Comparative Analysis of Word Building in Prose and Poetry on the basis of E.A. Poe's works

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ened in the past. Adjective compounds like coffee-pot-fresh, dew-bright and lemon-fragrant, often seen in advertising, are particularly vivid..A. Poe created a great amount of compound words in his literally works many of them not purely ornamental or pretentious, not humorous or satirical, but poetic, evocative, fancy-embodying, according to the "power of words" at their suggestive best, as he expressed it; many of these come from his poems. The list of compounds is full of these fantasies of his creative auctorial spirit. The compounds in E. Poes prose and poetry are humorous, often satiric, sometimes shocking in its novelty, and not essentially contributory to the total "power of words of the English language.derivation with composition, the analysis shows that while a different conceptual process is involved, composition also includes large areas where it fades into prefixation and suffixation. Finally, derivation is contrasted with conversion which generally requiring a larger degree of contextual support than derivation, and this is regarded as the major reason for the continuing productivity of derivational word-formation in English., we can conclude that the most productive way of word building in E.A. Poes prose and poetry is affixation. This result professes the hypothesis of our diploma thesis. The parity statistics of word building processes in E.A. Poes prose and poetry is presented in Appendix 2.





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. [20] The Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe (Vol. 1 - Poems; Vols. 2 & 3 - Tales and Sketches) Lnd. 1980.

. [21] The Collected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe (Vol. 1 - The Imaginary Voyages, Pym, etc) Lnd. 1980.

. [22] The Collected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe (Vol. 2 - The Brevities, Marginalia, etc) Lnd. 1980.


Appendix 1


Compound Words Coined by E.A. Poe


After-dream - …the after-dream of the reveller upon opium [21,273]

After-drunkenness - And after-drunkenness of soul / Succeeds the glories of the bowl [19, 58]

All-hallowed - To join the all-hallowed mirth / of more than thrones in heaven. [21,207]

Angel-nod - Nor ask a reason save the angel-nod / she grants to us. [19.114]

Babylon-like - Up fanes - up Babylon-like walls [21.200]

Banner-like - Some lilies wave all banner-like, above a grave. [19.193]

Beast-like - The imitations made by the dwarf were sufficiently beast-like. [18.223]

Cab-introduction - The cab-introduction will bring among us a peculiar race of people, the cabman. (i.e., introduction of cabs) [21, 57]

Child-opinion - The child-opinion coincides with that of the man proper. [18.92]

Death-producing - …and of its forbidden fruit, death-producing, and a distinct intimation. [4.202]

Death-struggles - My death-struggles with the water [20.590]

Eastern-looking - An Eastern-looking city, such as in the Arabian Tales. [21.169]

Fancy-exciting - Fancy-exciting and reason-repressing character of the alleged [19.134] discoveries.

Gaily-jewelled - Not the gaily-jewelled dead / Tempt the waters from their bed. [21.202]

Half night-mare - …recurring visions, half night-mare, half asphyxia. [19.215]

Humming-top - The words must be all in a whirl, like a humming-top. [21.275]

Ill-based - A truly profound philosophy might readily prove them ill-based. [19.247]

King-coxcomb - He is king-coxcomb of figures of speech. [20.130]

Lee-lurch - …lee-lurch about the whole sign [20.170] also The brig gave a tremendous lee-lurch. [3.96]

Maiden-angel - A maiden-angel and her seraph-lover [21.112]

Misty-looking - …a misty-looking village of England. [21.301]

Moon-hoax-y - It had an amazingly moon-hoax-y air. [20.247]

Ocean-wrath - The storm, the earthquake, and the ocean-wrath [19.105]

Opium-engendered - …wild visions, opium-engendered [20.264]

Patriot-farmer - He has taken us abroad with the patriot-farmer in his rambles about his homestead. [19.14]

Plague-goblins - Plague-goblins were the popular imps of mischief. [2.172]

Ready-slided - It is just as well to print them (vowels) ready-slided. [19.259]

Seraph-lover - A maiden-angel and her seraph-lover [21.112]

Shoe-peas - …the monastic hair-cloths and shoe-peas [18.93]

Shovel-footed -Not a shovel-footed negro waddles across the stage. [19.114]

Silvery-silken - There fell a silvery-silken veil of light. [20.445]

Soul-life - …was dearer to my soul than its soul-life. [21.467]

Star-isles - At the many star-isles / that enjewel its breast [20,110]

Star-litten - To duty beseeming / these star-litten hours [21,109]

Time-eaten - Time-eaten towers that tremble not! [21,199]

Town-lamp - …the only one (light) apparent except those of the town-lamps [21, 293]

Under-toned - to give voice to under-toned comments about the condition of the Island of Manhattan. [19, 74]

Unthought-like - …unthoughtlike thought - scarcely the shades of thought [18,167]

Vampire-wing-like - And vampire-wing like pannels back [19,185].

Weather-lanyards - As the brig gave a tremendous lee-lurch the word was given to cut away the weather-lanyards. [19, 96]

World-reason - …a conventional World-Reason awakens us from the truth of our dream [18, 312]

Appendix 2