, telegraph, meeting, pact, melody, history, lecture, republic, tractor, allegro, revolution, radio, dialectics, formula, gas, nylon, sport, club, bank, comedy, materialism, opera, jazz, civil, lyric, stadium, poet, analysis, cybernetics, satellite, rector, idea, film, electron, biology, idealism, robot, computer, printer.

Test Questions and Tasks

А. Consider your answers to the following:

What is meant by the native element of English vocabulary?

How can you account for the fact that English vocabulary contains such an immense number of words of foreign origin?

Which conditions stimulate the borrowing process?

Why are words borrowed?

What stages of assimilation do borrowings go through?

Comment on the interrelation between native and borrowed elements.

What do we understand by etymological doublets?

What do we understand by international words?

In what spheres of communication do international words frequently occur?

B. Match the Ukrainian term with the corresponding English equivalent.




Етимологічні дублети

Translation loans


Source of borrowing


Origin of borrowing





Походження слова

Etymological doublets

Джерело походження

International words

Власномовна лексика

Theme ІI