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Will Let be blessed their memory .

Gavrieli Kulangiev (1886-1970) .

In family Abigay SHakarovoy and Hiskie Kulangieva in 1886 in city Samarkande was born Gavrieli . Him was whole two years when moderate , temper his father . Four iuvenile children : two sons (Mihaeli and gavrieli) and two daughter (Hevsi and Sara) has grown the mother and her native brother Suleyman . Gavrieli married at age nineteen years , which was hardly performed seventeen years . She were a younger daughter known fabricant Efraima Kovuli (Pinhasov) , additionally he was one of the most know leader of the commune Buhary jew of the city Samarkanda . Create ed beautiful making look younger family , where reigned the iudaic spirit , the laws and custom of the jewish life were kept .

Gavrieli named the cotton workman , he was a large businessman . On cotton points in Ziyaedine , Kata-Kurgane , Kermine .

YAffa Kulangieva – a senior daughter Gavrielya Kulangieva and Dino Pinhasovoy (Kovuli) was born in 1910 in city Samarkande .

In 19321 YAffa has finished the medical technical school of the city Samarkanda , obstetric branch and the whole its conscious life has denoted this noble profession .

In 1933 leave married YAkova Isakova , with which has lived whole eight years and gave birth two daughter – Rayu and Veru .

In 1941 YAkova have colled in army , was a military physician . Began the Great Domestic war and Yaks in count , calculate list first turned out to be in leading and in 1942 YAffa gets the notice about ruins of its husband . On feminine share YAffy were got the heavy years of the war and two iuvenile children , which grow without father on her hand . So mor and did not leave a second time married and has dented the own a life to education their ovn daughter and loved profession .

In 1971 has moved with its family in city Tashkent . But in 1990 together with daughter and grandson immigrated in USA , velgrad Phoenix (Arizona) . YAffa vein with daughter Raey , but Vera with its family lives in NEW-YORK .

16 May (2006) deceased YAffa at age 96 years . YAffa has livef the worthy life , having left deep and good trace in heart children grandson , native and close .

Will yes be blessed their memory .

Kulangiev Israel – son Gavrielya and Dino Kulangievyh , was born in 1913 in city Samarkande . In 1937 has finished the water institute of the city Tashkent and has got the diploma and with difference of the engineer – water facilities . The Author nearly one hundred projects of the mastering the new land .

In system water facilities Uzbekistan worked mor than 45 years . The lasts 20 years were a main by engineer of the project in design institute “Giprozem”. On nature much forgive , pardon , his well-disposed attitude with subordinated raised his autority amongst workman his group . So he used the enormous respect .

With its wife Sarikovoy Masol Israel has lived 48 years in full love and consent . Bring up four children : Bella , May , Alik (Arieli) and Daniel , three of them got the higner education .

Mazol has finished the medical school of the city Samarkanda . In system of the public health Uzbekistan worked 45 years by midwife and nurse in hospital and polyclinic Mazol has died in 1991 at age 70 years , buried on jewish graveyard city Samarkanda .

The Israel together with family of the son Arieli was repatriated in Israel in 1993 .

Moderate , temper in 2002 in ot age 89 years . Buried on graveyard Ha-YArkon in Petah-Tikve .

Will Let be blessed their memory .

Tamara Kulangieva – second daughter Gavriely and Dino Kulangievyh was born in 1915 in city Samarkande .

Tamara in 1933 has finished average special school relationship . Her labor activity begins from this time as chief of the post office relationship in region area city Samarkand , but in the last years and in city Samarkande .

The wife SHimuna Fuzaylova becomes . In 1937 Tamara , person formed , teacher of the average general school , with has lived whole four years .

At Iune 1941 , when began Domestic war with Hitler Nazism and SHimuna have colled in army and have sent on front , but in 1942 he perished .

The widow remained at twenty six years Tamara with small boy on hand , which have named Borisom . She has denoted completely itself single child and so Tamara more and did not lieve married .

She is a vein problem and joi of the son and grandson .

In 1973 together with family of the son Tamara was repatriated in Israel . The Iuly 27 2004 on 89 lifes deceased Tamara Gavrielovna Kulangieva – a woman with good and supportive heart . She has left in eternal world , having lived its life immaculate .

Will Let be blessed her memory .

Markieli Kulangiev – a second son Gavrielya and Dino Kylangievyh , was born in 1917 in city Samarkande . Has finished institute water facilities city of the Tashkent on professions engineer water facilities . Nearly half of the age its lifes Mihael have denoted the loved deal . The author multiple project water economic construction in republic Uzbekistan .

He also is from coauthor four volumes monographs . The development water facilities Uzbekistan .

The Gaverment of the republic has high valued his perennial and many-sided experience , as well as active participation in scientific development in the field of mastering new irrigated lands and construction of the buildings water facilities and in 1983 he has assigned the hourable rank well-earned engineer water facilities the Uzbekistan .

In 1946 Markieli Gavrielovich marries Zinaide , daughter SHoloma Malaeva and Sivie Elinatanovoy . She has finished the medical school and more than 40 years worked the nurse in Republican hospital . Her motto-reduce the human sufferings and restore health .

Four children were born in this successful family , two daughter Margarita (Malko) and Esya (Ester) and two sons a Iliya (Ilovu) and Efim (Efraim) . All four have got the higher education . The Iliya at engineer land builder . Esya – an engineer – grayish blue .

Sofia Kulangieva third ; daughter Gavriel and Dino Kulangievyh was born in 1920 in city Samarkande . At 17 years has finished the pedagogical school and at this point of time begins her hard , long teaching activity . Hoverer , she does not stop on reached and enters in Uzbek State university and in 1945 has successfully finished the literary faculty . The long years taught in Pedagogical institute , faculty of the tadzhik language and literature .

In 1949 Sofas leaves married for Rahmina Staraeva , which in 1957 sudden moderate , temper , having left on her shoulder three juvenite children : one son – Rafael and two daughter – Klaru and Nelyu . The Sofa Gavrielovna nearly 60 years worked the teacher in different educational institutions of the city Samarkanda . Her alumnuses possible to meet in all branch public facilities Uzbekistan . The Sofa Gavrielovna teacher – philologist , the metodist , veteran of the enlightenment , student of the public education Uzbekistan . Since 1007 Sofa Gavrielovna lives in NEW_YORK , rejoicing lucky life children and grandson .

Ushuo – a quarter daughter sort SHakarovyh .

Ushuo was born in 1869 in city Buhare . Her father Davidhaim SHakarov – deeply religious person brought up and their own children in spirit jewish tradition . In 1898 Ushuo give married for Avrohaima Samandarova , which takes away to itself in city Kokand . In year beside they will be born the daughter , who have named YAeli .

In this family for ten years anymore was an children , but Avrohaim much wanted to have an son , the legal successor . After certain time Avrohaim woman marries with the consent of Ushuo by name Ciporo and brings her to itself in the general house . In this house Ushuo and Ciporo live amicably , as native sisters . Ciporo gave birth the three children : two sons (Cion , Meer) and daughter Marie . (YUra , son Bitti SHakarovoy was be married the Marie) .

YAeli in 1919 leaves married for Hananio Pinhasova , from joint marriage beside them three children : Namo (Nadia) , Mihal and David . In 1933 , when David was whole six months Hananie has solved to leave illegal in Israel with such calculation that after wards he is able to withdrew its family to itself . On same reason this daydream>

Will Let be blessed their memory .

Namo (the Nadiy) – (1919 – 1968) .

Namo – a senior daughter YAeli and Hananio Pinhasova . Her husband Ehieli Baraev , without lead lost at years of the Great Domestic war (1941 – 1945) . Their children : Boris and Beniamin . Boris 1938 births , be married daughter Pinhasa Kulangieva by name Nina , live in capital of the Austria , in Vein . Their children : Nadya and Artyur . The Nadya to be married , has two daughter Laura and Nikola .

Arthur to be married , his children – Misheli and Milasiya .

Benik (1940) births , his wife – Ester . Their children : Ehieli (1968) and Dayan (1970) . Ehieli to be married , has a three children : Ben , Gali and Naomi . The children Dayana – Nadav and Ady . Live in Israel .

Mihali (1922 – 1991) .

Mihali – a second daughter YAelya and Hananio Pinhasova . Her husband – Zaev Ishakov . Their children : Asya , Tamara , Amnun and Simho . The children : Aces – Gosha , Lilya , Sveta and Esya . Children Tamary – Tanya , Marina and Edik . The children Amnuna – Irina , Mira and Daniel .

The children Simho – Angelina and Daniel .

David (1933 – 1990) .

In 1933 in Kokande , in family YAelya and Hananie Pinhasovyh was born the third child – David . The Iuvenile years he has conducted in Samarkande . Worked in sphere at trade and home service .

In 1971 has finished the trade institute of the city Samarkanda and has got the profession of the merchandiser of the broad profile in the same year David together with family was repatriated in Israel and on length five years of the veins in this country and worked at mail . Here he itself has not found and in 1976 familes has moved in Austria . On new place business career formed aptly . The having Possessed lanquage , he has opened its business – a textile , shop . He honestly toiled befor the end of its lifes , used the big respect , which knew this beautiful person . He is marrieds the Raya Zairovoy , she midwife in Viennese hospital “AKH” . Have two sons : SHlomo 1963 – a dentist , Eduard 1967 – (an engineer – grayish blue) , has finished the High technical school “NIL” .

David moderate , temper in 1990 in Vein , buried in Israel .

Will Let be a blessed memory Nadi , Mihaya and David .

Bitti – a fifth daughter of the sort SHakarovyh .

Bitti was born in 1876 in city Buhare in well-to-do and deeply religious family Davidhaima SHakarova . In 1895 her give married for Rafael Pinhasova , inhabitant Namangana . From joint marriage beside they were born nine children – five sons and four daughters : Bahor in 1896 , Zoya in 1898 , Leo (Lelya) in 1900 , Mihoeli in 1906 , Meer in 1910 , Esya in 1913 , Emmanuely in 1915 , YAffa in 1917 and YUra in 1919 .

At years Stalinskih repression 1937-1939 from Central asia many have left in the centre in Russia or in Europe – Paris , Berlin , London .

Bitti and Rafael together with children , except Bahora have left in Leningrad , where veins long years relatives Rafael Pinhasova . During war 1941-1945 family Bitti got free before blocade Leningrad and was evacuated in Samarkand .

Emmanueli , YUra and husband Esi-Daniel Arab remained to carry the service in blocade Leningrad .

After several years after completion of the war they all were met in Leningrad , but without father . Rafael Pinhasov moderate , temper in 1944 in Samarkande on jewish graveyard .

Lelya with her daughter YUdoy has gone to Siberia , where her husband Viktor left the period . After liberation Viktira they returned in Leningrad and only in fifty year has moved in Riga and have withdrewedwith itself mother – Bitti . Already then her was sevently five years . Beside it life>
Bitti , has lived in Rige nearly eight years , aging , sick , but at the last years she has blinded and at age 82 years has died .

Buried on jewish graveyard (SHmerli) in Rige .

Will Let be blessed their memory .

Bahor Pinhasov (1896 – 1980) .

As is well known , on found tradition , in past , for sons of the parents them – selves searched for and found the bride . When Bahoru was performed 23 , his wanted marry on a relative father , howerer , she he did not like and at day of the wedding he has run away from building . For Rafael and Bitti this event was disgraceful , they could not people to peer into eye . Soon they have sold its house in Namangane and from shame have for ever left in Samarkand . In 1917 during October revolution in Russia , Suleyman , brother Bitti , has left in Germany and in the centre Berlin he had its two-story house , on the street floors which took seats his commercial office .

The parents long searched for Bahora and finally get the message that Bahor lives in house of its uncles Suleymana in Berlin and works in his commercial office , where uncle trains his all fineness of commerce . After , a certain time Bahor marries the great sister Olige (Hevsi) , on daughter Suleymana .

Since time in Germany become bad pertains to persons jewish nationality then Suleyman comes to a conclusion leave with its family and family Bahora in Palestine . Soon Bahor with Oligoy have ulcerated the desire to leave on constant residence in capital of the England – London .

The first time Bahor red for any work and , certainly , in sameone else country , tongue barrier , ignorance laws order and were other difficutties . But soon he smiled happiness and he got busy questions in the field of fur and furs , but through several years he becomes the master of the company , which concerns with the intermediary service between Russia and England on question of the export of the fur and furs .

In 1968 Bahor for the first time arrives on annyal auction on fur and fur in Leningrad .

I (the author) in 1968 , being in Leningrad with its family was met with Bahorom beside Esi building . This enough it is enough of the nice person . I have surprised that he could communicate with me and in Russian and on buhary by languages . We with he long communicated and conducted him before hotel “Astoria” , he has even shown us window of its number and has said that administration of the hotel already several years for August month protects this number for it . From children beside it single son .

At September 1980 he deceased . Buried in London .

Will Let be blessed his memory .

Zoya and YAfa Pinhasovy .

Zoya was born in 1898 in Namangane in family Bitti SHakarovoy and Rafael Pinhasova . At years of the Oktober revolution 1917 Zoya with husband have left in Iran to from there leave in Palestine . But fate ordered on its and they were motivated in Tehran for long years . Beside them from joint marriage were born two children : daughter Sonya and son Ilyusha . In 1933 from warmhearted fit sudden deceased Zoya . Remained two iuvenile children and to help their education YAfa arrived in Iran and has chanched him mother . Then EAfa leaves married for their father and gives birth the daughter a Hallo and son Mihoeli .

In 1946 YAfa with husband and children has left in USA .

At present Sonya and ILyusha with family live in Chicago .

Mihoely lives in Californium , but Blushed was an translator under UNO language staps ticks and lives with its family in NEW-YORK .

YAfa (1917-1980) buried in NEW-YORK .

Will Let be blessed their memory .

Mihoeli Pinhasov (1906-1978) .

Mihoeli was born in 1906 in Namangane , in family Bitti SHakarovoy and Rafael Pinhasova . When Mihaelyu was performed thirteen years , family moves from Namangana in Samarkand .

At years Stalinskih repression (1937-1939) many families well-to-do and deeply religious jew of the Central asia Run Away from perseculations organ who where could . Beside Rafael Pinhasova in Leningrad veins distant relatives so he has solved that much safe will if his family will move there .

Thereby , in 1937 they were ressetled whole family in Leningrad ,except son Bahor , which has run down at day of its wedding from Namangana to uncle Suleymanu in Germany .

Began the Great Domestic war (1941-45) and during Leningrad blocade this family once again returns in Samarkand .

In blocade Leningrad remained to carry the service Emmanueli , YUra and husband Esi – Daniel Arab . Only after completions of the war they oll were newly met in Leningrad , but without father . Rafael Pinhasov moderate , temper in 1944 in Samarkande and buried on jewish graveyard . The First marriage Mihaelya with Nyuroy was short and beside them>
In 1946 Mihaeli and YUra have gone to Samarkand and Mihaeli proposed to its niece to Rose Kulangievoy (the grandmother of the Rose – Abigay and mother Mihaelya Bitti are a native sister) .

Interceded in matchmaking uncle Roses and he first cousin Mihaelya – calm Gavrieli Kulangiev. Which promised personally to bring Rose in Leningrad .

Mihaeli with Rose several years of the vein in Leningrad , then have came to a conclusion move in Rigu . This idea has supported and YUra , which has gone with them . In Rige beside Mihaelya and Roses was born the wanted daughter Ninochka . Mihaeli and YUra worked at Rizhskoy knitted factory . Mihaeli occupied the job little a main technologist , but YUra concerned with the questions of the provision by raw material and realization of the finished products (the division of the provision and marketing .

Seansonly on factory wrote off the technological mashines and tool as physically worn-out morally outdated . YUre was miserable to take them on store house second – hand as scrab metal . Mihaeli and YUra in collusion with the main by mechanical engineer of the factory has found the basement premises on outskirts , have collekted and started to release the knitted products of the same nomenclature , as on factory . Worked the checked worker , daily for its ore got the cash . The Product delivered on under stated prices in same trade points , where were a factory – made goodses . Stoilled two brothers workmans of the shop more quires of the years . Have Glosed the underground shop after that . What have glosed bosses from high eshelona authorities .

In 1968 I , (the author) , along with family was on rest on Rizhskom sea . I have searched the family Mihaelya , which veins that then in Ogry . Mihail in that time lay the building sick , suffered the rheumatism by arthritis , disturbed the horrible pains in hand and leg . The Reason was a damp climate Leningrad and Rigi .

At Ianuary 1969 Mihael with family have produced exchage of its cooperative apartment on state three – room apartment in town centre Dushanbe . The whole family has left good , dry climate Dushanbe to him was on shower . Besides , in Dushanbe veins two brothers of the Rose – Rafael and Yaks and sister Adino (Zina) . Often each other visited , rejoiced to lifes . But same sammer , in 1969 , after rheumatism disease suddently moderate , temper Yaks . The Brother and sisters much have gravely carried this loss . But life lasts . The Rose will go to work the nurse in polyclinic , Ninochka continued the training in school .

I , (the author) could be the was often quest beside them and quite often took them to itself me mach liced to communicate with him , since he was an very clever , much highbrow of the person , beautifully spoke , beautifully behaved in society , big neat , fastidious and excellent collocutor .

In 1972 families Mihaelya has solved immigration in Israel . Accompanied this family in thrip Boris Baraev , son Nadi , grandson Ushuo SHakarovoy , at present lifes in Vein . Israel they were motivated in city Natania . The Rose worked on professions by nurse in hospital . Ninochka , oslo of the completion cource nurses was colled army service . Heving served in armies became to work on professions .

Health Mihaila grew worse , that climate , did not please , that else sameting not to approached , was ill much long . The Rose and Ninochka did oll the best to relieve his condition .

In 1978 on 73 lifes Mihail deseased and buried in Natanu . After , several years Nina leaves married and beside them three children were born from joint marriage Misheli , verdit and Shay . Not long happened to the Rose to be one without Mihaelya , after wedding Niny she be ill and her did not become . Have Buried the Rose near by husband .

Will Let be blessed their memory .

Lelya (Leo) . After liberation Viktora Lelya with daughter YUdey arrive in Leningrad . Here Viktor has not found itself , therebore that he was a large merchant , for as has ed in 1950 he moves with sister in Riga . Viktor enough quickly , due to old relationship , seltted down on get prettier work , was a main by engineer of the porcelain plant .

In 1976 , in at age 76 years has died Lelya , but in 1977 at age 52 years dies her daughter YU dya . They buried near by Viktorom on town graveyard in Rige .

Will Let be blessed their memory .

Esya and Emmanueli .

Before the last days of its lifes family Esi and Emmanuelya remained to live in Leningrad , Esya with husband Danielem Arabovym (taxi driver on profession) with two sons Izey and Rafael and Emmanuelis wife , Faith and children YUroy and Marinoy .

Esya has died in 1975 at age 62 years and Emmanueli moderate , temper in 1978 at age 63 years . They buried in Leningrad .

Will Let be blessed their memory .

YUra . He was shown the most younger child in family Batti SHakarovoy and Rafael Pinhasova , which was born in 1919 in city Samarkande .

In 1946 YUra with Mihailom being iourhey in Tashkent their have introduced with Mariey SAmandarovoy . They liced the friend friend Marie perfectly took his after , has gone with him in Leningrad . In year beside they will be born the daughter Ella (lives in America) . Howerer , alliance YUry and Marie>
YUra moderate , temper in 1991 and buried on town graveyard NEW-YORK at age 72 years .

Will Let be blessed his memory .

Sofa – a sixth daughter sort SHakarovoy .

Whereas , impossible was find neither close , nor distant relative , nobody could not give some information about family Sary SHakarovoy . Single known that Sara in Buhare leaves married and son was born joint marriage , which have named Kotonom . Else that Koton married in Tashkent on Leo YAdgarov , daughter YAhielya YAdgarova (Ehieli daroz) and ostensibly beside them was a daughter .

Will Let be blessed their memory .

Suleyman SHakarov .

Suleyman , single son in family Davidhaima SHakarova , which was born Buhare in 1880 after birth poles daughter . The Fathe from childhood trained Suleymana cognitions of the Torah .

The youth Suleymana passed in Samarkande . The Parents at early age married him hardly he was peiformed twenty years , but he already was a father . His spouse YAshua gave birth him seven children : Zalman , Dvora , Hevsi , Panir , Tomor , David and Esef .

The whole this big family waistcoat enormous own house , in Russian part of the city Samarkanda .

In house was its operating personnel :coachman , cooks , servants and quard . For children befor arrival in college were an invited pay teachus , who trained their Russian and foreign lanquage (germon and French) , but will later go to learn in college the children carried the european cloth and schort haircut . Even its niece Miryam (the mother of the author) grow in this stiletto .

During Oktober revolution in 1971 Suleyman through Moscow along with family has left in Germany and settled down in Berlin . Beside by it was an enormous two story house , which street floors took seats his commercial office . The Bolsheviks at twentieth year checked the former house Suleymana , left in Samarkande and have done the general school №35 , in which later , learned , learnt Rena , the daughter of his niece Racheli .

Sometime in fortieth year , before beginning of the second world war anti-semitison increased in Germany , bad started to address to persons of the jewish nationality , then Suleyman comes to a conclusion together with children , grandson , son-in-law and daughter-in-law to move on constant residence in Palestine. In 1946 has died his wife YAustria and buried in Israel on graveyard – Kiriyat – Shauli .

In 1955 moderate , temper and Suleyman , which buried near by wife .

Will Let be blessed their memory .

The List of the literature .

The Authors and names of the books are given alphabetic ally :

Abramov M .“Buharskie jew in Samarkande 1843-1916 .

Samarkand – 1993 .

Beniaminov M.R.”Buharskie jew “.

NEW-YORK-1983 .

Dathaev YU.I.”About Buharskih jew”.

NEW-YORK-Denver-1995 .

Ishakov B.”Moshe Kalontarov”.

Kalontarov YU.I.”Sredneaziatskie jew .

Folk of the Central asia and Kazakhstan”.

Moskow-1963 .

Klevan A.”Buharskie (the Central asia) jew .

The Uzbek Soviet Encyclopedia ,

Tashkent-1972 .

Mullokandova R.E. “Dinasty Mullokandovyh”.

The Israel-1994 .

Nektalov R. “Gavrieli Mullokandov”.

Samarkand-1993 .

Hadjibekov P.R. “Candle of the memory”.

Canada-USA-2002 .