Програма вступного іспиту з іноземної мови зі спеціальностІ

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Зразок виконання екзаменаційного завдання
False if the statement is false according to the passage Not given
2. Complete the text with items from the box. You will only need six of the eight sentences given.
3. Fill the space with words from the box
5. Translate into English.
Price Adjustment and Payment Provisions
7. From the four underlined words (A-D) identify the one that is not correct.
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4   5


  1. Шевченко О.Л. Ділова англійська мова для економістів. Письмова та усна комунікація Київ, КНЕУ, 2009 р.
  2. Шевченко О.О., Чеботарьова Л.І., Чуркіна О.В. Англійська мова для економістів. Розмовні теми, Київ, КНЕУ, 2005.
  3. Ушакова В.Т., Синіцина Н.М. Ділова англійська мова для економістів. Частина ІІІ. Питання бухгалтерського обліку, Київ, КНЕУ, 2004 р.
  4. Чеботарьова Л.І., Капустіна О.В., Перович Т.Б., Шевченко О.Л. Ділова англійська мова для економістів. Частина ІІ. Питання банківської фінансової системи Великобританії, Київ, КНЕУ, 2003 р.
  5. Шевченко О.Л., Тернова Б. М. Ділова англійська мова для економістів. Питання маркетингу. Частина І., Київ, КНЕУ, 2002 р.
  6. J.Chilver. English for Business, London 1996
  7. Шевченко О.Л., Капустина О. В., Перович Т.Б. Методические указания к изучению делового английского языка для студентов IV курса специальности 0610, Київ, КНЕУ.
  8. Michael A. Pyle, Mary E. Munor. Test of English as a Foreign Language. Preparation Guide, Cliff Notes, Inc., USA.
  9. Michael A. Pyle , M.A., Mary Ellen Munoz, M.A. Test of English as a Foreign Language PREPARATION GUIDE , 2002.
  10. L.G.Kovtun, N.A.Obraztsova, T.S.Kuprinova, M.F.Matyavina. English for Bankers and Brokers, Managers and Market Specialists, Moscow, 1994.
  11. Коротич Т. А., Круковський В. І. Методичні вказівки з французь­кої мови з курсу «Ділова комунікація». Київ, КНЕУ.
  12. Коротич Т. А. Круковський В. І. Методичні вказівки з французь­кої мови з курсу «Банківська система та біржа». Київ, КНЕУ.
  13. Колечко О. Д., Крилова В.Г. Ділова французька мова. —К.: КНЕУ, 1999.
  14. Збірник економічних текстів для домашнього читання. – К.: КНЕУ, 2000.
  15. Колечко О. Д., Крилова В. Г. Підручник з французької мови для студентів-економістів. — К.: КНЕУ, 1998.
  16. Матеріали з ділової англійської та французької мов для підготовки до складання міжнародних тестів типу TOEFL на сайті КНЕУ.
  17. Програма курсу з ділової іноземної мови на сайті КНЕУ.
  18. R.Buhlmann. Einführung in die Fachsprache der Betriebswirtschaft, Band II. – München: Goethe – Institut, 1989.
  19. R.Buhlmann. Einführung in die Fachsprache der Betriebswirtschaft, Band III. – München: Goethe – Institut, 1989.
  20. A.Hering, M.Matussek. Geschäftskommunikation. - К.: Методика, 1996.
  21. Е.В. Куцубіна. Іспанська граматика в таблицях і схемах Видавництво КАРО, Санкт Петербург 2007.
  22. О.М. Калусова. Бізнес курс іспанської мови. Видавництво ООО «ІП Логос», Київ 2003.
  23. Мігель Арсуага Герра. Іспанська мова для ділового спілкування. Видавництво ЧеРо, Москва 2005.
  24. Г.А. Нуждін, Тести з іспанської мови. Видавництво Айріс Пресс, Москва 2004.
  25. Е. Shevkun, O. Obruchnikova. Español: ekonomia y finanzas. Kyiv 2000.
  26. Гавриш М.М., Копил Г.О. та ін. Німецька мова для студентів-юристів: навчальний посібник. – К.: КНЕУ, 2009. – 304 с.
  27. Кравченко А.П. Немецкий для юристов. – Ростов н/Дону: Феникс, 1999. - 416 с.
  28. Шмітт Д. Вдосконалюємо знання німецької мови. – К.: Методика, 1996. – 334 с.
  29. Гавриш М.М., Гавриш О.О. та ін. Практикум з німецької мови для студентів економічних спеціальностей: Навчальний посібник. – К.: КНЕУ, 2006. – 128 с.


Зразок виконання екзаменаційного завдання

Англійська мова

1. Read the text and write whether the statements after the text agree with the information given in the text. Write

True if the statement is true according to the passage

False if the statement is false according to the passage

Not given if the information is not given in the passage

Wealthy people who become members of Lloyd's expose their wealth to huge risks because there are no limits to the liability of members if losses occur Members can lose all their money However, normally premium income is in excess of the money paid out to meet claims and the profits are shared by the members. There are about 24,000 underwriting members of Lloyd's, and they are grouped into about 400 syndicates of various sizes. Most of these members, or underwriters, do not actually work at Lloyd's. Each syndicate has an underwriting agent, who does work there and accepts risks on behalf of the other members of his syndicate, or 'names' as they are called. To become a 'name', it is necessary to show that you have at least ₤100,000 of readily available assets, half of which must be deposited with Lloyd's. A member with ₤100,000 would be allowed to accept premiums of up to ₤200,000. This means that for each syndicate there is a maximum amount of premiums that it can accept. For this reason, the insurance risk of, say, a very expensive oil tanker, is shared by several syndicates, each one taking a percentage of the risk. In the late seventies and early eighties a few underwriting agents stole large amounts of money from members of their syndicates. They were expelled from Lloyd's and changes were made in the regulations and working practices.

Shipowners and others who are seeking insurance cannot approach underwriters directly, but must go through another kind of Lloyd's member - a Lloyd's broker - who, for a commission, will arrange insurance with the underwriters. The broker has a slip of paper, describing the risk, which the underwriter signs, indicating the percentage of risk he or she is prepared to accept. A broker may have to approach many underwriters before the risk is completely covered, and some underwriters may refuse the risk entirely, but a broker, with his or her expert knowledge of the market will know the most suitable ones to approach. A Lloyd's broker may also place business with insurance companies, which are not part of Lloyd's.

  1. Lloyd’s is a limited liability company whose members are not afraid to expose their wealth to huge risks.
  2. .All the members of about 400 syndicates work at Lloyd’s.
  3. “Names accept premiums of up to ₤200.000.
  4. Lloyd’s brokers can insure risks with Lloyd’s syndicates but not with other insurers.
  5. Lloyd’s agents provide information about shipping movements and report on damaged vessels.


  1. F
  2. F
  3. T
  4. F
  5. Not given

2. Complete the text with items from the box. You will only need six of the eight sentences given.

Preparing for your presentation

What you really need to think about before you face your audience

Before you actually get down to the nitty-gritty of planning the presentation itself, you need to reflect on a number of crucial questions. First of all, ask yourself what exactly your aim is. ….b…0 You can then decide how many stages are necessary to get there, what the aim of each individual stage is and how each one contributes to your overall aim. ………..1 In other words, you can sift essential data from the rest and get rid of any irrelevant or unnecessary detail.

However, content and structure are not everything. The talks we give are not just about a certain topic, they also have a specific purpose. Talks may be delivered in order to convey information, to persuade, to spur people into action or for countless other reasons. Obviously, the purpose of our talk will have a significant effect on the language we use. ……….. 2 Although the importance of clear aims cannot be overstated, most experienced presenters seem to agree that it is only secondary to the human factor.

Which brings us to the second question we should all be asking ourselves at the planning stage: Who are the audience? ………..3 What you say has to be appropriate not only to your aim, but also to your audience.

Therefore, it is always a good idea to find out as much as you can about the audience well before you face them. ………..4 You can also anticipate how much they already know about your topic, and so pitch your talk at the right level.

Finally, never underestimate the importance of the physical environment in which you will deliver your talk. ……………5 Walking around the room where your talk is going to be will help you focus on your audience rather than on your surroundings. This also gives you the chance to check that all the equipment you need is there, and in working order.

  1. A presentation cannot be successful unless it takes the needs and interests of the audience into account.
  2. Having a clear objective in view enables you to map out the most convenient route to get to your destination.
  3. Once you have established that, you can prioritise your material.
  4. In addition, make sure you plan carefully how you are going to introduce yourself.
  5. It will also affect the manner in which we choose to deliver our talk.
  6. Most presenters feel more relaxed if they have had the opportunity to go to the conference venue beforehand.
  7. Of course, it is better to plan in advance when you want to deal with questions.
  8. With such information, you can tailor both the style and the content of your talk to your audience’s expectations.


1. c

2. e

3. a

4. h

5. f

3. Fill the space with words from the box

  1. fraud b) decision c) consideration d) terrorism e) implementation f) criminal g) investigation h) strengthening i) technical j) supporting

Under regional cooperation, the Council adopted a resolution on an Europe-Africa fixed link through the Straits of Gibraltar; and on human settlements, it adopted a __________(1) in which it took note of the report of the Secretary-General on the coordinated implementation of the Habitat Agenda and requested the Secretary-General to submit a report on the coordinated __________(2) of the Habitat Agenda for __________(3) by the Council at its substantive session of 2008.

In the context of the report of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, the Council adopted resolutions on follow-up to the Eleventh United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and preparations for the Twelfth Congress; __________(4) assistance for implementing the international conventions and protocols related to __________(5); strategy for the period 2008-2011 for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime; international cooperation in the prevention, __________(6), prosecution and punishment of economic __________(7) and identity-related crime; information-gathering instrument in relation to United Nations standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice; __________(8) basic principles of judicial conduct; __________(9) national efforts for child justice reform, in particular through technical assistance and improved United Nations system-wide coordination; and a resolution on international cooperation for the improvement of access to legal aid in __________(10) justice systems, particularly in Africa.

  1. b
  2. e
  3. c
  4. i
  5. d
  6. g
  7. a
  8. h
  9. j
  10. f

4. In most of the lines there is one extra word which does not fit. Some lines are correct. If a line is correct put a tick in the space provided. If there is an extra word in the line, write that word in the space.

Mills Training is the number-one training institute in Ireland

and has had been a leading provider of in-company training since 1).....................
1988. Our years of experience also in the field have enabled us to build 2)....................

up a deep understanding of the high changing training needs of 3)....................

organisations and their staff. The staff itself of an organisation are its 4)....................

most important asset, and their training and development are 5)....................

therefore vital in of today's copetitive market. Mills Training is well 6)....................

placed that to help companies stay ahead of the competition by getting 7)....................

the best out of their own people. In-company training is the perfect 8)....................

solution for companies that have a number of people with the same 9)....................

training need. By this option provides companies with the 10)..................

opportunity to work with our specialist in-company training team.


1. had

2. also

3. high

4. itself

5. -

6. of

7. that

8. own

9. -

10. by

5. Translate into English.

Корегування цін та умови оплати

Якщо передбачуваний строк дії контракту перевищує 18 місяців, то до контракту включається положення про корегування цін з метою корегування розміру винагороди з поправкою на інфляцію за кордоном або в цій країні. Положення про корегування цін може бути включене до контрактів з коротшим строком дії, якщо передбачається, що темпи інфляції в цій країні або за кордоном будуть високими і непередбачуваними.

Умови оплати, зокрема суми, що підлягають сплаті, графік платежів та процедури оплати узгоджуються в ході переговорів. Платежі можуть здійснюватися регулярно через певні проміжки часу (як у випадку з контрактами з погодинною оплатою) або після подання обговорених результатів роботи (як у випадку з контрактами з твердою ціною). Авансові сплати, розмір яких перевищує 10 відсотків суми контракту, як правило, підкріплюються гарантією.

Оплата за контрактом здійснюється у валюті або валютах, у яких виражено вартість пропозиції. Платежі здійснюються оперативно згідно з умовами контракту.

Price Adjustment and Payment Provisions

To adjust the remuneration for foreign and/or local inflation, a price adjustment provision shall be included in the contract if it its duration is expected to exceed 18 months. Contracts of shorter duration may include a provision for price adjustment when local or foreign inflation is expected to be high and unpredictable.

Payment provisions, including amounts to be paid, schedule of payments, and payment procedures, shell be agreed upon during negotiations. Payments may be made at regular intervals (as under time-based contracts) or for agreed outputs (as under lump sum contracts). Payments for advances exceeding 10 percent of the contract amount should normally be backed by advance payment securities.

Payment under the contract shell be made in the currency or currencies in which the price is expressed in the proposal. Payments shell be made promptly in accordance with the contract provisions.

  1. Choose the best variant to fill the gaps from the choices A-C

  1. He kept … and … for an explanation and she didn’t know what …about him.

a) to ring and ask; to do;

b) ringing and asking; to do;

c) ringing and ask; doing;

2. I tried …to him but he refused … and went on…grumbling.

a) to explain; listening; grumbling;

b) explaining; to listen; to grumble;

c) to explain; to listen; grumbling;

3. If I ... that you couldn’t eat octopus I … it.

a) knew; wouldn’t buy;

b) had known; wouldn’t have bought;

c) had known; wouldn’t buy;

4. They say that when the 100 km per hour speed limit … in operation for a year they will be able to judge whether it is effective or not.

a) has been;

b) is

c) will be;

5. Your hair needs … .You’d better …it done tomorrow, unless you’d like me … a go at it for you.

a) cutting; have; to have;

b) to be cut; had; have;

c) to cut; to have; to have;

6. I always try …in quickly but they always her me … upstairs.

a)to come; go;

b) coming; to go;

c) to come; going.

7. The police have put up a railing here …people … out of the station and …straight across the road.

a) prevent; rushing; dashing;

b) to prevent; rushing; dashing;

c) to prevent ;to rush; dash;

8. By the end of next year I …for him for 45 years.

a) will work;

b) will be working;

c)will have been working;

9. I … my train … at 14.30, and … very disappointed when I … at 14.30 and …that it … .

a) thought; was leaving; was; had arrived; had learned; had left.

b) thought; left; was; arrived; learned; had left.

c) thought; was leaving; had been; arrived; learned; left.

10. When he left school he became a fisherman. His family didn’t like it at all. They … much happier if he … a greengrocer like his father.

a) would have been; had become;

b) would be; had become;

c) would have been; became.

  1. –b
  2. –c
  3. –b
  4. –a
  5. –a
  6. –c
  7. –b
  8. –c
  9. –b
  10. -a

7. From the four underlined words (A-D) identify the one that is not correct.

1. I can hear a noise; I think somehow is outside.


2. Let me give you some advices.


3. I don't like it here. Let's go somewhere more.


4. Where is the centre of a earth?


5. Most my friends live in Lviv.


6. I have very few interest in this problem.


7. I like these dishes, but the cup of the tea is a little small.


8. Although your sister is very popular, she is not prettier than as mine.


9. I bought a pink nice pig.


10. I could never be bored at football.



  1. C
  2. D
  3. D
  4. D
  5. B
  6. B
  7. C
  8. C
  9. C
  10. D