Comparative Analysis of Word Building in Prose and Poetry on the basis of E.A. Poe's works

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a>s poetry


"As in that fleeting, shadowy, misty strifesemblance with reality, which brings" [19, 67]


Semblance (n) It is formed by adding the suffix "-ance", and stands for the word "resemblance". It is attached mostly to verbs, -ance creates action nouns such as absorbance, riddance, retardance. The suffix is closely related to -cy/-ce which attaches productively to adjectives ending in the suffix -ant/-ent. Thus, a derivative like dependency could be analyzed as having two suffixes (dependency) or only one (dependency).


This some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door-late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door" [19,144]


Entrance (n)-derived from the verb to enter with the suffix "-ance" We can find -ance nominals only if there are corresponding -antadjectives.


Defendant of the palace- reared its head.the monarch Thoughts dominion" [19, 56]


Defendant (n) the word derived from the verb "to defend" by adding of suffix "-ant". This suffix forms count nouns referring to persons or to substances involved in biological, chemical, or physical processes (attractant, dispersant, etchant, suppressant). Most bases are verbs of Latinate origin.


It was many and many a year ago,a kingdom by the sea [19, 67]

(n)-derived by adding suffix "-dom" to the noun "king" The native suffix -domis semantically closely related to -hood and - ship which express words concepts.


It was night in the boredom of Octobermy most immemorial year" [19, 77]


Boredom (n) the suffix -dom attaches to nouns to form nominals which can be paraphrased as state of being something as in apedom, clerkdom, slumdom, yuppiedom.


That the play is the tragedy, "Man,"its hero the Conqueror Worm" [19, 23]


Conqueror (n) formed from the verb "conquer" by adding of the suffix"-or" its orthographic variant of the suffix "-er". The orthographic variant -or occurs mainly with Latinate bases ending in /s/ or /t/, such as conductor, oscillator, compressor. The suffix -or is frequently used in the poem Conqueror Worm


In the clamor and the clangor of the bellsgone to their eternal rest" [19, 89]


Clangor (n) the verb to clang" is added by the suffix "-or


With a desperate desire,a resolute endeavor [19, 90]

(n) it is the native origin word and stands for "the try".


Thy messenger hath knowndreamed for thy Infinity [19, 22]


Messenger (n) the word "message" is added by the suffix"-er" The suffix -er can be seen as closely related to suffix-ee as its derivatives frequently signify entities that are active or volitional participants in an event.


It was down by the dank tarn of Auber,the ghoul-haunted woodland of Weir" [19, 99]


Auber (n) the suffix -er is used to create person nouns indicating place of origin or residence (e.g. Londoner, New Yorker, Highlander, New Englander)like thoughts that are the souls of thought,, far wilder, far sealer visions [19,109]

(n) derived from the word "to seal". Suffix -er is often described as a deverbal suffix, but there are numerous forms (not only inhabitant names) that are derived on the basis of nouns (e.g whaler, noser, souther).


Enchantress fills my soul with Beauty (which is Hope),are far up in Heaven- the stars I kneel to [19, 62]


Enchantress (n)-The word prince is added be the suffix "-ess". This suffix derives a comparatively small number of mostly established nouns referring exclusively to female humans and animals (stewardess, lioness, tigress, and waitress).


Then- in my childhood, in the dawna most stormy life- was drawn. [19, 50]


Childhood (n) It is built from the suffix "-hood" and the word "child words in meaning to the suffixes -dom, hood derivatives express concepts such as state (as in adulthood, farmerhood).and collectivity (as in beggarhood, Christianhood, companionhood).


The heritage of a kingly mind,a proud spirit which hath striven [19, 71]

(n) the suffix-age derives nouns that express an activity (or its result) as in coverage, leakage, spillage, and nouns denoting a collective entity or quantity, as in acreage, voltage, yardage.


Adorn yon world afar, afar- The wandering star. [19, 95]


Wandering (adj.) derived from the verb "to wander" by adding the suffix "-ing". Derivatives with this deverbal suffix denote processes (begging, running, sleeping) or results (building, wrapping, stuffing). The suffix is somewhat peculiar among derivational suffixes in that it is primarily used as a verbal inflectional suffix forming present participles.


In a mad expostulation with the deaf and frantic fire [19,121]


Expostulation (n) the word consist of the verb "expostulate" which stands for to convince" and suffix "-ion. Derivatives in -ion denote events or results of processes. As such, verbal bases are by far the most frequent, but there is also a comparatively large number of forms where the suffix -ation is directly attached to nouns without any intervening verb in the suffix-ate. The suffix has Latin origin.


What a world of merriment their melody foretells! [19, 119]


Merriment (n) derived from the adjective "merry" by adding the suffix "-ment". This suffix derives action nouns denoting processes or results from (mainly) verbs.


And much of Madness, and more of Sin,Horror the soul of the plot [19,120]

(n) formed by the suffix "-ness" which is the most productive suffix of English. The suffix -ness is much less restrictive than its close semantic relative- ity. But in E. Poes poetry there are only a few example of using this suffix.examples from E.A. Poes prose


Indeed, some remote connection between this passage in the English moralist and a portion of the character of Ligeia [20, 65]


Passage (n) is derived by the suffix -age. This suffix derives nouns that express an activity (or its result) as in coverage, leakage. Base words may be verbal or nominal and are often monosyllabic.


Ah, word of no meaning! Behind whose vast latitude of mere sound we entrench our ignorance of so much of the spiritual [20, 46]

(n) is formed by the suffix -al. A number of verbs take -al to form abstract nouns denoting an action or the result of an action. The teeth glancing back, with a brilliancy almost startling. [21, 78]

Brilliancy (n) the word consists of the base and the suffix -cy. The suffixes -cy/-ce which attaches productively to adjectives ending in the suffix -ant/-ent. Thus, a derivative like dependency could be analyzed as having two suffixes (depend -ent -cy) or only one (depend -ency)


It was faultless -- how cold indeed that pickpocketee when applied to a majesty so divine! [21, 35]


Pickpocketee (n) is derived by the means of the suffix -ee. The meaning of this suffix can be rather clearly discerned. It derives nouns denoting sentient entities that are involved in an event as non-volitional participants.


I forget myself, were in no manner acted upon by the ideal, nor was any tincture of the mysticism which I read to be discovered. [20,199]


Mysticism (n) the word is formed by means of the suffix-ism. Forming abstract nouns from other nouns and adjectives, derivatives belonging to this category denote the related concepts state, condition, attitude, and system of beliefs or theory, as in blondism, Parkinsonism, conservatism, revisionism, Marxism.


She seemed also conscious of a cause, to me unknown, for the gradual alienation of my regard. [19, 68]


Alienation (n) is made with the suffix -ion. This Latinate suffix has three allomorphs: when attached to a verb in -ify, the verbal suffix and -ion surface together as -ification (personification).


I think, truly defines to consist in the saneness of rational being [21,132]

(n) is derived by the suffix -ness. Quality noun forming -ness is perhaps the most productive suffix of English. With regard to potential base words, -ness is much less restrictive than its close semantic relative --ity.) Verbal suffixesare four suffixes which derive verbs from other categories (mostly adjectives and nouns), -ate, -en, -ify and -ize, and all of them occur in E.Poes prose and poetry.examples from E.A. Poes poetry


Astartes bediamonded crescentwith its duplicate horn [19,151]


Duplicate (v) formed by the suffix "-ate" Forms ending in this suffix represent a rather heterogeneous group. There is a class of derivatives with chemical substances as bases, which systematically exhibit so- called ornative and resultative meanings.b