Некоторые теоретические вопросы гражданства как объекта правопреемства государств
Информация - Юриспруденция, право, государство
Другие материалы по предмету Юриспруденция, право, государство
tional Studies in Collaboration with the Office of the UNHCR, Geneva, 26-27 May, 1994/Graduate Institute of International Studies, the Office of the UNHCR; ed. V. Gowland-Debbas. - The Hague, 1995. - P.35-50.
. Павлова, Л.В. Право прав человека: учеб. пособие / Л.В. Павлова. - Минск: БГУ, 2005. - 221 с.
26. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A Common Standard of Achievement / ed. G. Alfredsson, A. Eide. - The Hague [etc.]: Nijhoff, 1999. - XXXV, 782 p.
. Pact of San Jose, Costa Rica: American Convention on Human Rights, 22 Nov. 1969 // Organization of American States [Electronic Resource]. - Mode of access:
28. О правах и основных свободах человека: Конвенция Содружества Независимых Государств, 26 мая 1995 г. // КонсультантПлюс: Беларусь. Технология 3000 [Электронный ресурс] / ООО "ЮрСпектр", Нац. центр правовой информ. Респ. Беларусь. - Минск, 2010.
. Proposed Amendments to the Naturalization Provisions of the Constitution of Costa Rica: Advisory Opinion OC-4/84, Inter-Am. Ct. H. R.,19 Jan. 1984 // University of Minnesota. Human Rights Library [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
30. Об отказе в принятии к рассмотрению жалобы гражданки Фатуллаевой Галины Васильевны на нарушение ее конституционных прав частью четвертой статьи 14 Федерального закона "О гражданстве Российской Федерации": Определение Конституц. cуда Рос. Федерации, 8 янв. 2005 г., № 402-О // КонсультантПлюс: Версия Проф. Технология 3000 [Электронный ресурс] / ООО "ЮрСпектр". - М., 2010.
31. Mullerson, R. Law and Politics in Succession of States: International Law on Succession of States / R. Mullerson // Dissolution, Continuation and Succession in Eastern Europe; ed. by B. Stern. - The Hague [etc.]: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1998. - P.5-32.
. Jennings, R. Collected Writings: 2 vol. / R. Jennings. - The Hague [etc.]: Kluwer Law International, 1998. - Vol.1. - P.641.
. Stern, B. General Concluding Remarks at Dissolution, Continuation and Succession in Eastern Europe / ed. by B. Stern. - The Hague/Boston/London: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1999. - P. 197-209.
. Watts, A. State Succession: Some Recent Practical Legal Problems / A. Watts // Beitrage zum auslandischen offentlichen Recht und Volkerrecht. - Berlin, 1998. - Bd.135: Liber amicorum Gunther Jaenicke, zum 85. Geburtstag. - S.397-426.
. Oeter, S. German Unification and State Succession / S. Oeter // Zeitschrift fur auslandiches offentliches Recht und Volkerrecht. - 1991. - Vol.51, afl.2. - P.349-383.
. O`Connell, D. International Law / D. O` Connell. - 2nd ed. - London: Stevens & Sons, 1970. - Vol.1. - 595 p.
37. Свинарев, В.В. К вопросу о правовом регулировании статуса лиц с двойным гражданством / В.В. Свинарев // Право и политика. - 2001. - № 2. - С.100-107.
38. Verzijl, J. Nationality and Other Matters Relating to Individuals / J. Verzijl // International Law in Historical Perspective: 12 vol. / J. Verzejl. - Leiden, 1972. - Part V. - Ch.1. - P.5-100.
. Restatement of the Law, Third. The Foreign Regulations Law of the United States. Adopted and Promulgated. - Vol.1/R. B. Perkins [and others]. - St. Paul, Minn.: American Law Institute Publishers, 1987. - P.641.
. Ziemele, I. State continuity and nationality: the Baltic states and Russia: past, present and future as defined by international law / I. Ziemele. - Leiden [etc.]: Nijhoff, 2005. - 424 р.
41. Смирнова, Е.С. Международно-правовые проблемы гражданства стран СНГ и Балтии в свете европейского опыта / Смирнова Е.С. - М.: Изд-во ИПЭ, 1999. - 304 с.
. Мiхалёва, Т. M. Да пытання аб праве выбару грамадзянства пры правапераемнасцi дзяржаў / Т.М. Мiхалёва // Весцi Нац. акад. навук Беларусi. Сер. гуманiтар. навук. - 2009. - № 4. - С.25-34.
. Convencion sobre la nacionalidad, 26 dic. 1933. - Procurador General de Justicia del Distrito Federal [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
44. Комиссия международного права. Доклад о работе ее пятьдесят первой сессии (3 мая - 23 июля 1999 г.): офиц. отчеты: доп. № А/54/10. - UNBISNET [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
. Nottebohm case (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala): Judgment, April 6th, 1955 // International Court of Justice [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
. Flegenheimer case (Italy v. USA): Decision № 182, Sept. 20, 1958 // Reports of International Arbitral Awards. - Vol. XIV. - P.327-390.
. Canevaro Claim (Italy v. Peru): Award of the Tribunal // The Hague Justice portal [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
. Salem case: Reports of International Arbitral Awards. - Vol. II. - United Nations [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
. Makarov, A. N. Das Urteil des Internationalen Gerichtshofes im Fall Nottebohm / A. N. Makarov // ZaoeRV. - 1955/56. - Bd.16. - P.407-426.
. Devashish, K. Nationality of Physical Persons / K. Devashish // Investment Treaty Law. - 2007. - Vol.2. - P.57-66.
. Sloane, R. D. Breaking the Genuine Link: The Contemporary International Legal Regulation of Nationality / R. D. Sloane // Harvard International Law Journal. - 2009. - Vol.50. - P.1-60.
52. Корж, Н.Я. Гражданство Российской Федерации. Историко-правовой аспект / Н.Я. Корж. - СПб.: Изд. дом "Нева", 2004. - 160 с.
53. On the avoidance of statelessness in relation to State Succession: Council of Europe Convention // Council of Europe [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
. Summary records of the meeting of the 49th session 12 May - 18 July 1997 // YILC. - 1997. - Vol.1. - 309 p.
. Sharer, R. International Law and Nationality, in particular in the Context of State Succession / R. Sharer // Science and technique of democracy / European Commission for Democracy through Law. - Strasbourg, 1998. - № 21: Citizenship and State Succession: proceedings of the UniDem seminar organized in Vilnius (Lithuania) on 16 and 17 May 1997 in co-operation with Division I (Private and International Law) of the Directorate of Legal Affairs of the Council of Europe, the University of Vilnius, and the Constitutional Court of Lithuania. - P.88-100.
. On the Standardisation of the legal concepts of "domicile" and of "residence": Resolution (72) 1 of 18.01.1972 // Council of Europe [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
. On Citizenship: Law of Kosova, of 20 Febr. 2008, № 03/L-034 // Lexadin [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
. Miyazaki, S. Discrimination because of Nationality. The Case of Taiwanese, who were Formerly Japanese Soldiers / S. Miyazaki // Beitrage zum auslandichen offentlichen Recht und Volkerrecht / Max-Planck Institut fur auslandiches offentliches Recht und Volkerrecht. - Berlin [etc.], 1995. - Band 120: Recht zwichen Umbruch und Bewahrung. Festschrift fur Rudolf Bernhardt. - P.523-535.
. Endzins, A. The Special Case of The Baltic States. State Succession, State Continuity and Issues of Citizenship / A. Endzins // Science and technique of democracy / European Commission for Democracy through Law. - Strasbourg, 1998. - № 21: Citizenship and State Succession: proceedings of the UniDem seminar organized in Vilnius (Lithuania) on 16 and 17 May 1997 in cooperation with Division I (Private and International Law) of the Directorate of Legal Affairs of the Council of Europe, the University of Vilnius, and the Constitutional Court of Lithuania. - P.160-174.