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ПКВЯз. Англ. базовый курс для лингвистов
- Translate into Russian: Whats is his name?
- Translate into Russian: Whats this in English?
- Translate into Russian: Its a magazine.
- Translate into Russian: Are you married?
- Translate into Russian: Do John and Barbara work in a bank?
- Translate into Russian: Michael doesnt play football.
- Translate into Russian: When do you have tea?
- Translate into Russian: Pamela gets up at seven oclock.
- Translate into Russian: There are flowers on the table.
- Translate into Russian: Can I have the bill?
- Translate into Russian: Sylvia likes taking photographs.
- Translate into Russian: Can I sit here?
- Translate into Russian: Where was Jim at two oclock?
- Translate into Russian: Merry Christmas!
- Translate into Russian: Did people wear jeans one hundred years ago?
- Translate into Russian: The sun shone every day while I was on holiday.
- Translate into Russian: Is there a chemists near here?
- Translate into Russian: I like going to the beach and swimming in the sea.
- Translate into Russian: In winter it is very cold and wet.
- Translate into Russian: What size are you?
- Translate into Russian: My garden is bigger than Fionas.
- Translate into Russian: Can I pay cash?
- Translate into Russian: How long are they going to stay in Paris?
- Translate into Russian: Two cars were going along Cambridge Street.
- Translate into Russian: You are speaking very quietly. I cant hear you.
- Translate into Russian: I booked our room in advance.
- Translate into Russian: Chinese markets have a large variety of vegetables.
- Translate into Russian: What will you do if you dont find a job?
- Translate into Russian: I have a high temperature and a headache.
- Translate into Russian: Politicians have to make speeches.
- Translate into Russian: Turn the television up. I want to listen to this song.
- Translate into Russian:
After graduating from college, he immediately started working in the theatre. - Translate into Russian:
Judys parents wanted her to have a good education. - Translate into Russian:
Sarah is interested in the way people lived and worked in the past. - Translate into Russian: The Canadians were beaten three one by the Finns.
- Translate into Russian:
Mary is looking for ways of dressing smartly without spending too much. - Translate into Russian: He has lived in London since 1974.
- Translate into Russian: At the end of the year she might get a good payment.
- Translate into Russian:
The post you have applied for involves a lot of travelling. - Translate into Russian:
His first steps to fame and fortune began when he was only nine. - Translate into Russian:
Maria would like to follow an individual course of study with a private teacher. - Translate into Russian:
This excellent school offers courses in most European languages for adults wishing to study outside office hours. - Translate into Russian:
At university great attention is paid to scientific subjects. - Translate into Russian:
We didnt have to study Economics it was an optional subject. - Translate into Russian:
I knew absolutely nothing about Mathс and I hated PE. - Translate into Russian:
Im amazed that you can cope with all the work they give you. - Translate into Russian:
Society considers happiness to be as important as material success. - Translate into Russian:
I wanted to find out when we could meet and discuss the contract. - Translate into Russian:
Have you got any identification: a passport or a driving license? - Translate into Russian:
Policemen who leave the force often become private detectives. - Translate into Russian:
The political party which wins a majority of the seats will form the government on their own. - Translate into Russian:
The House of Commons plays the major role in law-making. - Translate into Russian:
If the accused is found guilty of murder, the sentence may be at least ten years in prison. - Translate into Russian: Capital punishment used to be a major deterrent.
- Translate into Russian:
Inventions often come as by-products of other discoveries. - Translate into Russian:
Jo and Phil dont see eye to eye with each other. - Translate into Russian: I get on very well with all my colleagues at work.
- Translate into Russian:
I am looking for a caring, well-educated, non-smoking man. - Translate into Russian:
He was very frightened when he saw a big dog running towards him. - Translate into Russian:
I regret to have to inform you that my luggage was lost yesterday during the flight from London to New York. - Translate into Russian: Alice got married in her late twenties.
- Translate into Russian: She offered to lend me some money.
- Translate into Russian: I would like to ask you a favour.
- Translate into Russian:
The best thing about her is that she is so sensitive and considerate. - Translate into Russian: He must come in time: otherwise they will not allow him to enter the room.
- Translate into Russian: She was always late, I cant explain why.
- Translate into Russian: There was a lamp and three pens on the table and nothing more.
- Translate into Russian: I am not sure I am able to be there at 2 o'clock.
- Translate into Russian: This dress is too expensive for me.
- Translate into Russian: My pen doesn't work. Can you give me yours?
- Translate into English: Играть на пианино.
- Translate into English: Разнообразные овощи.
- Translate into English: В кухне стоит (есть) новая плита.
- Translate into English: Какие овощи вы хотите?
- Translate into English: Сколько в банке кофе?
- Translate into English: Я был на вокзале в половине третьего.
- Translate into English: Можно закрыть окно? Здесь холодно.
- Translate into English: На столе не было фруктов.
- Translate into English: Мой муж родился в Мексике.
- Translate into English: Вчера я ел (пищу) и пил красное вино.
- Translate into English: Мне не понравилась гостиница.
- Translate into English: Зимой мы ходили на лыжах каждые выходные.
- Translate into English: Простите, где находится автобусная остановка?
- Translate into English:
Том всегда ездит в отпуск весной. Деревья снова зеленые, тепло и солнечно. - Translate into English:
Пройди мимо магазина и иди по второй улице справа. - Translate into English: Лондон больше Мадрида?
- Translate into English: Раньше мы были счастливы вместе.
- Translate into English: В комнате никого нет. Она пустая.
- Translate into English: Кто-то хочет поговорить с тобой.
- Translate into English: Мы обедали, когда пришел Ричард.
- Translate into English: Светило солнце, и мы пошли на пляж.
- Translate into English: Я еду в Голландию, чтобы увидеть тюльпаны.
- Translate into English: Идет сильный снег.
- Translate into English: Я ищу черный шерстяной джемпер.
- Translate into English: Можно померить этот брючный костюм?
- Translate into English:
Она высокая и стройная со светлыми волнистыми волосами. - Translate into English: Ты хорошо ладишь с другими студентами?
- Translate into English: Я хочу быть ветеринаром, когда вырасту.
- Translate into English: Мы должны защищать животных.
- Translate into English: Полу не приходится работать в саду.
- Translate into English:
Я заплатил двести двадцать долларов за этот п