А. А. Шевченко (sriaurobindo(a)mail ru), В. Г. Баранова

Вид материалаКнига


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1   ...   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58



1. Thoughts and Glimpses, 16: 378

2. The Hour of God, 17: 148

3. The Human Cycle, 15: 36


1. On Himself, 26: 1

2. On Himself, 26: 7

3. A.B. Purani: Life of..., 8

4. The Human Cycle, 15: 166

5. Thoughts and Aphorisms, 17: 138

6. On Yoga II, Tome 2, 871

7. A.B.Purani: Life of..., 43


1. New Lamps for Old 12.4.1893 (из неопубликованного)

2. Thoughts and Aphorisms, 17: 138

3. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 51

4. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 439

5. The Problem of Rebirth, 16: 241

6. Savitri, 29: 664


1. Thoughts and Aphorisms, 17: 88

2. G.Monod-Herzen: Sri Aurobindo, 342

3. New Lamps for Old 7.8.1893 (из неопубликованного)

4. A.B.Purani: Evening Talks, 199

5. A.B.Purani: Life of..., 102

6. On Himself, 26: 12

7. Speeches, 2: 7


1. Life, Literature and Yoga, 86

2. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 302

3. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 65

4. On Himself, 26: 85

5. D.K.Roy: Sri Aurobindo... 219

6. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 86

7. On Yoga II, Tome 2, 41

8. Letters on Yoga, 22: 166

9. On Yoga II, Tome 2, 302

10. On Yoga II, Tome 2, 277

11. The Hour of God, 17: 11

12. On Himself, 26: 83

13. Letters on Yoga, 23: 637


1. Letters on Yoga, 22: 234

2. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 370

3. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 203

4. Letters on Yoga, 22: 358

5. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 170

6. Nirodbaran: Correspondence... II, 119

7. Savitri, 28: 93

8. On Yoga II, Tome 2, 197

9. Nirodbaran: Correspondence... II, 83

10. D.K.Roy: Sri Aurobindo... 206


1. The Life Divine, 18: 48

2. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 321

3. Letters on Yoga, 22: 314

4. On Yoga II, Tome 2, 451

5. On Yoga II, Tome 2, 489

6. The Life Divine, 19: 989

7. Letters on Yoga, 23: 654

8. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 322

9. Nirodbaran: Correspondence... II, 112

10. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 53

11. The Riddle of this World, 79

12. Thoughts and Aphorisms, 17: 146

13. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 71

14. Letters on Yoga, 22: 125

15. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 217

16. Nirodbaran: Correspondence... II, 86

17. On Himself, 26: 355

18. On Yoga II, Tome 2, 671

19. Letters on Yoga, 22: 84

20. On Yoga II, Tome 2, 184


1. Essays on the Gita, 193

2. Thoughts and Aphorisms, 17: 138

3. Savitri, 28: 74

4. Thoughts and Aphorisms, 17: 124

5. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 353

6. The Problem of Rebirth, 16: 111

7. The Problem of Rebirth, 16: 110

8. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 294


1. The Life Divine, 18: 63

2. The Synthesis of Yoga, 21: 833

3. Letters on Yoga, 22: 314

4. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 238


1. The Life Divine, 18: 193

2. Mother India (Journal)

3. Savitri, 28: 120

4. On Yoga II, Tome 2, 110

5. Savitri, 28: 30

6. Thoughts and Aphorisms, 17: 137


1. Savitri, 28: 64

2. Savitri, 28: 169

3. The Human Cycle, 301

4. On Himself, 26: 98

5. On Himself, 26: 22

6. Essays on the Gita, 55

7. Ideal of Human Unity, 15: 320

8. Letters on Yoga, 22: 153

9. Savitri, 28: 256

10. On Himself, 26: 375

11. On Himself, 26: 279

12. On Himself, 26: 79

13. Savitri, 28: 82

14. On Himself, 26: 101

15. On Himself, 26: 154

16. Letters on Yoga, 22: 273

17. Letters on Yoga, 22: 71

18. The Human Cycle, 15: 177

19. On Himself, 26: 102

20. A.B.Purani: Life of..., 109

21. On Himself, 26: 49

22. Speeches, 1: 664


1. Speeches, 2: 3

2. Speeches, 2: 7

3. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 109

4. Speeches, 2: 4

5. Speeches, 2: 5

6. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 285

7. Essays on the Gita, 59, 516

8. The Life Divine, 19: 805

9. Savitri, 28: 66

10. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 313

11. Savitri, 28: 260

12. Savitri, 29: 625

13. Collected Poems and Plays, 5: 311

14. The Life Divine, 677

15. The Problem of Rebirth, 16: 272

16. The Life Divine, 19: 1023

17. Savitri, 28: 24

18. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 185

19. The Superman, 16: 289

20. Letters on Yoga, 23: 316

21. A.B.Purani: Evening Talks, 180

22. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 48

23. Savitri, 28: 325