«Китайская миграция как элемент региональной безопасности» 23. 00. 02 политические институты, этнополитическая конфликтология, национальные и политические процессы и технологии
Вид материала | Автореферат |
СодержаниеChinese migration as the element of regional security The aim of research The theoretical-methodological basis of research: c Source of the research The empirical base of the research |
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- Идеократическая государственность: политико-правовой анализ 23. 00. 02 Политические, 318.93kb.
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of dissertation оn the present thesis for a Doctor s degree of Political Science on the speciality 23.00.02 - political institutions, ethnopolitical conflictology, national and political processes and technologies
Kozhirova Svetlana Baseyovna
The subject of research is contemporary Chinese migration into the Republic of Kazakhstan, its peculiarities, socio-economic consequences and the problems of security.
The object of research is interdependency of international migration and national security of states; challenges and threatening of national security, proceeding from migratory processes.
The aim of research is to give a comprehensive assessment of contemporary tendencies of migration from China to Kazakhstan, to identify its peculiarities and the most important regularities of development, to analyze the objective determinants and socio-economic consequences of the expansion of Chinese presence in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the national security and formation of the effective migratory policy in the state.
Scientific novelty of research consists in the following: a systematic study of migratory flows from China was conducted, their main types and forms were considered, generalities and peculiarities of migration from China were identified. This work presents investigation determining a conceptual paradigm “national security –border cooperation – transboundary migration”.
- a comprehensive analysis of the basic foreign concepts and theoretical investigations of globalization problems and international migration is given;
- a set of theoretical propositions on the demographic, economic, socio-cultural security is revealed, the analysis of security challenges and threatening related to the migration is given;
- it is investigated that according to the context of globalization, many concepts associated with the classic understanding of diaspora need to be reconsidered and reformulated, these are the notions of transnational space, migrants and diaspora communities;
- the stages and peculiarities of migration from China were analyzed, the peculiarities of the first settlement of migrants in border regions, the creation of the “enclaves” settlers were considered;
- it is determined that migration creates real and potential threatening to the national interests virtually in all spheres of border cooperation: political, economic, demographic, social, law-enforcement, cultural, scientific, and also influence considerably on the position of the border region;
- the role of the modernized processes in the formation of a new social structure of CPR was considered, the changes occurring in diasporal policy of China were studied;
- a comprehensive description of demographic and socio-economic composition of Chinese migrants is given on the basis of empirical investigations;
- the systematization of factors determining contemporary tendencies of migration from CPR is done, its socio-economic consequences are investigated, the migratory intentions of Chinese migrants are identified;
- the necessity of a gradual transition from the flux measurements to the analysis of forms, methods and mechanisms of the activity of migrants is proved, their adaptation to the host society, to the studying of their vital strategies and motivations, practices of life and economic activity.
The theoretical-methodological basis of research: classical western theories of social processes. The theory of Sorokin P., according to which migration can be considered as the horizontal social mobility, two types of which are distinguished: mobility as a voluntary movement and mobility, dictated by the structural changes (industrialization and demographic factors); neoclassical economic theory of M. Todaro. The main idea of this theory is the “attracting – pushing out” theory, the factors of macro-level of migration. Complex of common scientific and special methods of political science was used in the process of the research. Systematic method and the use of the analytical approach made possible to prove interrelation between migratory processes and the problems of national security.
Source of the research: Official statistic publications, normative–legal instruments on the migration problems and employment of foreign labor force, analytical materials of the Department of migratory police MIA RK, Administration of migratory police SAIA of Astana and Almaty, methodological recommendations on the international migration statistics of the United Nations, the materials of Kazakhstani press devoted to the problems of Chinese migration were used.
The empirical base of the research consists of the results of the sampling poll of Chinese migrants, carried out in 2004-2007 years in Astana and Almaty. The total volume of questioned migrants from China constituted 300 people. Among them 96 migrants were questioned in 2004, in 2007 – 204 migrants, including in Astana-126, in Almaty- 184 respondents. The polls were interviewed with the use of qualitative methods in the form of questionnaire, nonformalized interview. The information in the issue of the polls was processed in the programme SPSS for Windows.
The Practical value of research: The dissertation materials can be used as a source for understanding of migratory processes and their impact on national security. This work can help in the elaboration of migratory policy. The specific data and conclusions can help to promote the formation of the tolerance in the society and to reduce the conflict potential.
Sphere of application: Propositions of the research can be used in the process of working on monographs, educational and educational – methodological manuals, and working out the lectures.
Отпечатано в типографии «Печатные решения»
01008, Астана, м-н 5, д.18-17
Подписано к печати 26.03.2009