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The Great russian writer lion Thick wrote : “ Jew – simvol of eternity He , who have not been able destroy nor carnages , ri tortures , who have not been able to wipe with person of the land neither fire , not sabre inquisition , he , which so long kept future and has sent its whole rest mankind , such folk can not disappear . Here is that spoke on this cause Max Gorkiy : “ Yes , jew has saborned me its clever love to children to work , and I heartily love this strong folk . His drive , all beat and beat , but he lives decorating beautiful blood its world , hostile him (A.Kreydlina : “Evreyskiymir # 49 , str . 12) .

The Pedigree Shakarovyh .

Progenitor of the dinasty is Davidhaim Shakar (1833-1900) , from very well-to-do and deeply religious family . Regrettally , us unknown country of the upshot and date of the arrival of his parents in Buharu .

His wife Yaeli (1837-1910) .

They had six daughters and one son . The khan (1856-1948) , has lived 92 years .

Leo (1858-1911) , has lived 53 years .

Abbigay (1861-1941) , has lived 81 years .

Ushuo (1869 – 1945) , has lived 75 years .

Bitti (1876-1958) , has lived 82 years .

Sarra birth day and deaths are absent Suleyman (1880-1955) has lived 75 years .

Khan , senior daughter of the sort Shakarovyh .

The Khan was born in 1856 in city Buhare . First child Davidhaima and Yaeli Shakarovyh . Grew she in full , in family , where much pawerfully and deeply kept the jewish Tradition .

Was it Hardly performed Khan seventeen years her , giv married for very rich and autstanding person by name Aboi Soficha , from Kerminy . He was an owner manufacturing shop in city Buhare , Samarkande and Kermine .

As from rules Emir Musafar khan and up to determination soviet authoritives , in folk were oppressed in moslem state of the Central asia jew Buhary . They were abliged to comply with law and the rule created in respect of jew by emirate .

So for people other faith existed the system of the rules , humiliating his right . Jew were to live in determined quarter , gates of the jewish building must be below which of the mostem building , comissary jew on stair below comissaries on the moslem , when veeting jew first must bow moslem and etc , but their 21 the prohibitions or 21 restrictions . They are incorporated to distinguish the jew from moslem and force their take the islam .

  1. The jew were to carry the special tetragonal small astrachan hats ;
  2. Had a no right to carry the turban except day of the wedding .
  3. Mast put on the special belt below bosom .
  4. He has a right decorate border edges national robes .
  5. Without fall ties belt by rough hair rope the yellow colour , which carries the name zunnor .
  6. The upper cloth jew must have a discriminating devil from moslem cloth .
  7. It is forbidden to have one synagogue in lach city .
  8. It is forbidden expansion of the building of the synagogue .
  9. It is forbidden jew to go in city on horse or on cart , but possible only on ass .
  10. Under meeting in city with moslem jew in obliged to climb down with ass and the first to say now do you do with bow .
  11. Commissaries jew must be on one stair below commissaries of the moslem .
  12. The are obhged were build their own house below moslem .
  13. Jew did not be permitted to sell and buy premises.
  14. Jews must pay duplicated tax on comparison with moslem .
  15. Each jewish family must pay on each person .
  16. Not name right to serve on state job titles .
  17. Had a no right to sell and regale the alcohol a drink the moslem .
  18. Had a no right to be a witness on court (certificate two jews was permitted in rare vents instead of one the moslem) .
  19. They are obliged were without question comply with all legistatives akts moslem rulers be prayed for khan and emir and to laud them .
  20. Had a no right to touch to product at the fedding seller – moslem on the market .
  21. Jews were forbidden build the bath and visit the bath , conducted for well-to-do moslems .

When visin general bath for low layer moslem jews are obliged was wash , carefully to nor one drop water not to spatter of the moslem , since jew was considered inedible . He was obliged to dress the pinafore , which was put on hips .

All these forbids and restrictions , outrage and mockery in moslem country were conducted with purpese to force the jew to take the islam .

Once upon a time in city Buhare was an event which initiated the end of the life Aboi Soficha .

At The End of the workday Abo came to one of their own shop to consider and withdrew dayly receipts and not has noticed , as past shop passed moslem , which he has not haved time to first to bow . On complaint of this moslem was a coart and for this action he has conferred seventy once beating by stick that amounting to capital punishment . Jast when Abo lay building after beating , khan gave birth daughter , who named Mazal-Tov , hope that this child will bring happiness , joy and recovery father . But in eight months Aboi Sogicha moderate , temper from beating .

And remained making look jounger , beautiful , with blue eye wuman with the breast child , one at age 20 years by widow .

In that timeses Emir Buharskiy in Friday without fall visitted the lout-bath and lackey vithout fall the carried the young pretly womans . Once upon a time someone from toady encirclements of the emir have said-that there is very beautiful making look younger jewish woman , which not so long ago became widow , then Emir gives good for meeting in following Friday in both . Having Heard about this khan was have to in the night , sekrelly , with child having put on cape in accompaniment of the brother calm Abo have have left on vechicle – cart in city Kermine , then in Samarkand to not fall into claw Emir . All weallh of its husband she has took with you . Brother Abo , accompanying khan in road , wanted to marry she to posess , but khan was category cally and in Samarkande has divided with him equally gold and valuables and he returned in Buharu . The khan , as widow remained at twenty years , so mor married did hot leave . Befor last days of its lifes she has devoted education single daughter Masal-Nov , later became to dring up their own grandson , but their was azh six . Khan on its nature was very good , emotional and always stretched the helping hand reguiring .

She was veri capale , latented and all-round by developed women . She could correct health sick with the help of rubbed , could take birth on house (doya) – so name the hom midwifes , was a chiropractor , but if more sivply say these people name the people of the light hand – “public witch doctor”.

The khan has lived before deep old age , has died in 1948 in city Samarkande ft age 92 years .

Will Let be a blessed memory Abo and Khans .

Masal – Tov (1874-1970) .

The single child – a daughter Khans SHakarovoy and Soficha was born in city Buhara .

When she was performed whole only eight months moderate , temper her father Abo from beating , got that he did not bow the Moslem . In that timeses , in Buharskom Emirate existed law , specially created in respect of jew that jew must first bow the Moslem . Violators of this law expected on decision religious court punishment in the manner of sticks a beating .

For given breach was as one should 70 blows . Seldom , who remained above – ground after such mochery Khan after has run down from perseculation of the Emir Musafar – Khan profit in city Samarkand and has found shelter in hause Court yards Pilosovoy , general ravin daughter city – Haima Pilosova .

Passed the years and daughter Khans – Masal-Tov grow beautiful and clever gerl . In house , where veins of the Khan and the Courtyard much often came the native younger brother Coartyards by name E manueli , deeply religious young person of the years 18-20 . The Father Emmanuelya prepared him on future Ravine . Khan has seen that lad well-mannered in spirit jewish traditions desent , from good family and itself has affered the Caurtyard to tie up the fate in single daughter with her brother . At Courtyards soon take placebig wedding , arrived on wedding of all sister Khans and brother Suleyman were much complacent new relative , but in certain time sister and brother Khans has moved on constant inhabitation in city Samarkande .

From joint marriage Masal-Tov and Emmanuelya were born two sons : Avroom and Nehamiya and four daughters : Hevsi, Blor, Burho and Sarra . Avroom Pilosov , senior son Masal-Tov and Emmanuelya , was born in 1895 in city Samarkande . His wife , , courtyard Fuzaylova , daughter Efraima Fuzailova .

After completion college ye worked the journalist in newsparer publishers in city Samarkande in 1926 his father , Emmanueli Pilosov leaves with family in Palestine trough Afganistan . His daughters Blor and Burho remain in Samarkande wherereas , them the husband not give on that consent . Avroom in Palestine become the activist Zionist movement . Besides , he becomes one of one , was an organizerof the centre on processing diamond , but later became persistently to concern the biceding astrakhan sheep and loophole of the hens . Fowling has got it’s the most further development , but astrakhan did not become acclimated , probably by reason of absences corpulent pasture .

From joint marriage Avrooma and Court yards were born three children SHmueli , YUdit and Gavriely , descendant which at present time continuers to live in Israel .

Nehame Pilosov , the second son Masal-Tov and Emmanuelya , which was born in 1897 in city Samarkande .After moving with parent in Palestine he became realous to , concern with agricultures , had an large citrus garden (in Israel name pardess , as well as either as brother Avroom concerned with fowling . He was a father two sons . Senior son to perished in 1948 on war for independence State Israel .

The Second son , Nohest continues the father sort and lives in Israel .

Hevsi Pilosova , senior daughter Masal-Tov and Emmanuelya , which has lived short life , in 18 old age has died at sort in 1918 . Baried in city Samarkande .

Blor Pilosova – a second daughter Masal-Tov and Emmanuelya , which was born in city Samarkande in 1903 her hasband –Neriei SHakar – Pinhasov , son Avrohaima SHakar . From joint they had two childrens : daughter SHushana and son Pinhas .

Garik (grandson Blor and Nerie) , recolling their own limit , stopped on tole of the grandmother Blor about tragic death his grandfather Nerie-SHakar – Pinhasov .

When Nerie was performed five years , has died mother and father avrohaim SHakar marries to widow , beside which grow daughter by name Freho same age . Passed years , children grow and , when they have ed , stepparent much wanted to Nerie married on her daughter Fareho . Dut was got so that Nerie has met other girl and married her–was speaks Garik his grandmother Blor .

Cruel and Wily people do not quiet down until obtain their own mean and dirty intentions Stepparent did not sit pack , fold she mutually oll wizard in Samarkande until has found such , which promised to destroy joint family Nerie and Blor , and this bit celebrity sorceress , which was glorified their own trick on the whole central Asia by name CHirchirak . Really , the stepparent so and grandmother Blor remained with two children : SHushana and Pinhas . She has left from building and returned to its parent .

Lastly stepparent obtains purposes , through certain Nerie merries her daughter Freho . Howerer , this marriage was shoft and wretch . The Communite jew became to convict the dishonorable behaviour Nerie that he , has left get younger wife with two smoll children , married another . All this suppressed his mindset , pride and conscience . He was purposely poisoned , having drunk vinegar essence . When he moderate , temper he was whole 29 years .

SHushana , daughter Blor and Nerie Pinhasova , was born in 1924 in city Samarkande . At age 18 the years her give married for Meerhaima Pilosova . Sons YAkova Pilosova , which happens to the great-gradson Mullo Haimu Pilosova .

Recalling its father Garik speaks : My father Meerhaim YAkovlevich is on of the great-grandsons former main Rabbaya the city Samarkand Mullo Haima Pilosova . He is a graduate at the Uzbek State University , chemist on formation , the candidate of the chemical sciences , long eyars lead the chemical laboratory of the Research institute . Highbrow , the persons sciences wide outlook . My relations with father were not only as relations of the son and parent , but something special , we with him hoor washed to speak on any subiekt so , when he moderate temper , I have lost not only father , but also the most persisting friend .

From joint of the marriage beside SHushany and Merhaima were born five children : four daughter (Nadiy , Nora , Elvira , Oliga and one son – Garik .

Nadiy – senior daughter SHushany and Meerhaima , was born in 1943 in city Samarkande , on formation biologist . Her husband – Ken Primak , they had a single son of the Marks , which in 23 age old tragically perished in Canada . Nadia lives in Canada itself since 1979 .

The Nora , the second daughter SHushany and Meerhaima , was born in 1945 in city Samarkande , on formation chemist-biologist .Her husband – a SCythan . Their children : Stella and Diana , both be married . The Family lives in Canada since 1975 . After heavy short disease at April 1999 Nora cuded . Buried on jewish graveyard the city Toronto .

Elivira , the third daughter SHushany and Meerhaima was born in 1947 in city Samarkande , on formation the pharmacist , her husband of the sowing Hayutin . Their children : Leon and Simona . The Family lives in Canada since 1977 .

Olga , quarter daughter SHushany and Meerhaima , was born in 1954 , on formation pharmacist . Her husband – Beni Klayn . Their children : David and Klara . The Family Oli and Beni lives in Toronto since 1980 . Garik , single son SHushany and Meerhaima Pilosova was born in 1959 in city Samarkande . Divorced , children has not , lives in Canada since 1980 .

Nearly 30 years agoes in Canada profit of the young person , who for back had not heither life experience , nor knowiedges of the language , nor material support on the part of , only had a hands , wit and industry . Has soon found itself work on professions and for short time quickly activity studied soles market of their own knowiedges and has done itself quarry , became the president of the company .

Since first days its organizational activity he has assigned itself purpose to help all hewly arrived jew on question their job placement .

In certain time he with partner opens private the company , where work the people different nationalities including half of them Buhare caucasion and European jew . Helping its coreligionist its life to make on foreign Land he this performs one of ten commandments – help near .

Tye Commune jew Buhary of the city Toronto bless him and his family and thanks for care . Let almighty god itself well – carned will valne his human kindness and that he and his family olways were in joys and the welfare .

The Name of this noble person – Beni Klayn .

With respect the President of the Commune jew Buhary of the city Toronto .

L. ISakov .

In 1990 moderate , temper Meerhaim Pilosov , but at July 1999 on 75 lifes has died his wife SHushana Buried they on jewish in city Toronto .

Pinhas , son Blor and Nerie Pinhasova was born in 1926 in city Samarkande . After overage the schools Pinhas finished Samarkandskiy institute of soviet trade , on professions merchandiser broad profile . Whole its conscions life study worked in system of trade , on managing job title , former communist , was succeeding and serious workman .

From joint marriage with Miroy beside in two s-Boris and Sasha . Boris to be married Rimme , beside them two daughter : Elina and Mila . Elina to be married , beside it son Moisey and daughter Arielya .

Second son < Sasha to be married the Raye , beside them six children : Noa , Daniela , Eytan , Reut , Nisan and David . The Family Pinhasa lives in USA . If Nerie Pinhasov has left from life at age 29 , to his wife Blor Pilosova has died in 2000 , at age 97 years and buried near by daughter Shushana .

Will yes be blessed their memory .

Burho Pilosova , the third daughter Vasal-Tov SHakarovoy and Emmanuelya Pilosova , was born in city Samarkande . Her husband Mashiyah Abramov (Dabedi) . They was schown the parent three daughter and son .

The Senior daughter , SHulamit , her children : Elivira , Soson and Simho , the second daughter – Tamara , her children :Benik , Israel and Raya , the third daughter – Nekkadam , her children : Alexander , Larisa and Stella . Single son Issak has finished Tashkentskiy institute of the foreign languages and whole conscious life have denoted teaching of English . Twenty three years worked in university in city Tel-Aviv on pulpit of the foreign languages .

Big amateur chess , participated in youth international competition in former Soviet Unions , candidate in master of the sport USSR . Is it At present found on pensions . His children : Roben , Leya and Roza . The children household , beside Ichaka there is grandchildren and granddaughters .

His children is Idan , Metar and May .

The children Leya – May , yael and Ilay .

The children Roza : Igal and Noya .

Lovung care Burho , so named her I , author , vein long years in city Dushanbe and sometimes visited my mother , naming her loving (our mas , the Miryam and Masal-Tov are a great sister , but author with Burho – a brother and sister in the one third generation . Burho was on good , desent , dedicated mother , clever with commercial grasp . She much felt at home with precious the jeverly and concerned with with the informal question their bathed and sale .

Perd its trip on constantly place live in Canada I with wife , being in Israel , wrote to her to bid farewell though she already was aging and unseeing , but with splendid memory , she has recalled that was on my wedding (nearly half a back ) , remembers my wife by name and whose she daughter and that she physician , but I engineer and so on . During our speaks : “ Sing , my you advice – what will arrive in Canada , you shave their own engineering deals and , will open business on veise and sale jewelry and antique product . Sincethis very profitable deal . I have answered that : “ I do not understand absolutely in this mother “ . But she long not conceiving has said : “ Not be afrraitid , beside us in shelters , this beside us genoric heritage “ .

Burho lived greater life before deep old age was in beautiful memory , deseased in Israel .

Will Let be blessed her memory .

Leo – second daughter of the sort SHakarovyh .

Leo wos born in 1858 in city Buhare . At 17 years her give married for very rich person with which she has lived more than ten years and beside them>
On Late Raheli , senior daughter Leo , first , whu peregrine kerosene lamp . In Samarkand was her father Ishay EAdgarov .

Was it Soon realized that Leo was a second wife beside IShaya . First wife>

Raheli (1895 – 1978) – first daughter Leo .

Her husband-Ezro Mullokandov , whole life he was a trade workman seller , managing in clothing and grocery stores in Samarkande , Dushabe and Tashkent . Raheli was an homemaker and concerned with education an five children .

The first daughter Raheli – Osnat (1913-1976).

Her husband Michil YUabov , teacher – mathematician , whole its life has denoted loved deal , was a teacher in school , technical school and institute of the city Tashkent . Apermanent senior teacher Tashkentskogo agricultural was mor than 25 years on pulpit mathematicians , lectured in Russian and uzbek lanquages .

Thet portentous in this family , all four children have finished Tashkentskiy pedagogical institute , physico-mathematical faculty and have got the diploma a physicist .

The Iliya – a senior son Osnat , long years was a senior teacher in irigacionnom institute taught the physicist his wife a Sofa YAkubova doctor – pediatrician . Their children : Garik – candidate of the technical sciences and Marks – engineer-programmer . Garik to de married and has an son – Roman .