The analysis of a condition and regulation of social maintenance of the workers and population in USA

Курсовой проект - Экономика

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has reached(achieved) pension age, are financed by the nowadays working Americans;personal interest insured, the sizes of which pension depend on the insurance experience of work.1956 this program has united insurance on age (founded in 1935), insurance on a case of loss of the supporter (1939), insurance on the invalidity which has been not connected to accident on manufacture (by 1956), and also payments within the framework of state system of social insurance. The state system of pension insurance differs by flexibility of the basic parameters of a profitable part - rate of the taxation and minimal size of wages of the workers and employees covered with a state pension scheme, that provides close communication (connection) between with parameters of development of the American economy and financial stability of system of pension maintenance in difference, for example, from Russia. During 1990-1998 The minimal size of the labour incomes subject to the taxation within the framework of system of social insurance, has increased with 51,3 thousand dollars up to 68,4 thousand dollars. According to available by the data of Administrative - budget management by 2009 the level has increased up to 82,8 thousand dollars. The general (common) federal program of insurance is a basis of economic safety of the persons who have reached(achieved) pension age, lost the supporter, invalid. The grants(manual) on a line of state system of social maintenance have the especially important meaning(importance) for separate categories of the elderly population, being by a unique(sole) source of the income for 20% of the bachelors and 25% of the unmarried women in the age of 65 years and are more senior. State guarantees of pension maintenance and health services of the persons of elderly age, including a long-term leaving(care), help in search of work and preservation of a workplace at presence of desire and ability to work after an output(exit) on pension, various tax privileges, and also stimulation of development of the private(individual) pension plans, distribution of the personal pension accounts, promoted hardening of economic independence of the pensioners, transformation them in the most socially protected age group of the population of USA and decrease(reduction) of their dependence from state support from budget means. In the united States to America both woman, and the men on pension leave per 65 years, that can serve a rather attractive example with the purposes of the further perfection of pension maintenance for many countries, including for Russia. It is possible to issue the deserved rest for three years earlier, but then these three years of payment will be on 20 percents(interests) less. The size of pension depends on the labour experience, his(its) continuity and salary. Such order stimulates the population to the maximal participation in labour activity, especially female population, dynamics(changes) of which participation last years appreciablly has grown.pension makes 50-80 percent (interests) from the individual salary - on the average 700 dollars per one month. If the man never worked or his(its) pension does not exceed 75% of a level of poverty, the state pays to it(him) the grant(manual) at a rate of 280 dollars per one month. In USA work both state, and private(individual) pension systems. The majority of the Americans is provided to themselves some with pensions: state, private - collective: in a place of work and private - turns out the same as at us: all workers pay pension payments, and from this money pay pensions to the elderly people. The hired workers give back in 7,5 percent (interests) of the earnings. His(its) employer as much pays for each hired worker. And the persons of free trades - artists, lawyers, businessmen - are obliged to deduct in pension fund already 15 percent (interests), acting simultaneously in a role both employer and hired worker. The additional pension can be saved in not state pension funds created in a place of work. They are very popular in America, as are favourable to the employers (then they receive tax privileges). Besides each American has the right to open the own pension account in any pension USA and in other advanced capitalist countries, for example in Sweden, Germany, France, experience of realization of the social programs on creation of necessary social conditions and social infrastructure of the enterprises, establishments, organizations and not working population, and also rendering of the social help to the deprived in it(her) deprived and needy population can by the most direct image be used by development of the domestic mechanism of social maintenance and social protection of the citizens, preparation and acceptance Russian legislative and the certificates (acts) regulating socio economic sphere of activity. The system of the socio economic attitudes(relations) in USA concerning social maintenance with the purposes of realization of state guarantees minimal under the American standards of means to existence adequate replacement of the lost source of the incomes in case of loss or decrease(reduction) of work capacity, loss of the supporter, occupational disease, expansion of availability of educational, medical, social and other services expansion of guarantees of social maintenance became the main long-term strategic tendency. The specified circumstance speaks about expediency to adopt foreign experience not and fragmentary, and in the complex order - complete package because of the deep and proved interdependence of its (her) structural elements.the present time in the united States has developed powerful and effective enough not only socio economic, but also legal base ensuring in national scale economic safety, guaranteed by the state, of the citizens in cases, when they are exposed to objectively existing risks of decrease (reduction) or loss of their constant earnings (income), including after achievement of pension age, loss of the unique(sole) supporter, physical inability, dismissal not on their fault from work. Expedient and competent use of this centuries-old experience and organized mechanism on creation of necessary social conditions and guarantees, and also necessary social infrastructure for the worker and not working population, and also under the indication of the social help to the deprived in it(her) deprived and needy population is essential and expedient necessity especially in the present period of reorganization some more not settled socio economic attitudes(relations) in our society(community).on an example of USA in conditions of market economy the Russian state should take up the general(common) socio economic responsibility for complex system of social maintenance of the population in national scale, which in itself market to create be not capable. The general(common) socio economic responsibility of the state leaves far for frameworks only acceptance of the necessary and socially proved acts, but it should to the full supervise their performance and is severe punish the careless officials, почивших on laurels achieved by them different and is far from being always by plausible ways of the appropriate administrative rule(situation). Actually state with the purposes of own self-preservation by the forces is obliged to take up all completeness of the responsibility for a management(manual) and control above all social systems, which by legislative measures are submitted as obligatory to execution(performance) and for the workers, and, especially, of their employers. But for realization of the specified norms and rules ensuring a necessary level of social care and support of the needy population the chief of state and the officials of maximum ranks should in an enough complete measure correspond(meet) to a borrowed(occupied) rule(situation). In these purposes the creation of system of constant professional retraining of this staff is an extremely urgent and major urgent task among other measures on maintenance of state economic safety of the country. The state regulation of socio economic development in conditions of boundless freedom of market elements, boundless competition, ideological individualism and global personal egoism is not simple business and requires(demands) the maximal purposefulness, deep professional knowledge and considerable intellectual, strong-willed and creative efforts. Now necessity of state intervention in the decision of problems of social maintenance any more is not exposed to doubt. The speech now goes any more about that, is necessary or the state control and state management of a national economy and first of all behind a course of realization of the social programs, and about search and realization optimum or even of most rational methods of state influence on socio economic processes in a society(community) is not necessary. Even last decade, in conditions of revival of the tendency to the personal responsibility for own well-being of the able-bodied and hardworking citizens and new wave of activization of debate on a privatization of pension system, now even most which supporters do not reject a managing role of the state in a part of maintenance of a guaranteed level of pensions, in insurance is brave of private(individual) memory systems, and also in regulation of employment of the pensioners as the forms of their additional material self-maintenance by products of a feed(meal), footwear, clothes, goods of cultural - household purpose(assignment) and payments for usage by still substandard municipal services. Therefore expediency and necessity of study of rich foreign experience on maintenance of the population by necessary social conditions, support and help to needy layers is the conclusive debt, obligatory to execution (performance).


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regulation social