Английский базовый курс для лингвистов, вопросы и билеты

Информация - Разное

Другие материалы по предмету Разное


  • Give an antonym to the word: To be born; Mothertongue; Inferiority.
  • Fill in a suitable word: Can I have a … of apple pie?
    Lets go to the pond. Do you have a …. line?
  • Fill in the right form of the verb “to be”:
    am, is или are. What … his address?
    I didnt go to bed until I (to finish) the report.
  • Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
    Helen arrives to work at 9.30.
    She said me about it.
    He is fond to read books.
  • Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
    When does James arrive … work?
    Its important to eat a variety … food.
    Mr. Jackson retired last year, and Mr. Young took ….
  • Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
    notebook, radio, dictionary, magazine
  • Write down the sentence in the indirect speech.
    I will be happy to see you again, Dona said to me.




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    Экзаменационный билет по предмету



    Билет № 23


    1. Translate into Russian: In winter it is very cold and wet; Sheila is responsible for organizing conferences; I would like to ask you a favour.
    2. Translate into English: По всему миру; Мы обедали, когда пришел Ричард; Пол поинтересовался, понадобится ли ему словарь в картинках; Послушай! Малыш плачет.
    3. Give a synonym to the word: To cost; To reach a compromise; Movies.
    4. Give an antonym to the word: Early; (An) advantage; Hardware.
    5. Fill in a suitable word: I dont like … crosswords.
      What … do you usually come home?
    6. Fill in the right form of the verb:
      My brother (to be) born in 1982.
      They (not to like) sweets.
    7. Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
      No shout at me!
      I forgot when I first saw Helen.
      We didnt know where go.
    8. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
      My mother likes travelling … coach.
      Im particularly interested … jazz music.
      We cant change anything … a receipt.
    9. Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
      wife, mother, uncle, daughter
    10. Fill in the missing part of a phrasal verb. Hurry …! Youll be late for school.





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    Экзаменационный билет по предмету



    Билет № 24


    1. Translate into Russian:
      There is a football match on channel 2 at quarter to six; Alison is taking a course in literature. She is majoring in the English poetry of the eighteenth century; I am not sure I am able to be there at 2 o'clock.
    2. Translate into English: Решать кроссворд; Раньше мы были счастливы вместе; Я жалел, что не получил стипендию; Я не думал, что увижу его здесь.
    3. Give a synonym to the word: To run away; A lesson; A trip.
    4. Give an antonym to the word: Fast; To enter university; Subjection.
    5. Fill in a suitable word: Hello. … are you?
      Theres no … without fire.
    6. Fill in the right form of the verb:
      (not to close) the door, its hot in here.
      She (to play) the violin.
    7. Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
      Where buy you bread?
      I wonder where is James.
      He is always read the books in the evening.
    8. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
      We usually go to the country … two or three months.
      Id like to find … what he thinks about it.
      He was arrested and charged … robbery.
    9. Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
      black, green, cold, yellow
    10. Fill in the necessary form of the auxiliary verb:
      How long … you lived here?





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    Экзаменационный билет по предмету



    Билет № 25


    1. Translate into Russian: Maria, this is John Black; This bag is hand luggage; Very few people realize all their hopes and dreams in life.
    2. Translate into English: Урок вождения автомобиля; хорошо танцевать; Тони был счастлив он сдал экзамен по психологии; Я попытаюсь убедить Гарри присоединиться к нам.
    3. Give a synonym to the word: Big; A band; Delight.
    4. Give an antonym to the word: Left; Liable to duty; Surfeit.
    5. Fill in a suitable word: Theyve both got curly ….
      He is very … . He works a lot.
    6. Fill in the right form of the verb:
      We enjoy (to eat) chips and peanuts.
      I (to write) letters every day.
    7. Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
      How do you go often shopping?
      How many languages do you tell?
      She like to watch T. V.
    8. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
      This is the last blue blouse … stock.
      These questions will be discussed … the conference.
      They were sent … prison for five years.
    9. Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
      France, Madrid, Spain, Russia
    10. Fill in the necessary form of the auxiliary verb:
      My children … been to Italy yet.





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    Экзаменационный билет по предмету



    Билет № 26


    1. Translate into Russian: Merry Christmas! How long have you known Partick? My father is self-centred and a little bit vain.
    2. Translate into English: Кто Фей (Fay) по профессии? Туманный; В теннис играют на корте; Он еще не закончил переводить статью.
    3. Give a synonym to the word: Various; Beautiful; Fear.
    4. Give an antonym to the word: Arrival; Busy; A week-end.
    5. Fill in a suitable word: How … is a piece of pizza?
      Too many cooks spoil ….
    6. Fill in the right form of the verb “to be”:
      am, is или are. My brothers names … Paul and Tom.
      Well speak about it when he (to come).
    7. Find the mistake and write down the correct sentence.
      Can I have a orange?
      Alex has gone to Madrid, but now he works in London again.
      Your eyes are red. Did you cry?
    8. Fill in the blanks with a preposition if necessary:
      Paul watches news … television.
      Ive got a pain … my neck.
      Mr. Taylor grows fruit and vegetables … local consumption.
    9. Write down the word that doesnt suit all the rest.
      Theatre, cinema, concert hall, field.
    10. Write down the sentence in the indirect speech.
      Will you post a letter for me?, Sally asked me.




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    Экзаменационный билет по предмету



    Билет № 27


    1. Translate into Russian: Could you swim when you were five? Mary is looking for ways of dressing smartly without spending too much; Nick rarely doubts what other people say.
    2. Translate into English: Салли (Sally) не любит танцевать; Моя сестра младшая в нашей семье; Если ты ищешь шампунь, иди в аптеку; Я нахожу трудным разговаривать с людьми.
    3. Give a synonym to the word: Pretty; To lie on the beach; Offspring.
    4. Give an antonym to the word: Curly hair; Synonym; To fail (an exam).
    5. Fill in a suitable word: What size are you … for?
      Tom is … TV.
    6. Fill in the right form of the verb:
      Can you (to show) me the way to the post-office?