Comparative Analysis of Word Building in Prose and Poetry on the basis of E.A. Poe's works

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ds meaningexamples from E.A. Poes poetry


Flapping from out their transparent wingsWoe [19,198]


Transparent (adj.) the prefix "trans-"designating direction and location (super-, sub-, hyper-, hypo-, mid-, trans-, ultra-and retro-). However, many direction and location prefixes have quantificational senses as well, exploiting the conventional metaphorization of over as more and under- as -iess.


Can struggle to its destined eminence,-distant spheres, from time to time [19,14]

(adj.) derived by the prefix di-" which denotes twice or two (bi-, bilateral, bifurcation and di-, disyllabic, intransitive)


Lest an evil step be taken,-the dead who is omnipotent [19,42]

(a) is derived by the prefix omni-which denotes all (omni-omniscient, omnipresent, omnirange).


For the same end as before-Videlicet, a tent-I think extravagant [19,58]


Extravagant (a) is made by the prefix "extra-". It could be included here, with the meaning of outside, and one needs to imagine an appropriate situation, for example, extracurricular., there are numerous locative prefixes. Locative prefixes determine the place, or relative place, or (relative) direction, of action or objects. Also, abstract nouns and processes or relations are determined in terms of locality.examples from E. A. Poes poetry


And I have other reasons for so doingmy innate love of contradiction [19, 68]

(n) Prefix "contra-"Another prefix that overlaps in meaning with against or in opposition to is counter-, which can be prefixed to nouns and verbs.


While the star that oversprinklesthe heavens seem to twinkle [19, 66]

(v) the verb "to sprinkle" is added by the prefix "over-" is one of the most productive English prefixes.


Wreathed in myrtle, my sword Ill concealthose arch-enemies devoted and brave [19, 94]

(n) the noun "enemy" is combined with the prefix "arch-. Arch-has meaning principle, attaches to nouns referring to people occupying an important social or psychological role.examples of Locative prefixes in E. Poes prose.


…and then I entered the antechamber. [20, 127]


Antechamber (n) is derived by the adding of the prefix "ante-",which denotes before and added to nouns.circumnavigated this area again and again. [21, 28]


Circumnavigate (v) is completed by the prefix circum- which means around and mostly added to verbs, nouns.


I could smelt the extrasensory of this performance in the air. [19, 171]


Extrasensory (adj.) is based on the prefix extra-which stands for outside, beyond and added to: adjectives, nouns.


The beast cut her forefinger and disfigured her face. [21, 40]


Forefinger (n) is made by adding the prefix fore-to the noun finger. This prefix means in front, front part of.Prefixesthird group consists of prefixes expressing negation: de-, dis-, in-, non-, un- etc.examples from E.A. Poes poetry

the jewels of antichrists throne,of Hell! And with a pain [19, 105]


Antichrist (n) it is completed by of the prefix anti-" to the base. This polysemantic prefix can express two different, but related notions in the words like anti-war, anti-abortion, anti-capitalistic, anti-scientific, and anti-freeze.


Vast forms that move fantasticallya discordant melody [19,121]

(adj) the prefix dis- is closely related semantically to un-and de-, the prefix dis-forms reversative verbs from foreign verbal bases disassemble, disassociate, discharge, disconnect, disproof, disqualify.


Disconsolate linger- grief that hangs her head,follies that full long have Red [19,154]

(v) the verb "consolate" is mixed with the "prefix" dis- Apart from deriving reversative verbs, this suffix uniquely offers the possibility to negate the base verb in much the same way as clausal negation does: disagree, not agree, disobey, not obey, dislike, not like.


Yet heavier far than your Petrarchan stuff-downy nonsense that the faintest puff [19,125]

(n) the word "sense is added by the prefix "non-" Nouns prefixed with non-can either mean absence of something or not having the character of something (non-delivery, non-member, non-profit, non-stop).


While the angels, all pallid and wan,, unveil, affirms [19.141]


Unveil (v) the verb "to veil" is added o the prefix" un-" which can attach to verbs and sometimes nouns.


I see them still- two sweetly scintillant, unextinguished by the sun [19, 38]

(v) is derived by the adding of the prefix "un". The prefix is also used to negate simple and derived adjectives: uncomplicated, unhappy, unsuccessful, and unreadable.examples from E.A. Poes prose


The asymmetrical architecture of this palace frightened me. [20, 59]


Asymmetrical (adj.) is derived by the means of the prefix a-which stands for not, lacking in, not affected by and added to adjectives, nouns.


I felt disgust being in front of this statue. [20, 62]


Disgust (n) is derived by the prefix dis -which denotes not, absolute opposite of what is meant by the second element and added to abstract nouns, verbs.


This unexpected blizzard was crashing all around. [20,231]


Unexpected (adj.) is derived by the means of the prefix un-which has meaning not, the opposite of and before words of French origin transformed in in-, il-(before l), im- (before p), ir- (before r). These are the most commonly used prefixes of negation.can conclude according the examples of suffixation and prefixation which are given above that the process of affixation is the most productive in E.A. Poes prose and poetry. Affixation consists in adding derivational affixes (i.e., prefixes and suffixes) to roots and stems to form new words. Affixation is a very common and productive process of word building in E.A. Poes prose and poetry. Affixation is divided into suffixation and prefixation, they both are presented above in examples according the context of our investigation.. Poe used Prefixation to form the words by means of adding a prefix to the stem. In his works, it is mostly characteristic for forming verbs. If we analyze the examples according the Semantic classification of prefixes-Prefixes of negative meaning are frequently used (de-, dis-,in-im-, il-, ir-) Prefixes denoting repetition or reversal actions and Prefixes denoting time, space, degree relations rarely occur in E. Poes prose and poetry and have small number in comparison with the other types of Prefixation. From the point of view of etymology the using of the borrowed affixes (Romanic, such as: in-, de-,ex-, re-and Greek, such as sym-, hyper-) play an important role in E. Poes literally works.analyzed the total amount of the cases (from E. Poes prose and poetry) in which the processes of affixation take place, we can draw a conclusion that the role of the suffixation in his works is dominative.


2.2 Conversion


Conversion is the derivational process whereby an item changes its word class without the addition of an affix. [2,78 ] Thus, when the noun sign shifts to the verb sign(ed) without any change in the word form we can say this is a case of conversion. However, it does not mean that this process takes place in all the cases of homophones [6, 67]. Sometimes, the connection has to do with coincidences or old etymological ties that have been lost. For example, mind and matter are cases of this grammatical sameness without connection by conversion-the verbs have nothing to do today with their respective noun forms in terms of particularly common in English because the basic form of nouns and verbs is identical in many cases. It is usually impossible in languages with grammatical genders, declensions or conjugations. [11, 56]status of conversion is a bit unclear. It must be undoubtedly placed within the phenomena of word-formation; nevertheless, there are some doubts about whether it must be considered a branch of derivation or a separate process by itself (with the same status as derivation or compounding). [16,176]this undetermined position in grammar, some scholars assert that conversion will become even more active in the future because it is a very easy way to create new words in English. [11,156 ] There is no way to know the number of conversions appearing every day in the spoken language, although we know this number must be high. As it is a quite recent phenomenon, the written evidence is not a fully reliable source. We will have to wait a little longer to understand its whole impact, which will surely increase in importance in the next decades.) Noun - verb conversion. Today the largest number of words formed by conversion is constituted by verbs from nouns.examples from E.A. Poes poetry


My sorrow; I could not awakenheart to joy at the same tone [19, 96]


Joy (n) - to joy (v) the noun is converted into the verb and it denotes the act of being asleep or the process of triumph