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СодержаниеЮнг К. Проблемы души нашего времени. М.: Прогресс, 1993. 511 Skinner В. F. Зотова О. И., Бобнева М. И. |
- Учебное пособие Рекомендовано в качестве учебного пособия Редакционно-издательским, 2331.42kb.
- Учебно-методическое пособие Рекомендовано редакционно-издательским советом Академии, 3913.96kb.
- И. З. Шарипов материаловедение рекомендовано редакционно-издательским советом угату, 1223.16kb.
- Общая и, 861.29kb.
- Методические указания к курсовой работе рекомендовано к изданию Редакционно-издательским, 380.48kb.
- А. С. Калмыкова Главный внештатный детский инфекционист, 1294.52kb.
- Учебное пособие для технических вузов Серия «Современное высшее образование», 19249.92kb.
- Я управления рисками в организации рекомендовано в качестве учебного пособия Редакционно-издательским, 1160.94kb.
- Методические указания и задания к контрольной работе по дисциплине статистика для слушателей, 995.56kb.
- Методические указания к курсовому и дипломному проектированию Москва 2007, 873.19kb.
484 Wickesberg А. К. Communication networks in the business organization structure // Academy of Management Journal, No 11, 1968. P. 253-262.
485 Jacobson E. & Seashore S. Communication practices in complex organizations //Journal of Social Issues, No 7. 1951. P. 28—40; Davis K. Management communication and the grapevine //Harvard Business Review, Vol. 31, 1953. P. 43—49; Sutton H. & Porter L. W. A study of the grapevine in a governmental organization //Personnel Psychology. Vol. 21,1968. P. 223—-230.
486 Davis K. Management communication and the grapevine //Harvard Business Review,Vol. 31, 1953. P. 43—49.
487 Sutton Н, & Porter L. W. A study of the grapevine in a governmental organization // Personnel Psychology, Vol. 21. 1968. P. 223--230.
488 Davis К. Management communication and the grapevine // 1953.P.43—49.
//Harvard Business Review, Vol.31.
489 Galbraith J. Designing complex organizations. Menlo Park, Calif: Addison-Weslcy, 1973; Huge J., Aiken M. & Marrett C. Organization structure and communication / /American Sociological Review, Vol. 36, 1971. P. 860---871; Simpson R. L. Vertical and horizontal communication in formal organizations //Administrative Science Quarterly, No 4, 1959. P. 188—196.
490 Shaw M. Communication networks //Advances in experimental social psychology /Ed. by L. Berkowitz. Vol. 1, N.Y.: Academic Press, 1964; Smith C. G., & Brown M. E. Communication structure and control Structure in a voluntary association //Sociometry, Vol. 27, 1964. P. 449-468.
491 Русалов В. М. Психофизиологические основы взаимодействия темперамента и общих способностей человека /В кн.: Проблемы психологии личности. — М.: Наука, 1982. С. 198— 305.
492 Ломов Б. Ф. Методологические и теоретические проблемы психологии. М.: Наука, 1984; Асеев В. Г. Мотивация поведения и формирование личности. М.: Мысль, 1976; Платонов К. К. Структура и развитие личности. М.: Наука, 1986; Левонтин Р. Человеческая индивидуальность: наследственность и среда. М.: Прогресс, 1993; Mischel W. Introduction to Personality. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1993; Feshbach 5. & Warner B. Personality. Lexington, MA: Health, 1991.
493 Подробная библиография этих исследований представлена в книге Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology //Ed. by M. D. Dunnеttе. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1976.
494 Мерлин В. С. Очерк интегрального исследования индивидуальности. М.: Педагогика,, 1986; Стрелку Я. Роль темперамента в психическом развитии. М.: Прогресс, 1982; Русалов В. М. О взаимоотношении свойств темперамента и эффективности индивидуальной и совместной деятельности //Психологический журнал,Т. 3, № 6, 1982.
495 Кант И. Собр. соч. В 6 томах. Т. 6, М., 1966.
496 Кони Л.Ф. Память и внимание. Из воспоминаний судебного деятеля. СПб.: Полярная Звезда, 1922.
497 Климов Е. А. Индивидуальный стиль деятельности в зависимости от типологических свойств нервной системы. Казань, 1969.
498 Шадриков В. Д. Проблемы системогeнeза профессиональной деятельности. М.: Наука, 1982; Шадриков В. Д. Проблема профессиональных способностей. Психологический журнал, Т. 3,№ 5, 1982. С. 13----26.
499 Porter L. W. & Steers R. Organizational, Work and Personal Factors in Employee Turnover and Absenteeism //Psychological Bulletin, No 1, 1973. P. 151 — 176; Mobley W. H., Griffin R. W., Hand H. H. & Meglino В. М. Review and Conceptual Analysis of the Employee Turnover Process //Psychological Bulletin, May, 1979. P. 493—522; Rhodes S. R. Age-Related Differences in Work Attitudes and Behavior: A Review and Conceptual Analysis //Psychological Bulletin, March, 1983. P. 328—367.
500 Rhodes S. R. Age-Related Differences in Work Attitudes and Behavior: A Review and Conceptual Analysis //Psychological Bulletin, March, 1983. P. 328—367.
501 Kalleberg A. L. & Loscocco K. A. Aging, Values, and Rewards: Explaining Age Differences in Job Satisfaction //American Sociological Review, February, 1983. P. 78—90.
503 Quinn R. P. Staines G. L. & McCullough M. R. Job Satisfaction: Is There a Trend? Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, Document 2900-00195, 1974.
504 Watson С. J. An Evaluation and Some Aspects of the Steers and Rhodes Model of Employee Attendance //Journal of Applied Psychology, June, 1981. P. 385-389;Keller R. T. Predicting Absenteeism from Prior Absenteeism, Attitudinal Factors, and Nonattitudinal Factors //Journal of Applied Psychology. Aug.. 1983. P. 53-140; Federico J. M., Federico P. & Lundquist G W. Predicting Women's Turnover as a Function of Extent of Met Salary Expectations and Biodemographic Data //Personnel Psychology, Winter, 1976. P. 559—566.
505 Рорр Р. О. & Belohlav J. A. Absenteeism in a Low Status Work Environment //Academy of Management Journal, September, 1982; Arnold H. J. & Feidman D. C. A Multivariate Analysis of the Determinants of Job Turnover //Journal of Applied Psychology, June, 1982.
506 Allport G. W. Personality; Psychological interpretation. N.Y.: Holt, Rinchart and Winston, 1937. P. 48
507 Абульханова К. А. О субъекте психической деятельности. М.: Наука, 1973. С. 127— 268; Асеев В. Г. Проблема мотивации и личность //Теоретические проблемы психологии личности /Под ред. Е. В. Шороховой. М.: Наука, 1974. С.122—144; Брушлинский А. В. О соотношении биологического и социального в развитии личности / Теоретические проблемы психологии личности. Л.: Наука, 1974. С. 83—121; Ломов Б. Ф. Методологические и теоретические проблемы психологии. М.: Наука, 1984. С. 310—325; Ананьев Б. Г. Социальные ситуации развития личности и се статус // Хрестоматия по психологии /Под ред. А. В. Петровского. М.: Просвещение, 1987. С. 134 — 140.
508 Широко известная сегодня психоаналитическая структура личности id — ego — superego была предложена англо-американскими переводчиками работ 3.Фрейда. Поэтому в скобках мы приводим оригинальные названия этих систем личности так, как они обозначались самим Фрейдом.
509 Freud S. A general introduction to psychoanalysis. N.Y.: Washington Square Press, 1960; Freud S. The ego and the id. N.Y.: Norton, 1962.
510 Юнг К. Проблемы души нашего времени. М.: Прогресс, 1993.
511 Skinner В. F. Cumulative record. —3rd cd. N.Y.: Applcton-Ccntury-Crofts, 1972; Skinner В- F. A matter of consequences. N.Y.: Knopf, 1974,
512 Skinner В. F. Verbal behavior. N.Y.: Applcton-Ccntury-Crofts, 1957.
513 Cattail R. B. The Scientific Analysis of Personality. Chicago: Aldine, 1965; Cattell R. B. Personality Pinned Down //Psychology Today, July, 1973. P. 40-46. '
514 Аllроrt С. W. & Odbert H. S. Trait Names: A Psychological Study //Psychological Monographs, No 47, 1936.
515 Eysenck H. J. The Structure of Human Personality. London: Methucn, 1970.
516 Eysenck H. J. The Structure of Human Personality. London: Methuen, 1970.
517 Eysenсk H. & Eysenk M. W. Personality and individual differences. N.Y.: Plenum, 1985; Eysenk S. & Long F. Y. A cross-cultural comparison of personality in adults and children: Singapore and England //Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 50. P. 124—130.
518 Costa P. T. Jr., & McCrae R. R. Personality in adulthood: A six-year longitudinal study of self-reports and spouse ratings on the NEO personality inventory //Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol.54, 1988, P .853—863; Digman J. M. & Inouyc J. Further specification of the five robust factors of personality //Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 50, 1986. P. 116—123; Zuckerman M., Kiihlman D. M. & Caniac C. What lies beyond E and N? Factor analyses of scales believed to measure basic dimensions of personality //Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 54, 1988. P. 96—107.
519 Costa Р. Т. Jr. & McCrae R. R. Hypochondriasis, neurotism, and aging: When are somatic complaints unfounded? //American Psychologist, Vol. 40, 1985. P. 19—28.
520 Adorno T. et at.. The Authoritarian Personality. N.Y.: Harper & Brothers, 1950.
521 Cough H. Personality and Personality Assessment //Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology /Ed. by M. Dunnette. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1976. P. 579.
522 Vieeming R. G. Machiavellianism: A Preliminary Review //Psychological Reports, February, 1979. P. 295—310,
523 Christie R. & Gets F. L. Studies in Machiavellianism. N.Y.: Academic Press, 1970. P. 312.
524 Там же. Roller J. B. Generalized Expectancies for Internal and External Control of Reinforcement //Psychological Monographs, Vol.80, No 609, 1966.
525 Mitchell Т., Smyser С. & Weed S. Locus of Control: Supervision and Work Satisfaction // Academy of Management Journal, 1975. P. 623—630; Collins В. Е. Four Components of the Rotter Internal-External Scale: Belief in a Difficult World, a Just World, a Predictable World, and a Politically Responsive World //Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1974. P. 381—391; Joe V. C. Review of the Internal-External Control Construct as a Personality Variable //Psychological Reports, 1971. P. 619— 640: Phares E. J. Locus of Control: A Personality Determinant of Behavior. Morristown, N.J.: General Learning Press, 1973.
526 Spector P. E. Behavior in Organizations as a Function of Employee's Locus of Control //Psychological Bulletin, 1982. P. 482—497; Taylor R. & Dunnette M. D. Influence of Dogmatism and Risk Taking Propensity and Intelligence on Decision Making Strategics for a Sample of Industrial Managers //Journal of Applied Psychology, 1974. P. 420— 423.
527 Spector P. E. Behavior in Organizations as a Function of Employee's Locus of Control // Psychological Bulletin, May, 1982. P. 482—497.
528 Miron D. & McClelland D. С. The impact of achievement motivation training on small business //California Management Review, Summer 1979. P. 13—28.
529 Robey D. User Attitude and Management Information System Use //Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 22, 1979. P. 527-538; Taylor R. N.. & Dunnette M. D. Influence of Dogmatism, Risk-Taking Propensity, and Intelligence on Decision-Making Strategies for a Sample of Industrial Managers //Journal of Applied Psychology, Aug., 1974. P. 420—423.
530 Taylor R. N., & Dunnette M. D. Influence of Dogmatism, Risk-Taking Propensity, and Intelligence on Decision-Making Strategics for a Sample of Industrial Managers // Journal of Applied Psychology, Aug., 1974. P. 420—423.
531 Janis 1. L. & Mann L. Decision Making: A Psychological Analysis of Conflict, Choice, and Commitment. N.Y.: Free Press, 1977.
532 Johnson J. A. & Hogan R. Vocational Interests/Personality, and Effective Police Performance Personnel Psychology, Vol. 34, 1981. P. 49—53.
533 Mowday R. T. & Spencer D. G. The Influence of Task and Personality Characteristics on Employee Turnover and Absenteeism Incidents //Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 24, 1981. P. 634—642; Steers R. M. & Rhodes S. R. Major Influences on Employee Attendance: A Process Model //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 63, 1978. P. 391— 407; Breaugh J. A. Predicting Absenteeism from Prior Absenteeism and Work Attitudes //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 66, 1981. P. 555—560.
534 Bonami M. & Rimie B. Personality Correlates of Heart Disease //Bulletin de Psychologic, 1975. P. 803—812; Kilpatrick D. G., Sutker P. B. & Smith A. R. Deviant Drug and Alcohol Use: The Role of Anxiety, Sensation Seeking, and Other Personality Variables / /Emotions and Anxiety: New Concepts, Methods, and Applications /Ed. by M. Zuckerman and C. D.Spielberger. Hilisdalc, N.J.: Lawrence Eribaum, 1976; Akerstedt T. and Theorell T. Exposure to Night Work: Scrum Gastrin Reactions, Psychosomatic Complaints, and Personality Variables //Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 1976. P. 479-484.
535 Личко А. Психопатии и акцентуации характера у подростков. Л., 1977.
536 Личко А. Подростковая психиатрия. Л., 1979; Личко А. Психопатии и акцентуации характера у подростков. Л., 1977.
537 Terborg J. R. Interactional Psychology and Research on Human Behavior in Organizations //Academy of Management Review, No 6, 1981. P. 569—576; Terborg J. R., Richardson P. & Pritchard R. D. Person-Situation Effects in the Prediction of Performance: An Investigation of Ability, Self-esteem, and Reward Contingencies // Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 65, 1980. P. 574—83.
538 Brousseau К R., & Prince J. B. Job-Person Dynamics: An Extension of Longitudinal Research. //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 66, 1981. P. 59—62.
539 Донцов А. И. К вопросу о механизмах формирования личности //Психологические исследования. Вып. 5, М., 1975.
540 Леонтьев Д. А. Ценность как междисциплинарное понятие: опыт многомерной реконструкции //Вопросы философии, № 4. 1996.
541 Арутюнян Э. А. Микросреда и трансформация общественных ценностей в ценностную ориентацию личности. Ереван, 1979.
542 Kluckhohn С. Values and Value Orientations in the Theory of Action //Toward a General Theory of Action /Ed. by T.Parsons. Cambridge, 1951.
543 Зотова О. И., Бобнева М. И. Ценностные ориентации и механизмы социальной регуляции поведения //Методологические проблемы социальной психологии. М., 1975; Донцов А. И. О ценностных отношения личности. Сов.педагогика, № 5, 1974.
544 Додонов Б. И. Эмоция как ценность. М., 1978. С. 12
545 Донцов А. И. О ценностных отношения личности. Сов.педагогика, № 51. 1974.
546 Rokeach 1. М. The Nature of Human Values. N.Y.-.Free Press, 1973.
547 Hofstede G. Culture's consequences. California: Sage Publications, 1980; Hofstede G. The interaction between national and organizational value systems //Journal of Management Studies, Vol.22, No 4, 1985, P. 338—357; Hofstede G. & Bond М. Н. The Confucius connection: From cultural roots to economic growth //Organizational Dynamics, Vol.16. No 4, 1988. P. 4—21.
548 McClelland D. The achieving society. N.Y.: Irvington Publishers, 1961; McClelland D. Motivational trends in society. N.Y.: General Learning Press, 1971.
549 AllportG. W., Vernon P. E., & LindzeyG. Study of Values. Boston: Houghton Mifflm, 1951.
550 Graves С. W. Levels of Existence: An Open System Theory of Values //Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Fall, 1970. P. 131—-155.
551 Myers M. S. & Myers S. S. Toward Understanding the Changing Work Ethic//California Management Review, Spring, 1974. P. 7—19.
552 Feather N. Values in Education and Society. N.Y.: Free Press, 1975; Zavalloni M. Values II Handbook of Cross-Cultural Psychology /Ed. by H. Triandis and R. Bruslin. Vol. 5, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1980.
553 Horn S. J. The last happy workers //Psychology Today, April, 1982. P. 17- 18.
554 Zankovsky A. Economic reforms in Russia and their impact on the value system of Russian managers //Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management /Ed. by O. Brown, Jr. & H. W. Hendrick /Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management held in Breckenridgc, Co., U.S.A., July 31--August 3, 1996. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Norm Holland, 1996. P. 613 — 618.
555 Berne Е. What do you say after you say hello? N.У.: Grove Press, 1972.
556 Ultima ratio (лат.) — последний довод
557 Моblеу L. & McKeown К. Beyond IBM. N.Y.: MacGraw-Hill, 1989. 586
558 Rokeach I. M. The Nature of Human Values. N.Y.: Free Press, 1973.
559 Saileh S.D. & Hosek .J. Job Involvement: Concepts and Measurements //Academy of Management Journal. June, 1976; Rabinowitz S. & Hall D. T. Organralionri Research on Job Involvement //Psychological Bulletin, March, 1977.P. 265-288
560 Buchanan B. Building Organizational Commitment: The Socialization of Managers in Work Situations //Administrative Science Quarterly, December. 1974. P.533-546.
561 Mowday R. Т., Porter L W. S Steers R. M. Employee-Organization Linkagcs. N.Y.: Academic Press, 1982; Rusbult C. E. & Farrell D. A Longitudinal Test of the Investment Model: The Impact on Job Satisfaction, Job Commitment and Turnover of Variations in Rewards. Costs. Alternatives, and Investments. //Journal of Applied Psychology, August, 1983. P. 429-438.
562 Festinger L. A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. Stanford,Calif: Stanford University Press,1957.
563 Wicker A. W. Attitude Versus Action: The Relationship of Verbal and Overt Behavioral Responses to Attitude Objects //Journal of Social Issues, Autumn, 1969. P. 41—78.
564 Heberlein T. A. & Black J. S. Attitudinal Specificity and the Prediction of Behavior in a Field Setting //Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, April, 1976. P. 474—479.
565 Schuman H. & Johnson M. P. Attitudes and Behavior //Annual Review of Sociology / Ed. by A. Inkcles. Palo Alto, Calif.: Annual Reviews, 1976. P. 161—207.
566 Bern D. J. Self-Perception Theory //Advances in Experimental Social Psychology / Ed. by L. Berkowitz. Vol. 6, N.Y.: Academic Press, 1972. P. 1—62.
567 Kiesler C. A., Nisbett R. E. & Zanna M. P. On Inferring One's Belief from One's Behavior //Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, April, 1969. P. 321---327; Abelson R. Arc Attitudes Necessary? //Attitudes, Conflicts, and Social Change /Ed. by. B. T. King & E. McGinnics. N.Y.: Academic Press, 1972. P. 25.