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Содержание4. Association experiment German self-perception |
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4. Association experiment
The association experiment on which this paper is based had been conducted in the period from October 2003 till January 2004. The distributed questionnaire designed by Prof. Dr. Markovina in English covered questions regarding 1) The Germans – what are they like?, 2) Name 5 outstanding figures that symbolize the German nation to you, 3) The Russians – what are they like? and 4) Name 5 outstanding figures that symbolize the Russian nation to you. Question one and three offered five spaces for answers, that is five responses were requested. Additionally, the respondents were asked to fill in age, sex, occupation and nationality – the last two pieces of information were needed to sort out respondents who were neither German nor university students since our target group were German university students. My wife and I distributed the questionnaires in two periods: in October 2003 we approached German university students (‘Fachhochschule’ and university) within Germany via email; in a second period in January 2004 we asked German students at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany to fill in the questionnaires. My wife and I both, at that time 26 years old were and are students of cultural studies (M.A.) at the European University Viadrina. The questionnaire started with an explanation of the background of the project stating that it is part of an intercultural project conducted by Prof. Dr. Irina Markovina from Russia from the Sechenow Moscow Medical Academy, Foreign Languages Department researching the self-perception of nations as well as their perception of other nations, in this specific questionnaire the self-perception of the Germans and their perception of the Russians. My wife and I had supplementary mentioned (in German) that we take part in this project based on a seminar we took with Prof. Dr. Markovina, we indicated that respondents should be German university students (‘Fachhochschule’ and university), we referred to the fact that the original questionnaire had been designed in English and that we had added a German translation to the English version and we offered to the respondents to answer questions via email. Not to forget we kindly encouraged participation, expressed our thanks for the participation in our project and signed both with our full names. The respondents made up for more than 60 questionnaires but some had to be sorted out due to non-German nationality so that all in all I had 60 questionnaires as basis for this paper. Nearly all respondents replied in German whereas a few chose to fill in the questions in English. Most respondents named five associations for each question yet, some could not think of five associations for each question. Out of the 60 respondents 23 were male and 37 female university students. The age range was from 19 to 42 years but the majority of respondents, all in all 54, constituted the age range of 20 to 27 years.
Due to the restricted frame of this paper and due to the data available to me, I chose question 1) The Germans – what are they like? as example of an association experiment. The gained data will be compared with the Russian perception of Germans. The latter data are based on data Prof. Dr. Markovina had distributed in our seminar at the European University Viadrina.
Association experiment
German self-perception | Translation |
bürokratisch / Bürokratie; formalistisch, lieben die Bürokratie, konventionell;unflexibel; folgsam; hierarchieorientiert;obrigkeitshörig | bureaucratic/Bureaucracy; formalistic; love bureaucracy; conventional; not flexible; obedient; focussed on hierarchy; obey to authorities |
direkt, (sehr) /nicht heuchlerisch;direkt/offen (straightforward)/im Sinne von konfrontativ;diskutierfreudig | (very) direct/blunt, are no hypocrites direct/open/straightforward (in the sense of confrontative); love discussions |
freundlich;fröhlich;humorvoll;nett;witzig;sozial;zwischenmenschliche Bindungen, enge;;warm | friendly; merrily; funny; kind; social; close relationships; warm |
genau/ Genauigkeit;denken sich alles genau durch;diszipliniert; gewissenhaft; gründlich;Paragraphenreiter;penibel;perfektionistisch; pflichtbewußt;sachlich;rational;kühl/kalkulierend;streng;strikt | exact/accurate/precise/exactness/ accuracy/precision/meticulousness; think through issues in a very accurate manner; disciplined; conscientious; thorough; stickler for the rules/pedant; pernickety; perfectionist; conscious of their duties; factual; rational; calculability/coldness; strict |
ordentlich, sehr;Ordnung & Regeln liebend;Ordnung/ Ordnungssinn; ordnungsliebend;(gut) organisiert;korrekt;sauber; Sauberkeit;prinzipientreu | (very) neat/tidy; love neatness/tidiness & rules; tidiness/neatness/strong conception for tidiness/order; very tidy-minded; (well) organised/structured; (politically) correct; clean; cleanliness; firm-principled |
pünktlich/ Pünktlichkeit;pünktlichkeitsliebend | (love) punctual/punctuality |
reisefreudig;neugierig;offen;offen gegenüber Neuem; weltoffen;offen/freundlich; interessiert | love travelling; curious; open(/friendly); open to new people/countries etc.; cosmopolitan; interested |
Reserviertheit/reserviert;keine schnellen Kontakte, dafür dann tiefe Freundschaften; verschlossen;distanziert;grimmig; grob, wenig offen;ernsthaft/ernst (serious) | reserved/reservedness; not easy to get to know but if a friendship emerges it will be profound; distant; grim; hard/rough; not very open; serious |
Überheblichkeit;etwas spießig;;beserwisserisch;meckern/d (manchmal konstruktiv) /meckrig; unfreundlich;;vorlaut;not-char ming; egoistisch; eigensinnig;stur;starrköpfig;verbohrt; | arrogance; sometimes they act in a bourgeois way; know-all; moan/bleat/grouse /sometimes constructive); unfriendly; not-charming; egoistic; cheeky/impertinent; stubborn/obstinate; inflexible |
Zielstrebig(keit);erfolgsorientiert;strebsam/geld-/karrieregeil;Strebsamkeit; fleißig;ehrgeizig;eifrig;hard-working; concentrated; effizient; entschlossen; ;unhappy reliable;selbstbewusst | determined/focussed/determination; assiduous/industrious/ career-mad/avaricious; assiduity/industriousness; self-confident; unhappy reliable; hard-working; concentrated; efficient; resolute; eager; ambitious; |
pessimistic, immer; besorgt; melancholy; unzufrieden:sorgenvoll;(sich)beklagend/complaining;selbstzweifelnd;self-critical; schuldbewußt; skeptisch; Arbeitslosigkeit;ehrgeiz, z.Zt. Ohne | pessimistic; always worried; melancholy; discontent/dissatisfied; complaining; self-critical; self-doubt; feeling guilty; sceptical; not ambitious in present time; unemployment |