Английский базовый курс для лингвистов, вопросы и билеты
Информация - Разное
Другие материалы по предмету Разное
ами? Присяжные признали его виновным.
His … brother gas to the University, and his younger is only 2 years old.
We (to go) to Canada two years ago.
She is fond of (to cook).
Can you to help me?
A: Do you have to speak German?
B: Yes, I have.
If I dont know him, I would believe you.
I have some keys … my pocket.
We have already been on a tour … the castle.
Lillian majors … agriculture.
Tree, bridge, flower, plant.
Ill try to find his address in my address book.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 18
- Translate into Russian: My garden is bigger than Fionas; Maria would like to follow an individual course of study with a private teacher; She was always late, I cant explain why.
- Translate into English: Какого цвета телефон? Простите, где находится автобусная остановка? Это очень болезненный укол; Срок действия моей визы заканчивается в декабре. Мне нужно будет ее продлить.
- Give a synonym to the word: A love story; To last; By sea.
- Give an antonym to the word: To buy; Public (прилагат.); Cheerful.
- Fill in a suitable word: A cold … is blowing.
He has many … and brothers. - Fill in the right form of the verb:
How long Mr. Bean (to work) for this company?
The boy is 8. He (to go) to school. - Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
Like you ice-cream?
Well stay here until stops the rain.
If Im 21, I would buy some whisky - Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
We sat ... a tree.
This country has a low standard … living.
Vera studies … her own but also needs a language course. - Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
living room, bathroom, school, kitchen - Fill in the missing part of a phrasal verb.
Im looking … to meeting your sister.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 19
- Translate into Russian: Can I have the bill? Judys parents wanted her to have a good education; I get on very well with all my colleagues at work.
- Translate into English: Опасный; зал отлетов; Алекс закончил школу и поступил в университет, чтобы изучать право; Перестань кричать у меня болит голова.
- Give a synonym to the word: To talk; To favor; To seek.
- Give an antonym to the word: Fat; Badly paid; True.
- Fill in a suitable word:
A: What … is milk?
B: It is white.
There's no sugar …. We should go and buy some. - Fill in the right form of the verb:
Donald usually (to drive) to work.
He likes (to read). - Find the mistake and write down the correc sentence.
How many rice do you need?
I liked the shoes, and I tried on them.
Id rather you go with me. - Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
Do you go … school by bus?
The gold cup was awarded … Hungary.
I hate waiting … queues. - Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
Lovely, pretty, intelligent, handsome. - Paraphrase the sentence using a phrasal verb:
The plane left the ground at 6 oclock.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 20
- Translate into Russian: Whats is his name? Id like a return ticket to London; Im amazed that you can cope with all the work they give you.
- Translate into English: Колин племянник Питера; дуть; На каких языках говорят в Швейцарии? Кофе с молоком мне не по вкусу.
- Give a synonym to the word: To amaze; To go to university; By rail-way.
- Give an antonym to the word: Healthy; To start school; Respect (сущ.).
- Fill in a suitable word: What is your …sport?
… ! Somebody is crying! - Fill in the right form of the verb “to be”:
am, is или are. Molly … thirty-two.
I didnt know that you (to want) to go with us. - Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
Helen doesnt wears glasses.
Ill be an actress when I grow over.
I wish he werent so rude with you yesterday. - Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
I dont often stay at home … summer.
Have you got any things liable …. duty?
He turned his dream … reality. - Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
pizza, apple, orange, banana - Fill in the missing part of a phrasal verb. Can I try … these shoes?
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 21
- Translate into Russian: Pamela gets up at seven oclock; The disco doesnt finish until twelve; I printed out two copies of the report.
- Translate into English: Ее брат работает в больнице? Прямые волосы; Я никогда не был в китайском ресторане; Я нахожу, что знакомиться с новыми людьми очень увлекательно.
- Give a synonym to the word: To board the plane; Monitor; Fast (adj).
- Give an antonym to the word: Wrong; Slim; Victim of a crime.
- Fill in a suitable word: The soup on the … is onion soup.
Can you … this question? - Fill in the right form of the verb:
Pamela (to like) listening to pop-music when she was at school.
… (to be) you ready? - Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
What you are speaking about?
They didnt like both the music and the singing.
Dont forget buying some bread. - Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
We got … the train at Reading and walked to the hotel.
Where is the letter … arrived in the morning?
I am bored … mundane tasks. - Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
Lorry, taxi, car, plane. - Paraphrase the sentence using a phrasal verb:
Its easy to work together with Jane.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 22
- Translate into Russian: There are flowers on the table; I dont know this word, Ill have to look it up in the dictionary; Inventions often come as by-products of other discoveries.
- Translate into English: Ходить в церковь; Вчера я ел (пищу) и пил красное вино; Мы должны защищать животных; Фабрика закрыта, потому что рабочие бастуют.
- Give a synonym to the word: To arrive; Fancy (прилагат.); To enjoy o