Английский базовый курс для лингвистов, вопросы и билеты
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Lets go to the pond. Do you have a …. line?
am, is или are. What … his address?
I didnt go to bed until I (to finish) the report.
Helen arrives to work at 9.30.
She said me about it.
He is fond to read books.
When does James arrive … work?
Its important to eat a variety … food.
Mr. Jackson retired last year, and Mr. Young took ….
notebook, radio, dictionary, magazine
I will be happy to see you again, Dona said to me.
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Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 23
- Translate into Russian: In winter it is very cold and wet; Sheila is responsible for organizing conferences; I would like to ask you a favour.
- Translate into English: По всему миру; Мы обедали, когда пришел Ричард; Пол поинтересовался, понадобится ли ему словарь в картинках; Послушай! Малыш плачет.
- Give a synonym to the word: To cost; To reach a compromise; Movies.
- Give an antonym to the word: Early; (An) advantage; Hardware.
- Fill in a suitable word: I dont like … crosswords.
What … do you usually come home? - Fill in the right form of the verb:
My brother (to be) born in 1982.
They (not to like) sweets. - Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
No shout at me!
I forgot when I first saw Helen.
We didnt know where go. - Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
My mother likes travelling … coach.
Im particularly interested … jazz music.
We cant change anything … a receipt. - Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
wife, mother, uncle, daughter - Fill in the missing part of a phrasal verb. Hurry …! Youll be late for school.
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Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 24
- Translate into Russian:
There is a football match on channel 2 at quarter to six; Alison is taking a course in literature. She is majoring in the English poetry of the eighteenth century; I am not sure I am able to be there at 2 o'clock. - Translate into English: Решать кроссворд; Раньше мы были счастливы вместе; Я жалел, что не получил стипендию; Я не думал, что увижу его здесь.
- Give a synonym to the word: To run away; A lesson; A trip.
- Give an antonym to the word: Fast; To enter university; Subjection.
- Fill in a suitable word: Hello. … are you?
Theres no … without fire. - Fill in the right form of the verb:
(not to close) the door, its hot in here.
She (to play) the violin. - Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
Where buy you bread?
I wonder where is James.
He is always read the books in the evening. - Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
We usually go to the country … two or three months.
Id like to find … what he thinks about it.
He was arrested and charged … robbery. - Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
black, green, cold, yellow - Fill in the necessary form of the auxiliary verb:
How long … you lived here?
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 25
- Translate into Russian: Maria, this is John Black; This bag is hand luggage; Very few people realize all their hopes and dreams in life.
- Translate into English: Урок вождения автомобиля; хорошо танцевать; Тони был счастлив он сдал экзамен по психологии; Я попытаюсь убедить Гарри присоединиться к нам.
- Give a synonym to the word: Big; A band; Delight.
- Give an antonym to the word: Left; Liable to duty; Surfeit.
- Fill in a suitable word: Theyve both got curly ….
He is very … . He works a lot. - Fill in the right form of the verb:
We enjoy (to eat) chips and peanuts.
I (to write) letters every day. - Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
How do you go often shopping?
How many languages do you tell?
She like to watch T. V. - Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
This is the last blue blouse … stock.
These questions will be discussed … the conference.
They were sent … prison for five years. - Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
France, Madrid, Spain, Russia - Fill in the necessary form of the auxiliary verb:
My children … been to Italy yet.
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Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 26
- Translate into Russian: Merry Christmas! How long have you known Partick? My father is self-centred and a little bit vain.
- Translate into English: Кто Фей (Fay) по профессии? Туманный; В теннис играют на корте; Он еще не закончил переводить статью.
- Give a synonym to the word: Various; Beautiful; Fear.
- Give an antonym to the word: Arrival; Busy; A week-end.
- Fill in a suitable word: How … is a piece of pizza?
Too many cooks spoil …. - Fill in the right form of the verb “to be”:
am, is или are. My brothers names … Paul and Tom.
Well speak about it when he (to come). - Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
Can I have a orange?
Alex has gone to Madrid, but now he works in London again.
Your eyes are red. Did you cry? - Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
Paul watches news … television.
Ive got a pain … my neck.
Mr. Taylor grows fruit and vegetables … local consumption. - Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
Theatre, cinema, concert hall, field. - Write down the sentence in the indirect speech.
Will you post a letter for me?, Sally asked me.
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Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 27
- Translate into Russian: Could you swim when you were five? Mary is looking for ways of dressing smartly without spending too much; Nick rarely doubts what other people say.
- Translate into English: Салли (Sally) не любит танцевать; Моя сестра младшая в нашей семье; Если ты ищешь шампунь, иди в аптеку; Я нахожу трудным разговаривать с людьми.
- Give a synonym to the word: Pretty; To lie on the beach; Offspring.
- Give an antonym to the word: Curly hair; Synonym; To fail (an exam).
- Fill in a suitable word: What size are you … for?
Tom is … TV. - Fill in the right form of the verb:
Can you (to show) me the way to the post-office?