The analysis of a condition and regulation of social maintenance of the workers and population in USA
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payment population
Basic principles of payment of workbasis of payment of work in Germany are the tariff agreements, which consist from legal (legal) and normative (scientifically proved) of parts. In a legal part the rights and duties of the parties of the tariff agreement are fixed, and in normative - the description of norms contains which regulate the contents of the labour agreements. Both parts of the agreements mutually supplement each other and work simultaneously. Major functions of the tariff agreements are the following:, which protects the hired worker from use by the businessman, which being the owner of means of manufacture and actual owner of the enterprise, company, establishment or organization, where is employed on work the applicant, and having by virtue of it by the conclusive superiority, advantages of the economic and public rule(situation) in conditions of hiring;, which provides in practice realization of structure of a tariff grid;of reconciliation, which during the action excludes an opportunity of expression of the claims on the part of employed on work concerning improvement of working conditions and his(its) payment - on the one hand and fixes action established under the agreement of parties of tariff rate for the term of, determined by the contract - with another.majority of the tariff agreements determining condition of the labour contract of hiring and the payments of work, consist at a level of the appropriate districts, agreements concluded at a level of the enterprise, make an insignificant part of the working contracts. In general signing of the tariff agreements by a territorial principle is the national tradition, checked up enough by time allowing more full to take into account local features, to protect a level of the labour guarantees achieved in certain region, excluding thus or, as a last resort, bringing to nothing an opportunity of occurrence and development of disputed situations between the employer and employed on work. The tariff rates by the worker and official salaries by the employee are considered(examined) as minimally guaranteed compensation for work of the certain quantity(amount) and qualities. Thus the size of the tariff rates is guaranteed to the workers irrespective of results of economic activity of the enterprise. Quite often at the conclusion of the tariff agreement and during labour activity the businessmen and the hired workers can agree about more high level of payment of work, than is stipulated by the contract. During negotiation for increase of the tariff rates it are taken into account a rise in prices and change of cost of life. The annual increase of the tariff rates carries out a role of the equaliser of a rise in prices, thus replacing special mechanisms of wages in connection with inflation. The words system of a guaranteed level of wages is applied, for example, at payment of work of the workers of concern. However at the enterprises there is no system of automatic growth of wages in connection with growth of productivity of work.the same time, the increase of wages regularly occurs each time as a result of negotiation of administration to trade unions, but so that to not break financial opportunities on duly reproduction of capacity of the enterprise and at expediency to his(its) development, and also to ensure(supply) normal conditions of operation of the enterprise on the basis of preservation of balance of interests of administration of the enterprise hired workers, working on it, (him,) (workers and employees) and his(its) proprietor. For payment of work working in the tariff agreements six groups of the official salaries are provided from seven up to nine tariff categories, and for serving - At reference of the workers and employees to this or that category of a tariff grid or group of the official salaries their following qualitative characteristics and working conditions are considered, main of which the following are: Professional knowledge and formation(education) showed by character of work, degree of the responsibility of the worker for results of carried out work, level and character of physical and psychological loading on the worker and concrete working conditions on a workplace. Each factor is estimated in numbers, then the specific weights of the factors (working conditions on a workplace and qualitative characteristics of the worker are defined(determined)) and on this basis the total estimation is deduced. On an establishment of the tariff category and the groups of the official salary in a number (line) of branches render influence also age of the worker and his (its) industrial experience. The estimation of the worker is made by a service of the staff and administration of the enterprise.of payment of work in Germany(connection) of systems of payment of work with norms of social protection of the populationa level of the enterprise of a framework of the salary within the limits of the tariff rates established at a collective level, undergo various changes, as the wages at the enterprise are a component of system of the labour attitudes(relations) having at this level numerous strategically connected parameters. The especially high degree of an autonomy exists, in particular, at the small enterprises capable to conclude the tariff contracts direct with the appropriate trade unions and, besides at small quantity(amount) of the enterprises not connected by the tariff and which are not belonging to union of the employers and consequently capable to accept the independent decisions, on wages.of wages from the point of view of firmwages represent compensation of firm working on hiring for the work, made by them, or for the labour contribution, expected from them. Actually firm should bear(carry) higher charges on the contents of the personnel in comparison with a direct equivalent of the executed work - total salary (gross - salary). Now in Germany the enterprises should incur in addition about 90% from the sum of total wages of the hired workers in quality of the additional charges under the salary, which develop of numerous components (payments of the employer on social insurance according to the legislation, charges on various social services of firm, charges on improvement of professional skill etc.). The general(common) charges on social support of the personnel make for the enterprise accordingly about 190% from a total sum of total wages. On the other hand, the hired workers do not receive the total salary as the pure(clean) income. They should be reconciled with deductions, is exact the same as to the employer have to be reconciled with the additional charges on wages. The deductions from the salary of the hired workers include mainly deductions on social insurance and surtax, making in Germany on the average at the hired worker about 35% of total wages (thus, certainly, the size of the tax depends on such factors, as the marital status, number of children etc.)., cost of a labour making for the employer about 190% from total wages, is resisted by(with) the income of the worker - his(its) pure(clean) salary making about 65% from the total salary. This difference (125%) substantially explains rigidity of tariff negotiation. Though at the conclusion of the tariff contract the total wages are formally discussed, actually for unions of the employers the speech goes all the same about 190% from this size as the charges of firms, and for trade unions - about 65% from this size as the incomes of the hired workers. The high level of the additional charges on wages and deductions reflects the rather high social standard. His(its) return party consists in high cost of a labour. It compels firms to search for opportunities of accommodation of manufacture abroad and accordingly to create workplaces there, where the charges are lower the personnel provided that the economy on these charges should not be brought to nothing by lower productivity of work in other countries. Naturally, those enterprises are most sensitive to cost of a labour, where the share of expenses on the personnel in the general(common) charges is especially high.of wages at the enterprises of Germany in general(common) strategy of management of the personnelfunction of management of behaviour of the personnel uses payment of work in a combination to other tools of management of the personnel. The firm, thus, coordinates system of payment of work with other tools within the framework of the strategy of management of the personnel to avoid of influences and mutual restrictions in use of tools. So, for example, use of system of individual price-work wages based on the agreement with the separate workers, can prevent cooperation of the workers of independent working group. The organizational form working group, thus, does not get on with this version of system of payment of work. The way, based on integration, of consideration of questions of payment of work within the framework of strategy of the personnel is called to exclude as well reassessment of opportunities of management of behaviour through the for revealing are taken into account also, whether they are involved in a complete measure for management of behaviour or there are reserves. The integrating way results that the management of the personnel is in one hands. Thus at the enterprises of Germany coordination of use of all tools also is provided. In practice this principle frequently is broken, for example, that the questions of payment of work организационно concern to sphere of the competence of a department of manufacture, while other questions, connected to the personnel, are fixed behind a department, independent of an industrial department, of management and control of activity of the personnel of firm.components of system of payment of work in firms of Germanyorganization of payment of work at the enterprises of Germany consists