The analysis of a condition and regulation of social maintenance of the workers and population in USA

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in differentiation of the sizes of wages paid to the workers of the enterprise, which, on the one hand, renders influence on behaviour of the workers, and with another - optimizes expenses for the personnel because the salary is put in the economically justified conformity with value of results of work.individual wages develop of four components - from the basic wages and three additional components: result of work, social aspect and condition of the market of work. The task of firm policy(politics) of wages is, that within the framework of the tariff rates дозировать components by a choice of the various factors and methods so that they should answer interests of the enterprise.basic wages. The basic wages received by the hired worker, at presence of the agreements on tariff negotiation are defined(determined) under the rates, established according to these agreements. In the tariff agreements and firm systems of payment of work the sizes of the basic wages are deduced usually depending on the requirements (first of all of requirements to qualification), showed to the workers on the appropriate workplaces, proceeding from kinds, carried out by them, of activity. More precisely, the size of the basic wages depends on a type of activity (wages depending on the requirements, showed to the worker,). If this or that activity shows the high requirements to the worker, the high wages and on the contrary are paid. The decisive meaning(importance) in this case has a type, actually carried out by the worker, of activity. The orientation to the requirements, showed to the worker, is carried out through classification of work expressed by a total estimation of work. Frequently in the tariff agreements the rough examples are resulted, to which the classified activity is compared. At significant concurrence of the characteristics of classified activity with given in an example this classified activity is paid according to the tariff categories specified in rough examples. Behind this principle of definition of the basic wages there is a known postulate for equal work - equal salary, which observance could remove or significant lower discrimination in wages of various groups of the workers (women, young workers). The main advantage of this principle to the employer consists in function of the control of the basic wages, as it(he) orders to the workers sphere of activity, depend on the showed requirements to which basic wages. In some branches to orientation, borrowing(occupying) the main place, to the showed requirements the definition of the basic salary with the account выслуги of years is added. In Austria, for example, the principle of years is very much distributed in public sector. The principle of payment on years means a relative withdrawal(waste) from orientation to the showed requirements, as at identical activity and, hence, identical requirements the workers with a plenty of the worked years receive the large wages, than their colleague with the smaller labour experience. Last years as the third determinants began to be used qualification irrespective of, whether the appropriate knowledge and skill of the worker in his(its) practical activity whether or not is used now. Differently employer should in such case pay to the worker the premium that it(he) at any moment can involve his(its) qualification. To the employer the qualifying payment of work is favourable, as the worker if necessary can on short term be involved for performance of various tasks.many systems of payment of work as addition to the basic salary the so-called component of result of work serves.compensation for the special results in work of the separate worker or whole group the stimulus to increase of labour feedback is created. Distinguish three main forms of wages connecting result of work to his(its) payment: time wages, price-work and bonus wages.a time wage of work criterion of payment is working hours. The basic wages are in unit of time multiplied on quantity(amount) of time units. On the first sight, the time salary excludes stimulation more high efficiency of work, as the time which has been carried out(spent) on a workplace, anything yet does not speak about the achieved results. Nevertheless time wage of work is considered connected with as result of work, as in its(her) basis the formally certain or actually expected results of work for a time unit are incorporated. The workers who are not adequate(answering) these expectations, lose a workplace and salary.price-work payment of work represents payment of work by result, by quantity(amount) of production, made at oclock. At of so-called normal result the proportional increase of wages is made. This form of payment of work assumes presence of the well organized work, the speed of which performance depends on the worker. The price-work payment of such kinds of activity now is widely used. As the price-work payment of work results in increase of earnings, she(it), despite of possible(probable) negative effect as pressure of result, is positively estimated by the workers. The employers, in turn, see in it(her), besides rendered on the workers of influence, also that advantage, that the constant size of the charges on the salary in expenses for a unit of production facilitates the control of expenses.definition of size of wages the key role is played by(with) an establishment of normal result, i.e. normal productivity of work. With this purpose two groups of methods are applied:

* Definition of scheduled temporary parameters on the basis of given of metric area on a workplace and their possible(probable) correction depending on a degree (productivity of work), appreciated for the certain interval of time: if the productivity of work at exceeds average meaning(importance), the measured time is multiplied on size more unit to receive longer scheduled time for performance of work, and on the contrary (so-called a method RЕFA);of normative parameters on the basis beforehand of given time (for example, a method МТМ). The quality of definition of scheduled time of performance of works depends on a choice of methods of payment of work. At many enterprises there are specialized departments on study of working hours, which are engaged in a most careful image by questions of industrial time as bases for account of wages, industrial planning, preliminary accounting of industrial expenses and their subsequent accounting for the control.of price-work wages is used in assembly and industrial divisions, while at works on repair of machines and maintenance service of installations of interrelation can be so, that it does not allow her(it) to apply.reasons can, for example to consist in the following:accounting frequently can be made only after a closing - up, as only then it is possible to the full to reveal volume of the eliminated damages;performance of accounting can be connected to additional expenses of work;peace settlement of disputes and disagreements between the employees and sometimes it is necessary to involve(attract) the foremen (so-called auditors);is sometimes complex (sometimes difficult) to put into practice the technical changes conducting to simplification of working process and decrease(reduction) sizes of given time of performance of works, because of resistance of advice(council) of the workers of the enterprise and separate groups of the employees.bonus payment of work from many points of view is more widely applicable(applied), than price-work wages. She(it) is to the same extent intended for encouragement of the workers for productivity of work expressed in quantitative parameters, and for qualitative results of work of the most various type. Its(her) variety is caused by structure of system of the premiums reflecting communication(connection) of result, achieved in work, with wages. Except for proportional dependence having a place at account of price-work wages, others are applied also, for example, progressive, S-figurative, step and their various combinations. The choice of the concrete form depends on the accepted concept of management of behaviour of the worker through creation of stimulus as bonus payment.key role at account of bonus wages is played by(with) definition of base of account of the premium, т.е. A kind of the achieved result. That can be served by(with) quantity(amount) of the made products in pieces (premium for quantity(amount)), quantity(amount) of defective products in a party(set) of the goods (premium for quality), factor of equipment downtime etc. Further is necessary to define(determine) boundary meaning(importance) of chosen parameter of result of work, at which achievement there can be a speech about payment of the premium, and structure of bonus system depending on concrete sizes of really achievable result. As well as at the time salary, here there is a problem of definition of result of work, as by simple gauging and calculation, quite sufficient for an establishment of price-work wages, at use of the bonus salary obviously to not do without. Role more or less structured methods of an estimation of the personnel and result of work in this connection grows which allow to define(determine) productivity of work of the workers. The bonus payment of work opens the large opportunities for use of the approach. At the same time there is a danger, that with increase of a degree of differentiation the workers cease to understand dependence between result and payment, and by that any stimulating influence on result does not arise.component of wages. The social component of the salary includes payments without direct communication(connection) with result of the made work, for example payments connected to the marital status (of payment at birth of children), or the continuation of payment of the basic wages focus