О. Ю. Иммиграционная политика Европейского Союза: проблемы и перспективы: монография

Вид материалаМонография


Reform of EU Institutions
EU-Russian relations, Neighborhood policy EU and countries (regions)
Security policy
The Euro at 25: Special Report on Enlargement
Ceps policy briefs
EU-Russian relations, EU Neighborhood policy, EU and countries (regions)
Enlargement Michael Emerson. Just what is this ‘absorption capacity’ of the European Union?
Ceps special reports
Informing European citizens?
Ceps working documents
The Post-2010 Lisbon Process: The Key Role of Education in Employment and Competitiveness
EU-Russian relations, EU Neighborhood policy, EU and countries (regions)
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Reform of EU Institutions
  1. Andrea Renda, Sebastian Kurpas, Piotr Maciej Kaczyński, Lourdes Acedo Montoya,Lorna Schrefler. Policy-Making in the EU: Achievements, Challenges and Proposals for Reform// http: //shop.ceps.eu/BookDetail.php?item_id=1854 (2009)
EU-Russian relations, Neighborhood policy EU and countries (regions)
  1. Pami Aalto, Helge Blakkisrud & Hanna Smith. The New Northern Dimension of the European Neighbourhood // ссылка скрыта (2009)
  2. Neil J. Melvin. Engaging Central Asia: The European Union’s New Strategy in the Heart of Eurasia // ссылка скрыта (2008)
  3. Michael Emerson, T. Huw Edwards, Ildar Gazizullin, Matthias Lücke, Daniel Müller-Jentsch, Vira Nanivska,Valeriy Pyatnytskiy, Andreas Schneider, Rainer Schweickert, Olexandr Shevtsov and Olga Shumylo The Prospect of Deep Free Trade between the European Union and Ukraine // ссылка скрыта (2006)
  4. Michael Emerson. Democratisation in the European Neighbourhood // ссылка скрыта (2005)
  5. Terry D. Adams, Michael Emerson, Laurence David Mee, Marius Vahl. Europe’s Black Sea Dimension // ссылка скрыта (2002)
  6. Michael Emerson. The Elephant and the Bear: The European Union, Russia and their Near Abroads // ссылка скрыта (2001)
  7. Marius Vahl, Nina Grolimund. Integration without Membership: Switzerland’s Bilateral // Agreements with the EU // ссылка скрыта (2006)
Security policy
  1. Michael Emerson. Reading in the European Security, Volume 4 // ссылка скрыта (2007)
  2. Dana H. Allin, Michael Emerson. ссылка скрыта // ссылка скрыта (2005)

  1. CEPS Macroeconomic Policy Group. The Euro at 25: Special Report on Enlargement // ссылка скрыта (2002)
  2. Wolfgang Hager. Enlargement: Paying for the Green Acquis // ссылка скрыта (2002)
  1. Thierry Balzacq, Sergio Carrera. Migration, Borders & Asylum – Trends and Vulnerabilities in EU Policy // ссылка скрыта (2005)
  2. Daniel Gros. Testing the Speed Limit for Europe, 3rd Macroeconomic Policy Group Report // ссылка скрыта (2001)

Politics and Institutions
  1. Daniel Gros, Sebastian Kurpas. What next? How to save the Treaty of Lisbon // ссылка скрыта (2008)
  2. Sebastian Kurpas. The Treaty of Lisbon – How much ‘Constitution’ is left? An Overview of the Main Changes // ссылка скрыта (2008)
  3. Alan Riley. The EU Reform Treaty and the Competition Protocol: Undermining EC Competition Law // ссылка скрыта (2007)
  4. Alfonso Iozzo, Stefano Micossi, Maria Teresa Salvemini. A new budget for the European Union? // ссылка скрыта (2008)
EU-Russian relations, EU Neighborhood policy, EU and countries (regions)
  1. Nargis Kassenov. The New EU Strategy towards Central Asia: A View from the Region ссылка скрыта (2008)
  2. Neil J. Melvin. The European Union’s Strategic Role in Central Asia. // ссылка скрыта (2007)
  3. Michael Emerson. A New Agreement between the EU and Russia. Why, what and When? // ссылка скрыта
  4. Michael Emerson. The EU-Russia-US Triangle // ссылка скрыта (2004)
  5. Michael Hall. The EU and Uzbekistan: Where to go from here? // ссылка скрыта (2007)
  6. Matteo Fumagalli. Tajikistan and the EU: From Post-Conflict Reconstruction to Critical Engagement // ссылка скрыта (2007)
  7. Michael Emerson. EU-Russia – Four Common Spaces and the Proliferation of the Fuzzy // ссылка скрыта (2005)
  8. Michael Emerson. Institutionalising the Wider Europe // ссылка скрыта (2003)
  9. Yuri Borko. Russia and the EU: the Kaliningrad dilemma // ссылка скрыта (2002)
  1. Michael Emerson. Just what is this ‘absorption capacity’ of the European Union?
  2. Eneko Landaburu. From Neighbourhood to Integration Policy: Are there concrete alternatives to enlargement? // ссылка скрыта (2006)
  1. Sergio Carrera, Elspeth Guild. An EU Framework on Sanctions against Employers of Irregular Immigrants: Some Reflections on the Scope, Features & Added Value // ссылка скрыта (2007)

  1. Sebastian Kurpas, Caroline Grøn, Piotr Maciej Kaczyński. ссылка скрыта //

ссылка скрыта (2008)
  1. Sebastian Kurpas, Julia De Clerck-Sachsse, Michael Brüggemann. Informing European citizens? // ссылка скрыта (2006)
  1. Evgeny Vinokurov. Kaliningrad: Enclaves and Economic Integration // ссылка скрыта (2007)
  2. Antoine Mégie. Replacing and Displacing the Law: The Europeanisation of Judicial Power // ссылка скрыта (2009)


Politics and Institutions
  1. Julia De Clerck-Sachsse, Piotr Maciej Kaczyński. The European Parliament – more powerful, less legitimate? An outlook for the 7th legislature // ссылка скрыта (2009)
  2. Elspeth Guild, Sergio Carrera, Anaïs Faure Atger. ссылка скрыта // ссылка скрыта (2009)
  3. Daniel Gros, Felix Roth. The Post-2010 Lisbon Process: The Key Role of Education in Employment and Competitiveness // ссылка скрыта (2008)
  4. Thierry Balzacq. ссылка скрыта // ссылка скрыта (2008)
EU-Russian relations, EU Neighborhood policy, EU and countries (regions)
  1. Andrey S. Makarychev. Russia and its ‘New Security Architecture’ in Europe: A Critical Examination of the Concept // ссылка скрыта (2009)
  2. Selen Sarisoy Guerin, Chris Napoli. Canada and the European Union: Prospects for a Free Trade Agreement // .eu/BookDetail.php?item_id=1686 (2008)
  3. Florian Traune, Imke Kruse EC Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreements: Implementing a New EU Security Approach in the Neighbourhood // ссылка скрыта (2008)
  4. Daniel Gros. China and India: Implications for the EU Economy // ссылка скрыта (2008)
  5. Nicu Popescu. Europe’s Unrecognised Neighbours: The EU in Abkhazia and South Ossetia // ссылка скрыта (2007)
  6. Olga Shumylo. Ukraine and the European Neighbourhood Policy: Ensuring the Free Movement of Goods and Services // ссылка скрыта (2006)
  7. Sergey Karaganov, Timofei Bordachev, Vagif Guseinov, Fyodor Lukyanov, Dmitry Suslov. Russia - EU Relations: The Present Situation and Prospects // ссылка скрыта (2005)
  8. Evgeny Vinokurov. Economic Prospects for Kaliningrad: Between EU Enlargement and Russia’s Integration into the World Economy // ссылка скрыта (2004)

  1. Joanna Apap, Angelina Tchorbadjiyska. What about the Neighbours? The Impact of Schengen along the EU’s External Borders // ссылка скрыта (2004)


Потемкина О.The Political and Legal Framework of the Relationship between Russia and the EU. ( в соавт. с Н.Ю. Кавешниковым) EUI Working Papers, Florence, May 2008

Фрумкин Б. Business interests in the context of Russian – Baltic regional cooperation. В сб. научн. Трудов “Russia, the EU and the Baltic States. The Baltic Sea Regional Dimensions in the Context of EU – Russia Relations: Interests, Perceptions and Prospects”. Moscow – Riga, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2008