The analysis of a condition and regulation of social maintenance of the workers and population in USA

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f various layers of the population requires(demands) steady performance of the following socio economic measures:round account economic, organizational and demographic factors from the different parties and in a various measure influencing social vulnerability of the citizens and their families, and also ability of the state to the proved changes and additions in structure of the working order of rendering of social support in connection with steady dynamics(changes) of development and perfection of the socio economic attitudes(relations) in public life;differentiation of payments of state pensions and grants(manuals) which are carrying out function for the reasons, independent of the worker, of lost earnings (of pension on age, physical inability, in a case of loss of the supporter, reception of an industrial trauma, unemployment benefit) on principles of insurance and social grants(manuals) to the requiring citizens from budget means of all levels of authority;of the scientifically proved normative base for an establishment about a minimum and forms, connected to this parameter, of rendering assistance.decades the state in USA expands in sphere of social maintenance methods of indirect regulation, first of all, tax privileges, royalty, doing (making) thus economically favourable to the employers expansion of scales and spectrum of rendering of social services to the workers and not working population. The special role thus there is a state social insurance (pension, on a case of unemployment, industrial and household), which not only promotes increase of economic safety of the population, carrying out the basic functions of social protection, but also the adequate compensation of the lost incomes, and also is the major factor of realization of principles and methods of achievement of social integration and increase of labor motivation of participation in public manufacture. In the united States of America the basis of socio economic safety of the pensioners, invalids, persons lost the supporter, or invalid is served by(with) the General(common) federal program of insurance, which was soon distributed on all workers working on hiring and on engaged individual labor activity. The specified program in the legislative order has established the responsibility of the employers for duly payment when due hereunder and in complete volume of insurance payments, regular of pensions and control of their charge to each pensioner, the sizes of which pension depend on the actual experience of work.element of social maintenance of the workers is the system of insurance of the unemployed, within the framework of which last decades develop the new approaches to coordination of payment of the grants(manuals) with measures directed on search of new sources of the income, retraining who does not have chances to return on former work or in general to work on the specialty, i.e. on transformation of the unemployment benefits from insurance fund in fund for the device on work. The experience of realization of the programs on rendering assistance requiring in it(her) shows, that the purposes of decrease(reduction) and restraint of distribution of poverty cannot be achieved only by realization of the special programs focused on the poor population. Changes in all structures of a society(community) for the changes in all structures of a society(community) for changes in all structures of a society(community) The transferring of a center of gravity of rendering of social services to the population from granting of the social grants(manuals) on creation of the necessary and economically justified social conditions for possible(probably) of more complete use of labor, intellectual and moral potential of the able-bodied citizens is in USA the main strategic direction of reforming of all system of rendering of the social help in it(her).with preservation and support of state system of pension insurance and reforming of system of rendering of the regular help to poor layers of the population key elements of policy (politics) on a boundary of centuries became provision of economic incentives having for an object creation of new workplaces and bases for economic growth in the long term - measures promoting increase of economic and social safety present and the future generations. The reduction last years in connection with the next financial crisis and restriction of action of the separate programs on rendering assistance to poor layers of the population at all does not mean decrease(reduction) of state participation in maintenance of social guarantees, faster opposite (on the contrary), the necessity of modernization of the social programs requires(demands) amplification(strengthening) intervention of the state in process of redistribution of means of social protection and development of social guarantees adequate to a present stage of public development, rationalization of realization of the social programs.policy(politics) of social maintenance in USA has accepted the modern form not at once in a modern kind, she(it) has passed the long period of development, and at different stages to it(her) those or other features taking into account concrete historical needs(requirements) and priorities of economic and social safety both usual hired worker, and left on the deserved rest and pension maintenance, forms and methods of influence on economic behavior of the workers and employers were peculiar. Thus, 78% of an account parts of the federal budget are necessary on charges connected to social maintenance and expansion of availability of educational, medical, social and other services - all that promotes strengthening of physiological, intellectual potential of each American. The redistribution of means through the state budget which is carried out in increasing scales, is a basis of social support of the American USA per 90-s years of reform in sphere of social maintenance were caused first of all by growing level of obligatory expenses, valid of more and more adverse demographic differentiation of the population of the country, changes of family structures, shifts in the market of work in the party of less protected forms of employment in connection with constantly increasing competitive pressure of larger corporations and monopolies, and at the end are directed on redistribution of the responsibility between the state, social partners and private persons within the framework of system of social protection as a whole. The acceptance by business last years of the much greater social responsibility assumes, alongside with rendering of usual social protection of the population, and a number(line) of additional organizational measures, in particular, maintenance of measures on expansion of access to continuous training and training for a new profession is direct on workplaces for the recipients (consumers) of the grants(manuals) in view of specificity of the appropriate quota, in particular of unemployeds of the women who are coming back on the market of work after a long break. The important direction of involving of private(individual) business in the decision of problems of employment of the specified recipients is also granting of auxiliary services in a place of work, for example, such as services in a leaving(care) of children.90 years the interaction of state structures, private(individual) sector and public organizations in social sphere differed increased and expansion of a circle of soluble problems, that was connected first of all to reorientation of social support to the needy Americans in employment and professional conversion training. Maintenance of socio economic guarantees still it is enough to the hired workers and not working population not only basic condition and simultaneously by guarantee of social stability in a society(community) and preservation of the property, but also important factor of increase of competitiveness able-bodied, but easily vulnerable in the market of work of the citizens. The secondary involving of the not working pensioners in public manufacture, more complete use their labour, intellectual, and quite often and greatest creative potential yet up to the end using the potential resources is not only consequence of new transformations in a society(community), but also important factor of new economic growth in the country.analysis of practical realization of the social programs of private(individual) business and their state stimulation has shown, that during last decades the state all uses in sphere of social maintenance methods not only direct (establishment of the minimal wages, insurance industrial, insurance on a case of unemployment), but also indirect regulation (for example, tax privileges to the businessmen introducing the social programs at the enterprises), doing(making) thus economically favourable to the employers expansion of scales and spectrum of social services more widely.the basis of the analysis of dynamics(changes) of the basic parameters of development of the General(common) federal program (ОФП) it is possible to make a conclusion that on scales of scope of the population, volume of annual payments - the basic program of state social maintenance quite and covers an overwhelming part of the own population. During the existence she(it) has undergone numerous corrective amendments at preservation of the basic principles:fastening of the right of each working citizen on pension on age, on the disability pension, in a case of loss of the supporter, on unemployment;establishments of the minimal guaranteed level of the incomes for the persons 65 years also are more senior, blind and invalids;established responsibility of the employers and workers for payment when due hereunder of insurance payments;the legislatively established guarantees on duly payment is regular of pensions and control of their charge;solidarity of generations, when the grants(manual) by the one who