Окиснювальне старіння пива та його стабілізація

Дипломная работа - Химия

Другие дипломы по предмету Химия


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This work deals with the studying of the beer oxidative aging by means of chemiluminescence and gasometric methods of investigation.

It has been established that used methods give enough information. The results obtained by using this methods conform with each other. This evidences about their objectivity.

It has been established that the radical-chain process inhibitors addition results in suppression of oxidation in beer. Adding of peroxide nature substances and metals of changed valency accelerates the processes.

Received results allowed to conclude that fermentative and non- fermentative oxidative processes in beer go according radical-chain mechanism.

It has been find out, that addition of substances with antioxidative properties and plant extract into beer was the most effective way of its antioxidative stabilization.