Semantic peculiarities of the English article and ways of its translation
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rance, and its thematic use repeating the already known information about an object or event is often disclosed in Ukrainian sentences by other than lexical means, as will be shown further. Still, the bulk of meanings which the lexically charged articles can acquire due to their syntagmatic environment in words are those of pronouns. This can also be seen from the citied illustrations on the forthcoming pages.
.2.1 Realization of the contextual meanings of the definite article
The definite article when endowed with the lexical meaning in a sentence or passage can have various realizations in Ukrainian. It is expedient to begin with the most common of them which may refer not only to nouns but to other parts of words as well, as for example:
1) as the demonstrative pronoun цей (ця, це, цi):
What his sister has seen in the man was beyond him. (J.London) Що його сестра знайшла у цьому чоловiковi, вiн не мiг збагнути.
All cited instances in illustration of the lexical meaning of articles, unless indicated otherwise, have been picked up from J.London's works and their translations in Ukrainian
The thought was fire in him. Martin came back and looked at the beady eyes- sneering....Ця думка пекла його, мов вогонь. Mapmiн onpumoмнiв i, глянувши в цi злi, xumpi очi...For the last week, she had asked herself whether or not he was going to propose to her, and now that he had at last done so, she was strangely confused. Всю цю недiлю вона питала себе чи зробить вiн СЧй пропозицiю, але тепер, коли це нарештi трапилось, вона почувала себе досить нiяково. The argument is unconvincing.Цей аргумент непереконливий.
2) as the demonstrative pronouns такий (той, та, тi), той самий(саме той, та сама), такий самий:
I was realized as the I who made things, the thinking I, and the speaking I (P. Freire)Я реалiзувався як Такий Я, що створюСФ речi, як мислячий Я i промовляючий Я.Sometimes there is the impression that the I.M.F. is on the same side of the barricades with the forces which are out to reverse the course of development back to Soviet times Ukrainian president said. (Kyiv Post)РЖнодi створюСФться таке враження, що МВФ стоСЧть на одному боцi з тими самими силами, якi намагаються повернути курс розвитку до радянських часiв, - заявив президент УкраСЧни.Prime Minister's dismissal had been rumored from the date of his appointment. (Ibid.)Чутки про зняття прем'ер-мiнiстра поширювалися вiд самого початку його призначення.But surely Ruth did not understand it, he concluded. How could she, living the refined life she did?Рут навряд чи розумiла цей твip. Та i як вона могла зрозумiти, живучи таким витонченим, як у неСЧ, життям?He was amazed at the man's sympathy with the life and his incisive psychology. (J.London)Його вразила така любов цiСФСЧ людини до життя СЧСЧ психологiчне проникнення.The fellow behind us in the crowd was talking again. (J.London)Той самий хлопець iз натовпу позад нас тепер озвався знову.....and when I could see again, the fellow who stayed with me was dragging me down the street. (Ibid.)...а коли менi розвиднилось в очах, саме той хлопець, що зостався зi мною, тяг мене за собою.This is the gentleman who is good enough to put some order into the mess we make of our accounts.Це той джентльмен, який любязно погодився привести до ладу нашi бухгалтерськi книги. On alternatively that he should get Michael to read the part he had in view and come to the conclusion that he could not touch it.Або, навпаки, запропонуСФ Майклу прочитати таку роль, яку хоче йому запропонувати, i побачить, що вiн не впораСФться з нею.Then the question arises.Тодi виникаСФ ось таке питання.
) as the possessive pronoun СЧСЧ,СЧхнi,свiй:
The room was situated over the . laundryЙого кiмната була/ знаходилась над пральнею...Why don't you eat? he demanded, as Martin dipped dolefully into the cold, half cooked oatmeal mush. Чому ти не СЧси? - запитав вiн, бачачи, як неохоче Мартiн копирсаСФ свою недоварену вiвсяну кашу. ...Mr. Higginbotham sneered throughout mealtime at the literary person they had discovered in the family. ...мiстер ХiТСТСiнботем пiд час обiду стiльки кепкував з писаки, що виявився у СЧхнiй pодинi
4) as the identifying pronoun весь, вся, все/цiлий.
Не looked up, and it seemed that the room was lifting...Вiн пiдвiв голову, i йому здалося, що вся кiмната ходить ходором...The romance and beauty, and high vigour of the books were coming true.Вся романтика i краса, всi високi поривання, про якi вiн читав у книжках, виявились правдою.Her trained ear detected the overemphasis of the tyro...РЗСЧ витончене вухо враз вловило всi перебiльшення новачка... What the hell you guys blocking the street? (E.Caldwell)Якого бiса ви, волоцюги, запрудили всю вулицю?This is true if the ps are complex. Це правильно в тому випадку, коли всi р - комплекснi.The many possibilities opened up by the solution were not availed of.Не вдалося скористатися всiма тими можливостями, якi виникли завдяки такому вирiшенню.
5) as the relative pronoun який (яка, яке).
Не caught himself imagining the wonder of a caress from such a hand, and flushed guiltily...Вiн подумав, яку насолоду повиннi приносити пестощi такою рукою, i знiяковiло зашарiвся...She did not know the actual fire of love.Вона не знала, яке то справжнСФ полум'я кохання.Did you hear the thing I had to say?Ви чули, яку нiсенiтницю менi довелось сказати?
6) as the indefinite pronoun якийсь
For the moment the great gulf that separated them then was bridged. He was played by the low comedian, who had introduced gags of his own... (O. Wilde)На якусь мить через велику безодню, що роздiляла СЧх, був наведений мiст. Його роль виконував такий собi комiк з фарсовими вибриками власного штибу.For the moment she thought she was going to be sick, and when she forced on her face an eager, happy smile, she felt that her museles were stiff and hard.На якусь мить ДжулiСЧ здалось, начебто вона зараз знепритомнiСФ, i, намагаючись видавити щасливу посмiшку, вона вiдчула, що м язи не пiддаються СЧй.
7) as the identifying attributive pronoun сам, сам собою, iнший/ iнша:
But the man did not seem to know of the content of the great mind.Та, очевидно, сам бiблiотекар нiчого не знав про творчiсть цiСФСЧ великоСЧ голови.The toil meant nothing to him.Сама собою праця нiчого не важила....which was new to him, for of the women he had known - that was the only way he thought..... i це було нове для нього, бо про iнших жiнок, яких вiн знав, вiн iнакше взагалi не думав.The thing to do would be to act there in other managements for 3-4 years first, ones got to know the ropes Саме головне - роки 3-4 поробити в iнших трупах, необхiдно дiзнатись усi тонкощi.
8) as an adjective or adjectivized participle (according to the contextual meaning):
Martin Eden did not go out to hunt for a job in the morning.Мартiн РЖден не пiшов наступного ранку шукати роботи.He had worked the day before in the basement and the money had been kept all the time. (E.Caldwell)Напередоднi вiн також працював у пiдвалi фабрики i ще не витратив заробленi грошi.Are you going to act in the next play?А ви збираСФтесь грати у новiй пСФсi,
9) as a particle emphasizing the attributive pronoun, numeral or some other part of words:
But the story was grand just the same.'perfectly grand.А так це оповiдання - чудове, ну просто чудове.The man above us was talking to several persons in t