Вивчення теми "Великобританія: видатні міста та особистості" на уроках англійської мови

Методическое пособие - Педагогика

Другие методички по предмету Педагогика


Compare your answers with your partner. Then well check the filling in the grid. 3) Post-Listening Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та виконання комунікативних вправ після прослуховування тексту.

Т: Give a comparative characteristic of the geographical position and climate of both countries using the grid.

Check on 2. Контроль тексту для позакласного читання "River Water", завдання 4 (стор. 93-95).

Home Reading і) Conversation. Бесіда з учнями.

Т: Have you ever read sketches after Gerome K. Gerome?

Are there a lot of dialogues in his sketches?

It is difficult to read them or not?

Do you always find them funny?

2) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та виконання післятексто-вих комунікативних вправ.

a) Pick out and read the sentences that are not true. Correct them.

(H03): Pick up the sentences.

We decided to stop near Windson in order to have supper. The boiling will kill all the germs presented in the water. We looked and saw nothing in the river.

We will have known about the illness by the end of two weeks.

б) Answer the questions of ex. 2, p. 95.

в) Dramatize the dialogue between the three young men.




Homework 1. Домашнє завдання.

Завдання 5 для позакласного читання, стор. 95-96. Впр. 24 (стор. 32).

Написати порівняльну характеристику України та Великобританії, використовуючи заповнену на уроці таблицю.

Summarizing 2. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

Т: What have we done today?

Was it difficult for you to give a comparative characteristic of the geographical position and climate of our country and Great Britain?

What have we to do to make this kind of work easier?



Підтема: Великобританія. Осінь в Англії. Минулий доконаний час.

Мета: Повторити та активізувати у мові учнів минулий доконаний час.

Підготувати учнів до самостійного висловлювання про осінь в Англії на основі прочитаного тексту.

Обладнання: підручник, граматична таблиця "Past Perfect Tense", "Example Situation" (HO,), висловлювання P. Кіплінга про красу Англії, "Noughts and crosses", grid (на дошці), "Henry and his Guests" (H02).






Aim 1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: We are going to talk about the beauty of England at any time of the year, and especially in Autumn.

We have to revise the grammar material the Past Perfect Tense.

By the end of the lesson you should be able:

to participate in common conversational exchanges about the topic of todays lesson;

to operate the grammar material about the Present Perfect tense, using it in oral speech.

Warm-up 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Game "Noughts and crosses". Гра Хрестики-нолики.

Draw on the board a "Noughts and crosses" grid with nine categories like this: Past Perfect (I had done).



Divide the class into two equal teams.

T: Team A plays with О (noughts) and Team В with an X (crosses).

Team A chooses a square (e. g. Could?) and makes a sentence using the word, e.g.

Could you open the window, please?

If their sentence is correct, rub out "Could...?"

and write О in that square; if its wrong, Team В has only one guess to correct it. If this is right, they win the square and you write an X in it. Then its Team Bs turn, etc.

The first team to get a straight line of three X3 or three Oa in any direction wins the game.




Grammar Review 1. Повторення та активізація граматичного матеріалу: Past Perfect Tense.

1) Discussing grammar. Узагальнююче повторення граматичної теми.

(HO1): Example situation.

I went to a party last week. Tom went to the party too. Tom went home at

10.30. So, when I arrived at 11 oclock, Tom wasnt there.

When I arrived at the party, Tom wasnt there.

He had gone home.

This is the past perfect tense:

I/he/she (etc.) had (= Id/hed/shed etc.) gone

I/he/she (etc.) hadnt gone

Had you/he/she (etc.) gone?

and 26 of Reference Grammar in your text book.

a) Try to find out the answers to the following questions:

Do we use Past Perfect for a past action which happened before another past action?

Give examples for this rule, using the sentences of 26.

Do we use Past Perfect for a past action which happened before a stated past time? Give examples for this rule using the sentences of 26. Which time expressions are used with Past Perfect? в) Tell the rule of building of the Past Perfect Tense using the following scheme.

Past Perfect had

-V (or Past Participle)

2) Language work. Виконання тренувальних вправ, а) Виконання додаткової вправи.


(H02):Henry and His guests Henry invited some friends to his flat for a meal. Look at the things that he did and didnt do, before his guests arrived. Complete the phrases, using the Past Perfect.0 He bought the food. 1 He cleaned the flat. 2 He didnt buy anything to drink. 3 He had a shower. 4 He changed his clothes. 5 He started preparing the meal. 6 He didnt finish preparing the meal.By the time his guests arrived: 0 he had bought the food. 1 2 3 4 5 6

в) Finish the sentence in turn. Закінчити речення. Example:

The last time I was pleased was because...

The last time I was pleased was because I had received a present.

Ben could write the letter because... She failed her exam because... She was sad because... His hands were dirty because... He was wet because... They were hungry because They were tired because... He had a black eye because...

Oral Practice 2. Складання діалогів з використанням речення в Past Perfect Tense.

Т: Last Monday you had an argument with you best friend.

However, later you realized that the argument was all your fault. Make up a short dialogue explaining why you behaved in such a way.


You. Im sorry we argued last Monday.

But I was angry because I had had lots of problems that day.

Your friend:______________________


Reading 3. Предявлення тексту для читання "Autumn in England", впр. 29 (стор. 32).

1) Pre-Reading Activities. Етап підготовки до читання тексту.

Problem solving.

Т: What do you think?

Read some lines from a poem of the English Poet and writer Rudyard Kipling "The Glory of the garden" (1911).

Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made By singing "Oh, how beautiful!" and sitting in the shade! T: Say why England is so beautiful.

2) While-Reading Activities. Етап читання тексту та виконання вправ під час читання.

Т: Read and find the English equivalents in the text. На початку осені сільська місцевість чудова. Наприкінці осені погода стає холодною. На ланах багато корів і овець.

Листя на деревах змінюють свій колір з зеленого на коричневий і червоний. Холодні вітри дмуть з моря.

3) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та виконання післятекстових комунікативних вправ.

Т: Imagine you have just returned from a trip to England. Tell your friends about your impessions from autumn in this country.




Homework 1. Домашнє завдання.

Впр. З0 (стор. 32).

Т: Translate the sentences into English. Consult 26.

Впр. 31 (стор. 32).

T: Read and retell the text.

Summarizing 2. Підбиття п