І. В. Корунець порівняльна типологія англійської та української мов навчальний посібник Видання друге, доповнене й перероблене вінниця нова книга
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Содержание5. Interrogative pronouns 6. Relative pronouns Typological Characteristics of the English and Ukrainian Verb |
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Besides, Ukrainian demonstrative pronouns may often have some parallel case forms as in the following examples: на цьому - на цім, на тому - на тім, цієї-цеї, тієї-тої-на тій,на ньому-на нім, etc.
5. Interrogative pronouns in the contrasted languages are used as noun-pronouns (who, what, how many/how much; хто, що, скільки) and as adjective pronouns (which, whose; який, котрий, чий). They may correlate with numerals (how much/how many? — скільки?). In contrast to Ukrainian, English interrogative pronouns have no number, case or gender distinctions (except "whom" and "whose") expressing respectively the objective and genitive case form as most of their Ukraini an equivalents do, eg: чий, чия, чиє, чиї/чийому, чиїй, чиїх, etc. The pronoun стільки, as has been illustrated already, does not express gender or number category but only quantity (cf. скільки снігу, скільки людей) as its English equivalents (how many books? how much sugar?).
Interrogative pronouns are characterised in both languages by the identity of their functional meanings in the sentence (those of the noun and those of the adjective respectively). Very often, however, Ukrainian interrogative pronouns perform the function of the simple nominal predicate, eg: От вам що. Ось нас стільки/скільки.
6. Relative pronouns in English and Ukrainian coincide in their form (structure) with the interrogative pronouns. They perform the function of connectors (cf. I know what to do. He asked who did it. Я знаю, що робити. Він запитував, хто це зробив/ скільки це коштуватиме).
Ukrainian relative pronouns, however, are declinable (cf. Він знав, кому завдячувати це. Він запитував, кого запросити на збори. Вона
не цікавилася, скількох це стосувалося, бо знала, чого це все коштувало). The only exception makes, of course, the pronoun скільки (referring to uncountables). Eg. Вони не знали, скільки часу це ще триватиме. But: Ми знали, скільком (countable) мільйонам українців національна ідея коштувала життя.
- Reciprocal pronouns (взаємні займенники) are two in English (each other and one another) and one in Ukrainian, where it exists in three gender forms used in singular and plural as noun pronouns: один одного, одна одну, одне одного, одні одних.. Very often, however, the neuter gender form may be used in Ukrainian for any gender and number (singular or plural) nouns. Eg: The two younger people looked at one another. (Huxley) — Обоє молодят поглядали одне на одного. They looked into each other's eyes for a silent moment. (M. Wilson) - Вони якусь мить мовчки дивились у вічі одне одному. Or: Хлопці й дівчата були варті одні одних.
- Indefinite pronouns (неозначені займенники) constitute, as was already pointed out, a rather controversial class. Some grammarians (R. Quirk, S. Greenbaum, G. Leech, J. Svartvik) speak of "universal pronouns" (each, all, every, the very) and of 'partitive pronouns' (some thing, anything, nothing, either, neither, any, no, none, etc.). Hence, as indefinite in both languages can be identified such pronouns as some, any, somebody, anybody/ anybody's, someone/someone's, something, anything. They have for their Ukrainian equivalents дехто, дещо, хтось, щось, хто-небудь, що-небудь, який-небудь, будь-хто, будь-що, казна-хто, казна-що. Equivalents of some English pronouns (cf. much, little, few) are allotted in Ukrainian to indefinite numerals (небагато/кілька). В. S. Khaimovich and B. I. Rohovska, as has been mentioned already, subdivided the English indefinite pronouns into three subclasses: 1) "genuine indefinite pronouns" (some, any and their com pounds); 2) "generalising pronouns" (all, both, each, and their com pounds); 3) "quantitative pronouns" (many, much, few, little), and 4) "con trasting pronouns" (another, other, one).
Note. Ukrainian grammarians single out one more subclass within the class of indefinite pronouns - this is the so-called "identifying (означальні) pronouns. They are: весь, всякий, жодний, кожний,
інший, сам (the last one is a reflexive pronoun in English). The functions of indefinite ("identifying") pronouns in the sentence coincide respectively with those of the noun or adjective, for example: some are wise and some are otherwise (Saying). That is all. I saw nobody there. We shall go another way. Хто розумний, а хто навпаки. Це. було все. Я нікого не бачив. Ми знаємо інший вихід.
Many grammarians treat negative pronouns (заперечні займенники) as a separate class of pronouns. The latter are generally common in English and Ukrainian, cf.: no, nobody, none, nothing, neither — ніхто, ніщо, ніякий/нікотрий, нічий, ніскільки. Ukrainian negative pronouns are naturally declinable and are used as noun pronouns. Isomorphic in the contrasted languages are the structural forms of negative pronouns, which may be simple (no), compound, or composite, eg: none (no one), nobody, nothing, nothing else, nothing more - ніхто, ніщо, ніякий, нікотрий, ніхто інший, жоден інший, ні один (із них), більш нічого.
Allomorphism is observed in the wide use of English negative pronouns to form negative word-groups and sentences, eg: no pains, no gains (під лежачий камінь вода не тече); nobody home-клепки не вистачає. Both smiled but neither spoke. (Heyer) Nobody ever knows anything. (Hemingway) Ukrainian equivalent sentences have the negative pronouns + the negative particle не: Обоє посміхались, але «ніхтo/жоден з них не озвався. Ніхто взагалі нічого не знає. Some Ukrainian negative pronouns have diminutive forms which are completely unknown in English pronouns (cf. нічогісінько, аніскілечки, ніякісінький).
As to their structure, both English and Ukrainian pronouns are characterised by isomorphism. They may be 1) simple (/, he, she, you, some, which, what; я, ти, він, хто, що, ваш, той, цей, наш, etc.); 2) compound (myself, ourselves, someone, somebody, nobody, nothing; абихто, абищо, будь-що, хто-небудь, що-небудь); 3) Composite (І myself, this same, somebody else, neither he nor she; що таке, той самий, хто інший, я сам, кожен і всякий, ніхто й ніщо, etc.).
Syntactic functions of pronouns in the sentence in both contrasted languages are practically isomorphic. An exception make only English
reflexive pronouns which are also used to form reflexive verbs, eg: to wash oneself, to shave themselves/to shave himself, shave yourself/ yourselves, etc. A similar function performs the Ukrainian -ся(-си) pronoun in a Western Ukrainian dialect. Cf. Вони си зустріли і си поцілували. Hence, one can speak of the existence of a typological isomorphism, going back to the Indo-European linguistic prehistory.
Typological Characteristics of the English and Ukrainian Verb
This part of speech in English and Ukrainian has the largest number of features in common. They include first of all the general implicit meaning (the lexico-grammatical nature) of the verb which serves to convey verbiality, i. e. different kinds of activity (go, read, skate), various processes (boil, grow, obtain), the inner state of a person (feel, bother, worry), possession (have, possess), etc. Due to these lexico-grammatical properties the verb generally functions in the sentence as predicate going into some combinations a) with the nominal parts of speech performing the functions of the subject (or the object) of the sentence, for example: The sun shines. The trees grow. The student passed his examinations. Сонце світить. Дерева ростуть. Студент склав іспити; b) The verb goes into combination with verbs (to want to know, to want to read; хотіти вчитися/знати) or with adverbs (to read well гарно читати); с) with prepositions (to depend on smb/smth. залежати від когось) and also with conjunctions (neither read nor write, to work and rest ні читали, ні писати, працювати і відпочивати).
Allomorphic is the combinability of English verbs with postpositional particles (cf. sit down, stand up, put off, read through) which need not be confused or in any way compared to their ability of being identified with the Ukrainian subjunctive mood particles б or би (as in піти б, хотів би, знав би).
As was already mentioned in the foregoing chapter, the verb in the contrasted languages has its characteristic stem building suffixes or postfixes. In English these suffixes are: -ate (antiquate, liquidate), -fy (beautify, defy, exemplify); -en (blacken, darken, deepen); -ise (antagon-
ise, colonise, emphasise): -esce (acquiesce, coalesce, phosphoresce). In Ukrainian these distinguishing suffixes are: -ти/-ть (брати, брать); -тися (братися, знатися); -ться (вчиться, молиться), -сь (вчитись, молитись, обмитись, etc.,).
Ukrainian verbs, unlike the English ones, may also be formed with the help of diminutive suffixes -ки, -оньк-и, -ці (спатки, їстки, їстоньки, спатоньки, питоньки, купці - люпці) and some others..
Among the many prefixes that form the verb stem in English, the following are the most often used: ex- (exclaim, excavate); in-/il-,ir-(introduce, illustrate, irrigate, irritate); contra- (contradict); con-(contribute); counter- (counteract); re- (restore, reduce); over- (overflow, overlap); under- (undertake, understand); out- (outfit, outflow); super- (superadd, supervise); sub- (subdue, submit); mis-(mislead, mistrust); un- (unbind, uncover). The most productive verbs forming prefixes in Ukrainian are: в-/у- (вбігти/убігти, внести/ унести); ви- (вибігти/вибігати, вискочити); від-/од- (відбити/ відбивати, оддати/оддавати); до- (довести/доводити); за-(завести/заводити, зайти); з-/с-, зі- (злетіти, з'їхати, сплести, зіпхнути); на- (набрати, нанести).
A number of English verbs are formed with the help of suffixes and prefixes at the same time: ex-, -ate: excommunicate, exculpate; ex-, -ise: exsursionise; hyper-, -ise: hypercriticise; in-, -ate: incapacitate; mis-, -ate: misappropriate, miscalculate; over-, -ise: overemphasise, overspecialise; over-, -ate: overestimate; over-, -fy: over-beautify; re-, -fy reputify; sub-, -fy: subclassify; in-, -ate: indeterminate; under-, -ate: underestimate, underpopulate.
In Ukrainian the suffixes are mostly -ти/-ть, -ТИСЯ/-ТИСБ and prefixes are various: над-/наді-: надбити/надбитися, надібрати; о-(об-)-ати/-ути: оглядати/оглянути; оббити, обводити; пере-, -ти: перебігти, пере-, під-/піді-, підо-, -ти: підбігти, підібрати, підозрювати; по-/попо-, -ти: понабігати, попоходити; про-, -ти: пройти, пробити; роз-/розі-: -ти, -тися, -ати, -тися: розвести/розвестися, розігнати/розігнатися.
Many Ukrainian verbs are formed from other parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, numerals) by adding suffixes to their stems. The suffixes are:
-а-: обід-а-ти, сідл/о/-а-ти, дужч-а-ти, кращ-а-ти, коса - кос-и-ти, барабан-и-ти, білий - біл--и-ти; -і-: розум-і-ти, звір-і-ти; білий - біл-і-ти, двоє — дво-ї-ти; -ува-: зима - зим-у-вати, агітація - агіт-ува-ти, пильний - пиль-н-ува-ти, четвертий - четверт-ува-ти, etc. The suffix - ну-/-ні- is added to adjectival roots: блідий - блід-ну-ти; густий - гус-ну-ти, міцний - міц-ні-ти.
Some suffixes in Ukrainian form aspective (durative, perfective) meanings of verbs. The suffixes are added to prefixal verbs, eg: ува-/-юва-: прочитати - прочит-ува-ти; загоїти - заго-юва-ти; -в-/-ува-: перевиховати - перевихов-ува-ти, etc.
То express a sudden action the suffix -ну- is used in Ukrainian: колоти - коль-ну-ти, штовхати - штовх-ну-ти, копати - коп-ну-ти, нявкати - нявк-ну-ти, мек-ну-ти, etc.
The number of Ukrainian verbs formed by means of suffixes and prefixes is less numerous than their number in English. When formed from verbs, the following prefixes and suffixes are used: під-+-ува-: підсвіч-ува-ти. підтак-ува-ти: по-+-ува-/-юва: посвист-ува-ти. почит-ува-ти. за-+-ти-ся/-сь- засидітись, забаритися', з-/с-, зі+-ся зійтись, змовитися; роз-+-ся: розлетітись, роз'їхатися: над-+-и-: надкусити, надломити, по-надломлюв-а-ти.
Similarly formed are also verbs from noun stems/roots: земля -заземлити: from adverbial stems: інакіие - переінакшити: from adjectival stems: швидкий - пришвидчити: from pronominal stems (never used in English to form verbs): свій - присвоювати: from the stems of numerals: троє - потроювати: двоє - подвоїти.
Classes of Verbs in English vs. Ukrainian
The main classes of verbs as to their functional significance are common in the contrasted languages. These are a) notional verbs (go, ask, write; іти, запитувати, писати) and b) auxiliary verbs. The latter split into primary (be, do, have; бути, мати), modal (can, may, must, could, should, need; могти, мусити, сміти, мати, etc.) and linking verbs (appear, look, become turn grow; ставати, здаватися).
English lexical/nominal verbs split into two subclasses which are not
available in Ukrainian. These are 1) regular verbs forming their past stem and the past participle with the help of the ending, -ed, -d or -t (dressed/worked, paid/said, learnt/sent); 2) irregular verbs having their past stems and the past participle formed by way of alteration of their base vowel (bind - bound - bound, take - took - taken, begin -began - begun). Some irregular verbs also have vowel mutation + the past indefinite/past participle -d or -t ending (tell - told - told, keep -kept - kept, think - thought - thought). There are also some mixed-type verbs in English (show — showed - shown, crow — crew — crowed). A separate subclass of irregular verbs form the so-called invariables, which have the same form for the present and past stem/past participle, eg: cast - cast - cast, cost - cost - cost, let - let - let, put - put - put, etc. They are not available in Ukrainian, thought suppletive verbs are common, however, (cf. be - was - were, go - went; бути - є, іти -пішов, пішла, брати - взяв, узяли).
The subdivision of verbs into classes is based in Ukrainian on the correlation between the infinitival stem of the verb on the one hand and its present or simple future stem on the other. On this morphological basis thirteen classes of verbs are distinguished in Ukrainian (Table 18). In the first class of verbs the infinitival stem has the suffixes -ува-/-юва, and the present tense stem the suffix -yj-/-ioj, -j-: куп-ува-ти - куп-yj-ють; танц-юва-ти - танц-уj-уть; лупц-юва-ти - лупц-yj-ymb.
The verbs of the second class have the suffix -ва- in the infinitival stem and the suffix ва- in the present tense/simple future stem: бувати -/по/бу-ваj-уть. The verbs of the third class have the suffix -а-/-я- in the infinitival stem and the suffix -aj- in the present/simple future stem: баж-a-mu - баж-aj-ymь, стріл-я-ти - стріл-я/-уть. In the fourth class are verbs with the -i- suffix in the infinitival stem and the -i- suffix in the present/simple future stem: чорн-і-ти - чор-ну-уть; шал-і-ти - шал-ij-уть. In the fifth class the verbs have the -а-/-я- suffix in the infinitival stem, the zero suffix in the present/simple future tense stem and the -уть/-ють ending in the third person plural: бра-ти - бер-уть, сл-а-mu - шл-ють, смі-я-тися - сміj-уться. In the sixth class are verbs with the -i- suffix in the infinitival stem and the zero suffix in the present stem: рев-і-ти — рев-уть, хот-і-ти — хоч-уть (Table 18).
Table 18
Morphological Classes of Ukrainian Verbs
Class | Suffixes | Verbs Representing the Class | Dec lens | ||
| Infinitival Stem | Present Stem | Infinitive | Present Tense | |
I | -ува- /-ЮВЗ-/ -ва- | -yj- -Юj- -j- | буд-ува-ти прац-юва-ти да-ва-ти | буд-yj-y /-еш, -уть/ прац-ку-у /-еш, -уть/ да-j-y /еш, -уть/ | І |
II | -ва- | -вaj- | бу-ва-ти | бу-вaj-y /-еш, -уть/ | І |
III | -3-/-Я-/ | -aj- /-аj-/ | пуск-а-ти рівн-я-ти | пуск-aj-y /-еш, -уть/ рівн-яj-у /-еш, -уть/ | І |
IV | - і - | /-ij-/ | сив-і-ти біл-і-ти | сив-ij-y /-еш, -уть/ біл-ij-y /-еш, -уть/ | І |
V | -а-/-я-/ | 0 | каз-а-ти смі-я-тися | каж-у /-еш,-уть/ сму-уся /-ешся, -уться/ | І |
VI | -і- | 0 | рев-і-ти ХОТ-1-ТИ | рев-у /-еш, -уть/ хоч-у /-еш, -уть/ | І |
VII | -ну- -ону- | -H- -он- | крик-ну-ти трус-ону-ти | крик-н-у /-еш, -уть/ трус-он-у /-еш, -уть/ | І |
VIII | 0 | 0 | нес-ти, вес-ти мести, плив-ти | нес-у /вед-у /-еш, -уть/ мет-у /плив-у /-еш, -уть/ | І |
IX | 0 | -j- | ри-ти, кри-ти ви-ти, пи-ти | ри-j-y /кри-j-y/ -еш, -уть/ ви-j-y /n-j-y/ -еш, -уть/ | І |
X | -и- /-і-/ | 0 | вод-и-ти поj-и-ти | водж-у/вод-иш, вод-ять/ noj-y /-іш, -ать/ | II |
XI | -а- | 0 | крич-а-ти, мовч-а-ти | крич-у /-иш, -ать/ мовч-у /-иш, -ать/ | II |
XII | -і- | 0 | гор-і-ти, лет-і-ти | гор-ю/-иш, -ять леч-у лет-иш, лет-ять/ | II |
XIII | 0 | 0 | біг-ти | біж-у /біж-иш, біж-ать/ | II |