Вивчення теми "Великобританія: видатні міста та особистості" на уроках англійської мови

Методическое пособие - Педагогика

Другие методички по предмету Педагогика

p>Мета: Повторити та активізувати вживання в мові ЛО теми Транспорт.

Підготувати учнів до самостійного висловлювання про транспорт у Лондоні.

Практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення (skimming) та максимально повного й точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в ньому (scanning).

Обладнання: підручник, "Catch a bus, take a taxi" (HO,), додаткова частина тексту "About the Traffic in London" (H02), "Which sentences do not fit to the text" (H03).






Aim 1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: The topic of our todays lesson is "About the Traffic in London". By the end of the lesson you should be able:

to talk about city transport and transport in London;

to revise words and words combinations for this topic;

to identify main ideas and details from the text for reading.

Warm-up 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Lexical Game "Biggies!" Write the sentences on the blackboard.

1) David ran all the way to the stop, but he missed the biggie.

2) A biggie way to get to different places in the city is to use an Underground train. Students should guess from the context what "biggie" means in each case (bus, quick). Then ask students to work in pairs, and to make up two of their own "biggies!" Point out that "biggie" can be a noun, verb, adjective, etc., and explain that it must be possible to guess the meaning. They have to make "biggie", using the topic "City transport".

Now divide the class into two teams, A and B, and proceed as follows: Team A reads out one of their "biggies".

Team В has three chances to guess the exact word. If they guess the word, Team В scores one point.

Tt they fail to guess the word and the context is clear, Team A scores one point. But if the context is not clear, Team A loses a point.

The game continues with teams A and В taking turns to read and guess the "biggies".




Vocabulary 1. Повторення та активізація ЛО теми "City transport".

Review 1) Eliciting. Схематичний запис слів, що асоціюються в учнів з даною темою.

Т: How much do you remember about city transport. Draw "Mind Map" to refresh your knowledge.



2) Competition. Практикування учнів у вживанні ЛО за темою. Т: Make up as many sentences as you can using "Mind Map". Скласти якомога більше речень, використовуючи "Mind Map".

3) Conversation. Бесіда з учнями. Т: Answer the questions.

What is the most reliable means of transport in your town?

Do you know the town you live in very well?

Can you give some advice as to getting around your town?

What number (bus, trolley-bus, tram, shattle minibus) do you take when you go to the central square (central Part, etc)?

What kind of transport do you like best?

What is the usual interval between trains of the underground?

From what time in the morning till what time at night do trams and buses run?

How long does it take you to get to the Palace of sports (Zoo, etc. )?

4) Practising vocabulary. Виконання додаткової вправи на вживання ЛО.

Т: Read the words and word-combinations about "City Transport", refresh your knowledge, then do the following exercises:



Catch a bus,take a taxiBusUnderground TrainTaxiCardriverdriverdriverdriverdrivesdrivesdriversdrives() farefare() fare-catch/takecatch/taketakego byget on/offget on/offget in/outget in/outbus stopunderground stationtaxi rankparking lot

б) T: Cross out the incorrect word in these sentences. They are on the blackboard. She told him to get in/get on the car and fasten his seat belt. Trains to the airport travel/run every half an hour.

We were late, so we had to take/catch a taxi. I left my house a bit late and I lost/missed the bus. в) Are these statements true or false in your experience? Trains are more reliable than buses. Train fares are more expensive than bus fares. Underground stations are nicer places than bus stations. You get to the place you are going faster by taxi than by car.

5) Speaking. Повідомлення учнів за заданою ситуацією. Т: You have a new pupil in your school.

He/she knows nothing about your towns life and how to get around your town. Give him/her some advice concerning kinds of transport he/she should use.

Reading 2. Предявлення тексту для читання "About the Traffic in London", впр. 57 (стор. 40-41) та його додаткової частини.


A quick and easy way to get to different places in the city is to use an underground train. The trains run all day and most of the night. Its better to buy a ticket before you get on the train and not to make journey between eight oclock and ten oclock in the morning, or four oclock and six oclock in the evening. These are called the "rush" hours.

Thousands of people are going to work or coming home again then, and it is difficult to move or to find a place to sit on the train.

There are some special visitors buses. They take visitors from different countries and cities to many of the interesting places in the city on one journey. It takes about one and a half hours. But visitors can break their journey and get off (and on again) at the different places they want to visit.

London taxis are called black cabs. Most of them are black, but some are not.

Everyone can stop a taxi if it has a "For Hire" sign on it. The drivers are usually friendly and helpful.

Visitors can take a boat trip along the river Thames. Boats leave Westminster Pier and Charing Cross Pier, and they go to Tower Pier and Greenwich.

Between April and October, visitors can take a longer boat trip to Hampton Court (about four hours) - a beautiful palace in a big park.

1) Pre-Reading Activities. Етап підготовки до читання тексту. Problem solving. Т: What do you think?

Are the traffic rules in Britain different from those in other European countries? In Ukraine the cars and buses go on the right side of the street. What about the Great Britain?

Look at the picture on page 40. What means of transport can you see there? Is the street blocked with transport or is the road clear? Why dont we see any people | there?

What part of the day is it? What makes you think so?

2) While-Reading Activities. Етап власне читання та виконання вправ під час читання.

а) Skimming. Переглядове читання тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення про його зміст.

Т: Look the text through and say if the following commonly held beliefs about London transport are true.

In London and in other towns of England the cars and buses go on the left side of the street.

Most of London taxis are black.

б) Scanning. Читання тексту з метою максимально повного та точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в тексті та критичного її осмислення.


Which sentences do not fit to the text about the traffic in London.

1. All the buses in London have a conductor.

2. A quick and easy way to get to different places in the city is to use an Underground train.

3. You can find most of the big shops, hotels, museums, art galleries, theatres and concert halls in the West End.

4. The drivers are usually friendly and helpful.

5. One of them helped me to carry my luggage.

6. The boats were new.

7. London taxes are called "black cabs".

8. Visitors can take a boat trip along the River Thames.

3) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та виконання післятекстових комунікативних вправ.

а) Т: Answer the questions.

Are the traffic rules in Britain different from those in other European countries?

Do all the buses in London have a conductor?

What is the quickest way to get to different places in the city?

What time is not good for making journey?

Are the most of London taxis black?

б) T: Imagine you are a participant of a summer Language Retreat.

Ask your host-parents about means of transport you should